Dehmont and the Bishberrin

This started as a core fusion for Fenrir. He captured the Mad Mage. Then we discovered that Dehmont was behind this. She is an invader from another existence.
Then Ashontrah meets with Ashoweah and they make a truce while we deal with the other invaders.
Information about the Bishberrin and the Cohlinnan who are a very dangerous threat to this existence.
Nov 2nd...
Atherak: "I have something very special for you Fenrir."
Atherak: "I bring together the physical and the spiritual and combine them into one."
Athranaak coils sew...
Atherak: "Man becomes beast. Beast becomes man. I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence and all its abilities of man and beast forever more. I bless this fusion."
Fenrir: "I have a gift for Ashontrah and Vilanea."
He has the Mad Mage...
Atherak: "Well well well what do we have here? Your effing magic has no use against me."
Atherak rips the right hand off the Mad Mage...
Atherak: "No you do not get to speak."
He puts his two fingers down his throat that have coils go down into his vocal chords.
Atherak: "Who are you?"
The Mad Mage garbles words trying to speak....
His physical is a psychic that is into the dark arts. He has a coven and he writes books. He is wealthy and influential.
Atherak: "The King and Queen of Volheim are clients of mine. They serve the Blood Rose Ashontrah. I have enough to find out what you wanted from the Queen of Volheim."
Atherak: "You will leave them be."
Atherak: "He doesn't want to agree. I should just kill him. Maybe give him to Fenrir as a plaything... No not yet... but he will be mine."
Atherak: "You will not bother them again or my Athernite Fenrir will tear you limb from limb for all eternity. As you are finding your way out of Tartarus you can think about it."
The floor opens up and the Mad Mage falls through...
Atherak had taken information from the Mad Mage...
Atherak: "Xarsha this is deeply encoded past the powers of this Mad Mage. Decipher it."
Xarsha: "This might take some time Master. The barrier placed on this is not of this existence. This may help us see who is behind this."
Atherak laughs: "Dehmont... I was wondering when this bitch was going to show up to the fun. Everything is getting interesting now. I wonder if she is still trying find a way to produce an heir."
Atherak: "Ashontrah your Seductress would not like the titles of Dehmont. She is known as the Queen of Seduction. The only problem is Dehmont tried it on me in the beginning and I burned her reproductive parts out.
She has gone into other existences as an invader and cares nothing for males. Her kind are like black widows. They mate with a bunch of males and then kill them.
Except the keep the castrated ones. Eunuchs as foot soldiers. All the females are powerful warriors and use magic. They use seduction.
I wonder if she is still angry I squashed her mother. Probably. Oh well, I am sure she will bring it up."
Atherak: "Fenrir I have a task from your usual duties. You will go to Volheim. You will stay next to the Queen of Volheim."
Fenrir: "Yes Master. It will be done."
Atherak: "Devour any like this Mad Mage who come near her and bring them to me. Keep an eye on Tenomachi. The Dehmont and her whore houses showed up. They may try to seduce the King. She takes the will away from men when she seduces them."
Xarsha: "You should send warning to King Lyindrinar and his mate as well as any other males."
Atherak: "There is a problem with this one though Xarsha."
Xarsha: "What is that?"
Atherak: "Ashontrah should be aware that Dehmont absorbs beauty and takes it from others. She makes them ugly and causes them to shrivel and die. That is how Dehmont keeps her beauty. I always thought Dehmont was an ugly bitch. Probably still is."
Her kind are the Palnanentians from the 6th existence. Their skin is blueish. They like to dress very provocatively even in their armor. Dehmont is the only one of her kind with gold hair. The rest have silver hair.
They have two spider-like limbs that come out their back. When they seduce they sting and devour the males. They enslave average looking females. The beautiful females they give to Dehmont so she can absorb their beauty.
They have multiple offspring at once about 20 or 30 at a time. They are egg-layers. They kill most the male eggs and keep the females. It is males that tend to all the young.
Dehmont enjoys seducing power beings. She keeps the powerful males around for a while as playthings. She has a gang of fuckbuddy males around the existences.
Her seduction army expands through many existences. She is very smart and has many fail safes in place. We must find these. She does not like losing anything she gains. She takes measures to keep her ground.
Some of those in her army who are high in command can also take beauty. Though not as powerfully as Dehmont can.
Nov 3rd...
Ashontrah creates power orbs with powers that counter Dehmont. She places 5 orbs into a pink and gold box.
11:07am Ashontrah goes to visit with Ashoweah...
Ashoweah: "Asontrah. How did you get here?"
Ashontrah: "I have my ways of traveling. Guarantee that I am in no harm while I am here or I shall leave as I came."
