Skadi: Saving the Jotunn Queen

This is an intuitive guidance session for Skadi the Jotunn goddess of winter. She provided valuable information about the Tribes of the Moon and about the Jotunn Queen.
Ashontrah: "Speaking of Jotunheim... Elvish Merciline... Are you on my IG list?"
Elvish: "No dear Ashontrah I'm not."
Ashontrah: "Your true self keeps sending messages to Atherak. You are from Jotunheim. It is important we meet with your true self. She knows what happened with the Jotunn Queen."
Lemniskarun: "Just the other day was a mission to remove traitors from Jotunheim and discover the cause behind Lemniskarun's rage, as it was discovered to be due to external causes.
There was then a warning that the Jötunn Queen was very much in danger and all efforts to save her should be top priority... we discovered she had been cloned and proceeded to find her.
Lemniskarun and Rovitomial sensed the real Queen underground... she was found in the dungeons and had been transformed into a huge slug like beast.
We brought her to the Svaroid and attempted to peels back the layers of corruption, but it was too late. She was no longer present, it had been too long.
As no one could sense the King one of us continued through the dungeons and came across a two way portal. On the other side was the King doing business with Shaderell. He has since been imprisoned in a safe location.
Now we are working on how to reestablish Jotunheim and bring back a true monarchy, without all the politics. That is the jist of it."
Kulu: "The monster she turned into was put out of its misery."
Xarsha: "The Jotunn Queen has not passed through the Athranaak."
Atherak: "So she is in-between life and death."
Xarsha: "The clone as they said is more than they think. Skadi knows who she is."
Ashontrah: "Get Skadi to a secure location so she does not get intercepted. I have already been discussing this in the War and Battle Chat."
Xarsha: "I shall see to it personally my Queen."
The True Order was also after her...
Xarsha: "Just converts. We will be sending their souls to you."
Xarsha wipes his blade. True Order converts are in the background. Epimetheus uses his coils to drain their cores.
Xarsha: "They put some sort of trance over Skadi. Should I remove it?"
Atherak: "Bring her here first. I will remove it myself."
Xarsha: "Very well. Epimetheus finish with these ones and then return to your duties. There are many demonologists who defile the Master's dead. See to it that when they close their eyes they see what a true nightmare is."
Epimetheus: "It shall be done."
Atherak makes a puzzle and has Rovitomial unlock it... He goes to work solving it. He opens it up. A blue light comes from out of it over Skadi. It drains the white light out of her. The Athranaak puzzle closes.
Rovitomial: "Thank you Master even though I believe you could have done that yourself. I mean no offense."
Atherak: "No offense taken. I like to see your mind expand. It fascinates me."
Rovi: "Your puzzle Master..."
Atherak: "Keep it. You will need it again."
Elvish gets donations for her session...
The IG session for Skadi begins...
Skadi starts to awaken from the trance that was placed on her.
Skadi: "Am I here in the Athranaak?"
She is still a bit weak from the trance.
Atherak: "I received over and over again your messages Skadi. I have done much to bring you here. Thank Ashontrah for this."
Skadi: "I do every day."
Atherak: "You bring valuable information."
Skadi: "Much. I have felt the awakening. I have watched the pink sunsets. I have felt the prayers of the Moon Tribes in the high mountains."
Atherak: "We should probably begin with what you know of them."
Skadi: "After the expansion of man the Moon Tribes that were left here... many Jotunn and trolls fled into the high mountains."
Atherak: "Into the Himalayas I suppose."
Skadi: "Yes. There were hundreds before. Gathered and protected. I watched over them. When man sought to take them down I would cause avalanches and bury them within the snow.
However, not all the men who dwelled there posed a threat to the Moon Tribes. The monks were kind to us. They understood and in a way they protected us."
Atherak: "Monks... I am presume you are speaking of the cycles of Buddah the living god."
Skadi: "The one and the same. We existed there with them in harmony and balance. Until the godless ones came and drove out the spiritual leader.
