Plan to Defeat the Bishberrin

We are planning to defeat the Bishberrin. You should be aware that his next target is Mount Olympus.
Ashontrah: "I want the Bishberrin gone. I do not him destroying this existence that is under my care."
Atherak: "I get to finish what I started with him."
Atherak: "Shadrell, Dehmont, and Ashoweah are what they are... but the Bisberrin is nothing but savagry. I wouldn't even send my Athernites against him."
The Bishberrin can absorb all power. It just feeds his rage and savagery and makes him stronger.
The Bishberrin has a mighty army. Even with the combined forces of the Blood Rose, the Varkar, Dehmont, and the True Order with all their converts are just a fraction of what he has. He empowers his army through his power. That means they can absorb most energy.
Ashontrah: "Cut the head off the snake and then kill the rest of them."
Atherak: "As long as the Bishberrin is around we would be throwing corpses at a stone wall."
In a conversation with Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Atherak shall kill him. This is not fail-proof. It is possible that the Bishberrin will destroy Atherak."
Eura: "How is that possible?"
Ashontrah: "All I know it is is not impossible."
Eura: "From what I can see he is still hunting."
Ashontrah: "You are part of this plan I am making. You will entertain him and have him follow you through the mist. When he goes through I will tap him on the shoulder.
You should seduce Dehmont first. She can get you close to the Bishberrin. He is not easy to get close to.
You seduce Dehmont and convince her to get the Bishberrin in on the fun. Then you can get directly to him without going through his underlings.
I am going to increase your seduction power... I want you to impress Dehmont so much she wants to take you right to the Bishberrin."
1:16pm The Bishberrin entered into this existence already. He is going after the Pleiadians full force...
Dehmont speaks with the Bishberrin that she wants to join in on the hunt. She is looking for a certain Dragonknight who would make a fine slave and a Queen that would make a fine convert.
Bishberrin: "And if they refuse?"
Dehmont: "Then I shall have you show them what savagery is."
Bishberrin has the hots for Dehmont. Big time. Bishberrin laughs and slams his chalice down...
Bishberrin: "This will make a fine hunt and then we will feast upon the bones of our livestock and prey. And you oh beautiful great seductress, we will eff into the night."
She touches him under the jaw with her finger...
Dehmont: "Oh yes my beautiful savage. We shall have such a time. This existence will know our power."
The Bishberrin opens the mist on the Pleiadian world...
Bishberrin: "Go forth my ravagers. Kill, rape, murder, torture these beings. Show them what true savagery is."
He leaps off his throne which was being carried by slaves. He joins in on the hunt.
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Let me come upgrade you then go for it. Dehmont and the Bishberrin are together laughing. I am upgrading you now...
I am going to make sure he is attracted to you. Don't leave yet. Your beast form is more sexy savage. This will impress him. You are perfect. Perfection."
There is a Yaiysan that was near the Pleiadian world. There are two others with him. They see the Bishberrin attack with full force... And the three Yaiysan are dead.
1:34pm The Bishberrin and Dehmont are inside the Pleiadian capital...
The Pleiadian Emperor was killed. The High Priestess is telling her priestesses to call the Dragonknights.
The chamber door is smashed open. Dehmont kills the High Priestess and the Bishberrin kills a few others. The other priestesses bow to Dehmont to become her converts.
The Pleiadian world is in shambles. Those who were not killed were taken as converts or slaves.
The Bishberrin sits on the Pleiadian throne...
The Bishberrin: "A quick nap and then let these Dragonknights come to me. I will mount their heads as trophies."
Dehmont: "Make sure to spare the one Ghantri. Make sure that he brings his Queen with him."
Bishberrin: "You will have your prize and I will have mine."
Dehmont: "All this excitement and the thrill of the hunt has made me tired. I must go now. Let me know when you have my prize."
Bishberrin: "I will have it soon. Now go and rest those pretty little thighs of yours. I will be ravaging them later."
The Bishberrin smacks Dehmont on the ass...
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Go now to Dehmont. Take this it will get you there.... It will take you to the front gates of Dehmont's outpost. Let me know when you have used it. There are two female guards at the front."
Euravasiah goes to Dehmont's outpost...
