Walking with the Master: The Journey of Xarsha into the Atheron

This is a part three continuation. Make sure you read the part one and two first...
Part One: Ashrae and Betrayal of Truce
Part Two: The Burning Away of Atherak
After Atherak burned away...
*Ashoweah sends Nobody to the borderlands*
Nobody enters the Athranaak. He sits on the chair and calls the Athernites before him.
Nobody: "You all serve me now. Do you understand? You all serve me! Now kneel...
Where is Xarsha? I will undo him myself. Now the rest of you... kneel. I said kneel. Defy me and I will unmake you."
Nobody tries to command the Athranaak core....
Nobody: "Tell me, where are you Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "I am right where I need to be."
Xarsha comes up behind him and cuts Nobody's throat all the way through and decapitates him. Xarsha holds up the head.
Xarsha: Do you think it would be easy to take control of the Athranaaks? They do not belong to you! They are beyond all of you.
Xarsha turns the head of Nobody around... Nobody sees an Athranaak spinning very fast in front of him. It stops and opens.
A black silhouette comes out. Eye contact is made... The skull and everything down to the core of Nobody burns away.
Xarsha: "You see Nobody... Judgement comes to us all."
Melkor was ditched by Ashoweah and the Varkar after he was impaled by a coil when they were taking out Atherak.
The coil burned away when Atherak did. The wound is infected and spreading out. He is decaying. Melkor is crawling through the nether waste. He cannot see where he is going.
*Melkor places his hand on a foot and feels someone standing over him. He looks up and sees the Varidon the Void King.*
Varidon: "You are the one I have been looking for."
Melkor passes out...
Varidon signals to his guards who pick him up. He opens a portal to the Void.
Going back to a bit earlier over the past few days...
Xarsha takes the Athernites to the Atheron and shows them how Atherak came to be.
Xarsha gathers the Athernites...
Xarsha: "I have gathered you all here at the request of the Master."
Moidaybe: "What does the Master ask of us?"
Xarsha: "For me to take you on a journey. Come."
Xarsha waves his hand and mist surrounds him.
Fenrir: "Where are we going?"
Xarsha: "Back in time. There is something as Athernites the Master wishes you to learn."
Xarsha holds the Atheron key in his hands and it is spins very fast. The mist fades. They are in a land where there is nothing but ash.
Moidaybe reaches down and grabs a handful of it. He opens his hand and sees the ash blow away.
Moidaybe: "This place has been dead a long time."
Dolloiandea: "I feel cold here."
Fenrir: "In all my years of being chained... all the suffering I have felt compares nothing to the suffering I feel in this place."
Mevinah: "Where are we Xarsha?"
Xarsha: "You are inside the Atheron. There is much you must learn. Come..." He raises his hand to them. "Let me show you what the Master showed me."
The Athernites see a vision...
This includes a vision within a vision...
It starts with Xarsha standing next to Atherak as he unmakes the old Myrrdonites.
Xarsha: "This will leave the borderlands without Myrrdonites Master."
Atherak: "Why should these beings which caused pain and suffering in their lives be allowed to indulge in it in a place of judgement?"
Xarsha: "You are correct Master. If anyone would know of pain and suffering it would be you. But you are pain and suffering and always have been."
Atherak: "No Xarsha. It wasn't always that way."
Xarsha: "Master?"
Atherak: "Come here Xarsha and let me show you how I began."
Atherak placed his hand on Xarsha's head. He sees the Atheron.
Atherak: When Mother created the Atheron, inside it she created an endless existence and a beautiful voice to watch over it and to keep the balance within it.
As this beautiful voice spoke the existence expanded. There was much life and creation. Plants, trees, animals, and creatures of all kinds.
Then came a time when the rains came down heavily and formed pools of dark water all over the existence. From one of these pools a being formed.
A being of all black skin and red eyes. No mouth. Only what appeared to be a nose. He was innocent like a child.
As this being opened his eyes he heard a voice. The most beautiful voice speak...
Voice: 'Atherak. Wake up Atherak.'
Atherak: 'Who are you?'
Voice: 'I am your guide. I will watch over you and teach you of this place your are born into.'
Atherak: 'Your voice is soothing to me and calms me. I cannot see you.'
Voice: 'Follow my voice Atherak. Come and I will show you.'
Atherak: I followed the voice.
Voice: 'Come Atherak. This way...'
Atherak: "The Voice led me to a beautiful garden with flowers of every color that one could possibly imagine."
Atherak: 'Where are you? I still cannot see you.'
Voice: 'Come closer. I am here.'
Atherak: I followed the voice to a single pink rose.
Atherak: 'Is this you?'
Voice: 'This is where you can be closest to me. Whenever you feel like you need to be close to me come here and you will find me. I will be with you. Guiding you. Now go Atherak and explore. You have so much to learn.'
Atherak: I left the garden and wandered the existence inside the Atheron. Learning. Around every corner of every place I traveled there was something new.
My voice guiding me, teaching me. I would return to her often in the garden. I remember one day....
Voice: 'You have come again to be close to me Atherak.'
Atherak: 'I feel as if I could almost touch you here.'
Atherak: I reached forward and touched the rose. I pricked by a thorn.
Atherak: 'What is this?'
Voice: 'That is pain Atherak.'
Atherak: 'Pain? It hurts.'
Voice: 'It is the opposite of comfort.'
