Part Six: Purifying the Void

The Void Army was crushed and King Varidon was captured by the Dark Collective.
They remade the Purifiers. Ashontrah had told the Light King Hue that the Light and the Void needed to fight them together. Void was on its own.
Varidon was winning and had the Dark Collective on the run. Then half of them turned into Purifiers.
Using their light against the Void and darkness. Varidon's army was destroyed. All except for him and a few that escaped. His niece barely made it out. His army was 2 or 3 million. All those lives lost and cannot be restored.
King Varidon will be too weak when we get him back. Mevinah and Moidaybe went to rescue him.
Dolloiandea: "Varidon is being kept in a very secure place."
Atherak: "Dolloiandea. Assist Moidaybe and Mevinah and burn this place where they are to ashes."
Dolloiandea: "Yes Master."
Atherak: "Continue your work on the machine Rovitomial. This work is of the utmost importance as we both understand."
Rovitomial: "I will work until I cannot work anymore. Then I will still work."
Darren: I explicitly sent troops to fight with Varidon against the Dark Collective, as per the "Light and Void needed to fight them together". This was an unplanned development.
Using the Weapon that Hue took from the... old Purifiers, and her own, Hue will go to fight them herself.
Ashontrah: Yes but as I told you Darren the keys were needed. You had the key when you fought the Purifiers the first time. Now you have both keys and Varidon had none.
My exact words when I gave the instructions for the Purifiers... 'We want them to absorb as much light as possible. Then Hue will know when to use the key.'
Darren: Except that was for the Purifiers. I wasn't aware I needed to use the Key on the Dark Collective as well. I was under the impression that when I fought the Purifiers, I was fighting their main force. Especially since it was their head leader.
Ashontrah: Yes because I said we wanted the same thing with them. The Dark Collective absorbing Void darkness then the key.
Fundin: I don't think anyone could have expected Void-like beings to transform into Light-like beings.
Ashontrah: Hue is not directly responsible for this problem. It was an indirect mistake. However if they were together fighting them side by side as we instructed they would have won instead of this major loss.
Darren: Well I'll go stop them now.
Ashontrah: Do you want to know what those keys really are? They are a puzzle that Atherak made to use to destroy every planet, realm, and existence at the end of the first judgment right before Mother told him to sleep. They are extremely ancient. From the time when there were only 13 existences.
Darren: Neato, well I guess they're strong enough to destroy the Collective and Purifiers then.
Ashontrah: Hue abort mission.
Darren: Why?
Ashontrah: Because the mission will fail.
Darren: Why's that?
Fundin: Might have to do with what Varidon saw when the tides turned. That, and your response, while noble, is obvious.
Darren: Oh right um, is it because Hue's Key was depleted when protecting your Existence from the Existence devouring Force?
Ashontrah: No one is saying Hue doesn't protect and do things. I know she does.
Atherak: "The keys are old and drained. They are useless against them now. This is why I said that the Void and Light face them at the same time while there was still enough in the keys to get rid of the Dark Collective and the Purifiers."
In the borderlands...
King Varidon of Void is rescued and brought to the borderlands. The Athernites met no resistance when they rescued him. The Dark Collective and Purifiers left when they arrived...
Xarsha: "He is in bad shape. His life force is fading. An end to a King."
Atherak: "No. Not the end. The beginning of something more for the Void."
Coils come out of Atherak and start to work on Varidon's wounds. Atherak moves his hand to where Varidon's core is fading. He reaches inside and places his hand on the core.
Atherak: "Now my King. Arise!"
Varidon: "Atherak, is it time for my judgement?"
Atherak: "You have already been judged my King. Willing to sacrifice yourself to protect the Void."
Varidon: "She left me. She left me to die. The Void Army is gone. I have failed to defeat the Dark Collective."
Atherak: "You were not meant to defeat them on your own."
Varidon: "I believed I wasn't on my own. I went into the battle hoping that I would be able to defeat this Dark Collective. Victory was in our grasp Atherak.
Then they changed. They became Purifiers. The combined power of the light and darkness against our Void standing alone was too much."
Varidon rises up. He is weak and groaning but he is recovering.
Xarsha: "What will you do now great King?"