Female Guard: "What is your business here?"
They are taken by Eura's seductiveness.
Eura gains access. There is Dehmont laying on her lounge chair with her top generals. There is an orgy going on. Many naked males slaves in chains.
As Euravasiah enters the room they all stop and stare at her. Even the slaves lift their eyes to look, this will cost them. One of the generals noticed and killed a slave for it.
Eurvasiah walks forward. She sees Dehmont. She is having a slave suck on her toes. Two others slaves are sucking on her fingers.
Dehmont notices Euravasiah...
Dehmont: "Well what brings you to me? Such a charming delight. One moment..."
She looks down at the slave sucking on her toes. She pulls her foot out of his mouth. She looks at her toes.
Dehmont: "You missed a spot." Then the spider tentacle that comes out of her back goes through his head.
Dehmont: "So hard to find good slaves these days."
She looks at Euravasiah...
Dehmonth: "Men... hahaha... Am I right?"
Euravasiah said something in response. Not sure what she said. This intrigued Dehmont...
Dehmont: "Oh I like her. She has an interesting way of thinking. What brings you here again?"
Eura: "I come an behalf of Ashontrah. I am the Great Seductress of this existence and I come to pay homage to the one known as the Queen of Seduction."
Dehmont: "And she is well informed. Watch out my generals.. one of you may lose your position. And how will you pay homage to me?"
Eura: "By showing you the power of my seduction. But you must forgive me when I say this but I have secrets of seduction and pleasure that are even unknown to a great queen like you."
Dehmont: "Would you be willing to show me these?"
Eura: "I will show you that and more."
Dehmont sits up and claps her hands twice.
Dehmont: "I wish to be alone with this beauty."
The generals kill all the male slaves. The floor is covered in blood. The generals leave the room.
Dehmont: "Now I want to unlock these secrets. These hidden treasures in you."
Dehmont and Euravasiah are kissing. Dehmont stops and puts her finger to Eura's lips.
Dehmont: "If this is only a taste of what you have to show me... Is there more?"
Eura: "Much more." They are making love...
Ashontrah: "Before you leave you need to set up another date. Say 'I wish to do this again very soon.'"
Eura kisses her passionately.
Eura: "I wish to do this again very soon."
Dehmont: "For you, I am willing to do this over and over again."
Eura dances for her and then leaves. Dehmont loved the dance. She had never experienced something like this before.
Ashontrah and Eura...
Ashontrah: "Dehmont wants to see you again later. She has something special in store for you. I am bringing something to you... Meet me at the palace.
Eura: "Yes Love."
Ashontrah: "Take this dagger. It is not to be used on Dehmont or the Bishberrin. You will use it on someone else. You will know who when it is time."
Eura: "Thank you Love."
Ashontrah: "I want to kiss you. You are incredible."
Eura: "Oh Ashontus. Your attention and love is always the best reward I can receive."
Atherak: "Very well played Seductress. We will see how you do in Act Two."
3:03pm Dehmont is dancing around the room. She says to one of the converts...
Dehmont: "Bring me some slaves. Quickly before this euphoria wears off."
Dehmont dances around the room killing the male slaves....
Dehmont: "I feel so intoxicated."
A little white orb floats into the room. She recognizes it from Shaderell...
These True Order beings are like ken dolls. They have nothing in that area. No genitals. Their love between each other as males is not sexual. They do not even have sex with each other.
To mate with a breeder they spew fluid from their skin and the female rolls in it. They don't even touch the females.
Shaderell: "Great Queen of Seduction. Excuse me for bothering you little things and your disgusting rendezvous."
Dehmont: "Shaderell... You dare interrupt me in my moment of euphoria? When I get my spikes into you Shaderell."
Shaderell: "Oh I am sure the day is gong to come. But we will deal with that when the time comes. We got bigger problems."
Dehmont laughs: "What problems do I have? Are you speaking of Ashontrah? Oh, Shaderell... The little boy you are. I do not fear Ashontrah. Why in fact, I admire her.
Tell me Shaderell, is it that she is a female? Does her vagina scare you that bad and make you wet yourself you pathetic boy?
What have you come here to do Shaderell? Turn me against her? You don't think much of us females do you?"
