Corruption in the Great Houses

We discovered the is corruption among Griffin bonds and the Great Houses. This post includes the intuitive guidance sessions of the giants Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku.
Xarsha speaks with Ashontrah...
Xarsha: "The Great Houses, the ones who licked your feet so graciously at Mount Olympus and then celebrated to say in your honor... or was it for theirs my Queen?
I have seen what they scheme against you. There are few who are with you but many who only wish to keep their positions. They told you that they will now fight under your banner into this new cycle. Do you wish to know what I learned Queen?"
Ashontrah: "Yes please tell me Xarsha."
Xarsha: "They try to play you for a fool. A Great Balancer like you. They will begin their actions soon. Along with those who are dissented to you, they will try to make a move to push you out of this existence... But my Queen, there are those in the houses who are loyal to you."
Jiva is Lemniskarun, the son of the Jotunn Queen. His nephew is Kuluyaku who is the grandson of the Jotunn Queen.
Corruption in Griffin Bonds?....
Ashontrah has a conversation with Jiva. Lemniskarun has a giffin bond with someone who he feels has betrayed him. He is not happy with this bond and does not know why it is there.
Jiva: "Seviarra along with a few others were found to be part of a plot to oppress Lemniskarun, they were emotionally disturbed at the fact that Lemnis desired to travel the realms. He had been displeased with the monotonous nature of his duties and wanted more out of his existence.
After traveling and meeting with wise ones from throughout the realms, Lemnis concluded that his best chance was to start sending incarnations out in to the physical.
This way he thought he may find solace at least in his incarnations. Those close to him did not like this, some became jealous, others were fearful. There were some who were worried that I would leave my duties (and themselves) behind...
Therefore emotionally distraught they devised a plan, under the guidance of a currently unknown being to make a fool out of Lemniskarun.
To make him blinded by rage and therefore unable to fully think for himself. Thus making Lemnis seem unfit for his position and duties in Jotunheim and allowing his friends and family to keep him close. Sadly out of selfish motivations.
We´re now in the middle of trying to fix all of this...
Fear of loss, jealousy and anxiety. Basically Seviarra thought she would lose Lemniskarun if he journey as he desired. Jötunn have wanderlust and they all understand this and allow their mates to travel.
Seviarra is not Jötunn and this understanding isn't there... someone offered a way to keep Lemniskarun in Jotunheim and she took it. Whether she knew the consequences or not is unknown, but she did accept the offer."
Ashontrah: "Let me tell you, the Great Houses are not without corruption themselves. I almost wonder if some griffin bonds are made through backhanded deals."
Jiva: "Do you suggest we keep that out of the IG then? Am trying to avoid a big show..."
Ashontrah: "Well if we find corruption in griffin bonds that would be good to show to everyone."
Xarsha: "Some griffin bonds are pure my Queen. Some are made for gain. Like arranged marriages. It is true that his bond sought a way to keep him in Jotunheim. Dealings with one who is recently deceased."
Atherak: "You mean this little bug Dehmont."
Xarsha: "She was approached by one who was loyal to Dehmont and antipated her arrival. The twin sister of the Jotunn Queen is who his bond sought dealings with.
This would keep him in Jotunheim. In return, his bond did not realize the full details of the deal she was making, she would be offering herself as a vessel for Dehmont."
Atherak: "I am glad we squashed this little bug before it got out. There is corruption everywhere. Even as Asherah tried to bring it to an end."
Xarsha: "Many beings would claim loyalty to Asherah but schemed behind her back."
Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku arrive in the borderlands...
Lemni: "We knew to follow the ravens. We were waiting."
Atherak: "It makes things a whole lot easier on me. Sit Prince and have some wine."
Lemni: "I shall. I am glad you agreed to meet with me today. This is Kuluyaku the grandson of the Queen."
Kulu: "It is a pleasure to meet you Atherak."
Atherak: "All is being corrected within Jotunheim. It will not remain that way for long. As for you my Prince, your duties are to the throne of Jotunheim. Yet you do travel much.
Now since your aunt, the Queen's sister usurped your throne and meant to keep you locked there. To keep you in a place when your mother was gone. You being the rightful heir to the throne and then Kuluyaku the grandson to follow you afterwards.