The horrible things they did to the monks who protected us... they tortured them to find us. I did everything I could to protect them and the Moon Tribes. I brought heavy winters, blizzards, and avalanches to their armies.
Still they wouldn't stop. They hunted the Moon Tribes down and took them back. Horrible experiments have been conducted. Many died... Their souls lost between here and Jotunheim."
Skadi weeps...
Skadi: "When Asherah made a mention of the Tribes of the Moon there was hope rekindled. I knew that one with such a loving heart as Asherah would not be allowed to continue. Not against those who wish to corrupt balance.
I wept for her when I heard of her death and so did what was left of the Moon Tribes of the high mountains. I felt that all hope was lost. The godless ones still control most of these lands. Still they hunt the Moon Tribes."
Atherak: "I know of that land. I know of these godless ones. I have seen much of this world's history. In fact, I've seen it all. The previous occupant of the vessel I have now is well traveled. I have seen the defiling these humans have brought to this beautiful world. I have seen what they have done to the Moon Tribes."
Skadi: "Then you understand."
Atherak: "I am not the only one who does. The Blood Rose Queen knows your pain. She feels the pain of all that is natural and pure. That is why her energy spread across this Midgard."
Skadi: "I felt it. I prayed to her. I bring valuable information. I can speak to the Moon Tribes. There are more down into the jungles of the south. Even in the land where my incarnation lives has Moon Tribes hidden.
We are so few now. I fear that we may be hunted to extinction. They are like children to me. I have reincarnated here so many times to watch over them."
Atherak: "You are devoted to the Moon Tribes I see."
Skadi: "And we are ready to be devoted to Ashontrah."
Atherak: "I am sure something can be arranged. Now tell me of the Jotunn Queen."
Skadi: "It is not a clone who sits on the throne. It is her twin sister. The Queen is in a state of suspended animation. When the beast was destroyed her core fell into the mist between here and borderlands. I have been searching to find her but I fear that when I do I may not know how to restore her. If it is even possible."
Atherak: "All things can be possible, but you put yourself in grave danger by doing this. I must have you cease this expedition to find her. Your value to Ashontrah is to the Moon Tribes here in Midgard."
Skadi: "Is there hope for us in the high mountains?"
Atherak: "Oh yes."
Atherak holds out his hand and there is a Golden Rhorn...
Atherak: "The godless ones' day is coming. The Golden Thorn, the Prince will soon rise. When the living god finally dies the prince will rise in his place, but he will not be the same.
He will rage war on the godless ones and the defilers. He will liberate the Moon Tribes. He will make an alliance with Ashontrah.
The judgement of the defilers shall come. Their souls will be mine."
Skadi: "There are others. Jotunn and Nature Folk who are connected with the Moon Tribes. They have incarnations and also await sessions."
Atherak: "Xarsha bring out our finest wine. It might be a busy day."
Skadi: "I pledge myself here and now to Queen Ashontrah the Blood Rose."
Atherak: "You have been waiting a long time for this haven't you?'
Skadi: "Very long."
Atherak: "Close your eyes and kneel... receive the branding of the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. Take this to your Moon Tribes in the high mountains. Let them know that the time of fear and living in exile is coming to an end. The godless ones shall pay for what they have done."
Skadi has white hair, blue antlers, whiteish-blue skin, ice blue eyes. She is a Jotunn but not very tall. She almost seem like half Nymph in a way. Her abilities with cold, snow, and ice are incredible.
Atherak: "I have seen what Skadi has done with these invading godless armies. Burying them in ice and snow. She is very balanced in nature. she has an inner disgust for man's pollutions."
Skadi: "I do. If you could only see what they do."
Atherak: "I have seen."
Xarsha: "I have shown the Master much."
Skadi: "How is this possible?"
Atherak: "Xarsha can allow me to see anywhere at any point in time. I have seen what man has done to such a beautiful world. Xarsha has shown me through time. Great beasts that once walked here and then their disappearance.
The humans believe their are gods. They do not follow the natural ways. That is why most of them have become like parasites.