Varidon: "There is no doubt that the Varkar and True Order know of this already. I must defend the Void with all that is left. This will be my final stand. I await to join you all here when it is over."
Atherak: "No Varidon. You are not coming to join us yet. You will stand when they come to take the Void. They will bring the Dark Collective and Purifiers with them."
Varidon: "Then the Void stands no chance. With my army gone the citizens of the Void realm will have to take up arms. Which they will willingly do."
Dolloiandea: "Especially when they see their King has returned."
Varidon: "They may rejoice in my return and they will fight and die along side me for the Void. Which will be the end of it."
Atherak: "Not yet Varidon."
Varidon: "Without the Army of the Void we do not stand a chance, but we will fight until the last of us. We will join you here in the borderlands."
Atherak: "Varidon, such gloom. Rovitomial..."
Rovitomial: "Yes?"
Atherak: "Is it ready?"
Rovitomial: "I have done all the final calculations. I rechecked everything more than once. A hundred times."
Atherak: "You are so precise Rovitomial. Now, let's see how it works... I have something for you Varidon."
Atherak connects into the Athernaak coil core. Rovitomial stands next to Xarsha. He sees a look in Xarsha's eyes. Almost a sinister joyful look. Energy flows through the Athranaak and it moves...
Xarsha: "The Void Army is here where you asked me to place them."
Atherak: "Oh yes."
Xarsha: "Epimetheus has gathered them all together."
Atherak: "There they are 2.8 million of them."
Epimetheus stands on a hill in the borderlands. They have all gathered around him. Mevinah joins Epimetheus at his side. He looks up at the Athranaak.
Atherak: "Are we ready Mevinah?"
Mevinah: "Yes Master." He looks at Epimetheus who is joined by Melkor.
Coils come from the Athranaak into Epimetheus and Melkor. Coils come out from them into every Void Army being. Mevinah brings his hands together in a diamond shape.
Atherak: "Now..."
Athranaaks form around all the fallen Void beings. Mevinah draws his knives and like conducting an orchestra each Athranaak starts to react and spin.
Rovitomial looks at Dolloiandea and Xarsha.
Rovitomial: "Is he doing what I think he is doing?"
Xarsha: "Don't be so worried Rovitomial. Stand back and watch your work in action."
The Athranaaks separate. The Void Army has been remade into 2.8 million Myrrdonites.
Varidon's eyes widen...
Atherak: "Perfect. Your work has exceeded my expectations Rovitomial. As well as for you Mevinah."
Mevinah bows...
Atherak: "Varidon, when they come they will meet you and your new army. Take this..."
He gives Varidon a small Athranaak as black as Void. Varidon takes it and places it where the core is in his chest.
Coils come from it and wrap around his neck like a necklace. Atherak places his hand on it. The Athranaak goes into his chest and leaves a symbol behind of it.
Atherak: "When they come with the Dark Collective and the Purifiers they will meet an army that cannot be destroyed by light or darkness.
They will not be able to kill what is already dead. Let them come Varidon and then unleash your army and your rage."
The Void...
The Varkar are making their plans to go into the Void. Some of the Dark Collective and Purifiers are going with them.
Ashoweah is on the outside of the Void with them. He is speaking to the Purifiers and Dark Collective...
Ashoweah: "Remember our agreement. The Void is yours but the crystal prism belongs to us."
The Purifiers and Dark Collective all speak at once: "Then let us go to purify and absorb this realm."
Varidon stands alone on the steps of the Void Capital. He can see the Purifiers and Dark Collective coming.
The Purifiers walk while the Dark Collective float when they move and then form up into beings when they stop. They pour into the capital and see Varidon standing on the steps.
Purifers and Dark Collective speak at once: "We should have purified you. You are stronger than we expected. Join us. Save yourself from being consumed."
Varidon laughs: "You made one mistake. You should have killed me."
King Varidon rushes at them. When the dark collective try to mist away he grabs them and stabs them. He is fighting them off on his own.
Purifers and Dark Collective: "Stand aside. Let the light purify this darkness."
The Purifiers start to shine and pour light. It is hitting Varidon.
Purifers and Dark Collective: "Be purified. Burn away the darkness."
Varidon is burning up. It dissipates into the center of his chest. The Purifiers are confused.