Your bond made a deal to keep you there but she did not understand who she was dealing with. Your mother however has dealt with her sister.
Still as Xarsha said, sometimes when the wicked fall they are made to be martyrs. There are those within the Great Houses who are worshipers of Dehmont. Even in death they follow her blindly as if she were some kind of great goddess."
Lemni: "Who are these who bring corruption?"
Atherak: "They are some of those most trusted to be loyal to your mother. Your great-uncle being one of them."
Lemni: "You mean Barshabin?"
Atherak: "Yes. He was hoping to become the lover or plaything of Dehmont when she arrived."
Kulu: "And all this time I thought he worked for the good of Jotunheim. It was he who raised the alarm about the Queen."
Atherak: "Obviously to lure you two into some kind of trap. Unfortunately for them, Rovitiomal was with you. So those who were laying in ambush would not risk damaging my technician and drawing my attention."
Lemni: "What must I do to uncover this plot?"
Atherak: "It will already soon be known. Your uncle is fleeing. Along with converts of the True Order and disciples of Dehmont. Your kingdom, your mother's life, and your lives will never be safe."
Lemni: "What must we do?"
Atherak: "What do you feel you must do?"
Lemni: "I cannot let my kingdom fall under siege constantly. But killing my uncle Barshabin, I fear would drive a rift between me and my mother. It was he who raised her."
Atherak: "Was it now? The caring uncle. All this time controlling the kingdom of Jotunheim from behind the scenes."
Kulu: "If you remember correctly uncle it was Barshabin who convinced the Jotunn Queen to side with Melkor and the others against the divine in the Urthak War."
Atherak: "Killing your uncle and driving a rift is a chance you must take to save your kingdom."
Lemni: "Then I must go."
Kulu: "I will go with you uncle."
Atherak: "There is one more thing. Something that you yourself must use your better judgement on."
Lemni: "I am afraid to ask. But if it is what I believe then help me understand."
Atherak: "Your bond has put on a robe as a disciple of Dehmont. She is now traveling with your uncle under a spell. A powerful spell."
Lemni: "Can I save her?"
Atherak: "Only the future can tell that."
Lemni: "Should I try?"
Atherak: "Try if you must. Use your better judgement in this. With the wrong decision it will be the end of you and your kingdom."
Kulu: "Can you offer us any assistance Atherak?"
Atherak: "I am only judgement. I will not decide the fate of Kingdoms. I will let them decide for themselves. However, I can take you to where they travel and where they are now."
Kulu: "Then we shall raise the guard and take them with us."
Xarsha: "This is something the Prince must do on his own with only you at his side."
Lemni: "Then let us go. Pray that my better judgement will rule the day."
Xarsha forms the mist...
On a snowy mountain top high up in Jotunheim they are traveling.
Barshabin: "You swear to me that Shaderell will arrive here and bring us to safety?"
Convert: "Step over here. I must speak to you in private. We will be taking you with us, but these disciples of Dehmont should remain. We do not have time for these things."
Barshabin: "But Shaderell promised... our deal."
Convert: "The deal was that you keep the one, not all the rest of them."
Barshabin: "Then honor that deal. Seviarra will be my mate. You may kill the others."
The True Order converts kill all the disciples. The blood runs thick in the snow...
Seviarra is so deep under a spell she doesn't even react.
Convert speaks to the Commander: "There are two Jotunn approaching."
Commander sniffs the air: "It is that blasted nephew of yours and that spoiled little brat."
Barshabin: "Then kill them and be done with it. May their carcasses freeze here upon this mountain."
Lemni: "Are you ready Kuluyaku?" They ready their weapons. "And if we die here today let our blood soak the snow. Let it be known that we sacrificed ourselves for Jotunehim."
Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku charge at the True Order converts. There is a fierce fight...
The Commander is a being of great strength. He is a gigantic lizard-like being. He is just as large and strong as a Jotunn. He has a few others of his kind with him.
Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku are wounded yet are still fighting...
Kulu: "There are too many. These other beings are strong, but we must not lose hope. We must fight on."
Barshabin is starting to look quite concerned. He is anticipating his escape out. He is hoping that Shaderell arrives.
Little does he know that Shaderell already abandoned him and the entire plan after Ashontrah's post with Skadi.
Skadi: Saving the Jotunn Queen...