Shaderell: "I don't think anything of you at all actually to tell you the truth."
Dehmont laughs: "That is why you are a little boy. A pathetic scheming little boy."
Shaderell: "Let's see how your great vagina can handle this... Atherak is here."
Dehmont: "What?!"
Shaderell: "Oh yeah, he is here too and he has been helping Ashontrah."
Dehmont: "And you expect me to blame her for that? There you go once again Shaderell. Pitting women against each other.
Once again you are afraid of the feminine power. If I had the chance to seek power from Atherak do you think I would turn it down?"
Shaderell: "Yeah, but unfortunately bitch you cannot seek power from someone who wants you destroyed."
Dehmont: "Yes that is unfortunate. But if what you say is true about Atherak helping Ashontrah then maybe this can play out to my advantage more.
Then I will come deal with you Shaderell and snip off your little... Oh wait... Excuse me... you have none."
Shaderell: "Well when I get done kicking your bitch ass I will find the biggest pair of them in this existence just to shove them down your throat. See you soon." Then he blows her a kiss.
Shaderell disappears...
Dehmont tells her convert: "Bring in more slaves!"
3:23pm Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Dehmont is going to want to see you again now that her euphoria was ruined. Next time you are with her is when you should start speaking about the Bishberrin."
Eura: "Yes M’Lady. Shall I go now?"
Ashontrah: "I will let you know when. You shall go at the perfect moment."
Eura: "Yes Love. I will prepare myself until then."
The Dragonknights...
4:00pm The Dragonknights have come to the Pleiadian home world. They found it devastated. There are pieces of Pleiadians everywhere. There are very few survivors.
Ghantri is on the Pleiadian world. They discovered trophies made of body limbs stuck together.
Valstanarra weeps: "If only Asherah was here."
Ghantri picks her up: "Asherah is gone. Though we both still deeply mourn her we must fend for ourselves as she would have us do. I will hunt these invaders down and drive them out."
Valstarra: "I wish to stay by your side Ghantri."
Ghantri: "I wouldn't have it any other way."
They are being baited by the Bishberrin. He is laughing at them...
Bishberrin: "Now come to me so I may collect this prize for my sexy seductress."
Ashontrah and Atherak...
Ashontrah: "It seems both Ghantri and Valstanarra have left my group without explanation. They seem to have either deleted their accounts or blocked me. They chose to be on their own and thus they shall be."
Atherak: "Very well."
Ashontrah: "If you don't stand by me I won't stand by you. Plain and simple."
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Dehmont is going to test you and have you kill Valstanarra. This is what the dagger is for. It will kill her spiritual without harming her physical.
It is important that you are able to so you can gain the trust of Dhemont and the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin will react if he has even a slightest inclination he is being tricked. This is why we cannot have it be a trick. It must be real."
Eura: "You can leave it to me. He will probably notice my blood lust after I kill her."
Ashontrah: "Oh yes he will, that is what I intend."
5:52pm Dehmont wakes up from her nap...
Dehmont: "I have such a headache."
Convert: "May I bring you food or wine? Or a pleasure slave?"
Dehmont: "Alas, naive little one. There is only one pleasure that can cure my weary mind. Oh if only I could have it again. Wait, I can...
Call for Euravasiah. Send for her our finest of carriages. Sacrifice a thousand slaves when she shows up in her honor. I want the steps of this palace to flow with the blood of sacrifice."
Convert: "It will be done my Queen."
6:12pm The carriage arrives for Euravasiah...
It is a fancy carriage carried by strong male slaves.
Eura gets inside. The carriage takes her to the outpost where Dehmont is waiting.
Eura arrives. There are many generals gathered around. They have these two males beings.
One is really skinny and light blue. He doesn't have any eyes. The other one looks like a big huge wombat-like creature. They are fighting each other.
Dehmont, the generals, and all her officers are sitting in a circle watching them fight.
Dehmont gets word from one of the converts that Euravasiah has arrived.
Dehmont slaps the convert: "And you left her out there waiting?! Bring her in here now!"
Euravasiah gets shown in. She is taken up to a seat next to Dehmont.
Dehmont stands up as Eura gets closer. She puts her arms and tentacles out to touch Eura then she smiles.
