Assassinations of Kings and Queens

The assassinations of the Elven King Lyindrinar and his mate Eeaynna, the Volheim King Tenomachi and his mate Vilanea, and the Void King Varidon...
Xarsha: "The Jotunn Queen is only the first in a plot to ursurp the Kings and Queens who are loyal to you.
There were three other targets. The King of Volheim as well as King Lyindrinar himself and his mate.
Also sought of vengeance by Shaderell himself an assassination plot on King Varidion.
I have my spies as well you understand my Queen. Would you like to meet them? They are on your session list.
Their identities have remained secret until now my Queen. It was to protect them and to protect the monarchies that are loyal to you.
The Void being is a female and a niece of King Varidon himself. The other two are male.
One from the far deserts of Volheim from a very small band of nomadic Volwynn. Coyote shifters.
The other one you may know very well. He has kept his vessel hidden unbeknowst to most. Even Asherah didn't know he had one.
You understand why my Queen I kept this a secret. He is the Great Architect of Alfheim Nastazil."
Ashontrah: "I have found them on my session list. Perla Lopez is the Void niece, Ernesto Gonzales is the Coyote Volwynn, and Andrew Taylor is Nastazil."
Atherak and Mevinah...
Atherak: "Are your creations in place?'
Mevinah: "They are Master. The True Order will move to make their assassinations on the King and Queen of Volheim and Alfheim. Also King Varidon of Void."
Atherak: "Let them. They will be surprised with the outcome."
Mevinah: "The look on Shaderell's face will be priceless."
Atherak: "Yes it will be."
Xarsha: "This is Sariassa the niece of King Varidon."
She is a Void being. She is slender with dark hair. Sariassa as a distinctive scar that goes down the the left side of her face over her eye.
Sariassa: "Given to me by Umbranathor."
Xarsha: "This is Kayeiahwah. He is a cheiftan of the Hiyin tribe. Where these coyote shifters live are the great deserts and plains of Volheim. They are a nomadic kind of Volywnn."
Atherak: "We should each let them tell their stories of how they came to be in our presence."
Ashontra: "Sariassa is on the list for a True Self Past Vision session as well."
Atherak: "Then we shall begin with you."
Sariassa: "Thank you Atherak. As you know I am niece to King Varidon."
Atherak: "You are the daughter of his asshole brother."
Sariassa: "If you mean my cruel and abusive father Nurbedon then yes."
Varidon: The New King of the Void
A tear forms in Sariassa's eye but does not shed. She has experienced great pain and suffering.
Sariassa: "Nurbedon was the favorite champion of Umbranathor. The household I grew up in was cruel. I watched my father beat my mother to death in a drunken rage."
Atherak: "All over a simple comment."
Sariassa: "Yes my father had fought a great battle that day... or so he claimed."
Atherak: "Yes his opponents were not quite matched for him were they? It was all for show."
Sariassa: "I remember that night. I was just a little girl.
My father had asked 'What did you think of my match today?'
My mother said 'I think the opponent helped you put on a good show.'
In a drunken rage he screamed 'Helped me put on a good show?! I am the show! I fight bravely against mighty opponents! You mock me for the last time bitch!'
Then he beat her to death and goes back to eating his dinner and drinking.
My father's cruelty did not end there. He then focused it toward me. I cannot count how many beatings I received."
Atherak: "And the scar given to you by Umbranathor?"
Sariassa: "Yes. The scar that almost cost my uncle his life. My uncle Varidon was my only comfort. My only friend. We understood each other in the hard life we led.
Umbranathor blessed my father by inviting him to a dinner celebration. There was much drinking. I can remember my father having me fetch more wine for King Umbranathor.
I don't know how it happened, but I lost focus for a moment and overfilled the King's glass which ruined his fine gown which he had especially tailored for that evening.
My father took it upon himself that I had shamed him in front of the King. He began to beat me in front of everyone.