Varidon: "You are going to need a brighter light than that."
Light shoots up from Varidon's chest through his arm into his spear. He shoves it through three of the Purifiers. They light up and explode.
Darkness comes from the center of his chest through his arm into his spear and he stabs Dark Collective beings. They swirl up and explode.
Varidon keeps getting hit with light energy. He continues to fight.
Ashoweah and Nummandor are observing this...
Nummandor: "Master how is Varidon holding off this purifying light?"
Ashoweah: "I do not know but he cannot handle them all. It is none of our concern. We are here for something else."
They are going to where the Void catacombs are. They enter and go down through.
As they enter the catacombs they see all the Void beings, Corsiantha, and Sariassa.
They turn to see Ashoweah and Nummandor.
Sariassa: "Ashowewah!" She goes at him. He stops her in suspended animation.
Ashoweah: "Control your pet Chancellor!" He slams her down hard and she gets knocked unconscious."
Corsiantha spins her hands and creates Void energy. She starts energy attacking Ashoweah. He absorbs the attacks into his hands. Nummandor puts up a field.
Ashoweah puts out his hand and she flings towards him and he grabs her by the throat.
Ashoweah: "I am not here to waste my time fighting you. I want the Void prism."
Corsiantha: "I don't know what you are talking about."
Ashoweah: "I think you do."
With his other hand he touches her on the forehead. He gets the memory of where this prism is. She passes out. Ashoweah throws Corsiantha over to Nummandor and he catches her.
Ashoweah: "Bring this one with us. We may need her."
They come up to a Void crystal. It is the same type they used to imprison Asherah. Nummandor drops Corsiantha. She lands and is waking up.
Nummandor: "Don't think of trying anything."
Ashoweah: "Ah this is what I came for right here."
Nummandor: "Then we shall leave the rest of this place to the Purifiers and the Dark Collective."
Corsiantha starts to groan and moan in pain. She shifts into her unicorn form and tries to stand. She spits up this black stuff.
Ashoweah: "What is wrong with her?"
She pukes up this fetus looking thing. She turns back into humanoid form and collapses.
Other Void beings have come. They take her back. The fetus is laying there. Some of them are coming up to it. It opens its eyes and shrieks.
Nummandor: "What is this?"
This thing starts to grow and form into something. As it grows it puts its hands up and mist forms around it. Everyone is backing away from it.
The mist clears and it is the Great Baron Yustaf...
Yustaf: "Such a feast awaits me!"
He grabs one of the Void beings and bites into him. As he drops to the ground he starts to turn. The other Void beings are in a panic.
Yustaf looks at Ashoweah and Nummandor...
Yastaf: "Even more tasty specimens."
He gets hit from behind with little daggers. Something else comes flying and cuts across his face. It is Sariassa.
Yustaf sends out a purple gas cloud at Sariassa. As it comes close to her some Void energy hits her and forms a crystal around her.
Then it goes crashing to the ground a shatters. Corsiantha protected her.
Corsiantha starts to throw Void energy at the Baron and freezes him in crystal.
Ashoweah looks to Nummandor: "Let's get what we came for and go." They take the Void prism through a portal.
Yastaf turns into mist inside the crystal and he dissipates out of it. The mist forms on the outside and he turns back into a being.
Corsiantha yells to Sariassa: "Quickly! Get everyone to the secret passage. Now!"
Sariassa leaves and is trying to get everyone to the passage. Corsiantha tries to imprison the Great Baron again.
He just turns into mist and vanishes and reappears somewhere else. He puts his hands out and sprays purple mist.
Corsiantha crosses her arms and a crystal form around her. Yustaf has a long bone that comes out of his arm.
He comes down on the crystal and shatters it, but Corsiantha is not in it.
Back to Varidon...
Varidon is still fighting his way up the steps.
Purifiers and Dark Collective: "Darkness and light rise again."
The Purifiers that died are reformed into Dark Collective. The dead Dark Collective are reformed into Purifiers.
This is why we wanted Hue and Varidon to fight them at the same time.
Purifiers and Dark Collective: "You fight bravely Varidon, King of the Void. But our light and darkness is forever and you stand alone.
We will purify you and then consume your realm. No one will stand between us. There is no being alive that we cannot purify or consume. You stand alone."
