Part Two: Vlackheim Virus in the Athranaak

When Ashontrah adjusted Euravasiah's power level after she was with the male #001 a virus implanted deep within her.
Later on when Ashontrah was connected with the Athranaak this virus went from her and infected into the Athranaak core itself. The Athranaak immediately reacted to it.
Atherak: "There are no realms which would know how to break into an Athranaak."
Xarsha: "None and except one... Vlackheim."
Vlackheim a realm ruled by Vampire-like Lords and Ladies. It has been cut-off for a long time.
That is how the Vamyr get into the borderlands and Midgard. All-Father says he never made Vlackheim. Something else made it.
All the ancient Vampire lore originates from Vlackheim.
The Raven Crone Mother has information about it but she is dormant in suspended animation and should not be awoken.
There is a female on the ig list who is a raven shifter who is a priestess in the grove of the Raven Crone Mother. There are only a few dozen raven shifters. They are very rare.
There is another male on the ig list. He has an incarnation here. He figured out how to make one because he stole magic from the Vampire Lords and Ladies.
Xarsha: "Tell Tenomachi and Shaddaka to go to the Forgotten Swamp in Volheim. That is where this guy is going to show up." *Message sent*
Shaddaka gets the message and rushes to Tenomachi.
Tenomachi: "The Forgotten Swamp is huge. I could send my whole army there and it would take forever."
Shaddaka knows someone who knows the swamp well. A female panther shifter named Hakua. She is also on the ig list.
Tenomachi: "Send for her."
Atherak goes to Vlackheim...
When Atherak appeared there was a little girl. She looks human with pale white skin, black hair, and black eyes. She ran away frightened.
Atherak continued to walk and explore Vlackheim. He heard distant knocking. He went to closer to it. There was male humanoid. Same pale white skin, black eyes, except he had red-grey beard. When he saw Atherak he dropped to the ground and pleaded.
Man: "I cut the wood. Please do not take my children. Tell the Lord I work hard. Please do not take my children. They are not ready. Please. I will get the wood for the great fires."
He grovels at Atherak's feet begging. Atherak thought this was curious. If he saw two then there must be a civilization nearby.
Atherak finds a road. Off in the distance he sees a huge black fortress. There is a town beneath it. He goes to the town...
There is a line of humanoid beings. Some hold very young infants. The line is mostly of children and the elderly. The fortress is way up, but there is a black cathedral. The line leads into this cathedral.
There are these guards that look like huge demons in a way. Red skin, protruding teeth, big yellow eyes, large pointy ears and horns. They have no wings.
As Atherak enters the town the crowd moves out of the way. They seem very frightened. One of the guards took notice of the crowd. He spoke a strange language.
Then the guard saw Atherak and he kneeled all the way down and would not give him eye contact. He closed his eyes and would not look. The other guards did the same.
Atherak follows the line up to the steps of the black cathedral. They are separating the elderly from the children. They are placing them into cart cages which are pulled by demonic-looking horses. These horses are black with red eyes and two bull horns.
There is a being sitting in the throne of the cathedral. He is bald. He has pale skin but it is more off-white. His eyes are a deep grey-ish blue which almost seem like zombie eyes. He has very long ears. He is about 7 feet tall and has wings.
As Atherak walks toward him he gets up off the throne. He approaches Atherak and kneels. Atherak found this very curious. He spoke a strange language.
Atherak: "You know of me. Interesting."
A coil comes out of Atherak's hand and goes into the Lord's head. This startled all the humanoid beings in the room. The Lord tensed up.
Atherak found that this is just a regional Lord. He gathered all the information of Vlackheim. This realm was sealed off way before the Urthak War.
This is where Vampyr originally came from. They are a 5x sub-species of who originally created them.
Then in a vision Atherak sees these robed and shrouded beings. They are gathering around a carving that looks like an Athranaak.
They bring forth other beings that look like the regional Lords. They are male and female. They approach the carving and slit their throats and fall down.
There is no transition of death here. When you die you just become dead. There are spirits everywhere. They don't transcend. This carving starts glowing.