Dehmont: "Apologies my dear for keeping you waiting. This convert of mine..."
This convert is a young female humanoid with four eyes. She is groveling on the floor.
Dehmont: "I shall have her lashed until the flesh is torn from her."
Eura puts her hand on the convert and lifts her chin up....
Eura: "One so young. We women of seduction, we must pity these young foolish girls and not punish them too harshly. For they are greater than these pathetic males."
Convert smiles at Eura. Then Eura backhand slaps the convert. The girl falls down. Eura puts her foot on the convert's chest.
Eura: "Don't take my kindness for weakness. Now ask for my forgiveness."
Convert: "Please show me mercy."
Eurvasiah holds her foot up for the convert to kiss it. The convert does. This really impresses Dehmont.
Dehmont: "You never cease to amaze me. Come, sit... Let me amaze you in my way."
Dehmont back flips into the middle where these two male beings are fighting. In a quick motion she kills both of them. She reaches her hands into both their chests and rips out their hearts.
She takes a seductive bite as she looks at Euravasiah. Then she holds the other heart out for Eura.
Eura takes the other heart and takes a bite of it. Dehmont leans in towards Eura and whispers...
Dehmont: "I must have you now."
6:23pm Dehmont and Euravasiah sneak off together.
Euravasiah is playing this really well. She is not bringing up the Bishberrin right away. She wants to make sure she is well pleasured first.
Atherak: "Euravasiah is being very effective at the moment. She is being your deadliest weapon right now."
Dehmont sighs: "With every secret you reveal to me I am more captivated by you."
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "It is a good time to bring up the Bishberrin."
Eura: "Yes M’Lady."
Euravasiah and Dehmont...
Dehmont: "So tell me of some males you find impressive. I am sure there aren't many. Hahaha."
Eura mentions Ares, Tulkas, and a few more...
Eura: "But I hear they don't even compare to this Bishberrin."
Dehmont: "Would you like to meet him?"
Eura: "Would it be worth my time or would he be just another idiot man who believes his cock is the biggest in all existences when it is really..." she does a small signal with her hand.
Dehmont laughs: "Oh you are so my type. I must tell you, you wonderful creature, there are not very many males that I have ever really admired. The Bishberrin however, something about his savagery. Sometimes males have certain qualities that we can use them for to fulfill our desires."
Eura: "Savagery... This intrigues me more."
Dehmont: "Well then I have a surprise for you. The Bishberrin is a hunter you see. Right now he is a trapping mood. Once he has gained his bounty he will be inviting me to see him. I want you to come along as one of the rare treasures of this existence."
The Bishberrin and the Dragonknights...
7:24pm Valstanarra is with Ghantri and the other Dragonknights...
Ghantri: "Stay close my love. I sense whoever is behind this slaughter of the Pleiadians is close."
Something moves swiftly and takes out a Dragonknight. There are only tracers of energy.
Ghantri: "Circle around. Protect the Queen."
They see the four dark blue eyes glowing in the darkness...
DragonKnight: "My Lord, there..."
Ghantri: "Form up."
There is laughter from where the glowing eyes are. They hear a voice...
Bishberrin: "Some guardians of this universe you are. I expected more of a hunt. This will be a slaughter."
When the Bishberrin runs to attack he runs on all fours. His legs and arms just look like dark blue purple energy. It forms into limbs. He breaks through their shield wall.
The Bishberrin snatches of the Dragonknights and goes back into the darkness. They can hear the cries and screams. Bones crunching.
The Dragonknights see a light off in the distance. This is the Bishberrin absorbing the essence, core, spirit, everything of this Dragonknight.
Ghantri: "Form up. Hold tight. Watch each other's backs."
All they can see off in the darkness is tracers of energy moving fast.
Bishberrin: "Enough games. I have tasted you and I wish for more."
He leaps down from above and knocks them all back. He is killing them quickly. His limbs go right through them. As they pierce they suck out the energy, power, and core into the Bishberrin.
There is only Ghantri and Valstanarra remaining...
Ghantri: "What kind of creature are you?"
Bishberrin: "I am the thing nightmares are made of. I am savagery. I am butchery. I feast upon all."