Varidon reaches into his satchel and pulls out a little Athranaak.
Varidon: "I am not alone and you will not face the living."
He twists it and it opens. Everything starts going even darker to where even the light of the purifiers are overtaken by it.
They see movement around them and an endless sea of red eyes. As the red eyes get closer they see the Void Army. But they are Myrrdonite.
Coils start piercing into the Purifiers and Dark Collective. They turn grey and burn away to ash.
The Purifiers and Dark Collective swirl up and leave.
Varidon looks out among his massive Void Myrrdonite army....
Varidon: "An army stands once again in the Void. Of darkness and death."
He reaches into his chest and pulls out this little Athranaak that is glowing with light of the Purifiers and darkness of the Dark Collective. He crushes it.
Then Varidon senses something and makes his way toward the Void catacombs.
Down there Corsiantha is trying to hide from the Great Baron...
Yustaf: "The others may have gotten away but I can still smell you. I can still sense you. I will feast. My hunger grows. I can almost taste you."
He comes up behind Corsiantha....
Yustaf: "Here you are." He grabs her. Then he gets hit really hard by Varidon.
Varidon and Yustaf are fighting each other.
Yustaf: "You will be my new servant."
He gets ready to face off against Varidon again but he stops and gets nervous. For some reason he spins, turns to mist, and vanishes. Varidon stands there.
Corsiantha: "Cousin, you live! The Purifiers, the Dark Collective..."
Varidon: "Fled like the cowards they are."
Corsiantha: "And you stood all alone against them?"
Varidon: "Not alone."
He looks at his little black Athranaak...
Varidon: "The Void will never be unprotected again."
Corsiantha: "What is that?"
Varidon: "A gift from Ashontrah. Judgement to those who try to destroy the Void. Come cousin, we must go get the others."
They head down through where the secret passage is. They see Sariassa. The Void beings turn to see their King.
Void being: "King Varidon is here!" They all rush toward him.
Varidon: "My people, the threat has passed. The Void is safe. You can return to your homes."
They start to leave the Void catacombs...
Varidon is now in the capital looking out over the Void with Corsiantha.
Corsiantha: "Do you think they will come back?"
Varidon: "They may try, but I fear they will not be the only enemies to come take from the Void. But as long as we have each other and the Blood Rose banner flies along side us I challenge any enemy to come."
Corsiantha: "And I feel that they will."
Varidon: "We shall be ready."
Ashoweah and Nummandor are somewhere in the Void...
Nummandor: "I am sorry Master. In all the excitement I messed up on the portal. I will fix it and we will be out of here soon."
Ashoweah: "It is no matter. I have what I want."
Nummandor: "Who is the prism for?"
Ashoweah: "I am going to catch me a little bird."
Nummandor gets the portal open and they both go through.
Little Flower....
Questions for Little Flower from her incarnation Vanessa...
Q1. Is there any specific series that that you would recommend me to do? (I feel towards elf or lycan)
Little Flower: "Elf series."
Q2. In what ways should I be doing to continue to connect with you more and more?
Little Flower: "Search for energy through plants. Communicate through them. You will find that you can speak to them and they can speak to you."
Q3. Is there anything specific you want me to do to prepare for the fall?
Little Flower: "Learn what your children the plants can teach you. Learn what they can give you. Study them."
Q4. What is my role on midguard?
Little Flower: "To protect your plant children."
Q5. What practices are needed to improve my psychic abilities?
Little Flower: "Connect with plants and trees. This will help you communicate beyond what humans know."
Q6. Is there anything you would like me to know?
Little Flower: "Be careful of human toxins. They can be very damaging to me. More than others."
Questions for the gnome Mimniya from her incarnation CĂ©line...
Q1. Why did she incarnate on midgard?
Mimniya: "There is so many beautiful trees and plants here I wanted to touch and grow."
Q2. What does she want me to accomplish on midgard?
Mimniya: "Help the fellow Nature Folk with your knowledge of plants and trees which you should learn."
Q3. How can I connect with her?
Mimniya: "Connect with the plants and trees around you. Plant a seed and grow it. Care for it and tend to it. Surround yourself with plants."
Q4. Does she have any advice to give me?
