The Elven Lunastar Family

The Lunastar family is the one of the oldest in Alfheim. We found the ones on the IG session list and decided to bring them together.
Madison as Fiayuah (Fee-Aye-You-Ah) Lunastar
She has light blue-white hair and eyes.
Viktor as Erakar Lunastar
He has autumn red colored hair and eyes.
Océane as Miuah (My-You-Ah) Lunastar
She has autumn gold colored hair and eyes.
Jonathan as Elararis Lunastar
He has white hair and blue-white eyes.
The Lunastar family all shares the same distinct blue twilight mark on their forehead which I shall include a drawing of.

Unfortunately one of them died recently at the Battle of Volheim when they went to reclaim Tenomachi's land.
Blood Rose Dawn Phase Two: Reclaiming Volheim and Alfheim
Atherak: "He is not an unfortunate that ended up in the borderlands. He died honorably in battle protecting his King."
His name is Elararis Lunastar. He was part of King Lyindrinar's personal guard.
The Lunastar family has served the Kings and Queens of Alfheim since the establishment of the Kingdom.
It is tradition among the Lunastar family for one to always serve in the King's personal guard.
The other one that is chosen goes to Valinor and trains to become a Maia. After that they become a scholar. Erakar was chosen for this. He just recently began his studies.
There has always been a great bonding and connection between Valinor and Alfheim.
Miuah has recently started the path of following in her father Elararis's footsteps.
Miuah is currently a soldier in the Alfheim army. The battle at Volheim was her very first battle. She is still a little shaken up from it.
Miuah and Erakar are sister and brother. They are twins. Children of Elararis.
Their mother died killed by Dark Elves a long time ago when Yserah was King. Their mother was traveling when she was ambushed and killed. She transcended.
Elararis never full came to terms with the loss of his wife. Fiayuah is the sister of Elararis. She is also the aunt of Miuah and Erakar.
Fiayuah was a commander under King Yserah. She is currently a scholar of magic.
When Asherah became Queen of Alfheim she did away with most of the former Elven King's prejudice against the other Nature Folk.
There were universities and schools which began to open. This is where Fiayuah became a scholar.
She is working now on what she considers to be her life's work. She does not have a title for it yet. It is about the ending of the cycle with Asherah and the start of a new.
Fiayuah is a very powerful speaker. When she gives her lectures it is not only to students.
Beings come from other realms to hear her speak. Lyindrinar and Eeaynna have even sat in on her lectures.
Xarsha: "They are taking some time to arrive. They are starting their services."
Atherak: "They are about the burn the body of Elararis which we cannot allow."
Xarsha: "You are busy. Let me handle this."
Rovitomial: "I will go with him."
Atherak: "No I need you here. You must continue your work."
Xarsha goes to Alfheim to the funeral of Elararis...
Miuah and Erakar are holding torches. Elararis is laying upon the sacred family stone. This is where they cremate their dead. The twins walk forward with their torches.
Everything goes dark around where they are. The torches burn out. They see a strange figure. They recognize the essence of what used to be a titan.
They see a being which Fiayuah recognizes as a Myrrdonite. This is Epimetheus. He picks up the body of Elararis.
Fiayuah: "Please don't take him there. My brother died honorably. Please let him transcend."
Xarsha: "This is not going to happen."
Fiayuah notices another Myrrdonite come out from the darkness.
Miuah spins around and draws her sword: "I will not let you take my father to the borderlands."
Xarsha looks at her and her sword: "Choose your next move wisely Elf. Your father is coming to the borderlands."
Erakar: "He will not!"
Epimetheus seems to be getting aggravated. He looks at Xarsha...
Epimetheus: "They don't seem to want to come with us Count."
Xarsha: "They are coming anyway."
Fiayuah is analyzing the situation as she does. She steps forward...
Fiayuah: "We will come with you."
Miuah: "But Fiayuah..."
Fiayuah puts her hand up: "We are in no harm here. We shall go with them and they shall take my brother's body with them."
Xarsha: "Very wise decision." He opens a rift. "Now please."
Epimetheus carries the body of Elararis through. The others follow. They enter into the borderlands and see the Athranaak. They stand at the gates.
Miuah has her hand on her sword. She is still jumpy from that Volheim battle.
Fiayuah looks up at the Athranaak: "Fascinating. In all my studies of all the realms what little I knew about the Athranaak. Now I see it before my eyes."
