The Only Two Timewalkers

Shaderell is with several converts. He is speaking with the Dragon King.
Shaderell: "You can have it when it is all said and done."
Dragon King: "It was promised to me by my bond. I will have her. She is my bond. If I have to I will send all my dragon against all those who wear the blood rose banner and deny me my bond."
Shaderell: "Yeah yeah you will get everything that is coming to you. Just stay on course. Make sure the Great Houses stay on the path that I have set them on.
I have gained so much just by it. Look at them laying down their laws. Two kingdoms out of the way. I wouldn't really worry about anything. Everyone is going to get what is coming to them."
Dragon King: "Just make sure she is delivered to me soon."
Shaderell: "Yeah yeah she will be. We will be speaking soon."
Nahshuah: "Shaderell what about our little bargain?"
Shaderell: "I haven't forgotten."
Nahshuah: "Have you found the timewalker?"
Shaderell: "I will have her soon. There is a place through the mist. At one point we can grab her. She will be passing through it at any time."
Nahshuah: "Good make sure you catch her for she will be my undoing if not so. How dare you promise that lesser being what is mine?"
Shaderell: "We both know that is not going to happen. The beings of this existence are like pawns. Unlimited pawns. That is what makes it so easy."
Nahshuah: "I must have her. Without her I cannot undo what Mother did."
Shaderell: "What did your mommy do to you?"
Nahshuah flares up: "She took away everything that I am! Ashontrah has the key to restoring this in me. I will have her. This existence and others will be re-created as I see them."
Shaderell: "Not all of them. Except the ones you promised me."
Nahshuah: "Yes of course you can have your fair share. Bring this time walker to me. I will deal with Ashoweah and the rest when the time comes."
There is a convert among the True Order. He is a onyx black color. He has these orange stripes going down his head and orange eyes. He is the one Xarsha met a long time ago. He is sneaking off.
Shaderell is walking around with a scroll in his hand. He has Fenrir chained up. Fenrir growls at him.
Shaderell hits Fenrir on the nose: "No. Bad dog! You know what? They ought to put you down. That is what I would do. Like a rabid animal. If it was my choice though, but it is not."
Shaderell: "Unfortunately you are worth a very big bounty and I have to pay my dues to my new alliance with the Houses. Take Fenrir to the Houses."
Shaderell whispers to Fenrir: "I hope they euthanize you."
The slavers take Fenrir to the a few representatives of the Great Houses.
Atherak: "Time to get my beast back. Dolloiandea and Epimetheus time to let loose a little bit of that rage."
The slavers meet up with the representatives. A centaur, griffin, and phoenix along with some guards.
Phoenix: "Fenrir you have been charged with crimes against this existence and the Great Houses. You have also been charged with the slaying of those you murdered in the Urthak War in which you were punished and then you escaped. You will be brought before the Great Houses and tried."
It goes dark... Coils come from everywhere and pierce the slavers. They burn away.
The representatives and their guards turn and see Dolloiandea.
Centaur: "Guards defend us! Don't let the prisoner escape!"
Coils go through he centaur and he is killed by Epimetheus. The guards burn away as they get near Dolloiandea.
Griffin back away. He doesn't know what to do.
Phoenix: "Dolloiandea! You are sought for the murder of Kronos! I will end you here today! No fire is greater than phoenix fire! Now you shall feel it!"
The phoenix is using his fire towards Dolloiandea. It starts to swirl and goes right into her finger. She absorbs all of the phoenix fire into her finger and then puts it into her mouth and tastes it.
Dolloiandea: "I have tasted your fire. Now taste mine."
She burns the phoenix away... Where the ashes fall there is a little flame that spurts up. Dolloiandea stomps it out...
Dolloiandea: "No coming back for you."
Griffin: "Uh..."
The restraints around Fenrir get broken by Xarsha. Then he takes him.
Xarsha: "Fenrir, the Master requires that you return to the borderlands. But first, a message must be sent to the Great Houses."
Xarsha records something in an orb...
