Part Nine: Defeating the Unseen

Dunka has Axula, Blacklace, Fiylin, Bloodblade, Eldrax, and Maldee as prisoners in the shadow realm.
Gorvag is speaking to Dunka through an orb. Dunka shows the prisoners...
Gorvag: "The females will make fine pleasure slaves."
Blacklace: "Pleasure slave this." She flips him the finger.
Gorvag: "What is that?"
Blacklace: "Sit on it and spin around you sloppy eff."
Gorvag: "Who is this one?"
Dunka: "She is a raider from this existence."
Gorvag: "Oh a fellow raider. What tips can you give me now that you sit in a cage?"
Blacklace: "Well the first tip I can give you is why don't you stop stuffing your mouth with that shit while you are trying to talk to me. You are a sloppy effer aren't you? I heard about you from the lads and lasses in Alfheim.
You are the big joke there. Heard you like to have things rammed up your keisters. All four of them until you shit yourself huh?
I tell you what... I'll take these four fingers and stick them up all your asses and pick you up like an effing bowling ball and roll you down the lane. How does that sound to you?
Here is a question for you, when was the last time you ever seen your pecker or do you even have one still? Did that swallowed up inside you?"
Gorvag: "You insolent being! You will be brought back to me in chains and I will have that insolent tongue of yours removed!"
Blacklace: "I am surprised you haven't swallowed your own effing tongue yet. Stuffing all that shit in your mouth when you are trying to talk.
There is a code of etiquette you know you stupid sloppy eff which obviously you never heard of. Look at you. You got food a week old rotting away on your fat tits there."
Dunka slams the cage: "Enough! You will be silenced on transfer."
Bloodblade laughs: "Ha! Good luck with that."
Blacklace: "Yeah I will be waiting for that you four-armed effer."
Slaver crab being comes with a message: "General the armies of the shadow realm have gathered in the next valley."
Dunka: "Good. Time to unleash the new turned Unseen."
Gorvag: "Make this quick Dunka. I am planning to arrive soon."
Dunka: "This place will fall. Take the slaves aboard that ship. I am giving it as a gift to my father."
Blacklace: "Oh no that sloppy effer ain't coming on my ship! His ass gets on there it will sink like an effing rock."
Dunka hits the bars of the cage: "I said silence!"
Blacklace: "Oh a big tough mothereffer. Bending bars and shit. Let me out of these chains and we will go ahead and do fist to cuffs."
Dunka: "I don't have time for this. Take them aboard the ship. I have a realm to conquer."
The Unseen army behind Dunka go invisible. Dunka marches over the hill overlooking the shadow army.
Shadow General: "There seems to only be one. Begin the advance. But advance slowly because they may be on the other side of the ridge. It could be a trap."
They see Dunka give a command with his arm.
Shadow General: "Hold!" They don't see anything. Suddenly their front line gets hit hard.
Shadow warrior: "What is it? I cannot see anything!"
They are in disarray...
Shadow General: "Hold the lines!"
The right flank gets attacked from the inside. They cannot see what is hitting them.
Dunka comes running down the hill. He grabs the Shadow General off his steed and smashes him to the ground.
The prisoners are being loaded upon the ship by a handful of slavers...
Maldee looks at the shadow realm: "They will all be slaughtered."
Crab slaver: "Quiet you. Get aboard the ship."
As they go to the plank to board the ship they see a being standing up there. It is Dracelsa.
Slaver: "You girl! Who are you?"
Dracelsa starts spinning her hands and this blue dust goes out over the first two slavers walking up the plank. There is blue dust all over them.
Slaver: "What is this?"
Then the blue dust busts into flames and burns them. Ondrax attacks the three slavers from behind. He uses a blue fireball on one of them.
This other slaver comes at him with a long bladed spear but Ondrax phases and it goes right through him.
Then Ondrax creates a blue flame circle which burns up the third slaver.
Crab slaver: "Don't let the prisoners escape. This is an ambush!"
All these quills shoot up the slaver's face. He starts burning with blue fire. Quills go into the other slavers and they catch fire.
Eldrax: "We must find a way to break free."
Blacklace: "Oh my boy has already got that covered. Don't you Fiylin?"
Fiylin: "Already on it."
He gets himself free and frees the others. The slavers have Axula trapped inside a crystal.
Tiyenta: "We have to save my sister."
Other slavers from the encampment are taking notice of the commotion.
Tiyenta throws her quills at the crystal. They stick into it but it doesn't shatter. The blames try to ignite but they burn out.
Blacklace: "Stand back lass. That is an elemental ice crystal. No fire is going to burn through that. You got to bust the bitch open like it is an effing pumpkin."
Her fist glows blue and she rushes at the crystal. She punches it and it smashes.
Bloodblade gathers the weapons: "Here friend."
He throws a rifle and a bag to Fiylin who runs and jumps to catch it.
Fiylin quickly loads it and starts shooting at the slavers. Their heads and bodies are exploding.
When Axula gets free her sister Tiyenta runs up to her and they touch hands. They both catch on fire with the blue flame. They move fast and flame quills shoot at the slavers.
Blacklace to the slavers: "Come bring it boys. I got something for every one of you mothereffers."
Ondrax: "We need to get aboard the ship if we are to save the shadow army and this realm."