Ghantri attacks and slices the Bishberrin through the center... He forms himself back together.
The Bishberrin's arm wraps around Ghantri's sword like a tentacle and drains all the power out of it and it shatters. He sends his other limb through Ghantri's abdomen. He has more limbs wrap around him. He is draining the energy from Ghantri.
Valstanarra yells: "My love! No!"
She attacks and calls upon the Frostfire.
Valstanarra: "My love call upon the Dragonfire.
Ghantri: "Wait no!"
Bishberrin laughs: "Ha perfect!"
Another tentacle comes out of him and wraps around Valstanarra and is draining her.
Bishberrin: "I would finish feasting on you now but you are gifts for a being of great power. A true Queen."
7:34pm Euravasiah and Dehmont...
Euravasiah is talking about some of the lovers she has had.
Dehmont: "Some of them sound intriguing but you must have been so bored."
Eura: "At times." They both laugh.
The convert from earlier comes up and bows...
Convert: "My Queen. I apologize for interrupting..."
Dehmont: "Yes yes, what is it?"
Convert: "You have a messenger from the Bishberrin."
Dehmont: "Oh delightful. Come my sexy seductress. Time to meet a real man. One you will not get bored with."
As they walk by the convert is groveling on the ground.
7:39pm Eura and Dehmont arrive where the Bishberrin is setting up his camp...
The Bishberrin is sitting a throne of corpses. He has absorbed the cores, energy, power, and spirit from all of them.
There are tentacles that come out of him that are wrapped around Ghantri and Valstanarra. They are in front of him.
The Bishberrin is drinking and celebrating.
Eura and Dehmont approach him...
Bishberrin sits up: "My sexy seductress. Who is this you brought with you?"
Dehmont: "A fine treasure of this existence. A real delight. One who is skilled in the ways I am."
Dehmont puts her finger under the chin of the Bishberrin. He licks her face with his tongue.
Bishberrin: "Interesting. Please... I wish to know more of this beautiful creature. Tell me of yourself. What is your name?"
Eura: "Euravasiah. I see you are throwing a party in my honor. You have decorated so well."
Bishberrin laughs: "A party for you? Is this your kind of party?"
He grabs a conquered being and rips off its head. He takes a bite out of it.
Bishberrin: "Care for some?"
Euravasiah takes the head and uses her finger to get blood and takes a taste. She gives a sour face and tosses the head.
Eura: "Not to my liking."
Bishberrin laughs: "I found this wretched things to be sour anyway."
Dehmont: "You see Bishberrin. I told you. A fine treasure of this existence."
Bishberrin laughs and pushes the bodies to make more room next to him...
Bishberrin: "Come my beauties. Sit and enjoy my triumph. Another successful hunt."
Dehmont and Eura sit with him. He leans back and puts his arms around both of them.
Eura stops his hand and says: "Nothing sneaky now until I say so."
Bishberrin licks his mouth: "Sassy. I like that."
7:47pm The Bishberrin stands up...
Bishberrin: "Bring forth the trophies!"
They have the Dragonknights heads on pikes. They look all withered away and drained.
Bishberrin: "Now for my gift for you."
He pulls Ghantri forth.
Dhemont: "How delightful!"
Bishberrin: "I got its mate too."
Dhemont: "Even more delightful. You spoil me so much."
Bishberrin leans forward. She gets up right away...
Dhemont: "Come Eura I want you to see this..."
As Euravasiah gets up he sticks his nose at her backside. Eura turns around and smacks his nose and puts out her finger...
Eura: "Remember, not until I say so."
Bishberrin leans back laughing....
Dehmont approaches Ghantri....
Dehmont: "You will make a find pleasure servant. And as for you Queen... I give you two choices. Become one of my converts, one of my sisters."
Dehmont places her hand on Valstanarra's shoulder as she walks around....
Dehmont: "And you will be able to remain Queen. Under me of course. I will let you have whatever is left of this little realm and whoever is left when the Bishberrin is done with it. And you can watch me use your King as my plaything."
Valstanarra: "I will never bow to you."
Dehmont: "Not even if I promised you not to harm your brats?"
The guards bring forth Valstanarra's children...
Valstanarra: "No! Leave our children be!"