King Umbranathor said 'Stop! The insult is to me.' He then went into his Void Unicorn form and said 'Be thankful that I will spare you but I will leave you with a little reminder never to insult the King again. You will know your place.'
He took his horn and cut down my face. Varidon said 'Stop. No more. Leave her be.'
Umbranathor said to him 'You challenge me?'
Nurbedon said 'You ignorant little brother. You shame me in my house?'
Varidon said 'If you choose to beat on someone then here I am.'
Nurbedon then gave Varidon a brutal beating. Varidon just took it until he was knocked out.
I will never forget what my uncle did for me that day. I tended to his wounds until he recovered.
One night when my father slept in a drunken rage I gathered the only few belongings that I had and went out on my own.
I ran into a band of assassins who took me in and taught me their ways. They were part of a group planning to overthrow Umbranathor. We failed and all of them were killed except for me. I went into hiding.
When I heard that my uncle Varidon had become King and that my father Nurbedon was broken I came to my uncle. He then granted upon me service to his crown as a spy and assassin."
Nastazil: "There is not much time. This plot has been unfolding for some time. We are here revealing ourselves. Putting ourselves and the Kings we serve in danger. I came into service of Xarsha after the death of Queen Asherah."
Xarsha: "Yes it was I who told him he needed to keep a close eye on King Lyindrinar and report any plots against the King directly to me. As I did for Sariassa and Kayeiahwah."
Kayeiahwah: "Yes it is true. King Tenomachi has respected the ways of all the nomadic tribes of the great deserts of Volheim. Where before our culture was oppressed and we were forced into subjugation.
Under King Tenomachi we prosper and our culture is preserved. When Xarsha came to me I was very eager to help my King who has helped all my people."
Nastazil: "We have all uncovered plots ourselves. From those who seek to usurp the Kings we serve.
As for Alfheim, there are still those loyal to the old King living in exile. The True Order sought them out and gave them the plan to assassinate the King and his mate."
Sariassa: "It was the same for me in the Void realm. Those concubines so-to-say left behind when Umbranathor died..."
Atherak: "You mean his boy toys?"
Sariassa: "They have sought revenge against my uncle since them. They were also approached by the true order to assassinate King Varidon."
Kayeiahwah: "There is the same going on in Volheim that I uncovered. The True Order there had found some of those wishing to seek power in Volheim. Treacherous Volwynn. They were also given the plan to assassinate the King and Queen."
Nastazil: "They must be stopped, but I hope we are not too late."
Atherak: "The assassins move now..."
Kayeiahwah: "Then what shall we do? Why are we sitting here?"
Sariassa: "I will not let my uncle die."
Atherak: "Be patient. Enjoy the entertainment. Relax."
Atherak opens a vision of what is happening...
Lyindrinar is with his mate Eeaynna in the ancient forest of Alfheim. They went riding and are now resting. Sleeping together under a tree.
Arrows fly down and pierce Lyindrinar in the chest. Eeaynna is startled to her feet.
Lyindrinar stands up and goes for his sword. Fully cloaked Elven attackers come out of trees. One pierces Eeaynna with a spear straight through.
The other three Elves stab Lyindrinar with swords repeatedly and then cut off his head.
Nastazil: "My King!"
The vision changes to Volheim...
Tenomachi and Vilanea are on a hunt together. They are running fast and closing in on their prey. A trap snaps and Vilanea goes down. Tenomachi looks back as he is running and sees his Queen fall.
A Volwynn bear rushes into Tenomachi at full force and hits him hard. This knocks Tenomachi into a pit that was covered. He falls into it. There are many spikes which impale him.
The front two limbs of Vilanea are caught in a trap. A leopard shifter and a wolf shifter, both female, come up to her. They bite off her front limbs. The bear shifter pierces Vilanea through with a spear.
Kayeiahwah: "It is too late!"
The vision changes to the Void capital...
