Blood Rose Dawn Phase Two: Reclaiming Volheim and Alfheim

Mishda is with Shaderell in Volheim...
Mishda: "My brother is dead."
Shaderell: "I don't give an eff about your brother. What I give an eff about is it. That it is involved in all of this! Oh it is coming here. I already effing know it is coming here."
Shaderell still refers to Ashontrah the Blood Rose as it.
Mishda: "It will take some time for Ashontrah..."
Shaderell: "No! Don't say that effing name! It!"
Mishda: "It will take some time for it to bring a whole army here and regather her strength. My army is garrisoned here. Volywnn have decided to join me."
Shaderell: "And what good is that going to do us?"
Mishda: "They know the castle and its defenses better than we do."
Mishda introduces Shaddaka...
Mishda: "This is their leader."
Shaderell: "And how the hell am I supposed to trust this overgrown teddy bear?"
Shaddaka: "I am Shaddaka of the great north. I do not care for Kings or Queens. I care for profit and I have brought many Volwynn here. We know the castle and our lands. I have shown Mishda here the secret defenses that have been set in place.
Shaderell: "I have been looking for these secret defenses since I have been here."
Shaderell blasts one of his converts with his white light and burns him away...
Shaderell: "As you can see I do not like people who fail me."
Shaddaka: "I will not fail you. Let them come."
Mishda: "They will die against us. We will be the spear piercing them. We have much time to make defense."
They hear a commotion from outside. It is one of Mishda's commanders.
Commander: "Great Lord we are under attack."
Shaderell: "How can this be? How the hell did they get here so fast?"
Commander: "It is the King Lyindrinar and his army! They are attacking us outside the castle and on the castle itself. They are laying siege to us."
Shaderell: "Don't just effing stand there! Be this effing spear you are talking about! Go effing pierce them!"
Mishda: "I will show them not to come here! I will make slaves of them all! I will make Lyindrinar's mate my personal plaything. I am going to make him watch!"
2:24pm There is a battle pursing on the outside of the castle... They see the Avnomar who are ripping through the slavers.
Mishda: "What the hell are those things? What the eff happened to the King? Kill them all damn it!"
Mishda joins in on the fight. Shaderell is in the main hall...
Shaderell: "Eff, eff, eff, eff, eff... That stupid idiot's dad better get back here. His effing morning son is going to blow everything. Just like his other son lost Jotunheim."
Mishda is tearing through Lyindinar's army. They are getting pushed back.
Mishda: "You are all weak!"
Inside the Volheim castle are some of the slavers that remained. Shaddaka is with the Volywnn.
Shaderell: "You! Time to prove your effing worth. Activate these defenses quickly or you are as worthless as the others to me!"
Shaddaka: "It shall be done."
Shaddaka sends Volwynn to the statues they have around of different shifters. They place stones in them. Portals open up in front of them.
Commander: "What the hell is this supposed to do?"
Shaddaka: "This..."
Tenomachi leaps through and kills the commander. Jotunn, dwarves, and the Blood Rose Vanguard comes pouring in through the portals...
Shaddaka and the Volywnn join the fight and turn against the slavers. The Volywnn slaves they brought in had their chain break.
Tenomachi: "Brothers and sisters! Rise up! Retake our land!"
All the slaves that were there are freed. They are also fighting.
Shaderell locked himself inside the main hall...
Shaderell: "Get a portal up quickly and get us the eff out of here!"
Convert: "We are trying my Lord but something is preventing us."
Every time they try opening a portal they get shocked by pink lightning.
Shaderell: "Keep effing trying!"
The battle is still going on outside the castle... Mishda is facing off against Lyindrinar.
Mishda: "I will crush you King then I will take you prisoner and make you watch as I eff the shit out of your mate!"
Lyindrinar: "That is the last time you use that filthy mouth of your to disgrace my love."
They fight each other while a battle pursues on the inside of the castle... It is just chaos. No one yet has the upper hand.