Dehmont: "I will leave your children be in pieces. The Bishberrin has brought me two fine gifts. I bring two for him."
The Bishberrin is excited on his throne. His mouth starts to drool...
Bishberrin: "I can taste them now."
Valstanarra weeps: "Please... please don't. Do not do anything to them. Spare them and I will convert."
Ghantri: "Do what you must my love for I will always love you."
Dhemont and Bishberrin laugh...
Dhemont: "They really believe their love is going to save them. That it is all powerful. I don't want you for a convert, but I tell you what... I will spare your brats. They will be my slaves. As for you, ahhhh... your time has run out."
Dhemont: "Eura kill her... Do not hesitate sexy seductress."
Euravasiah walks up to her and puts her fingers under Valstanarra's chin and guides her up to her feet.
Eura: "But she is a Queen. Should not a Queen kill a Queen?"
Dhemont: "Today you are my Queen."
Euravasiah stabs her right in the chest with the dagger...
Valstanarra falls to the ground. Ghantri screams.
Valstanarra says to Ghantri: "I will always love you." She reaches out then dies.
Bishberrin: "Perfect!" His tentacle goes into Valstanarra and absorbs all of her.
Dhemont turns to Ghantri: "Weep now... for I do not want to hear it later. You will learn to serve me. You will learn to love licking my feet."
Bishberrin: "As for these brats..."
Dhemont: "I have many slaves. Children... child slaves are such a hassle. So much attention and so little work. They die too easy. Eura you can have them. They are yours now."
Bishberrin laughs. He licks the son.
Bishberrin: "Just a little taste."
Bishberrin: "Now come my beauties. Sit... This existence is ripe for the taking. I will ravage across it. My spies tell me of a place.
I sense that you may know of this if you are so great in this existence. A true treasure as Dhemont says. Tell me of this... Mount Olympus... Tell me of these mighty Olympians. Indulge my appetite."
Euravasiah tells him of the Olympians...
Bishberrin: "Good. That is enough. I have heard enough. My hunger grows. I must rest. But... I want both of you to join me soon. I want to hunt on the mountain. My carriage shall return you both.
Bishberrin: "Euravasiah wait..." He grabs her arm. "Tomorrow on the hunt I want you by my side. If you would indulge me."
Eura turns to him and kisses him on his snout...
Eura: "I will be there."
Bishberrin: "Good. Tomorrow Mount Olympus will rain with the blood of the Olympians."
Dhemont and Euravasiah...
Dhemont: "Just a kiss before you go."
Then she rubs her hand through Eura's hair with one hand and her tentacle does the same on the other side.
Dhemont: "Rest my beautiful seductress. I look forward to our hunt soon."
Eura: "I look forward to it as well."
They both kiss... Dhemont backs away and bows...
Dhemont: "Until then beautiful seductress."
Eura: "Until then." Then blows her a kiss.
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "I am coming to get the dagger from you. You are wonderful."
Eura: "Thank you M’Lady. May I have your kisses?"
Ashontrah: "Of course. You deserve it."
8:08pm Ashontrah gives the dagger to Atherak...
Atherak holds the dagger into the coils of the Athranaak... A single drop of blood falls into his right hand.
Atherak: "How unfortunate. Yet your grieving and mourning for Asherah is why you are here. Your core shall not die."
The drops of Valstanarra's blood becomes a blue orb spinning with frostfire. An Athranaak closes around it. It starts to change shape. Frozen inside this frostfire is Valstanarra. She will sleep for now.
Euravasiah using this dagger on Valstanarra was the only way to save her from the Bishberrin completely destroying her core along with her essence and everything else.
Atherak: "Euravasiah did very well. I am impressed."
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "You are going to do so well with the Bishberrin on that hunt."
Eura: "It is all because of your forging of me M’Lady. I am so happy to please you as your weapon. It shall be the Final Act. I will make you proud."
Ashontrah: "Oh yes, this is where the Bishberrin gets defeated. We won't let Olympus fall."
Eura: "What shall I do with the children?"
Ashontrah: "Nebula Mother will care for them for now."
Eura: "Yes M’Lady."
Dehmont and the Bishberrin...
True Self Connection...
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