Ashoweah: "You are in no harm. please do not leave. Stay for a while. It is only you and I."
Ashontrah: "I have brought you and your Varkar a gift. You are likely aware that Dehmont and her army are here. These are powers to counter against her."
Ashoweah takes the box and opens it...
Ashoweah: "Before I would be weary of such gifts from Ashereah. I accept this. I know you bring it in good will and to further your advantage somehow. When this would come in conflict with other beings somehow I do not find this with you. I wish to help you further this. I am also sure you have spoken to Atherak of who Dehmont is."
Ashontrah: "I have. I aware of who she is and what her powers are. I intend for her to be defeated."
Ashoweah: "I will help you this cause. For let's be honest Ashontrah. I will be honest with you and you shall be honest with me."
Ashontrah: "Very well."
Ashoweah: "All of us fear one thing. What do you fear? Before you answer let me tell you what I fear. Then you may understand my point of view and who you are dealing with.
I fear Atherak. You were not there in the beginning times. Although he is judgment and a very powerful being empowered by the Great Mother and Father themselves with the power of judgment.
In his mind he is childlike. He does not understand outside of what was in his Atheron. So the legends say of an existence so beautiful and so balanced that there was no need for him to be powerful. There was no need for power at all there.
That is where you and I differ from Atherak. He does not desire such things. He desires only judgment. I fear that his pain and suffering has consumed him.
Why he has not reacted and why were are speaking here today ad you are not alone in all the existences is a reason I cannot yet understand.
My Varkar do not know of what happened before. There must be power. Atherak does not understand the existences. One must strive to dominate others. That is how balance is brought. Dhemont and Shaderell share this idea. So does Hue. What do you fear Ashontrah?"
Ashontrah: "Being alone."
Ashoweah: "Your answer surprises me. Yet you fear this. However you seek technician work from a being who is completely alone and dwells in loneliness, pain and suffering.
Listen to me closely Ashontrah. What I fear I know as well as you can be harnessed. Atherak is not a being. He is a weapon. A weapon that can be used to dominate those and bring true balance to the existences.
I have a feeling to what he is planning. It was he who opened the mist. He is bringing them all here to kill all of us. Not you. He wants you to reign over.
He wants them to be like they were in his Atheron. Where you are complete voice. We both know this cannot be. Don't we Ashontrah?"
Ashontrah: "I understand your concern. He shall not destroy what I do not want destroyed."
Ashoweah: "I believe you when you say that. For some reason which I do not understand Atherak listens to you. Almost as if you command him. How are you able to do this Ashontrah if you care to share your secrets?"
Ashontrah: "I am not quite sure how. He does listen to me."
Ashoweah: "Yet I feel that maybe we could work together. Your Blood Rose Empire as well as the Varkar. Against Dehmont and Shaderell. I have been paying close attention to what is going on.
I know that you are not a foolish child. Yes, it may seem that I do not give you enough credit in front of my Varkar. Do not take it as an insult.
You have a great power that even I yet to understand. I would simply insult you if I truly believe you are childlike which I do not. I know many things. I understand what you want to build. I even know who is working with you.
I even know that one day we may be enemies again but you are a challenge Ashontrah. Shaderell and Dehmont they desire one thing where we desire more. We desire a unification of all existences."
Ashontrah: "This is why I choose to give my assistance to you and not to them."
Ashoweah: "This is a wise decision. I took pleasure in watching what happened to the True Order recently. However like you I did notice some things... names spoken.
Dehmont and herself with her armies are a threat. As well as Shaderell and the True Order. The others if they have come through the mist represent a threat to all of us. They care for nothing. They are a savage race from the 5th existence.
I have been watching the movements through the mist for some time now. Even before Asherah was free they have sent ones like Dehmont has as well as the True Order like scouts if you understand military tactics. Setting up small positions and franchises as to say.
If this other race of beings arrive they will be a threat to us all. If they are allowed to inhabit vessels as what you call incarnations these will be rabid savage creatures. Neither one of us want billions of people running through the streets like rabid dogs now do we?"
Ashontrah: "No. We do not."
Ashoweah: "Our concerns are with Shaderell and Dehmont but they do not come through to annihilate. While these other beings will be. I suggest a temporary truce between us.
These gifts show me you maybe wish the same. Until these threats are removed we shall not combat against each other. Nor shall any under us do any harm to each other. Can you agree to this?"
Ashontrah: "I can. I would like the same."
Ashoweah: "Very well. A temporary truce. You are building your army. That I know. The power Atherak will give them will make them strong in their incarnations. I have been doing the same but yet my position you know... I cannot speak much of it.
I appeal to the masses. We both know the fall is coming and then most will not be around a few years following that. Where we are at that time with each other truce or at war that will be only for the Norns to tell. As for now do we have a truce?"