Xarsha: "Great Houses, you have taken from my Master Atherak that which is not yours. He is very displeased by this. He will be speaking to you soon. As for your emissaries... Fenrir..."
Fenrir devours the griffin...
Xarsha: "Never take from my Master again."
Then Xarsha sends the orb recording to the Great Houses...
Xarsha: "Let us return to the Athranaak."
Atherak: "Fenrir, why did you not come when I sent for you?"
Fenrir: "Because of my love for the King and Queen of Volheim. I could not leave. I disobeyed you Master. I am ready to face judgement."
Atherak: "One day judgement will come to you, but not yet. I am still in need of you. But NEVER disobey me again."
Fenrir: "I will not."
Atherak: "Rest your heart that the King and Queen live."
Fenrir: "And the others of Volheim?"
Atherak: "A few have escaped and rallied nearby. They are not sure if their King is dead. The others have been enslaved."
Fenrir: "Will it remain that way?"
Xarsha: "Only time can tell that Fenrir. Until then, obey the Master. Never question his decisions."
Fenrir: "I shall never question again."
Atherak: "The time is coming soon Xarsha."
Xarsha: "Yes I personally will see to this myself."
Atherak: "You know a sacrifice must be made."
Xarsha: "I do Master and it shall be."
The Great Houses get the message from Xarsha. They are very angry...
Centaur: "How dare those outlaws steal that fugitive away from us!"
Griffin: "They kill representatives of the Great Houses!"
Pegasus: "This cannot go unpunished. We cannot have these murderers running around killing representatives of the Great Houses."
Phoenix: "We demand justice!"
That phoenix who died must have been important. When a phoenix gets killed the reform for their flame and are reborn. Dolloiandea stomped that out for him.
Titan: "Epimetheus has become more of a danger to House Titan than we expected. He will not stand trial. He must be hunted down and killed."
Another Titan: "There is only one course of action then. We must go to the borderlands and demand the surrender of three fugatives. They are murderers and they must face their judgement. Atherak must be made to understand.
If not, then we shall bring our whole army with us. He and his Athernites cannot stand against all the combined powers of the Houses. If need be, we will restore order to the borderlands ourselves."
Past Vision for Xarsha and Xiaria...
This is also an intuitive guidance session for Saenu Mennan who is the incarnation of Xiaria.
Xarsha: "We are the only two timewalkers to ever exist. I remember as Great Father carved us.
I can remember hearing him say 'Look Mother, aren't they beautiful?'
Great Mother replied 'They are Father. They are very unique.'
Great Father says 'Formed by my own hands throughout time.'
Great Mother says 'Then that is what they should be.'
Xarsha: "Then Great Mother brought us to life. Me and her."
Great Mother says 'Go forth and walk through time. One forward and one backward.'
Xarsha: "That is how it was. I brought her forward through time and she took me back. We relived memories and we jumped forward to see new things. Wonders.
I remember a world in an existence before the first judgement. We were always greeted where we went and treated kindly. For we did not wander into places where corruption and imbalance was forming.
We were greeted by a young prince Douhannah. He treated us very kindly. We stayed with him and his people for quite some time. Even going backwards to relive great memories with them.
It is what I saw forward in Douhannah's time that disturbed Xiaria. She asked me to not let it happen.
It was never for me to warn beings of what was to come in the future, but for this being and his kind people devastation was coming. Conquering beings of great power were sweeping through the existence.
I warned Prince Douhannah they would come to his world soon. The only way to save his people would be to accept and convert to the True Order. If they did not they would all be annihilated. It was the only way to save his kind.
When the time came of the invasion of the True Order... me and Xiaria left that world. We were pursued by another conquering being known to you as Ashoweah.
We fled forward and backward in time to escape him. He wished to possess the power that we had. Ashoweah laid a trap for us in the mist. I can remember that day. It is where my pain and suffering began.
The vision shows them in the mist...
Xiaria says 'I am tired. I need to rest.'