The eyes of the shrouded beings start glowing brightly. They they start to feast on the dead ones.
Atherak gets closer to the carving. He sees that in this land of Vlackheim there is an Athranaak. An old one that he forgot about. He got the location from the being he is reading.
Atherak withdraws his coil. This regional Lord falls down unconscious. This shocks all the humanoid beings. They run to try and aid him.
The guards killed the ones trying to aid the Lord and then dragged their bodies off.
Atherak goes to the place where the Athranaak is. It is no longer floating. It is on its side. Decrepit and falling apart. It is more like ruins.
Atherak goes inside it. It is inactive, at least most of it is. The coil core is still somewhat intact. Coils come from Atherak into the coil core.
Atherak: "So you made this place. I remember now. It was the Bishberrin long ago during the first judgement. He tried to invade an Athranaak and get inside. He did with a few of his kind but the Athranaak reacted and ejected itself from the borderlands.
The Bishberrin escaped before it did. Inside it killed all the others except for one of his kind. The coils kept him in a state of suspended animation.
I don't know how long it traveled through the existences. It was like an asteroid floating through space. It could pass from one existence to another through the veil mist because it was an Athranaak.
There were other beings that came across this. They tried to explore it. Some actually got inside, but the coils got inside them and kept them in the same suspended state.
As it traveled through existences it began to slowly fall apart. Then it made it here to this existence. It has been jumping through rifts.
It collided with some kind of celestial body and crashed here. The coils went into this celestial body and began to expand it. It was trying to create something. It created a realm. Not a very big realm, but a small one.
It took what it could from these suspended beings to create this realm. They were drained and shriveled up.
The most powerful was the one of the Bishberrin's kind. It created more of them. These must be the shrouded beings around the carving that rule this existence.
This Athranaak created a realm based on death. It was trying to send out a distress signal in a way to be connected back with the borderlands. It was creating a realm to connect to it.
But there wasn't enough energy in it left to pull it back to the borderlands. It was only able to open a small rift that could only open every so often. Like a beep sending out short message.
It is going to happen again very soon. This is when that being is going to go to Volheim. He wants to escape from here. The last thing I did with the core is set the rift to Volheim.
Apparently these beings which rule this land have gone through the rift whenever it sent out a beacon. That is how they created all the Vampyr and Vampires.
This is why there is no way to travel to Vlackheim. Every now and then you can get out, but you cannot get in."
Atherak: "Apparently this male #001 being Eura ran across is from Vlackheim. That is how he knew how to access the Athranaak. Apparently the beings ruling this realm have been studying it a very long time. Tapping into what energy it has left."
A group of five panther shifters are running to the castle. Shaddika is waiting at the gates along with Tenomachi.
Shaddika shouts: "Hakua!"
Hakua: "Shaddika. Long have I missed you from the hunt."
Shaddika: "Watching you run, I doubt I could keep up in the hunt."
Hakua taps Shaddika's belly: "By the looks of you I can see the reason why I have missed you."
They both laugh. Tenomachi steps forward. She bows.
Hakua: "Great King Tenomachi I have received your message and made haste here."
Tenomachi signals for her to rise up: "Thank you for coming. I am in need of your assistance."
Hakua: "Any assistance I can be to the crown of Volheim I am more than willing to provide."
Tenomachi: "How well do you know the Forgotten Swamp?"
Hakua: "I was raised there. I know it like the back of my hand. Every tree, every flower, every whisper on the wind, every smell. I know this place better than any other."
Tenomachi: "I will need you. We must travel there. It is of great urgency."
Shaddaka: "What will we be looking for?"
Tenomachi: "More like who we will be looking for."
Vilanea: "From the message that we received this being will be arriving from a realm known as Vlackheim."
Hakua: "I have never heard of Vlackheim."
Vilanea: "Not many have."
Shaddaka: "How do we know this being won't be a danger?"
Tenomachi: "We don't. Nevertheless we must find him."
Shaddaka: "So I guess we will know him when we see him."