Kulu: "There is a being upon the high mountain. I cannot tell... It is a female."
Lemniskarun stares at the being up on the mountain. He hears a rumble...
Lemni: "Quickly Kulu, against the rocks! Hold tight!"
The mountain rumbles even more... the snow comes crashing down along with large pieces of rock. The Commander and the converts are swept away and crushed. The side of the mountain gives way and they fall into the darkness below.
Barshabin: "Do not come any closer!" He holds a knife to Seviarra's throat. "If I cannot have her then no one shall!"
As Barshabin starts to cut Seviarra's throat an axe spins out of the snow and hits right into his head. It was the hand axe of Lemniskarun. It had lightning going through it.
Barshabin falls to the ground and rolls off the mountain...
Seviarra falls down and Lemniskarun catches her. He loses his grip and she goes over the side. He grabs her and holding onto the side of the mountain. Kuluyaku comes to try to help them back up.
Lemni: "No Kuluyaku! Stay away. The ground is not stable!"
Kuluyaku falls and catches the side. He is barely hanging on.
Kulu: "Uncle! Save Seviarra. I am ready to meet my maker."
Lemniskarun is looking back and forth between Seviarra and Kuluyaku as he starts to lose his grip.
With all his strength Lemniskarun tosses Seviarra up to the ledge. He swings and grabs Kuluyaku. As he swings back he tosses Kulu up.
Lemniskarun then loses his grip and he falls off the mountain into the darkness...
Kuluyaku screams: "Uncle!" He starts weeping and sits down on the ledge with his head hanging down.
Seviarra starts to wake up from the spell. She recognizes Kuluyaku. She hold his face... His tears are turning into ice.
Seviarra: "Where is Lemniskarun?"
Kuluyaku shakes his head. Seviarra falls to her knees.
Kulu: "He has made his decision. His better judgement."
They both bow their heads and weep. The snow and wind starts to pick up stronger. A great wind is coming up from the bottom of the mountain. A blizzard...
Both Kuluyaku and Seviarra cover themselves. When it calms down they see Skadi. She is carrying Lemniskarun. They both run and help. He is injured but he will recover.
Kuluyaku: "It was you who brought down the mountain."
Skadi: "Yes it was me. Ashontrah said it would be the best way to get rid of all of them at once."
Kuluyaku: "We are grateful to you and to her."
Lemniskarun and Seviarra embrace...
Seviarra: "I thought you were lost."
Lemni: "I thought the same of you. Here we are together on top of this mountain."
Kuluyaku smiles as Lemniskarun and Seviarra kiss...
Lemniskarun: "But this is where our road ends. I am sorry. You understand."
Seviarra: "I understand, but I will always have the memory of what once was."
Seviarra takes out a stone and opens a portal...
Seviarra: "Goodbye Lemniskarun. Maybe in another time we will meet again." Then she leaves.
Kuluyaku: "Come uncle. It is going to be a long journey home."
Skadi: "I have a way for us to travel fast."
Skadi forms ice skis for them...
Skadi: "Come on mighty warriors of Jotunheim. Let's race down the mountain."
Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku smile. They all ski down the mountain.
Getting to the Griffin Bonds...
Ashontrah: "I want to get to the bottom of this issue with Griffin bonds. I think the one Asherah had with the Dragon King was a set up."
Atherak: "It was by these Great Houses to maintain their power and control."
Ashontrah: "I want an investigation on the Griffin bond between Lemniskarun and Seviarra."
Xarsha: "It will take me some time. I will see how these came about. All of them my Queen."
Xarsha spreads his mist and disappears.
Atherak: "There is much more to be uncovered. When it is Shaderell and the True Order will come to find out that they are not as wise as they think they are. To judge Ashontrah as a foolish naive child was their biggest mistake."
The ravens come to ask Lemniskarun and Kuluyaku their questions as they ski down the mountain.
Questions for Lemniskarun...
Q1. How can I solidify my connection, access all parts of your being?
Lemni: "Become the warrior that I am. Test yourself in the elements. Take your physical to the limits. Know how to endure pain and harness it into strength."
Q2. Is there anything in particular I should know or work on?
Lemni: "Connection with my strongest elements which are lightning and earth."
Q3. What will be the role of our son (in the spiritual)?