Varidon is sitting in his private study gathering knowledge and wisdom like he does. He is reading old scrolls. A servant enters the room.
Servant: "Your evening wine my King."
Varidon: "Bring it here."
Varidon hears the shattering of the dropping of glass. Before he can react a hand grabs his head from behind. Another reaches around with a blade and slices his throat cutting all the way through. He is decapitated. Two other figures enter the room. They are all Void beings.
Sariassa: "Uncle! I have failed you!"
Atherak laughs: "Such fun and games the True Order always sets up for me. Are you all loyal to your Kings?"
Nastazil: "We were and still are. Even now in the end."
Atherak: "What end? I am only just beginning. If you are truly loyal to the Kings then go serve them now."
Xarsha forms mist around Nastazil, Sariassa, and Kayeiahwah...
Out on the great plains where Tenomachi and Vilanea were hunting....
Bear shifter: "Go collect the King's head so we can collect our reward." He places Vilanea's head into a bag. He hears some commotion.
Bear shifter: "What is that?" He hears the screech of a wolf in pain.
He sees the leopard shifter running back terrified with Fenrir in pursuit.
A spear flies through the leopard shifter thrown by Kayeiahwah. This stops her in her tracks. Fenrir devours her.
The bear shifter prepares himself to fight. He rushes at Kayeiahwah. They run towards each other at full speed.
Right before the meet Kayeiahwah jumps into the air and hits the bear with a tomahawk on the back of the head.
The bear shifter stumbles into the jaws of Fenrir and is devoured.
In the Void kingdom...
The three assassins are helping themselves to what is in the study of the Void King.
Void being 1: "Hurry up. We don't want the guards to come back."
Void being 2: "We have plenty of time and there is so much good stuff here."
They hear the door slam closed. They all draw their daggers.
Void being 1: "Whose there?"
Small objects hit the ground and a toxic gas is released. They start to choke.
Sariassa finished the three of them off with her blade as she slices their throats. She is immune to poisons and gases after her years of training.
In Alfheim...
The four Elven assassins have removed the heads of King Lyindrinar and Eeaynna. They placed them in bags.
Elf 1: "The royal guard will be coming soon. We must leave here."
Elf 2: "We should run deep into the forest. Let us make haste."
They start running through the forest with the bags. One of them is hit with arrows from above. Then another one falls from a quick moving Dark Elf... Amerriah.
The other two take notice and start running faster. One turns around and shoots arrows at Amerriah. She dodges most of them. One grazes her left shoulder. She continues her pursuit.
The Elf that was shooting arrows turns back around and runs at a fast pace. He goes right into the sword of Lyindrinar's cousin Draena.
Draena pulls her sword out and then spins around and cuts his head off.
The last assassin who is holding the bags of the King and Queen drops them and looks back. He realizes his companions are no longer with him. He himself runs into a dagger through the heart by Nastazil himself.
The assassin drops to the ground. Nastazil removes the dagger and wipes it off with the shirt of the assassin.
Nastazil: "This dagger worked out very well. Thank you Fogbeard."
In the borderlands...
Xarsha: "Shall I awaken the majesties now Master?"
Atherak: "Yes awaken Tenomachi and Vilanea as well as Lyindrinar and Eeaynna."
In Alfheim...
Somewhere in Alfheim in the ancient forest the real Lyindrinar and Eeaynna wake up from their rest.
Lyindrinar: "It is getting late my love. We should get back."
Eeaynna: "Yes my King."
In Volheim...
Tenomachi and Vilanea are resting by a stream.
Tenomachi: "Ah the hunt is always best when it is with you."
Vilanea: "As it always is for me when I am with you. We should return. We cannot spend all this time to ourselves."
Tenomachi: "Can't we?" They both laugh.
When Xarsha had sent Nastazil, Sariassa, Kayeiahwah through the mist they were told that their Kings were safe and where they really were.
In the Void...