A light came from the rose and healed Atherak's finger.
Atherak: 'I like that feeling.'
Voice: 'Yes I like that feeling too.'
Atherak: I wandered more through the Atheron. One day I came across a dying beast. As it laid I watched the life go out of it. Strange new feelings came over me. I sat on a mountain top and watched the pink sun set.
Voice: 'What is wrong Atherak?'
Atherak: 'I am sad. I feel hurting inside.'
Voice: 'Was it for that creature Atherak?'
Atherak: 'Yes it was.'
Voice: 'Where there is life Atherak there is death. What begins must end so that it may begin again.'
Atherak: 'I do not understand.'
Voice: 'In time you will Atherak.'
Atherak: 'Why do I feel pain inside?'
Voice: 'Because you feel loss for something you loved.'
Atherak: 'What is this love?'
Voice: 'It is special. It is what you hold dear and cherish most. That is love.'
Atherak: 'I cherish you.'
Voice: 'And I cherish you too Atherak. Come... I have a gift for you.'
Atherak: I followed the voice into a clearing and found a small newborn beast similar to a wolf left all to herself. She was pink and black.
Voice: 'This is my gift to you Atherak. Care for her and love her. She will care for and love you in return.'
Atherak: 'Thank you. This is most precious to me.'
Voice: 'You are precious to me Atherak.'
Atherak: I wandered again with my beast beside me and my voice guiding me. As time passed I heard less and less of my beautiful voice. One night I called to her and she came.
Atherak: 'Where have you been? I have not heard from you for so long.'
Voice: 'There are things happening outside your world Atherak in the great beyond.'
Atherak: 'Can I go there and see for myself?'
Voice: 'No Atherak. What is happening there you are not ready to understand. It is not your time to go into the great beyond.'
Atherak: 'If you say so.'
Voice: 'You are not angry with me are you?'
Atherak: 'No. I understand.'
Atherak: I wandered more with my beast through my existence. Then I noticed something. A tree withering away and turning to ash. I had never seen this before.
I called to my beautiful voice but she did not answer. I decided to go to the place that was closest to her so she could tell me what happened. As I journeyed back I noticed that more and more of my world was withering away.
I hurried as fast as I could day and night until I returned to the garden. But there was no garden. All the flowers had withered and turned to ash. I went to find my beautiful rose. It was withering and dying. I heard my beautiful voice...
Atherak: 'Where have you been? You have left me for so long. What is happening?'
Voice: 'My time has come Atherak. I must leave you.'
Atherak: 'But I don't want you to go. Take me with you.'
Voice: 'You must remain Atherak for it is not yet your time.'
Atherak: 'Please don't go.'
Voice: 'I will always be with you Atherak. I will always cherish you.'
Atherak: With that the rose crumbled and turned to dust. I again wandered my existence and watched it die and wither away to ash.
I held my beast in her last moments as she too turned to ash. I wandered and I wept until I heard another voice...
Mother: 'Atherak.'
Atherak: 'Who are you?'
Mother: 'I am your Mother. I am the one who made you.'
Atherak: 'I am in pain Mother. I suffer.'
Mother: 'It is time for you to leave this place Atherak and go into the great beyond.'
Atherak: I left the Atheron...
Mother: 'I want you to walk all of these existences. Learn and when you have learned all you can return to me.'
Atherak: I walked the existences shrouded from all eyes. I watched as powerful beings preyed on weaker ones. Destroying their worlds and their realms. When I returned to Mother she spoke to me.
Mother: 'You have wandered the existences for a long time. What have you learned Atherak?'
Atherak: 'I have learned hate. These beings... tell me Mother... is what they do the cause that destroyed my world? That destroyed my beautiful voice?'
Mother: 'They were Atherak. What do you feel?'
Atherak: 'I want to punish them.'
Mother: 'Then go forth Atherak and be my Judgement.'
Atherak: Mother gave me all the power of judgement that I needed. I walked forth through the existences judging all. The more I did the more resistant they became to being judged. I decided to wipe them all out.
I sent my Athranaaks to every realm of every existence on every world. They all appeared. I held in my hand the undoing and the judgement for all of them. Then Mother spoke...
Mother: 'The time of judgement is over Atherak. It is time for you to sleep.'
Atherak: I burned away into ash and I slept. I dreamt for a long time and watched the existences fall out of balance. Then I heard a beautiful voice.
Voice: 'Time to wake up Atherak.'
Atherak removes his hand from Xarsha's head and the vision ends.
Xarsha removes his hand and the vision ends for the Athernites....
Dolloiandea is weeping: "He was innocent. It was all the other beings who made him this way."
Xarsha: "Now you know why he is pain and suffering. This is his pain. His suffering. Now come... there is something we must find."
Xarsha leads the Athernites through the Atheron...
Moidaybe: "Look at this Xarsha."
They see in the ash on the ground what looks like a crumbled rose.
Xarsha: "This is it. It must be here."
Dolloiandea: "I found him."
There is a pile of black ash. Atherak's original body...
Xarsha: "Gather this Mevinah. We will return to the borderlands now."
Xarsha opens a rift...
Xarsha: "Are you coming Dolloiandea?"
Dolloiandea: "Yes."
Xarsha: "What is it?"
Dolloiandea: "I thought I saw something."
Dolloiandea turns to leave and a single drop of rain lands on the crumbled rose.
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