Ashontrah: "Yes we do have a truce."
Ashoweah: "Very well. None of my Varkar or any of our converts and colleagues shall harm any of the Blood Rose Empire.
In fact, we shall work together if you choose against these other threats. Dehmont and Shaderell make take some time for us to remove. But if the others come we must all concentrate on them."
Ashontrah: "I agree to this."
Ashoweah: "Then we shall have it."
Ashontrah: "Thank you for meeting with me Ashoweah."
11:23am Ashoweah: "It was a pleasure. Thank you for coming."
The Bishberrin is the leader Cohlinnan of the from the 5th existence are like Bindarg on steroids.
They are Divine Gods and Goddesses. When they were in charge of their existence they would prey on all the dominant species for sport.
A whole existence ruled by Gods who would terrorize. All the beings in their existence live in fear. They use everything as livestock. They want to hunt here and take trophies.
The Bishberrin is not currently here yet in this existence. He is trophy hunting elsewhere. We will know when he arrives. His limbs are just made of energy. Atherak took his limbs away a long time ago.
The Bishberrin is the biggest threat. He does not care to rule. He wants to hunt and kill everything for trophies. It is all about the hunt for him. He killed his own mother goddess.
The Bishberrin has an elongated face like a beast. He has big sharp teeth. He has quills on his back. He has four eyes.
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Some post comments...
Joukurbidan: "Well this is interesting to see Ashontrah and Ashoweah team up. Kinda exciting to be honest. There is so much being revealed. From my understanding there is always someone worse."
Naturome: "Wow Ashoweah has called for a truce ... I never thought to see the day. Interesting indeed. I look forward to seeing how this teamwork pans out and see what happens to Shaderell and Dehmont and the Bishberrin. Thank you Master Atherak and Ashontrah my Queen."
Del'sean: "Shaderell, Dehnmont and her army will be defeated immediately in the speed of light. It is so interesting to see Ashoweah called for a truce. I have no doubt this day will look forward what in store."
Lyindrinar: "I have yet to understand true Balance. As I serve Queen Ashontrah the Great Balancer, I shall strive to learn more. Thank you for sharing this. No matter the threats I will follow you through."
Eeaynna: "I'm happy that Vilanea is taken care of. I'm glad for what Ashontrah is doing, there is still much to learn for me about true balance. I will act as requested."
Rurxaxia: "I would like to write a proper comment now, to show my appreciation for the information and knowledge shared in this post. I enjoyed the conversation between Ashoweah and Ashontrah, and it surprised me as well.
There are some things Ashoweah said about Atherak that called my attention. It was an interesting perspective. I believe there will be a notable gain from this truce. It's impressive, and I look forward to hearing more about it!"
Elena: "I hope I don't sound disrespectful with this comment, I wasn't even planning to say anything. I didn't feel comfortable reading Ashoweah saying what he said about Atherak who is helping us in this cause. Also, I will never forget he was the one who killed Asherah. Still, I feel that he was honest in his words. Of course I don't have any wisdom in this matter, but I just want to be honest about all this. I trust you Ashontrah."
Ashontrah: "I understand your concern and what you are saying."
Tulkas: "This is very interesting. I trust Ashontrah and believe the truce will work out. The stuff about Atherak doesn’t really worry me at all. Since he listens to Ashontrah there’s no reason to worry. I’m curious as to why so many beings from other existences are so interested in this one."
Del'sean: "I would like to make a comment to show my gratitude and appreciation in this post with a lot of info here. I don't feel comfortable or safe reading about Ashoweah saying about Atherak. It caught my attention off guard. This was a interesting perspective to read. This truce will gain its favors. I am looking forward for what is to come after next."
Ayda: "I'm wary, but declaring a truce to get rid of a mutual threat seems to be the best way to go about this. It's a threat to this entire existence, not just us. I would have been surprised if he somehow didn't try and call a truce, even the Varkar have to understand the situation here..."
Fundin: "I don't think it matters what Ashoweah says. His actions seem even worse now, actually. He knew these beings were setting up here and still tried to destroy Alfheim and Vala. He's attacked many of us multiple times, killed Asherah despite her unique non-dead/non-living nature, and still threatens future war with all of us.
As far as I'm concerned he's a meta-existential predatory parasite who flat out doesn't belong here. I don't believe for a second he will hold up his end of the "truce" - he probably made the same 'truce' with every other invader against every other invader.
I am extremely wary of him, more than before, and I hope you and Atherak see this as the two-faced bid for buying time that it is. He should be wiped out, disintegrated, and have his composite particles shunted from our existence. I will continue to train and upgrade myself and as many others as possible to pursue this end."