Xarsha say 'We cannot rest here long. They will be coming for us. Ashoweah has spies in this mist.'
Xiaria says 'What did Atherak not destroy him?'
Xarsha says 'Atherak has burned away and judgement is no longer.'
Xiaria says 'Must we keep running?'
Xarsha says 'In time balance will restored again and judgement will return.'
Xiaria says 'Have you been that far?'
Xarsha shakes his head...
Xarsha says 'No, but I can feel it.'
Ashoweah says 'That will be the last thing you feel.'
Ashoweah has his son Yandoah with him.
Ashoweah says 'Bring them to me my son.'
Xarsha says 'We must go now!'
Xarsha grabs Xiaria and they run through the mist. She is tired.
Xiaria says 'I cannot jump. I don't have the energy.'
Xarsha says 'Hold on to me. I will try for us both.'
Xarsha: "With all my power I tried, but I could not jump us both. It was as if the mist was limiting me. Making her more weak. Where it may have been Ashoweah himself."
Xiaria falls to her knees. She is tired and weak. Ashoweah and his son Yandoah approach them...
Ashoweah says 'There is nowhere to run. You will serve me or she will die.'
Ashoweah starts to drain Xiaria.
Xarsha: "With all my power I summoned a place within me. A jump I have never done. To be constantly repeating in time back and forth into the future, past, and present."
Ashoweah says 'Stop him!'
Xarsha: "I focused all my energy into her and placed her into this time rift."
Xiaria disappears.
Xarsha: "Before I felt the blade of Ashoweah's son. With my last energy I jumped, but only a little forward in time. My energy was spent.
It would take me thousands of years to restore it. In that time I was forgotten by Ashoweah. I did what I had to in order to survive. My deeds landed me here in the borderlands to face judgement."
*The Past Vision ends*
Atherak: "And judgement you have faced. There is time Xarsha."
Xarsha: "Yes there is Master and that time draws near."
Atherak: "You know what to sacrifice."
Xarsha: "I do."
Atherak: "There is someone who can help you Xarsha."
Prince Douhannah arrives. This is also his intuitive guidance session. His incarnation is James Fraser...
Xarsha: "Even after all this time I remember your face."
Douhannah: "And I could never forget yours."
This is the convert among the True Order. Onyx black color with orange stripes going down his head and orange eyes.'
Douhannah: "I remember what you did for me and my people. Even though we had to become converts many were saved. I have come to repay my debt to you Xarsha. I am one of Shaderell's most trusted and closest converts.
I too have suffered watching my people subjugated by the True Order. I myself have suffered great humiliations at the hands of Shaderell. I took it to gain his trust. Shaderell had many dealings in the mist. He has found a way to trap Xiaria, which you must already know."
Xarsha: "I do know this. The precise location I am sure you know."
Douhannah: "Yes and I can take you there."
Xarsha: "Shaderell himself will not let this go unattended and will see to this personally."
Douhannah: "That he will."
Xarsha: "Then we shall go."
Ashontrah: "Aren't you worried they will get their hands on Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "I will see you soon my Queen."
Xarsha creates mist and they go through...
There is Shaderell with a clear cube. He is inspecting it himself.
Shaderell: "Yep. It looks good. Oh, she should be coming through here anytime now."
Ashoweah: "Good Shaderell and I hope you were planning on handing her over to who she belongs to. Me."
Shaderell: "Out of all my dealings and all those who I deal with, you are the most pain in the ass. Nahshuah just wants her out of the way. You want her for whatever. Your own little personal fortune teller. I've said it once and I've said it before, everyone gets what they want."
Convert: "Shaderell the device is reacting."
Shadrell rubs his hands together: "Delivered right on time. As I said Ashoweah."
The clear cube reacts and catches a being inside it. She is humanoid but seems diamond-like. She is transparent. This is Xiaria.
Ashoweah: "The timewalker that time forgot."
Xiaria is trapped inside the cube. She looks around and sees Ashoweah.
Ashoweah: "Now with the power I will harness from the Great Houses and this existence and others I will be able to go back in time.
