The Great Hunt of Mount Olympus

The Bishberrin and Dehmont with their armies came to take over Mount Olympus. This is what happened...
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "You may want to see Dehmont before the hunt. She is really hooked on you like a euphoria drug. We do not want that to wear off. You have her so distracted she is not focused on getting a vessel."
Eura: "Then I will do just that. When shall I go?"
9:08am Ashontrah: "I will let you know. If you are at work I will coordinate it with your spiritual directly."
Ashontrah: "I plan to be at Mount Olympus when the Bishberrin goes there."
Eura: "What about Atherak?"
Ashontrah: "Atherak is the one who is going to fight the Bishberrin. I am there to make sure failure is not an option."
Eura: "I understand."
Ashontrah: "Go visit Dehmont at 10am. Get her drunk on pleasure."
Euravasiah is with Dehmont...
Dehmont: "Ah my beautiful seductress. Come join me."
Euravasiah joins Dehmont by her side. She sees a map of Mount Olympus.
Dehmont: "The Bishberrin's armies will attack the south side. Where we will begin our hunt on the main bridge. I will go to this place of oracles and convert them or kill them. Will you come with me on this Euravasiah?"
Eura: "Yes. I will gladly join you on this."
Dehmont: "Ah ha, perfect then. You shall be at my side today."
Dehmont creates an orb to speak to the Bishberrin. He is ravaging another world in this existence.
Bishberrin: "You are troubling me during my hunt. This better be important."
Dehmont: "I have gone over the battle plans for Mount Olympus."
Bishberrin: "It is not going to be a battle. It is going to be a slaughter. These beings of this existence are weak. I have yet to feast on true power."
Dehmont: "Do not underestimate these Olympians. For they are the gods of this existence."
Bishberrin: "Good. It has been a while since I feasted on divine flesh. Ah I see you have the treasure of this existence with you. Send her to me later. I wish to enjoy the same secrets that she shows you."
Eura: "I will show you secrets of seduction and pleasure unlike you ever experienced."
Bishberrin: "This intrigues me. I look forward to experiencing this after I finish here." They end their communication.
General: "My Queen the Olympians have had word of the attack. They are preparing defenses."
Dehmont: "This makes no difference. Their females shall convert to me and their males shall be slaves or die."
General: "They may have already called on allies."
Dehmont: "Good let them bring them all. They cannot withstand the armies of the Bishberrin or my own.
Come Euravasiah... tell me more of these Olympians in my private chambers."
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
10:45am Ashontrah: "From my time estimations the Mount Olympus hunt will start around 4pm."
3:27pm At Mount Olympus...The Titans are waiting for the siege to start. Zeus and Ares have been overseeing all this and making the preparations.
From the intel they have been gathering they hope to hold out long enough for someone to come rescue them.
3:28pm The Bishberring wakes up from his slumber after slaughtering on another planet. He is preparing himself for his next hunt. His other commanders are waiting for him.
Commander: "The assault on Mount Olympus will not be easy. We will lose many to scale the mountain."
Bishberrin: "Have our spies and scouts found any other way into this Mount?"
Commander: "None at all."
Bishberrin: "Keep searching. I will feast upon this King of the Olympians in front of all his subjects. Inform Dehmont as to do the same. I do not want to waste much time here. I have heard of other realms where the hunting would be more pleasant."
Commander: "What realms are these my great King?"
Bishberrin: "I hear of realms of giants and powerful magic folk. Also ones of beasts. I want to make this hunt as quick as possible. Find another way in. There is one."
Ashontrah and Atherak...
Ashontrah: "Eura is with Dehmont. I will send a fly to her in the spiritual with a message."
Euravasiah and Dehmont...
Dehmont has picked out sexy hunting armor for Eura to wear.
Dehmont: "You look good enough to eat. This will be a fine hunt with the Bishberrin. I hope these Olympians were not friends of yours."
Eura: "Some were, but I have a new friend now."