Xarsha: "You will see much more of it."
Erakar: "Are we going inside it?"
Xarsha: "Well we are not standing out here."
Erakar: "So much knowledge and wisdom that is in there. Lifetimes... cycles of wisdom."
Fiayuah: "Yes. Is it true that the Athranaak collects all information about all beings that pass through it? Like memories?"
Xarsha: "In a way to speak but it does more than that."
Fiayuah: "I am curious to find out."
Xarsha: "These are questions you must ask the Master."
Erakar: "You mean Atherak? That is who we are going to see?"
Xarsha: "Yes. He awaits."
The gates open and the guardians go into slumber...
Xarsha: "Come."
Miuah is tense as she walks past the grotesque guardians. As they enter they see a labyrinth of bones. There are bones everywhere even in the cutouts inside the walls. There are bones beneath their feet as they walk.
Erakar walks up to a strange looking skull. He kneels down to get a closer look. He can see tiny lights form where the eyes are. He becomes entranced by it. He gets flashing visions.
He sees many different things of the past, present, and future. Erakar feels what seems to be utter darkness surrounding him. The screams he could hear turns into wicked laughter. He feels the deaths of the many.
Erakar feels a presence creeping up upon him. Deep down inside this is terrifying. He wants to flee or react but his body has become paralyzed. He starts to panic as he feels it upon him. He feels a hand on his shoulder and he is pulled back.
Miuah: "What has happened?"
Erakar: "I don't know."
Fiayuah looks over Erakar. Xarsha laughs...
Xarsha: "I told the Master he should not leave that laying around."
Xarsha picks up the skull and tosses it over his shoulder. That was the skull of the Bishberrin.
They continue down the Labryinth. Out of the corner of her eyes Miuah keeps seeing movements.
Fiayuah is fascinated by this place. She picks up a strange looking skull. She sees within it almost the same effect as Erakar experienced. Instead of being overwhelmed by it she sheds a single tear.
Xarsha: "Bones still hold the memories of the ones they were once a part of."
Fiayuah: "Sometimes you are part of those memories."
She sets it back down. This must be of someone she knew. They are now below the Athranaak. They see the bottom of it open up. Four large chains with hooks drop down. As they hit the ground they sort of bury in.
Miuah: "Watch out!"
Xarsha and Epimetheus don't move. The head of the chains that went down into the ground hook into something. They start to rise. A platform reveals itself from beneath the sand.
Epimetheus chuckles...
Xarsha: "Yes Epimetheus. I have thought the same. The Master should fix that."
They all step onto the platform and it starts to rise. They go up through the Athranaak. They see many different levels of it.
They arrive into the chamber where Atherak is working. They see a large obelisk that is pulled down from the top center of the Athranaak. It looks to be made of flesh and bones. There are skulls and faces in it.
There are many coils with heads on the end that are dangling from above.
Atherak: "Excuse me. The place is a mess."
High up on the obelisk they see someone working. He has a harness around him with a coil connected to it. This stabilizes him as he works...
Fiayuah: "Rovitomial!"
Rovitomial: "Is that you Fiayuah? I cannot believe you are here... Master Atherak, how do I get down?"
Atherak raises his hand and Rovitomial suddenly drops with the coil. He is stopped within inches of hitting the ground. Then the coil harness releases.
Rovitomial and Fiayuah run up and greet each other.
Rovitomial: "Fiayuah it is so good to see you again. I miss your lectures."
Fiayuah: "And I miss spending time in your lab. I have restored it and I hope you don't mind... I have been using it to do my own research."
Rovitomial: "Not at all. It is yours along with all my old equipment there. I have a new lab here. Would you like to see it?"
Atherak: "No."
Fiayuah and Erakar walk toward the coil core. They put their hands toward it and can sense energies.
Erakar: "It is almost like a living thing."
Atherak: "It is a machine, but a machine unlike any can understand."
Erakar: "Yes I see."
As he goes to touch one of the heads of the dangling coils it reacts and snaps at him. Then it goes dormant again.
Fiayuah: "Is it alive?"
Atherak: "No. It is dead like everything here except for you and certain guests."
Fiayuah: "Fascinating."
Epimetheus: "Master the life force is fading in this one."
Atherak: "Are we ready Rovitomial?"
Rovitomial: "I believe so Master."
Atherak: "Bring that one forth Epimetheus."
The coil core rises back up into the Athranaak. Coils start to react all around. Some bite into Atherak and latch on.