Tenomachi: "We must hold them."
Shaddaka looks to the sky and sees this pink bird flying. The whole sky becomes illuminated with pink. That is the sign from Ashontrah...
Shaddaka: "Clear the way." He runs towards the gate of the great hall. He takes this pink stone out of his pocket. He thows it as hard as he can into the sky. As it goes up it explodes and a bright pink light comes out. It blinds all the slavers.
Mishda looks up confused. He gets blinded by it. There is a pink light in all their eyes. They cannot see.
Mishda: "Where are you Lyindrinar?! I am going to kill you then I am going to eff your mate!"
Mishda feels a dagger go up from under his chin through his mouth. This was a bloodthorn dagger.
Lyindinar whispers: "I told you that was the last time."
Mishda starts to melt away and the same thing happens to him that happened to Bombo.
Where the light exploded there is a pink orb. It floats down to where Tenomachi and Shaddaka are.
Tenomachi: "She is coming. Get this gate open."
They are beating the gate to the great hall.
Shaddaka: "It won't budge."
They hear a deep voice: "Move! Let me!"
Fenrir rushes and smashes through the gate. Shaderell and his converts get knocked back.
Shaderell is laying on the ground. He gathers himself. Before he can get up he opens his eyes and sees Fenrir right in his face.
Shaderell: "Good dog."
Fenrir: "Don't call me dog!"
Ashontrah: "Stand aside Fenrir."
Shaderell covers his eyes and won't look at her. He puts his hand out...
Shaderell: "No. I am not dying this way by an effing it! Your face will not be the last effing thing I see!"
Ashontrah laughs: "I am not here to kill you Shaderell. I am here to make you understand."
Ashontrah has her hands on Shaderell's face. He closes his eyes. Ashontrah kisses him. His white color turns pink.
Shaderell is dazed... Every voice he hears sounds like Ashontrah.
Tenomachi walks up and starts speaking but to Shaderell he sounds like Ashontrah...
Shadrell covers his ears: "Shut up!" When he closes his eyes he can see Ashontrah's face over and over. It is driving him crazy.
Convert: "Master master."
Shaderell opens his eyes and the convert looks like Ashontrah. Shaderell screams.
Ashontrah opens a portal tells his convert: "Take him back to his home. He is not feeling very well."
Shaderell: "Shut up! Shut up! Don't touch me!"
All his coverts look and sounds like Ashontrah... They take him through the portal... Any name they say sounds like Ashontrah. Every voice sounds like hers.
Lyindrinar has made it to the Volheim castle...
Lyindrinar: "Empress Blood Rose Ashontrah, we must make haste. For word has already gotten back to Alfheim and the slaver garrison that is there. Our spies have informed us that Horra is contacting Gorvag about both of his sons killed and they need assistance now."
Ashontrah: "No worries. Prepare yourself my King. It is time to reclaim your Kingdom."
Ashontrah opens her hand and there is a little rose petal. She blows it into the air and it disappears.
In Alfheim Horra speaks with the Tree Ent Narraku...
Horra: "I need to contact Gorvag. We need to make defenses. Are all your Ents here? Get them ready. We must be prepared before them come."
Narraku: "All my kind have gathered and we are ready to fight."
Horra: "Well good then. We must defend ourselves until Gorvag gets here."
Narraku sees a rose petal float down from the sky...
Narraku: "The time has come to reclaim Alfheim."
Horra: "What did you say?"
Horra gets grabbed and tossed by Narraku. All the Ents, Ogres, and Trolls start attacking the slavers.
Narraku: "Free the slaves. Tell them to fight. Their King comes."
Portals start to open in Alfheim...
Lyindrinar and his army, Tenomachi and the Volwynn, Lemniskarun with giants, the Avnomar, and the Blood Rose Vanguard come rushing through...
Narraku sees Lyindrinar....
