Part Four: Judgement in the Nether

After the Nether deaths caused by Euravasiah experimenting with a new power there has been major upheaval.
There are major events happening in both Nether and Void. The Void Army was crushed and King Varidon was captured by the Dark Collective. The Void shall be covered in the next post.
Atherak: "King Baradin of the Nether demands judgement. I shall meet with him."
Atherak meets with King Baradin...
Baradin is in his Kingdom. The Nether beings are extremely angry.
Atherak: "Ashontrah is the Balancer. This decision cannot be made by her. She can only do what is right to balance. If you sought justice and judgement you should have come to me. I am here now."
Baradin: "I made my decision based on the people. You can see outside I have been pressured to do what is right as King for the Nether. With heavy heart I had to do this. I know this means I stand alone now."
Atherak: "Standing alone in these times is not a good thing."
Baradin stands up and looks out across the Nether...
Baradin: "What is a King to do? If we stand on our own we will surely be invaded."
Atherak: "That you will, but you don't have much choice in your other option now do you?"
Baradin: "If I am to recant what I have already done then I lose anyway. The Nether beings will lose faith and trust in me. They would have a right to do so.
What happened they see it as they were invaded. If this was carried out by a Nether being they would have stood judgement. I would have given the people justice.
The settlement was peaceful and prospering. They even had banners of the Blood Rose hanging up. They were happy. To see someone who is part of the Blood Rose come and kill them...
Now they are afraid of the Blood Rose banner. This is why they come to me. There have been riots and protests. My kingdom is in disarray because of this. Nether beings fighting Nether beings.
I hope that Ashontrah can see where I am coming from. There are even talks of overthrowing me as King of Nether."
Atherak: "And of course I am sure that the Varkar and Shaderell are already aware of this. Get rid of you and place a puppet. And the Nether will fall back into disarray and conflict like it was before you became King."
Baradin: "Then the Nether must stand on its own. I see no other solution. The only the way the people will be satisfied is if we give them Euravasiah and they tear her apart.
I went and saw what happened and as I returned to my kingdoms there were protests. I was stopped by a Nether being who was a father. He was not in the city that day.
All his children, his mate, her whole family, and his extended family are all dead. He was holding crumbling flowers... 'This is all I have left.'
It struck me. I could feel the pain of this individual. He said 'My King, I demand justice.' The Nether beings around heard this and it spread through the huge crowd.
One said 'Nether being children are not playthings for other beings to use their powers on!' This incited the crowd even more. My guards had to hold them back because they were pushing their way towards me.
I looked over close to the capital city. I could see smoke popping up in several places. The riots had started again.
Whichever decision I choose I feel I will be the last King of the Nether. I have to live with my decision forever. I feel bad for everything I have to do."
Ashontrah: "What are you going to do to Euravasiah for judgement?"
Atherak: "I haven't decided yet."
Atherak: "As a show of good faith to Baradin from Ashontrah I have agreed to immediately transcend all the Nether beings who were killed.
This is quite a big task for me considering that since I have returned I have been cleaning up the borderlands. There are more unfortunates like his Nether beings in the borderlands then there are those who are meant to be here."
They are still in that field wandering. There is an image of the city where they died burned into the borderlands. Every time this happens a new place is created in the borderlands. They are frightened and confused. 67 children wandering and crying. The rest are young adults to elders... 191 beings.
They notice a light above them. They see an Athranaak glowing with light with swirls of pink going through it. The light goes into their eyes. They feel their fear, pain, and suffering leaving. They feel warm. They feel at peace.
Atherak takes all their pain and suffering into himself and they are transcended. He can handle it because he is made of it.
Shaderell and Gorvag speak through a communication orb...
Shaderell: "Ashontrah's Blood Rose Empire is falling apart from the inside. She trusted in beings that cared more for themselves than they did for balance or 'its' idea of balance.
This has cost her a few Kings. The Nether is in disarray and ripe for the picking. The Void will soon fall. The Blood Rose Empire is crumbling at its roots and we all are aware of this."
Gorvag: "Can the Varkar be trusted?"
Shaderell: "In the matters of this affair they can be. There is something in the Void they want."
Gorvag: "I am sending my oldest son Dunka with the Unseen. The Nether will be my new playground."
As the transmission ends Shaderell turns around and rubs his hands together, dances, and kicks his heels.
Shaderell looks at a being and says "You were worth every penny. Every price I paid. I am in debt to you."
Great Baron Yustaf: "Great to be of service. I come to find out that your plans go better when the enemy thinks it is their plan."
Shaderell: "You plant the seeds of deception and disarray like a master gardener. Tell me, are any more of these seeds going to sprout?"
Great Baron Yustaf: "It is going to be a grand harvest."
Atherak goes to the Nether...
Atherak goes to visit Giyan. He was the father who came across King Baradin. He has become driven by his pain and suffering. He has become an outspoken figure for justice.
Many listen to him including all the ones who have lost loved ones. He will be returning to his home soon. He is confused. He is not sure if what he is doing is right, but there must be justice.
Giyan returns to his home. Atherak is waiting inside. He doesn't notice yet. He looks around and picks up a crystal sculpture. The pain rises inside him. This is something he created with his children. The last thing they made together. He gently places it down as if it were his own child.
Atherak: "Some places where we live. Places we call home can become our tomb."
Giyan notices Atherak...
Atherak: "Do you know who I am?"
Giyan: "I do. I have an incarnation awaiting an IG session."
We found the incarnation of Giyan...
Giyan: "Shall this be my session? Why does it matter now?"
Atherak: "Because your story needs to be heard."
Giyan: "Who will listen?"
Atherak: "Well, me for one. Isn't that what you want? Judgement?"
Giyan: "I don't know anymore."