Atherak: "Bring him here."
Epimetheus steps forward with the body of Elararis. He holds it up over his head with both his hands. Coils bite into it and suspend it in the air.
Miuah draws her sword: "What are you doing with my father?!"
Epimetheus walks up to her. She starts to back away.
Atherak: "Epimetheus, leave her be."
Epimetheus looks at Miuah and back away.
There is different kinds of lightning and energy that comes out of the walls of the Athranaak. They shoot into the coil core. The body of Elararis suspended beneath it.
Coils come out of Atherak's fingertips and like needles pierce into Elararis' chest.
Fiayuah: "What will you do with him?"
Atherak: "Re-tie his thread."
Fiayuah: "But if he was meant to die then we should honor him transcending."
Atherak: "I am Life and Death Elf. I am Judgement. The King will need this one again. The Blood Rose will need him as well as all of you."
Atherak pulls the body of Elararis forward and sticks his fingers straight into his chest.
Atherak: "Live again!"
The eyes of Elararis open and he starts to breathe again. Atherak removes his hands. The coils release Elararis and he falls to the ground. Erakar and Miuah rush over to their father and lift him up.
Elararis sees them: "I was lost. I was dreaming of all of you. Am I dead?"
Atherak: "You were dead. You and the Lunastar family still have much that needs to be done."
The coil core drops back down. The coils go dormant.
Xarsha: "Still more adjustments need to be made Master."
Elararis is nauseated and vomiting out blackness.
Atherak: "Help them Rovitomial."
Rovitomial: "I have something that can help you."
Miuah stands back in disgust: "What is that?"
Atherak: "Recycled death. Piglet clean that up."
This really fat humanoid creature crawls over to it and she starts to eat it. They are all disgusted by this.
Elararis: "I think I am going to be sick again."
Atherak: "Please don't."
Rovitomial gives Elararis something out of his bag: "Here take a bite of this."
He eats it and starts to feel much better.
Elararis: "Thank you."
Fiayuah speaks quietly with Rovitomial. She is looking to see if Atherak notices as he is working. He seems busy...
Fiayuah: "Rovitomial, we have been friends for a long time. What are you working on with Atherak?"
Rovitomial: "To be honest with you Fiayuah, I don't truly know. The tools he gives me guide my hand like they are connected to my mind."
Fiayuah: "Tell me then Rovitomial is he trying to change our incarnations into us? Does he know what will happen? What the humans will do to us?"
Atherak: "I am very well aware of what they will do."
Fiayuah: "And what will happen when you change them all? We all know the intentions of humans."
Atherak: "Yes as well as I do. I have set things in place. I will return the Moon Tribes to Midgard."
Erakar: "This is a dangerous thing."
Atherak: "I am well aware of that. As I said, I have taken precautions. Why would I do this and leave them to slaughter?"
Rovitomial: "The Master knows what he is doing. I trust in that."
Elararis: "Rovitomial you have been my sister's friend for quite some time. I trust in what you say. But I have a question for Master Atherak... is the threat to my king over?"
Atherak: "When is the threat to any king over? I know he is very dear to you."
Elararis: "His father is my best friend. Lyindrinar is a good king. I mean no offense when I say he is the best king Alfheim has ever had."
Atherak: "I am sure none take offense."
Elararis: "Thank you for returning me to life."
Atherak: "Serve your King. Trust in him."
Elararis: "I do."
Atherak: "As for you young warrior Miuah... war is something I have seen many of times through all the eyes of the dead. You must find your balance. Do not be so quick to judge."
Miuah: "I will try. Thank you for bringing my father back to me."
Erakar: "I would like to thank you too for returning my father."
Atherak: "Aren't you one of those wizards?"
Erakar: "I am hoping to be, but a master has not yet chosen me to be an apprentice."
Atherak: "Keep studying. I am sure it will happen."
Erakar: "I will."
Questions for Elararis...
Q1) On what should I draw essence in the physical from?
Elararis: "Nature and the elements by going out into them and focusing."
Q2) How I can best connect, communicate and integrate with my true self?
Elararis: "Study and learn more about the Nature Folk. Connect with other elves. Learn from each other."
Q3) Is there anything preventing me from developing spiritual/psychic senses properly/how do I better develop my senses (hearing and sight especially)?
Elararis: "Physical limitations create blockages. You must overcome these physical limitations."
Q4) What is the best way to clear and maintain my Ashuvalarmus System?