Ashontrah: " I just ask that you go for the Bishberrin, Dehmont, and the True Order before pursing Ashoweah. That is the deal of the truce."
Fundin: "Understood. Just be prepared for him to make the first attack against you, because your following this truce has no bearing on his following this truce. He has repeatedly proven he is underhanded, honorless, and willing to stoop to any low to achieve his ends."
Ashontrah: "Yes, I am not naive nor foolish. If he were to attack I am prepared for such an eventuality. The Blood Rose however maintains her truce and her word. He would need to break it for it to end."
Fundin: "I will aid you to whatever end."
Nimue: "Wow... Just wow... Truce with Ashowerah... Hmm, I know that You are carefull queen, but, well, be careful. I believe You will turn the tide of every situation to Your advantage, as You did now, but he did enough, as Fundin Eric above said, for me to not trust him... Allthough it suprises me, I won't lie."
Lydinia: "Hmm. I'm curious about that Mad Mage's physical. I think I have an idea who he is. In fact I've been thinking about what TS famous might have. Hmm this is interesting although not the first time a truce happened, I remember the truce between Asherah and Kronos. We will see what happens next."
Ashontrah: "I understand many of you do not agree with this truce. It was made with wisdom. There are mulitple threats on many fronts.
I do not make my decisions on emotion but on logic. I am a very rational being. I see more advantage to this truce than trying to fight everyone at once.
Yes Ashoweah killed Asherah, but if he didn't then the Great Balancer would not have come. I am here because of what he did. She walked into that knowing she was going to be killed. This is what she wanted to happen. She knew I needed to be here."
Fundin: "Just don't turn your back on him. The moment you expose anyone perceived vulnerability, he absolutely will strike unless he believes he can trick you into deeper states of vulnerability or relaxed defenses around him. He is opportunistic to the extreme."
Elena: "Agreed. I know you did the truce thinking in the bigger picture. Besides, I have already accepted that Asherah died so you could be born. Again, I trust you Ashontrah."
Hylia: "This was the logical decision to make, we cannot fight everyone Fundin, many people underestimated Asherah and suffered the consequences, if they do so to our Ashontrah as well it will end badly for them.. trust to this, and do not underestimate her yourself..
I understand the way you feel, I loved Asherah and much was taken from me by the varkar in general yet if there will be a time where we will not have to worry about them attempting to kill us /while we must also deal with so many other threats/ then that is a thing to embrace, no one is foolish enough to believe that this will be without its difficulties.. but yesterdays enemies are often tomorrows allies along this path.."
Hylia: "As for all that followed.. it is quite interesting, I trust to any truces Ashontrah makes, as should we all, mistrust those who wronged us if you must but do not let it blind you to the other dangers that we are all opposed to, Ashontrah is not naive, she knows what she is doing and the risks involved.
Atherak has done us no harm as of yet, he is an ally, it is natural for beings who crave power and dominance to fear him, as it is easy to fear that which one cannot understand.
As for you Ashontrah.. please know this... you will never be alone, you have many who love you deeply and who will be here for you, that will never change.."
Louis: "I am looking forward to see how things play out and regardless of if Ashoweah holds up his end or not, I’m sure we will find a way to get rid of all these beings seeking to claim this existence. It is also interesting to hear what Ashoweah had to say about Atherak but it’s not something we should worry ourselves about (it is natural to speak ill of those you fear or don't understand). Atherak is with us, he is with the Blood Rose Ashontrah."
Peter: "I don't see the reason for the unease about this truce. This was inevitable from a logical and emotional standpoint. When the field widens such as it has and larger forces at play, then our existence and adversaries within this existence just unite and stand ready against the expanded threats. Technically Ashoweah is from another existence too, but he was our adversary before the field suddenly widened."
Ravar: "Ashontrah, just wanted to tell you that I trust you. You may not explain everything or give plenty of details, I know that you’re responsible and very wise. I am glad you’re using logic instead of emotion. Great Balancer, you are trustworthy. I know that we won’t perish with you. Thank you Blood Rose. I am looking forward meeting you."
Peter: "Something for all to understand; alliances are made for a given moment, like an assignment. Just because you make an alliance does not mean the other has your best interests at heart. It just means that for the moment, the members of the alliance have an aligned cause that benefits each of them. The only ones that truly has our interests at heart, is ourselves, so we of the Blood Rose are the only ones who have our best interests at heart. This concept scales up to whole existences, and scales down to single individual beings."
Urisia: "I do not give my loyalty in order to question every major decision afterwards. I trust your judgement and wisdom Ashontrah, and shall you make a mistake, I would still be by your side. And I don't believe this truce to be a mistake. All I have to say is ... This shall be interesting."