Dehmont laughs: "You flatter me."
General: "My Queen, a message coming in."
Dehmont: "Who is it from?"
General: "The Bishberrin my Queen."
Dehmont: "Yes, let me see it... Oh this fool is going to ruin this hunt already! I was hoping for a day of conquering, enslaving, and making these beings... these proud men of Olympus beg me for mercy.
I would have them licking my heels. But he wants to finish this quickly. Hmmm, tell me General. Have our scouts found any other way into Olympus except for scaling the Mountain itself?"
General: "They have not my Queen."
A fly buzzes around and keeps landing near Eura's right ear. Euravasiah hears whispers 'Step away for a moment.'
Eura: "My dear if you would excuse me for a moment. I must make adjustments."
Dehmont: "Yes yes."
Euravasiah slips a bit away and turns her back to adjust her waist belt.
Fly whispers with Ashontrah's voice: "Inform Dehmont that you know a way in... a secret passage that leads to the great chamber inside Mount Olympus."
The fly buzzes away...
Eura: "You know that I have spent time with the men of Mount Olympus. I have laid there and they have told me the deepest secrets of the mountain.
I know a way in, but it is guarded by magic. To sneak a whole army into it would be impossible. The mountain would close up on the army itself. Maybe one or two could get into it."
Dehmont: "Ah I see what you have planned. Men and their dirty little secrets is our gain."
Dehmont turns to one of the converts...
Dehmont: "Quickly. Call upon the Bishberrin."
She brings up an orb to call him...
Bishberrin: "What is it my beautiful seductress?"
Eura: "I know a way into Mount Olympus.
Bishberrin: "Ahhh I knew there was one."
Eura: "The only trouble with it great King, to sneak an army inside would not go unnoticed."
Bishberrin: "I need no army. I just need to get close to that King of Olympus. I do not feel like wasting many of my warriors for one arrogant King. Can you lead me through this passage?"
Eura: "I can and more, but I must ask something of you."
Bishberrin: "Anything."
Eura: "I want to kill Zeus. Then I want to make love to you and show you the secrets of seduction upon his bloody throne."
Bishberrin laughs: "You will have what you want and I will have what I want. Send her to me Dehmont. I will go and she will kill this Zeus. When they see their King dead they will no longer wish to fight. Then we will devour them all."
Dehmont: "A perfect plan. An armed escort shall take her to the Bishberrin."
Dehmont: "Before you go Euravasiah if you were to fall in battle I feel my heart would break. I want to share and rule this existence with you as my Queen. I love you Euravasiah."
Eura: "And I look forward to a future with you. My love for you is undying."
At Mount Olympus...
3:47pm Ares: "There is a large force approaching."
Zeus: "Then the time has come." He raises a lighting bolt in his hand. "Give the command Ares."
Ares draws his sword: "If we fall here today as Titans and Olympians we are as one."
Apollo: "Wait hold! I see the banner. It is the banner of the Blood Rose!"
The Titans cheer. All of the Blood Rose Vanguard has arrived.
Lyindrinar speaks to Zeus and Ares...
Lyindrinar: "Queen Blood Rose Ashontrah has called upon her Vanguard to stand beside the Olympians here on Mount Olympus."
Ares: "Where is Queen Blood Rose Ashontrah?"
Lyindrinar: "She will be here shortly. Don't worry. She will be with you. She will be with all of us."
3:51pm Ashontrah waits and hides in the secret passage that Eura is going to lead the Bishberrin through...
Atherak: "I have been waiting a long time for this one."
Euravasiah and the Bishberrin...
Bishberrin: "You have arrived."
Eura: "Yes and I bring the secrets of Olympus."
Euravasiah holds out a little shield with an emblem on it.
Bishberrin: "What is this?"
Eura: "Something I snagged from one of my nights with Zeus. Well I didn't actually even have to steal it. He gave it to me. It leads to a passage under Mount Olympus where we would have our rendezvous together away from his jealous wife Hera."