Hakua: "We should set out at once for it is a 2 day journey from here."
Atherak: "That is not going to happen."
It becomes dark where they are at. They see a rift open in the distance. The see Dolloiandea come through...
Shaddaka: "The Messenger of Atherak."
Tenomachi: "Let's hope it is a good message."
Dolloiandea: "My Master has sent me here to oversee this. This being holds great knowledge of Vlackheim which is important to my Master."
Tenomachi: "Then join us on our journey."
Shaddaka: "I can carry you."
Dolloiandea: "There is no need."
She spins black fire in her hand and a ring of it surrounds them. They all vanish and reappear at the edge of the Forgotten Swamp.
Hakua: "Well that saved us quite a long journey and an exhausting run for you Shaddaka."
Shaddaka laughs: "You don't hear me complaining."
Hakua touches the ground and sniffs the air...
Tenomachi: "What is it Hakua?"
Hakua: "Nothing out of the normal that I can tell. Let's head further in and see what the swamp tells me."
They go further into the Forgotten Swamp. Every so often she stops and does the same thing... touches the ground, listens, and smells the air.
She does it again except this time her ears perk up. She signals for everyone to be silent. They all stop and listen.
Hakua takes off in a sprint: "This way! Hurry!"
They all run after her through the swamp while Dolloiandea walks. Hakua is faster than the others...
Hakua: "Try to keep up my King. If you stop too long here you will sink into the swamp."
Shaddaka is breathing heavily: "Good to know."
Vilanea notices something: "Look. Over there!"
A rift start to open. A being falls through then the rift closes.
Tenomachi: "There."
They come upon this being. He is unconscious. He looks humanoid with off-white pales skin. He is wearing a shredded long black coat. He is also wearing black pants and boots.
Tenomachi: "See if you can help him my love."
Vilanea: "I will do my best."
She tries to heal this being but then something goes wrong. She gets faint. Tenomachi pulls her back.
Tenomachi: "Are you alright?"
Vilanea: "I don't know. I couldn't heal him. Something..."
Tenomachi: "Something what?"
Vilanea: "It was if he had a core but he didn't."
Shaddaka: "How could one have and not have a core?"
Dolloiandea walks up: "There are others here in Volheim who could answer that question."
Hakua: "Do you speak of the Crone Mother?"
Dolloiandea nods in acknowledgement.
Tenomachi: "But she is in an eternal slumber. There is no way of waking her."
Dolloiandea: "But there is one who can speak to her in this eternal slumber. Her granddaughter. We must go to her."
Tenomachi: "Why is this being so important?"
Dolloiandea: "He will have knowledge of a being who tried to invade my Master's Athernaak."
Tenomachi: "Then we must go to her and ask her to speak to the Crone Mother about this being."
Hakua: "I guess we are in for another long run. Unless..." Then she looks at Dolloiandea.
Dolloiandea sighs and rolls her eyes. She uses the black fire. They vanish and reappear at the sacred grove where the Crone Mother sleeps.
Shaddaka: "We got to keep you around. I am beginning to like you." He leans into her.
Dolloiandea: "Fluffy, I am too hot for you to handle." His nose gets singed.
They walk through the sacred grove. They see the Crone Mother resting. She is on a white marble altar. There are these other raven shifters around her. They are burning an incense over her.
The Crone Mother and her granddaughter are the only two white raven shifters. The rest of them are black.
The granddaughter is standing in the middle of the circle. She has her eyes closed, her arms crossed, and she is singing.
Vilanea: "Sister Plataea..."
The white raver shifter stops singing and opens her eyes.
Plataea: "Sister Vilanea, it has been a long time since I have seen you here in the grove. My heart is overjoyed."
Vilanea: "As is mine to see you again old friend. I come here with urgency. I need you to speak to your grandmother."
The other raven shifters are still chanting and burning incense.
Plataea: "What is the urgency?"
Tenomachi: "It is this being."
Shaddaka walks up with the being from Vlackheim. Plataea's eyes widen. She is getting a sense of him.