I will make Ashontrah mine from the first day I will make sure Atherak never awakens. I have the power to re-create the past now."
Xarsha: "To take what is not yours Ashoweah."
Ashoweah: "The other timewalker huh? I always knew there was something special about Atherak's little pet. Unfortunately Xarsha I only need one timewalker."
Ashoweah attacks Xarsha, but Xarsha disappears and then comes back.
Xarsha: "It has been a long time Ashoweah. I haven't forgotten."
Xarsha cuts Ashoweah across the chest...
Shaderell: "Kill that motherfucker!"
The converts come to attack Xarsha. Douhannah stands in the way.
Shaderell: "Douhannah what are you doing? Get out of the way? I could make an example out of you again."
Douhannah: "How about I make an example out of all of your followers?"
Douhannah turned into black onyx mist and started surrounding all the converts. The mist gets thicker. You can hear screams. The mist dissipates and Douhannah forms back. All the bones of the converts just fall.
Shaderell: "Oh shit."
Ashoweah: "Get the timewalker Shaderell!"
Shaderell has his hand around Xarsha's neck.
Shaderell: "This is where you end timewalker."
Douhannah turns into dark mist goes through the cube and pulls Xiaria out. They reform outside the cube.
Xarsha: "You will never have her again!"
Ashoweah: "Nor will you."
Atherak goes to where they are...
Atherak: "Haven't you all learned yet Ashoweah? I don't like beings touching what is mine."
Atherak throws Ashoweah back.
Ashoweah: "This is not over Atherak. I will have Ashontrah. I will have this existence and all others."
Then Ashoweah leaves...
Atherak: "Get up Xarsha. You don't get a day off."
Xarsha: "Thank you Master."
Atherak turns to Shaderell who was hiding behind the device...
Atherak: "Hiding back here are you? I would like to spend more time with you as we did before Shaderell. Remember our last little walk through the realms?"
Atherak picks up Shaderell...
Atherak: "Unfortunately I don't have the time. I am expecting visitors. So you will have to take this walk alone."
Apollo is sitting on a bench on Mount Olympus. He is eating an apple reading something. Off in the distance hears...
Shaderell screaming: "Fuck you Atherak!"
Apollo turns: "Huh?" Then he takes another bite of his apple and goes back to reading.
Back in the borderlands...
Xiaria touches Xarsha's face. He wears a mask that looks like a long bone beak. All you can see is his eyes.
Xiaria: "You have changed so much."
Xarsha: "You have not changed a day."
Xiaria: "Does it hurt?"
She is referring to the way he looks.
Xarsha: "I have grown to endure the pain."
Xiaria: "I was lost in time."
Xarsha: "And I was lost without you."
Atherak: "You know what must be done Xarsha."
Xarsha: "Just a moment longer if I may Master."
Atherak: "Take some time Xarsha."
Xiaria: "Atherak!"
Xarsha: "He is my Master."
Xiaria: "Does that mean you will remain in the borderlands forever?"
Xarsha: "Yes."
Atherak: "He will always be here. At least for some time."
Xiaria: "And what of Ashoweah?"
Atherak: "His judgement shall come soon enough. All of their judgements shall."
Xarsha speaks with Douhannah...
Xarsha: "I am indebted to you old friend."
Douhannah: "The True Order will make my people suffer for this."
Atherak: "Oh I don't think so."
Douhannah: "They inhabit my world. I am sure that Shaderell will send message of my betrayal and they will all be punished. I will no longer have a home."
Atherak: "Really?"
Douhannah: "They have a powerful army Atherak."
Atherak: "So do I."
Atherak shows a vision... Outside of Douhannah's work the Hungali Myrrdonite wait.
Danaark: "Master, has the time come to purge the True Order from this exitence?"
Atherak: "It has. Bring my final judgement to them."
Danaark: "As you command Master."
Atherak speaks to Douhannah...
Atherak: "When you return to your world the True Order will trouble you no more."
Douhannah: "And what shall we look forward to then?"