Bishberrin laughs: "Very well."
4:04pm The Bishberrin stands before his army...
Bishberrin: "Now my children. Tonight we feast upon divine essence."
The Bishberrin's limbs start to glow. All his army starts to glow. He raises his arms and drops them. His whole army vanishes and re-appear on the cliffs of Mount Olympus.
Dehmont casts an orb in her hand and holds it up high. Light pours around her and her army. They disappear and re-appear at the great bridge of Olympus.
Dehmont: "What is this? My scouts did not report another army here. Very well they shall be converted or die. Kill them..."
Dehmont's army advances toward the Blood Rose Vanguard.
Ares looks down the side and notices these creatures climbing up the sides of the mountain. They look similar to the Bishberrin.
Ares has his Myrmidon send down a volley of arrows. The other gods start to hurl down projectiles at them. As they strike them and they fall more climb up. It seems never-ending.
Bishberrin: "Now Euravasiah you sexy treasure. Take me to this Zeus. And you and I shall fuck upon his dead corpse!"
The Bishberrin's eyes change color. He is energizing himself with rage.
Atherak says to himself: "Charge yourself up you deformed rat. I have something for you."
4:10pm Euravasiah speaks an incantation over the small sheild emblem in her hand. A portal opens up. It is filled with pink mist.
Bishberrin laughs: "King of the Olympians. I can almost taste you."
They both go into the mist...
Bishberrin: "Ah I cannot see anything in here!"
Eura: "This way. Just follow my voice."
Bishberrin: "Where are you?"
Eura: "This way. Keep walking."
Ashontrah sneaks up behind him in the darkness and touches him on the back of the shoulder. This sends him to the borderlands.
Bishberrin: "What games do you play?! I grow impatient with you! Lead me to this Zeus or I will devour you!"
The mist changes colors to a dark grey and then starts to fade...
Bishberrin: "You are beginning to annoy me you wretched little wench. Where are you?"
Atherak appears...
Atherak: "You looking for a date Bishberrin? I have a date for you."
Bishberrin: "Atherak! I want my limbs back!"
Atherak: "You mean these fucking things?"
The Athranaak coils shred the limbs. The Bishberrin screams.
Bishberrin: "I will devour you!"
Atherak: "Let's see you try."
They are fighting each other. The Athranaak coils are hitting the Bishberrin while the Bishberrin's limbs are hitting Atherak.
The Bishberrin rips off Atherak's left arm...
Bishberrin: "A limb for a limb."
Atherak: "I guess that is one out of four isn't it?"
Atherak casts a coil from his hand and pierces it through the Bishberrin. This breaks his bone snout.
The Bishberrin pierces Atherak with his energy coils and slips behind him.
Bishberrin: "Now it is time to feast..."
The Bishberrin bites off Atherak's head.
Bishberrin: "Now I will swallow your entire being Atherak and absorb your power."
Atherak: "I got something for you to swallow."
A bunch of spikes go from Atherak's head through the Bishberrin's head. He is trying to remove them while Atherak crawls down inside his throat down into his stomach.
Atherak: "This must be the core then."
It is a greyish core filled with billions of souls.
Bishberrin: "Get out of me Atherak! Get out of me!"
Atherak: "You had a taste of me. Now I want a taste of you."
4:18pm Atherak starts to eat the core of the Bishberrin.
The Bishberrin drops to his knees. He turns grey and decays away.
Xarsha: "Very well done Master."
Atherak: "Take me back to the Athranaak. I have a headache."
Xarsha: "Yes Master. You will have a new body made for you like always."
4:20pm Ashontrah appears in front of Dehmont as she crosses the bridge...
Dehmont: "Who are you?"
Ashontrah: "I am Ashontrah."
Dehmont: "Ah the one I have been waiting to meet. Tell me is this your army."
Ashontrah: "Yes it is mine. Do you not see the Blood Rose banner?"
Dehmont: "I see it standing in the way of my hunt."