Plataea: "You are right. I must speak to grandmother."
She goes to where her grandmother is and places her hands on her grandmother's head.
Plataea: "Grandmother, hear me grandmother. I must speak with you."
She is standing there listening. She is making facial expressions in response to what is being told to her.
Plataea starts to shake. This is getting very intense for her. The other ravens who are chanting are noticing.
She lets go of her grandmother and drops to her knees. Vilanea and Tenomachi come over and help her.
Tenomachi: "What did she tell you?"
Plataea: "This being you have brought here comes from a place where there is no balance between life and death. This being's kind was created by one who came to Volheim long ago. There is an old legend of a bear shifter witch doctor named Duhawk."
Shaddaka: "I remember this tale from when I was a cub. The mad witch doctor."
Hakua: "I am not familiar with this tale."
Tenomachi and Vilanea shake their heads. They don't know it either.
Plataea: "It is probably known more to Shaddaka and his kind than others of Volheim. Where he comes from there is a legend of a great witch doctor Duhawk who lived alone in the wilderness.
Many bear volwynn would come to him seeking aid and potions to help with anything that he could provide. He was a kind and powerful witch doctor.
It was said until one day he was wandering and he came across an unfamiliar object."
This was one of Atherak's puzzles...
Plataea: "He became intrigued with this object trying to figure out its origins. The more and more he studied it the more it drove him mad. He said it possessed secrets. Gateways that needed to be unlocked.
As legend goes, he found a way to unlock one of these gateways. It was said that a being came through. This being was very weak and it told Duhawk that if he revived him that he would give him great power.
Duhawk asked how he may help. This being told him to bring him something to eat. Duhawk brought him meat from the hunt the night before.
The being smacked it away... 'Bring it to me live! It must be alive!'
Duhawk goes out and captures a small creature and brings it back to the being. This being grabs it and sinks his long fangs into it. This being was cloaked and it was hard to see his face. He had long fingers with sharp long fingernails. His skin was dark blue.
As the being was devouring this creature the food was decaying away. 'Now the power I promised you...'
The being takes his nail and scratches Duhawk's leg and makes it bleed. Duhawk can feel this energy and power flowing through him.
Being says 'Keep bringing me life so I may be fully restored and I will grant you more power than you thought possible.'
As time passed the being becomes more and more greedy. He demands larger animals. Until one day he demands that animals are not sufficient enough.
Duhawk asks 'What can I bring you?'
Being says 'Bring me one of your kind. A small one.'
Duhawk says 'But if I do this the clans will surely come after me.'
Being says 'They will not come after you. They will fear me.'
Duhawk went and lured a bear shifter cub back. This being killed it. Then in return he scratches Duhawk again to give him more power.
This was like a drug to Duhawk. By then word had gotten around. There was talk about how this witch doctor was taking live prey. They were talking about how elusive and reclusive he had become.
As Duhawk slept one night, this being went out and preyed upon a small settlement of bear volwynn and killed many of them.
The bear shifters blamed Duhawk for conjuring and unleashing an entity which was eating their kind. They burned Duhawk's home with him inside. No one ever heard of or saw this being again."
Tenomachi: "So that means this being is somewhere in this existence."
Hakua: "That being could even still be in here in Volheim."
Vilanea: "We must inform Queen Ashontrah that there is a dangerous being."
Plataea: "I believe she already knows."
Tenomachi: "Then this being we found in the swamp may be able to tell us more of it. We must find a way to wake him."
Vilanea: "I won't try again."
Dolloiandea: "No one will try."
Epimetheus walks up behind her.
Dolloiandea: "We will be taking this being now."
Tenomachi: "I understand."
Plataea: "Before you take him, please, if you find out there is any threat to Volheim you will inform us."
Dolloiandea: "Come Epimetheus. We shall take this one to the Master."
This part and the next part includes ig sessions for...
Anusmita as the raven shifter Plataea
Nita as the panther shifter Hakua
Kwstas as the Vlackheim escapee (the one they picked up in the swamp of Volheim)
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...