King Varidon sits high up on a hill in the Void wastelands. He was not put to sleep. A figure approaches from behind him.
Varidon: "Have you served you king my niece?"
Sariassa: "Yes your majesty."
Varidon: "You once again have served me well my niece. You have removed another threat to my crown."
Sariassa: "I will always serve you as King of Void."
In the borderlands...
Atherak: "Your puppets exceeded my expectations. Very good work Mevinah."
Mevinah: "My creations flow from you Master."
Atherak: "Pity they had to be destroyed. They could have proved useful in other situations."
Mevinah: "A process that I can do at anytime Master as my skills grow."
Atherak: "Yes your skills grow and they astonish me. Continue to serve me Mevinah. Your creations will prove valuable to Ashontrah and those who serve her."
Mevinah: "Thank you Master."
Xarsha: "It has been quite a day you Majesty."
Ashontrah: "Yes we have accomplished much today."
Atherak: "Yet still so much left undone."
Xarsha: "Enemies still not willing to show their face my Great Queen."
Atherak: "They will show their faces in time."
Ashontrah: "They will experience my thorns."
Ashontrah: "Sariassa is on the list for a core fusion."
Atherak does the core fusion for Sariassa...
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual and the physical together."
The Athranaak coils sew.
Atherak: "I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence with all of its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Atherak: "Continue to serve your King. We value him."
Sariassa: "I shall even unto death."
Incarnations questions...
Questions from the incarnation of Sariassa...
Q1. How to prepare myself to survive the fall?
Sariassa: "Work on yourself physically and mentally. Train yourself. Increase your endurance."
Q2. Any blockages and how to remove them?
Sariassa: "There is a blockage that has to do with the daily life of my incarnation. Some kind of pressure. Maybe from family."
Q3. What can I do to better connect to my true self?
Sariassa: "Learn the ways of the Void. Connect with other Void beings in the group. The power of Void that flows through all of them can help you connect."
Q4. Should I use both elf series and panthera feline shapeshifter series?
Sariassa: "Yes. As an assassin not only are I immune to poisons I am also a master of disguise. Being able to shift into other forms would greatly increase my assassin capabilities."
Q5. Do I have any affinities?
Sariassa: "Void beings."
Q6. If slavery shall reoccur in Midgard, then what should I do to avoid being a slave?
Sariassa: "Align yourself with those who fight against them. Provide your skills that you must learn and work on before the fall. This will help you not to become a slave, but to become a vanquisher of slavers."
Questions from the incarnation of Kayeiahwah...
Q1. How have you been? Are you doing alright?
Kayeiahwah: "I prosper and my people prosper under King Tenomachi."
Q2. What do you do for fun?
Kayeiahwah: "My tribe and I like to sing and howl songs of our great ancestors."
Q3. What kind of weapons do you like?
Kayeiahwah: "I prefer my tomahawk."
Q4. Do you work out?
Kayeiahwah: "I hunt on a regular basis to keep myself strong and to practice with my tomahawk."
Q5. What do you do for a living?
Kayeiahwah: "I am a chieftain."
Q6. Do you have any enemies?
Kayeiahwah: "None that I know of that wish to do me harm."
Questions from the incarnation of Nastazil...
Q1. Is there something preventing me from success in my new career?
Nastazil: "A longing for something grander."
Q2. I am feeling confusion about the best place to call home. Any suggestions?
Nastazil: "For me I would choose a place with a lot of trees and beautiful architecture which I would like to craft myself. I think building our own home in such a location or finding a location to call home may ease our confusion."
Q3. What do you think of my use of Mind Power subs?
Nastazil: "They have been helping with our connection."
Q4. Any other suggestions or things you would like me to know?
Nastazil: "You have the heart of an artist in you... in us. Do not be afraid to unlock it."
Q5. Do you prefer to keep this conversation private, or may we share with the group?
Nastazil: "You may share it."
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