Lemni: "I want him to become a mighty warrior, but use his mind more than his strength. Just as I do. His role, I leave that to him. Wherever his paths take him, I will be proud."
Q4. What can you tell us about Jötunn shifters and how can I tap in to my shifter form here in the physical?
Lemni: "It is a type of magic that we use. There has always been a great exchange of cultures between Jotunheim and Volheim. This includes exchanges of magic and different ways of shifting. The two realms share a deep cultural connection."
Q5. Would you please tell us something of the Jötunn and Jotunheim, a history or truth?
Lemni: "A Jotunheim truth unknown to man, is that they are not considered evil or hated by the All-Father.
He created this realm and the beings that dwell here. From a cold part of him, but there is beauty in cold and ice.
The All-Father considered Jotunheim a place where he could go to gather his thoughts. Here in the peace and calm tranquility in the mountains of Jotunheim."
Q6. What essence if any can we derive energy from without offending the elements?
Lemni: "Crystals, minerals, things that can harness electricity without frying the physical. One of those electric globe ball things. Just don't make it explode."
Questions for Kuluyaku...
Q1. What is something you would like to tell me which is important?
Kulu: "You are stronger and wiser than you think."
Q2. What do I need to survive fall? Any abilities I should focus on?
Kulu: "Condition yourself. Become more connected with the elements of nature. Build your strength and train. Not only your body, but your mind."
Q3. Are there any incarnations in the MP or TSC groups I should talk to or know about?
Kulu: "Yes the one I met today. The one who helped me and my uncle."
Q4. How do I better empower my spiritual sense/connection considering I don't have much nature where I live?
Kulu: "You may have to journey. But it will be good to journey. Find a way to take some time to journey out into the wilderness. If only for brief moments, it will help you."
Q5. What are the marks on my body (red spots / scars ) that show up randomly stay for a while then disappear & the feeling I frequently get in my forehead and hands?
Kulu: "I feel that my incarnation may have some kind of enchantment or magic put on it."
Atherak: "You mean a curse or a hex."
Kulu: "Quite possibly. I don't know."
Q6. What's my role/duty in Jounheim ? And how do they extend to Midgard?
Kulu: "My role is to help my uncle in what he incarnates here for. This is to find other Jotunn incarnations and find a sanctuary for them."
Xarsha returns with information about Griffin Bonds....
Xarsha: "It is as I have known and as the Queen suspected. Many of the griffin bonds were not formed through pure bonds, but for the purposes of the Great Houses.
Although a few of them are pure. However, these were also used and manipulated by the Great Houses. Many of these bonds need to be reexamined.
There are some that are pure, those ones know themselves they are. Those who are in question may not have a pure bond."
Atherak: "What else troubles you Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "A mention of a name. Excuse me my Queen, it is nothing of great purpose to your cause but something personal to me."
Atherak: "Why have you not searched the Athranaak for her?"
Xarsha: "The Athranaak is not meant to be used for the sole purpose of one. I would never disrespect the Athranaak nor you Master in such ways. Maybe time will lead me there. Until then I am in service to the Master."
Ashontrah: "Did you specifically look at the bond between Lemniskarun and Seviarra?"
Xarsha: "Of course my Queen. I knew it was of the most importance so I examined it thoroughly. The bond is impure. It was set up by the Great Houses.
In time they knew that the Jotunn Queen who was loyal to Asherah would be loyal to Ashontrah. They never believed in Asherah. The Jotunn Queen was strong. After the Urthak War it became more apparent to the Great Houses that she was strong enough to stand on her own.
Her sister plotted with the Great Houses to one day usurp her. Through the natural bloodline a son would be made to succeed to the throne. This for them could not happen.
They formed this so-called bond to how you say, subdue the son of the Jotunn Queen, so he would never seek to claim his Mother's throne when the time comes.
He would just let her sister have it. He would be preoccupied by the hardships of his Griffin bond."
Atherak: "I see. Easy take over and avoid civil war."
Atherak: "Precicely Master. I would suggest that these bonds be reexamined."
Atherak: "Who do we know off the top of our head who has these?"
Xarsha: "Asherah would know most of these but she is gone. She kept records. As I said before, there are bonds which are pure but they have been manipulated by the Great Houses for their advantage."
Atherak: "We do not have time to reexamine them all. There are more pressing concerns."
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