Not all of them... there are those who are in touch with their spiritual. They see the problem and they take action. This will count for their judgement in the end. You see Skadi, I not only judge the wicked.
My borderlands from this existence stretching to all existences is filled with the ones I call the unfortunates. All different types of beings who sacrificed themselves to keep the balance and even more who were just in the way of those who defile it.
Questions from her incarnation....
Q1. What is the most important thing my true self want to tell me.
Skadi: "That you, I, have always been a protector of the Moon Tribes. They are like children to us."
Q2. Will I survive the fall?
Atherak: "Yes."
Q3. How can I better connect with her?
Skadi: "Go into the mountains. Connect with all that I am. The winter, the cold, the ice, and the snow. The more you progress the more the Moon Tribes will try to come to you in the physical. Learn the true nature of ourselves."
Q4. How can I save myself and my loved ones during fall?
Atherak: "There must be something you all understand now. Not everything you cherish will survive. That goes for everyone. Our vessels all have ones who are close. Ones we cherish.
Understand they will transcend to a better place as long as they do not hold wickedness in their essence. Understand that I am Judgement. I judge all those equally.
For your vessel's question... Some. And to do this you must undestand why. When you do then you will be able to help save some."
Xarsha: "Skadi is a high target for the True Order."
The Jotunn Queen...
Ashontrah: "What can be done about the Jotunn Queen?"
Atherak: "I have gathered the information from Skadi on where she is in the mist. To send my own Athernites would bring too much notice. I need someone to get Rovitomial in there. What I gave him will awaken her. Any suggestions?"
Ashontrah: "What of Vastrunna, Ahzexian, and Yusvago?"
Atherak: "Your first three Vanguard."
Ashontrah: "They shall go with Rovitomial."
The four of them go to the mist and find the Jotunn Queen. So has True Order converts... Many of them.
The True Order converts see Rovitomial coming their way.
Convert: "You! Stay back!"
They charge up their white light.
Convert: "Are you stupid? Cease where you are!"
Rovitomial reaches into his infinity bag and pulls out a handfull of small diamond-shaped puzzles. He casts them into the air. They shoot forward quickly like darts into the heads of these True Order converts. They drain them away and they wither.
Commander: "Everyone at once! Kill this being!"
Ahzexian is moving fast around them. Yusvago smashes them like they are nothing. The commander is with his lieutenant.
Commander: "Take the Jotunn Queen to Shaderell. Quickly! I will sacrifice myself. Did you hear me?"
His leiutentant smiles and grins at him. He changes back into Vastrunna and decapitates the commander.
Yusvago: "All enemies have been vanquished."
Rovitomial: "Good. Keep watch."
He takes out the Athranaak puzzle that Atherak gave him. He not only solves it but adjusts it to take on a new shape. A blue light comes from it over the Jotunn Queen.
Atherak: "Bring her here Rovitomial."
In a flash Rovitiomal and the Jotunn Queen disappear from the mist. They return to the Athranaak...
Atherak: "Good work Rovitomial."
Rovitomial: "Did it save her and bring her back?"
Atherak: "Not quite. Only one can restore her. Only one has that power."
Rovitomial: "The Blood Rose Queen."
Atherak: "Yes."
Ashontrah comes forth and places her hand on the Jotunn Queen.
Ashontrah speaks Thothilssin...
"I Pure Voice of Balance remake you and reform you. You are reborn into my light. As my energy flows through you the rebirth of your kingdom shall follow. I Ashontrah will this."
Pink light comes out of the Jotunn Queen's eyes and mouth...
Jotunn Queen: "You have restored me Ashontrah."
Atherak: "Your twin sister sits on the throne. Inside your kingdom there is an army of True Order converts."
Jotunn Queen: "What must I do? What is of my army is inside my kingdom."
Atherak: "You shall stand alone. Go to the gates of your castle and let your people and army see you. When they do they will know you and they will uprise. Now go and take back your kingdom."
Jotunn Queen: "I shall."
The Jotunn Queen goes back to Jotunheim to kill her sister and reclaim her throne.
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