Elararis: "I would recommend you create a cleansing water. One that you can submerse your body into. You can add in other elements such as stones, salt, and other herbs. This can help awaken, recharge, and balance your Ashuvalarmus System."
Q5) How do I guard my family to make sure they survive the plague and the violence after?
Elararis: "Better train yourself as the warrior that I am. Condition yourself physically."
Q6) What abilities can I develop before the fall?
Elararis: "Psychic senses, strength, agility, and dexterity. Natural and elemental abilities which includes communication."
Questions for Fiayuah...
1. How to consciously consistently communicate with my True Self?
Fiayuah: "Surround yourself with nature and the elements inside your dwelling. Open yourself to their energy and let it flow through you. Connect with it. Also journeys into nature and connecting there will help you along this path."
2. Does my True Self have a familiar I can use or an activity I can do that will immensely enhance our connection?
Fiayuah: "Yes there are many familiars and activities you can use. Get into nature and elemental magic. There are familiars you can craft yourself. A staff would be good. Animals can also be familiars."
3. Is there any way she can help me speed up my elven transformation?
Fiayuah: "There are many things that Atherak does which can help with this." She is also speaking about the Moon Tribes.
4. In addition to using subs and energy tracks, what else could I do to immensely enhance my psychic senses?
Fiayuah: "Connecting with nature and elements. Refer back to the first two questions."
5. Will I survive the fall?
Atherak: "Yes."
6. What do the flashes/visions of nature I receive mean and what should I do when I get them?
Fiayuah: "This is nature communicating with you. You should listen and try to find the source and the cause of why it is communicating."
Questions for Erakar...
Q1. If I have any affinities
Erakar: "With the Vala and Maia."
Q2. Does he want me to use any series (I'm using some superhuman to improve my physical body)
Erakar: "The Elf series."
Q3. What to do to connect better and if he wants Core Fusion.
Erakar: "Yes I do want a core fusion. To connect better study the ways of magic. Connect with the elements and nature."
Q4. which energy tracks are the best for me to use (I'm using Dragon Metabolic Boost and soon Dragon Mental Strength)
Erakar: "All of them."
Q5. how to prepare for the fall / what to do
Erakar: "Connect more with your spiritual self. Condition yourself physically and mentally."
Q6. Is there anything in particular he wants me to do.. with my life.. whatever..
Erakar: "I want you to walk the path of the wise man, of the wizard."
Questions for Miuah...
1. Why did you incarnate here on Midgard?
Miuah: "To serve my King and to serve Alfheim."
2. On what should I draw essence from?
Miuah: "Nature and the elements."
3. How can I better connect and communicate with you?
Miuah: "Walking the Elven Warrior path. Focus and meditation."
4. Can I know some of your abilities and those I got into my physical form through you?
Miuah: "I am swift and agile. I have high endurance and stamina. I also sense danger."
5. Do you have a Lover? Will I meet her incarnation?
Miuah: "I do have a lover. Yes you will meet her incarnation."
6. What advice do you give for the fall arrival?
Miuah: "Train, condition yourself physically and mentally. Learn and practice many different types of combat. With handheld weapons and hand to hand combat."
Atherak does the core fusions for Elararis Fiayuah, and Miuah...
Atherak: "I bring the spiritual and the physical together."
The Athranaak coils sew.
Atherak: "I combine the spiritual core and the physical essence with all of its abilities from here and forever more. I bless this fusion."
Fiayuah: "I will take word to King Lyindrinar that Elararis has been restored to life."
True Self Past Vision for Elararis Lunastar...
Atherak: "Tell me of the Lunastar family and how it came to be."
Elararis: "I am sure that your garden here of bones could tell you all about it."
Atherak: "I like hearing stories. Especially from elves."
Elararis: "Where should I begin?"
Atherak: "I find the beginning to be the best place."
Elararis chuckles: "Very well...
As I am sure you know, the Lunastar family is one of the oldest in Alfheim. With the joining of two great families.
My grandmother and grandfather... Varania Starlight and Karasat Lunamoon."
Atherak: "Hence the name Lunastar."
Elararis: "Precisely."
Atherak: "Tell me of your life growing up in Alfheim."
Elararis: "Well from a young boy I always wanted to serve in the King's royal guard as my father and grandfather did before me. To serve Alfheim. However, under King Yserah I found this duty quite difficult to deal with."
Atherak: "He was quite the despot wasn't he?"