Narraku: "My King. We will retake your kingdom. The Ents are with you."
Lyindrinar: "And Alfheim is gracious to have you. Now fight on!"
The slavers are losing...
Horra: "I got to tell Gorvag!" He runs inside the palace and uses a communication orb.
Gorvag: "What is it? I am busy!"
Horra: "Great Gorvag your sons are dead. The assault on Jotunheim has failed. Volheim has been recaptured. The King Lyindrinar has returned to take Alfheim. They are here now! We..."
Horra stops and his eyes go pink... Ashontrah is standing behind him.
Ashontrah pushes him out of the way: "Excuse me. I must speak to Gorvag."
Ashontrah speaks through the orb: "Heed my warning, remain where you are. Do not return to this existence. You shall never enslave any of these beings. They have shown you that they cannot be conquered.
I will come for you and your slaver's guild will come to an end. I could kill you now, but I have other business to attend to. A meeting with the Great Houses... but we will meet again."
Gorvag was speechless during the whole conversation... Ashontrah then drains the pink light out of Horra and he melts away.
Gorvag snaps out of it and he is extremely pissed off. The last thing he saw was Horra melting and transforming into a blooming rose vine. The communication ends.
Gorvag got angry enough to get off his throne which made him fall flat on his face. This enraged him even more. He is on the ground beating his fists.
The rest of the slavers in Alfheim have been defeated...
Amerriah is standing above one of them with her bow. Lyindrinar walks next to her along with Draena.
Draena: "There are many of them who wish to surrender."
Lyindrinar: "They would show no quarter to us. So we shall show no mercy to them."
He looks at Ammeriah and she shoots the slaver in the head.
Lyindrinar walks over to the ashes of the Alfheim tree... The Tree Ent Narraku is already there.
Lyindrinar: "I thank you. Reclaiming my kingdom would not be possible without you and the Ents. Still, my heart weeps for your mother the Great Tree of Alfheim."
Narraku: "Yes she is gone. But Alfheim has been restored and we have a good King."
Ashontrah arrives at the tree along with them...
Ashontrah: "All things are not lost. Jimjinn?..."
Jimjinn hands Ashontrah a pink cloth. She opens it. Inside is a seed.
***Flashback to earlier before the slavers went to Alfheim to burn the tree...
Jimjinn was standing next to the tree with Atherak.
Jiminn: "When they come they will burn the tree for sure."
Atherak: "They will burn a tree alright, but not this one."
Atherak opens a rift and the tree goes through. In his hand is a black seed. He gives it Jimjinn...
Atherak: "Plant this here. This will give them something to burn."
Jimjinn planted it and it grew instantly into what looked like the Alfheim tree.
When Ashontrah told Jimjinn to go see Atherak and give back what he borrowed...
Atherak is standing inside the Athranaak looking out over the borderlands.
Xarsha: "Master Atherak, Jimjinn the gnome..."
Atherak: "Ah Jimjinn, has the time come? I must return what Ashontrah let me borrow?"
Jimjinn: "The time has come."
Atherak: "Pity. It is such a beautiful tree."
He is looking at the Alfheim tree in the borderlands. He puts his hand out and the tree forms into a pink energy and goes into his hand and forms into a pink seed. He gives it to Jimjinn.***
Ashontrah gives the pink seed to King Lyindrinar...
Ashontrah: "Plant this in the place of the tree."
Lyindrinar steps forward and gets ready to plant it. He turns to the Ent Narraku and holds the seed up to him.
Lyindrinar: "This honor is yours."
Narraku takes the seed and plants it in the ground. It starts to grow back into the Alfheim tree. Everyone is watching it grow.
Lyindrinar: "Thank you Ashontrah for returning life to Alfheim."
Then he looks back to say something more to her but Ashontrah disappears with some of her Avnomar.
Narraku: "She must be going to speak to the Great Houses now. Much is changing."
Ashontrah starts Phase Three...
True Self Connection...
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