Atherak: "Await the arrival of the Blood Rose banner."
Douhannah: "And this banner is friend or foe?"
Atherak: "If you challenge it then it will be a foe. Rest assured this banner brings balance."
Douhannah: "Then this banner is my ally and I shall await its arrival."
Atherak: "Before you return, your incarnation has questions for you."
Questions from the incarnation of Douhannah...
Q1. What is your goal?
Douhannah: "To free my people from the True Order, which has been accomplished."
Q2. What am I meant to do here in Midgard?
Douhannah: "I incarnated here to help my people find a way to escape the hardships of the True Order."
Q3. What is your main ability?
Douhannah: "My phantom mist. It can dissolve all flesh. I can go through anything. I can also pick up beings and carry them through things."
Q4. How can I better connect to you?
Douhannah: "Focus and meditate. Become like the mist."
Q5. What should I focus on at the moment?
Douhannah: "Preparing yourself for the arrival of others of your kind." Douhannah's kind are called the Yaharatins.
Q6. Any tip related to the fall?
Douhannah: "Stay strong. When you have to move in times of peril make your movements unknown to others."
Atherak does the core fusion on Xiaria...
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual and the physical together."
The Athranaak coils sew.
Atherak: "I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence with all of its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Questions from the incarnation of Xiaria...
Q1. A detailed description of them if possible.
Xiaria: "I am transparent but I shine like a diamond in light. I have humanoid features. I am soft spoken.
I enjoy moments in time where there was much happiness and celebration.
When I got in the time rift I never experienced any other good moments of time. It was always switching so fast."
Q2. Why did you reincarnate here?
Xiaria: "To find Xarsha."
Q3. What are you? Where are you from?
Xiaria: "I am a timewalker. Xarsha and I are the only ones of our kind."
Q4. What is Heldaxa to me?
Xiaria: "I love to watch things grow. I have seen Heldaxa. I am fascinated by what kind of being she is. When I was flashing through the time rift there were several times I came across seeing her. I remember her."
There is a big meeting at the Great Houses... Their armies have assembled.
Titan: "Prince and Princesses of the Great Houses. We send you into the borderlands to retrieve the fugitives that have murdered and have brought disgrace to themselves by disobeying the judgement of the Great Houses."
Phoenix: "I will avenge my brother's death! The criminal Dolloiandea stomped his eternal flame out! I shall extinguish hers!"
Centaur Princess: "How shall we arrive to the borderlands?"
Shadrell walks in with a healing orb against his forehead. He is in pain.
Shaderell: "I told you I would take effing care of that! Didn't I? As you can tell by looking at me I am not having an effing good day! It started out so well and now this! Let's make it end well shall we?"
Griffin Prince: "But Shaderell the question remains, how shall we get to the borderlands?"
Shadrell: "I told all the Great Houses that I have a guy."
Set walks into where they are...
Set: "And I am your man. Just as long as you keep your end of the deal."
Phoenix: "Set... For taking the army of the Great Houses and the Prince and Princess who represent it you shall receive a pardon and be resolved of all your crimes."
Set: "And that is what I am here for."
Female Titan: "Let us empower our Princes and Princesses with all the power of the Great Ten Houses. Our sons and daughters of the Ten Houses, go forth and bring our judgement to these criminals that disobey our laws we have laid down for this existence."
The Princes and Princesses are being empowered by the Ten energies...
Set takes out a small round puzzle.
Set: "Rovitomial leaves this shit laying around all the time."
Set starts to work it...
Griffin: "Can you open it or not?"
Set: "Yeah yeah just hold on... There we go."
Set separates the puzzle and a rift opens...
Female Titan: "Go forth Princes and Princesses of the Great Houses with our blessing and our love. Bring us this great victory."
The Princes and Princesses of the Great Houses go through the rift into the borderlands...
Griffin: "Remember your deal Set. And when they return you shall have your pardon."
Set: "Oh I will have my pardon alright."
Set goes through the rift and it closes...