Atherak: "Well you strive to seek it."
Giyan: "I didn't know it would go this far. I felt let down by my King, but it was I who let my King down."
Atherak: "I see you are a carver."
Giyan: "Yes a great architect as well. Baradin does not remember he was busy with so much here in the Nether, but my colleges and I worked on the power generating crystals that would help connect all the Nether settlements together."
Atherak: "Ah a great task I see. One that you didn't take alone did you? Your children helped. You were teaching them your ancient art.
These crystals that you carve large and small can generate and store power. They are useful. Especially in some of the settlements here in the Nether.
Baradin was having them placed everywhere as a means of teleportation in case any of his settlements came under attack. He could immediately go there himself and see to it that no harm would befall them.
Unfortunately in this case the one that was placed here. The one that you carved yourself with your children, there was no immediate apparent threat so it was not activated until it was too late.
I feel conflict within you. You are feeling responsible for the riots and upheaval that is plaguing your realm now."
Giyan: "I am fully responsible. It was I who spoke out in anger when I felt that my King let me down when he didn't say many words if at all to me when I was in the crowd. He looked right at me.
I showed them all what was left of my children. I just felt that he let me down. Then I spoke afterwards to many. I didn't mean to fuel their anger but I did. They began rioting and burning the Nether capital. They are still there."
Atherak: "Did you take part in any of this?"
Giyan: "My words were damaging enough. I didn't realize it until it was too late. I tried to stop some of them. I tried to explain to them that there has to be another way. They were angry."
Atherak: "Anger can be such a driving force behind things. Fortunately no lives have been lost because of this rioting. Baradin, the good King that he is, has only told his army to subdue the rioters and protesters. There will be no killing. None have died because of it so far because of the good King that you have."
Giyan: "He is a good King."
Atherak: "And now he stands alone. His realm in disarray and ripe for picking."
Giyan: "And I am to blame for that."
Atherak: "No. Do not take this responsibility all on your own. There are others. Your pain and suffering drove you to this. When you lose those you cherish above all the pain and suffering sinks in."
Giyan: "My worst pain is that I didn't even get to say goodbye."
Atherak: "I have transcended them. The pain and suffering of their loss I cannot take from you. Not yet, but I can do one thing. I can let you say your final goodbyes."
Giyan: "But they are transcended into the Great Nether Beyond."
Atherak: "I can take you there only for a few moments, but enough time to say your goodbyes."
Giyan: "As much as I want to, in good conscious I cannot. I am not the only one who lost everything."
Atherak: "Oh Giyan you drive a hard bargain. Fine. All of them will get to say their goodbyes. Including the King."
Atherak takes the loved ones of those died and takes them to the Nether beyond. King Baradin is looking out upon the Nether capital when he begins to feel himself fade away.
Baradin: "Atherak where have you taken me?"
Atherak: "I have taken you and the family of the fallen to the Great Nether Beyond."
They see their family members. There is embracing. Baradin hears a small young boy...
Boy: "Uncle Baradin!"
His favorite Nephew. The boy runs up and embraces Baradin.
Boy: "Are you here now? Have you come to stay?"
Many of the other family members are asking the same.
Baradin: "I would want to stay but I don't think I will be."
Giyan is with his mate and three daughters. They are saying goodbye. They want him to stay. He also wants to, but he knows he cannot. He gives them something. Before he does he looks at Atherak.
Giyan: "May I?"
Atherak nods. Giyan takes out a piece of himself and forms it into a small crystal. He gives it to them...
Giyan: "Whenever you want to see me just look into the crystal."
Then Giyan approaches Baradin...
Giyan: "I am sorry my King. I have let you down."
Baradin: "No." He steps in front of the families and loved ones.
Baradin: "It is I who let all of you down. A mistake I will never make again. I will not blame anyone for this but the perpetrators who caused this.
I also blame myself for not reacting as your King. I have led my kingdom into disarray, which now I hope I can undo the damage that has been done.
I will not break my alliance with Ashontrah. However, in all fair justice if any of those who serve her hurt anyone in the Nether again... and this goes for any beings... attack my kingdom again and I myself will unleash the full force of the Nether upon them even if it destroys me.
I will die for my realm and its people. Until that day comes let us have peace in the Nether."
Atherak: "It is time to go."
Giyan looks at his family one more time and embraces them.
Giyan: "This is not a goodbye, but an I will see you again."
Atherak and the loved ones return to the Nether. Atherak is back in the home with Giyan.
Atherak: "The pain and suffering you will carry with you until it is your time."
Giyan: "But I will also carry with me the knowing that I will be with them again when my time comes. Will I?"
Atherak: "You will."
Giyan sighs: "Now hopefully I can help the King undo the damage that I helped cause. I must convince the others."
Atherak: "Maybe they have already been convinced."
Giyan: "We must talk to the people and settle them. They must trust in their King again. And to not blame Ashontrah and the Blood Rose Empire for the mistakes of a few."
Atherak: "I think you and the King have already convinced them all."
Giyan: "How is that possible?"
Atherak: "Because the whole Nether saw where you all went. Thanks to your little crystals here."
The whole Nether looked up into the sky and watched everything because of the crystals that Giyan had made.
That is why Atherak took a crystal with him there. The riotings have stopped. The people are calming. Many are gathering in front of the Nether palace.
King Baradin opens the gates and walks among his people. As he walks through they place their hands on him. They trust again in their King.
Atherak: "You see Giyan, when we choose to accept responsibility for the actions we cause there is judgement in that."
Giyan: "So judgement does come to us all."
Atherak: "Well I am sitting here in front of you. Do not worry. They are happy where they are."
Giyan picks up the crystal carving he made with his children and looks at it...
Giyan: "I know."
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