Mimniya: "Never lose hope or faith in what you truly believe in and those who believe in you."
Q5. Is she OK that I'm using the lycan series? I always wanted to be a shapeshifter as far as I can remember.
Mimniya: "Oh that sounds fun. I always wanted to turn into a cat."
Q6. According to her, what can I do to help and make midgard great once more?
Mimniya: "Try to help the plants and trees survive. Humans are so cruel to them and taken the for granted. They use and abuse them. They do not feel the life essence in them. It is sad." She is getting very emotional.
Questions for Jarrah Blacklace from her incarnation Suchi...
Q1. I would like to ask my TS how to integrate and progress all my abilities completely in the physical.
Blacklace: "What does she want to have sex with me? What does integrate mean?"
Bloodblade tells her what it means.
Blacklace: "Ah you mean you want to know me better. Build a ship! Go sailing! Raid some shit!"
Q2. Why am I constantly plagued by physical illness and have such frequent challenges and setbacks? Is there a way to stop this?
Blacklace: "Well when I made an incarnation it is very hard for dwarves to make them sometimes. It is my fault actually. I should have to give you some strength.
A good swift kick in the ass. But I think you can make yourself stronger. Maybe one of these effing wizards can help you.
In all seriousness, try to be healthier. Be more active. Be strong spiritually, it is what keeps me going. Never give up.
Never let these mothereffers tell you that you cannot have something. If they look at you like you are weak grab them by the nards and just yank them effers off. Don't let any effing man tell that you are weak. You are stronger than you know."
Q3. Any advice for me concerning how to prepare for the fall, or just survival advice in general?
Blacklace: "Well you can go out and raid some shit. I mean eff it right? You gotta survive. We all gotta survive. Just go out and take if you effing need it."
Q4. How do I train to be my best? What do I need to focus on.
Blacklace: "What works for me is I find the biggest mothereffer and I usually walk up to him and tell him 'You got big arms. They are massive! How do you wipe your ass with them?' When they get smart with me, well I let them know who the eff I am."
She pounds her fist into the palm of her other hand.
Q5. Are there energy tracks/affinities/subs I should not be using?
Blacklace: "What the eff is a sub? Is it like one of those boats that go underwater?
No I wouldn't use any boat that goes under water. The thing could sink on you. It is already half way down.
Who the eff thought of these anyway? Put me in a tube and half way sink me already. Nah, don't go effing drown in one of those things."
Bloodblade: "It is not a sub like you think. It is a subliminal."
Blacklace: "What the eff is that? A small sub? That is even more effing stupid. How are you supposed to attack anyone with a small ass sub? Put three crew members in there half way effing drowning? That is stupid!"
Bloodblade: "A subliminal is what your incarnation would listen to to help them connect more to you."
Blacklace: "Why don't they just effing send me a message? How does that help me connect? How does a smaller version of an effing sub help us connect?
Well if she wants to use some effing subs she can go use them. She should just send me a message instead. But whatever, go drown in a tiny one man boat."
Q6. I haven't had a single serious romance so far though i'm in my late thirties ... so wanted to ask why this is?
Blacklace: "Probably because they aren't good enough for ya. They are no where good enough for you. Look at them skinny little effers. None of them are strong enough.
You need a MAN! You need man who is going to pick you up over his shoulder, smack you on the ass, and tell you how much he loves you. And if you really want to know how much of a man he is, just do the old hand gauging test.
In all seriousness, you need to find yourself a good dwarf. I am sure another one has an incarnation around there somewhere. It was all the effing rage at the time we were all doing it.
Like that time that really good shit of Elven wine came through. That really dark stuff. Ah we raided a town. Cases and cases of that. You remember that?"
Bloodblade: "Ah good times."
Blacklace: "I got so effing drunk. I ended up crashing my ship on top of a mountain somehow. Remember how long it took us to get it down?"
Bloodblade: "Yeah we had a bad hangover too."
Blacklace: "My head was pounding like an effing war drum!"
Questions for Liyracor Bloodblade from his incarnation Erik...
Q1. How am I doing here on Midgard?
Bloodblade: "You are doing very well."
Blacklace: "Except you need to get yourself a bigger pecker."
Bloodblade: "Trust me my Queen. My incarnation is good there."