Elararis: "He was more than that. He was a tyrant. I will be honest with you Atherak, I cannot hide what I have truly done. I will not hide from judgement."
Atherak: "Carried out by your tyrant's orders."
Elararis: "I did carry them out."
Atherak: "But deep down inside your core you could feel the pain, suffering, and death of those that you inflicted your King's orders on. It was for that you left the royal guard and only returned with Queen Asherah assumed the throne."
Elararis: "This is true."
Atherak: "Tell me why did you leave?"
Elararis: "I found out my King's plan. It appalled me. Every essence of what I was could not do this."
Atherak: "Speak it. What appalled you?"
Elararis: "The genocide that King Yserah wanted to unleash upon what he considered to be lesser Nature Folk."
Atherak: "The Dark Elves and many others."
Elararis: "Yes."
Atherak: "You were destined to come here."
Elararis: "Then why did you return me to life?"
Atherak: "Because I am judgement."
Elararis: "But I have done deeds and things that I should be judged for."
Atherak: "Well we will discuss that later. Tell me more of your past."
Elararis: "I remember the Urthak War and what happened afterward is what haunts me the most."
Atherak: "Yes such a wasteful war."
Elararis: "I am glad to hear that. I thought the same too at the time."
Atherak: "You have a memory that I am interested in. A memory about a certain Ourhkina. A certain one named Arku."
Elararis: "I fought several battles alongside him."
Atherak: "I am aware of that. It is after one in particular that I am interested in. Against a type of shadow elf."
Elararis: "Yes I remember the shadow elves."
Atherak: "That place you discovered and you showed him."
Elararis: "Yes I remember."
Atherak: "Tell me about it."
Elararis: "After the battle we were searching for any information that could tell us more about our enemy's plans. I remember I was out with a squad of elves looking to gather more intel. We came across the place that was covered by a large stone."
Atherak: "What was on the front of it?"
Elararis: "The same symbol that is on your forehead. I reported my findings back to Arku and I took him there. When he tried to gain access to it he could not."
Atherak: "Interesting."
Elararis: "He told me to gather two others I trusted the most to guard over this place while he returned to his brothers to find a way to open the chamber. Something about him at the time seemed odd to me."
Atherak: "What was it that seemed odd?"
Elararis: "When he touched the symbol on the chamber he became overwhelmed.
He said 'I have seen death. I have seen judgement. A glimpse of it. I must return to my brothers for whatever lies in the chamber we must understand.'
Then he left me there with two others I trusted the most."
Atherak: "Tell me what happened after that."
Elararis: "We had set camp and were on our guard. I remember we became very sleep. It became very dark. Darker than night. Darker than the blackest black. We felt the presence of a being but I could not see it.
When I awoke... I should say when I was awoken... by the Ourhkina Gabriel the chamber was open and the symbol upon it was gone.
When Arku asked me what happened I could not explain it to him. I could only tell him what I remembered before I went into a slumber. I asked him 'What is it? Are we in danger?'
Arku said 'No. I feel that this is something that will take much time before we begin to understand.' I also sensed the being that took this was not from any realm we know of, but from the in-between. Why do you ask me this in particular?"
Atherak: "I am just curious. How do you find your service under King Lyindrinar?"
Elararis chuckles: "Well I would serve him unto death. As we are both aware."
Atherak: "I like your humor."
Elararis: "I wish to continue serving him if you will allow me. I know there are things that I said before that even I must be judged for."
Atherak: "When the time comes we will discuss that. For now serve your King."
Elararis: "And I will. I also wish to serve this Queen Blood Rose Ashontrah. She seems to inspire my King and bring out the best in him."
Atherak: "Then you should probably do that."
Elararis: "I will seek to do so."
Atherak: "Thank you for telling me the story of your past."
Elararis: "Thank you for letting me continue on into my future. When the time comes that I will be judged I just want you to know, whatever judgement you have for me I will stand ready to face."
Atherak: "Very noble of you. You should return. King Lyindrinar is in need of your services once again."
Elararis: "Thank you."
Xarsha opens a rift to Alfheim. As Elararis walks by Xarsha he stops and stares for a moment.
Atherak: "Is there anything else?"
Elararis: "No. I just felt a memory. Excuse me."
He goes through the rift. The sessions are complete...
Atherak: "Do you think he will remember?"
Xarsha: "Maybe Master, but my image wasn't the same then as it is now."
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