They all arrive outside the Garden of Bones in front of the Athranaak.
Phoenix Prince: "Leave the portal open Set. In case we have any surprises."
Set: "Sure thing."
Xarsha: "They are approaching the gates."
Atherak: "Well I guess I had better go down and greet them."
The gates to the Garden of Bones open up... They see Atherak standing at the gates.
Phoenix Prince: "Atherak we have come demanding judgement for the criminals and fugitives that you are hiding here.
By the command of the Ten Great Houses, give them to us to be properly judged. As judgement you must understand this. They are murderers and must stand trial for what they have done."
Atherak: "That's right. I am judgement aren't I?"
Phoenix Prince: "You are and we trust that your decision shall be wise."
Atherak: "And if it is not?"
Phoenix Prince: "Then prepare to face judgement yourself."
Atherak laughs: "You are forgetting something Princes of the Great Houses. I am Judgement!"
Centaur Princess: "You have no army Atherak! We have the power of the Ten Great Houses within us!"
Atherak: "Oh I need no army."
Griffin Prince: "Then face your judgement!"
Their armies charge forward toward Atherak...
Atherak: "I am in the mood for collecting souls."
They shoot arrows and throw spears at him...
Atherak: "Always arrows and spears."
They are almost upon Atherak...
With a flash of Atherak's hand they all start falling dead and wither away. Atherak walks forward and all who come towards him die. They sound a retreat and run in fear.
The Prince and Princesses are standing far back in shock. Atherak makes his way towards them as the last of their armies fall.
Phoenix Prince: "Set! Have that portal ready! We must get through!"
Set: "Oh you mean this portal?"
Set closes the portal...
Set: "Oops."
Griffin Prince: "You are a traitor Set! You shall pay for this treachery!"
Set: "Not before you do."
***Flashback to earlier in the day...
Set comes to the borderlands to speak with Ashontrah...
Set: "I want to reassure Queen Ashontrah as well as you Atherak that I have done everything I can and have placed the little bit of what I do into Shaderell."
Atherak: "Very good Set."
Set: "Shaderell believes that everyone's man is secretly his man. I just wanted to come here to reassure the Blood Rose Queen that I am her man."
Atherak: "Then do what you must Set and I will be looking to see you soon."
Ashontrah: "Your loyalty is without question to me Set."***
The Princes and Princesses turn around to see Atherak right behind them.
Atherak: "Ah the Princes and Princesses of the Great Houses. With the power of the Ten."
Atherak: "Come Ashontrah. Take what is yours."
Ashontrah arrives and takes all the Ten Cosmic Powers from them...
Centaur Princess: "Ashontrah has taken the power of the Ten Great Houses within us! We are powerless! Atherak will destroy us."
Atherak: "No I am bored with you already. Plus others have claim. Make it quick."
Epimetheus, Dolloiandea, and Fenrir destroy the Princes and Princesses of the Great Houses.
Dolloiandea burns away the Phoenixes and collects their fire. Epimetheus uses his coils to drain them. Fenrir devours them.
All the while the Great Houses are watching through a vision orb sent to them in a box marked 'To the Great Houses from your friend Set.' There is tears and anger in the Great Houses.
Atherak: "Maybe they will think twice. Maybe they won't."
Xarsha: "I think the Great Houses will come back with more vengeance against those who disobeyed them."
Atherak: "Let them. Their time is coming to an end. If they wish to bring it faster upon themselves then I say let them."
Atherak: "The time has come Xarsha."
Xiaria: "I know I cannot stay. I know what I must do."
Xarsha: "Then take this."
He pulls something out of himself. It looks like a very small athranaak.
Xarsha: "Go forward and find what you must."
Xiaria: "It will always be a piece of you that I can keep with me. Maybe in time...
Xarsha puts his finger to her lips to stop her from speaking.
Xarsha: "Only time will tell that."
Xiaria goes through a time rift and it closes...
Xarsha: "Thank you my Queen for this. If only for a moment in time I have found peace. If only for a moment."
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