Blacklace: "Well I haven't given him the gauging test."
Bloodblade: "Well you are going need both hands."
They both laugh...
Q2. How can I better connect with my true self?
Blacklace: "Tell him he needs to go effing raid some shit! Yeah get our incarnations together. Get a boat and a crew. Go raid some shit."
Bloodblade: "Connect more with Alfheim. Maybe there is a way through these subs."
Blacklace: "Oh and now you are going to go effing drown your incarnation too."
Bloodblade: "Be who you are. Don't be afraid to embrace who I am."
Blacklace: "Unless you want a smaller pecker."
Bloodblade: "Two hands... two hands."
They both laugh again...
Q3. Advice for the fall and how to save my family from it?
Bloodblade: "Train yourself. Build your strength."
Blacklace: "Go raid some shit. You have an effing family. That is like having an effing crew."
Bloodblade: "Build your strength and endurance. It wouldn't be bad to learn how to use a few good weapons too. Ones you are comfortable with."
Blacklace: "Like your pecker."
Q4. Am I heavily laced with contracts, agreements and energetic debt? How much do I still have to work on myself?
Blacklace: "Yeah I own his ass! He is indebted to me. Besides, I am not letting anybody take my First Mate."
Bloodblade: "Well I have had a lot of bounties on my head."
Blacklace: "Yeah you pissed off a lot of effing people."
Bloodblade: "You were there with me pissing on em."
They both laugh and slam mugs of ale together...
Q5. Which energy tracks does my TS want me to use?
Bloodblade: "Anything that would be Elven related."
Blacklace: "What the eff is an energy track? Is that like a track you race horses on? Are they made of energy?"
Bloodblade: "Energy tracks are..."
Blacklace: "No I don't want to hear about your tiny half-sunken underwater boats."
Q6. What does my true self feel about me using Divine masculine essence?
Blacklace: "Oh he effing needs it alright! I mean look, his ass is beginning to sag like a sack of potatoes."
Bloodblade: "I have you know my Queen I go by many names. Hot buns is one."
They both laugh and she smacks him on the butt.
Blacklace: "That is hot alright!"
Bloodblade: "Yes use Divine masculine essence. It makes me stronger and more masculine."
Blacklace: "Don't use too much or it might have the opposite effect and you might sprout tits."
They both laugh again and slam their mugs together...
Questions for the Void Unicorn Corsiantha from her incarnation Garima...
Q1. Why are you being targeted by crazies?
Corsiantha: "There are a lot of negative beings that want something from me. I would prefer not to say what it is."
Q2. Please tell us about Hriha'agenya (the ice princess) and your relation to her.
Corsiantha: "She is an old dear friend. I have not seen her in a long time."
Q3. How do I connect best with you and integrate you as fast as safely possible?
Corsiantha: "Try to connect with the Void and the darkness. Maybe Ashontrah would have something to offer that could help."
Q4. What are your skills, abilities and powers and how do I manifest and master them in Midgard?
Corsiantha: "I can imprison things in Void crystals. I can use a lot of very powerful Void magic. This should reflect through my incarnation. Study Void magic."
Q5. Do you have any mates and good close friends?
Corsiantha: "I do not currently have any mates. I had a mate at one time but he went on a journey and I haven't seen him since."
Q6. What is your purpose and why did you incarnate here on Midgard?
Corsiantha: "To help other Void beings who are incarnated here. I wanted to help them make their way here on Midgard."
Atherak does core fusions for Little Flower, Mimniya, Blacklace, and Corsiantha.
Blacklace was passed out drunk during hers. She wakes up after the core fusion...
Blacklace: "I feel kinda weird."
She looks in her mug...
Blacklace: "What is in this shit? Did you lace this Bloodblade? Knock me out huh?"
She pulls out her dagger and looks at her reflection...
Blacklace: "Were you writing shit on my face?"
Bloodblade chuckles: "Nah I wouldn't do that."
Blacklace: "What is so funny? Was I fartin?"
Part One: Male #001 and the Purple Flowers...
Part Two: Vlackheim Virus in the Athranaak...
Part Three: Vlackin and the Turned Ones...
Part Four: Judgement in the Nether...
Part Five: Seeds of Disarray...
True Self Connection...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...