Ashontrah: "You come into my territory into my Blood Rose Empire. You try to enslave my males and convert my females.
They wear the mark of my Blood Rose symbol. They are mine. This existence belongs to Ashontrah. You come here to steal from me Dehmont?"
Dehmont: "Oh no dear sister. You have me wrong. I would not take what is yours. From one woman to another that is not my way. You are a Queen. A Queen does not steal from a Queen.
I have a better proposal. Let me stand by your side. You are Queen of this existence, but your males... come we both know. They are weak. Without you where would they be? Hahaha.
I know certainly that is why I have mine the way they are. They would be nothing without me. What do you say? You and I? The little seductress? Like a triad of sisterhood ruling over this existence and others.
I can help you deal with Ashoweah and Shaderell. I will spread your name throughout the other existences. Your blood rose vanguard and my armies. Think of it.
Do not send this grand army that you have acquired. Do not waste their lives. I will let you keep their men. Come now, embrace me."
Dehmont places her hands on Ashontrah's face.
Dehmont: "Embrace me as a sister... Kiss me as a Queen."
Ashontrah stabs Dehmont through the breastbone with a rose thorn dagger.
Blood spurts from Dehmont's mouth and lands on Ashontrah's forehead and drips down. Ashontrah does not flinch. Dehmont starts to crystallize.
Ashontrah: "Euravasiah is my seductress. Not yours."
Dehmont turns to glass. Ashontrah pulls the dagger back out and Dehmont shatters.
The generals and commanders of Dehmont feel energy leave them.
Ashontrah raises the dagger in the air.
Ashontrah: "Converts and slaves of Dehmont... You now have the choice to serve the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah and join my Blood Rose Empire. Do you choose the mark of the Blood Rose? Kneel and be empowered."
Convert: "Before we kneel to you there is something we must do."
The convert turns around and cuts the head off one of the generals. The male slaves join in.
When Ashontrah lowers her dagger and points it the Blood Rose Vanguard attacks the generals, commanders, and all the others like Dehmont.
What is left of the Bishberrin's army stop and feel something leave them. Something starts cutting through them fast. This is Moidaybe. The army starts to fall and wither away. Others are being burned up by Dolloiandea.
A large black figure forms in the sky behind the army crawling up the mountain. Coils come from him and snatch all the warriors and impale them. This is Danaark.
The other warriors try to flee back down the mountain. They are met by Movia and Fenrir. They get devoured.
Ares is cheering up on the mountain. He jumps down and starts helping to take them out.
4:32pm The Bishberrin's army is dead. All the ones like Dehmont are dead. Without their masters they didn't stand a chance.
The converts and slaves of Dehmont are shouting cries of victory... They see Ashontrah. They turn and kneel.
Ashontrah raises her hand: "Do you take the mark of the Blood Rose? Do you choose to join Ashontrah?"
Convert: "You have set us free and have given us freedom. I will join you!"
All the others start to say: "And I will!"
They all receive the branding of the Blood Rose upon their chests.
The crowd parts. Euravasiah runs up and hugs Ashontrah.
Eura: "A perfect plan."
Ashontrah: "And a perfect weapon."
Zeus and Ares walk up...
Zeus: "Thank you Queen Ashontrah. I knew you would come."
Ares: "As did I. You are truly a great Queen."
They bow to Ashontrah and she acknowledges their bow.
Ashontrah: "A great Queen does not leave those she rules to be subjugated by invaders. This shall never be as long as I am Queen of this existence. If they do come they will fall before the Blood Rose banner."
The crowd kneels to the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah...
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "And there we go Euravasiah. Our work is done for today. We took down the Bishberrin and Dehmont together."
Eura: "The last thing you said to Dhemont... Oh my love I cannot wait to embrace you and ravish you."
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Dehmont and the Bishberrin (Nov 3rd)...
Plan to Defeat the Bishberrin (Nov 4th)...
Refugees from other Existences (Nov 5th)...