Blacklace to the slavers: "You are all effing lucky I got to go! But I will be seeing your asses! Everybody get aboard."
Eldrax asks Fiylin: "Can you cover us?"
Fiylin: "I got you." He keeps shooting. He backs up toward the plank to the ship. He is really fast.
Ashontrah had sent Xexian Countess of Pain to the shadow realm... She killed all the slavers aboard the ship.
Xexian: "My Queen Ashontrah is in need of your ship."
Blacklace: "As long as we are going to go eff these mothereffers up I am all on board."
Blacklace goes to the helm and the ship starts to move to the battle...
Shadow Commander: "We need to fall back!"
Shadow Warrior: "There is no where to fall back to. They are behind us."
Another Shadow Warrior: "Look over there!"
Many of the Avnomar are standing up on a hill. Skadi blows a very loud horn. Everyone covers their ears including Dunka.
The horn is making the Unseen glitch. They are coming out of their invisibility.
The Avnomar and shadow army go invisible instead.
Dunka: "Where did they go?"
The Unseen start getting attacked.
***Flashback: When the Unseen first entered into our existence... They temporarily lost their invisibility because Ashontrah took it to give to her Avnomar. She also took half the power away from the Unseen, Dunka, and the Bone General.***
Dunka: "They have stolen our power. They are all around us. Protect yourselves. Grab them and turn them."
A few shadow warriors get caught and grabbed. The Unseen sunk their teeth into them and they become visible again and start turning.
Draena Silverleaf: "Do not let them bite into you. Only hold them for a little longer. Skadi, when I give the command sound the retreat."
Dunka is swining a huge spike club around. He hits some of the shadow warriors.
Dunka: "I will crush you no matter how you hide from me. Nothing can stop me!"
Blacklace's ship is going toward them...
Dracelsa: "The time is now Tiyenta."
Tiyenta: "We must join together and unleash the cleansing flame."
Axula, Tiyenta, Ondrax, and Dracelsa join hands in a circle. A blue flame starts flowing through them.
Xexian speaks to Bloodblade, Fiylin, and Eldrax...
Xexian: "You may want to get below deck. It is about to get real hot here."
Xexian: "Blacklace, take your ship straight through them."
Blacklace: "Alright you effers. I told you I am effing coming for you!"
The ship moves forward like a tidal wave. Draena sees the ship coming.
Draena: "Skadi now sound the retreat."
Skadi blows the horn again. The Avnomar and shadow army start to retreat leaving Dunka and the Unseen standing there.
Dunka: "What is that sound? You cannot run! I will tear this realm apart."
Then he turns around and sees a ship turning into a wave of blue flames. It goes over all of the Unseen and they burn away.
Blacklace: "Burn you mothereffers! I told you I'd get you!"
Dunka is fried but he is alive. He starts healing and gets up. He takes something out of his belt. He throws it and it opens a portal. He goes through.
The ship comes to a stop. Skadi blows the horn again and the Avnomar and shadow army reappear. The blue cleansing flame dies down.
The others return from below deck...
Xexian: "My Queen will be pleased with this. You are all congratulated."
Draena tells the Avnomar to get aboard the ship.
Draena: "Get aboard. We don't have much time."
She approaches Blacklace...
Draena: "I need you to take us to Valinor. Dunka will surely be on his way to warn the bone general of his loss here. We will need to be there to aid Tulkas. We cannot let the Unseen escape."
Remember that half the Unseen went to the shadow realm and the other half went to Valinor.
Axula: "We must finally put an end to my parents and set them free. Are you with me Tiyenta?"
Tiyenta: "I am. Let's end this and set them free."
Draena: "Take us to Valinor Blacklace."
Blacklace: "Alright everyone. Hold on to your assess. We are going full speed!"
The ship takes off.
Slaver Scout: "Tulkas made preparations for the attack. He must have gotten word of it."
Bone General: "This is no concern to us. The Unseen will run over them as if they were nothing and I shall have Tulkas' head on a plate. Prepare, we will burn this place."
The Unseen who were sent to Valinor go invisible. There are also a few thousand slavers with the Bone General and the turned Dourin Lasil and Ovia.
Tulkas along with Lyindrinar and a few other Avnomar...
Lyindarinar: "We have to wait until they are close enough for us to use it."
Tulkas: "I understand."
He speaks to the Valinor army...
Tulkas: "Do not be fooled. Their army is unseen. We must hold our ground until I give the signal."
On the other side of the field...
Bone General: "Enough wasting time."
She gives the command for all of them to move forward.
Tulkas: "Light the fires!"
Behind the Valinor army huge green fires go up.
Tulkas: "No matter what happens hold your ground."
The Valinor army can see the slavers and the Bone General coming. They hit by the Unseen first.
Tulkas: "Form up!"
The Valinor army forms their shields together like a turtle shell. The Unseen is trying to break through.
Tulkas gathers some of the green fire and burns it over the top of the shields. It is burning some of the Unseen and they back away.
Bone General commands the slavers: "Break that wall!"
The slavers join in on the attack along with her, Lasil, and Ovia. The quills almost penetrate the shields. The Bone General has a sickle she is hitting down the shields with it.
Lances come up from behind the shields and try to hit the Bone General but they break.
She sees Tulkas run inside the shield wall. As she hacks on them they start to break but another shield fills in that spot.
Bone General: "You cannot hide in there for long Tulkas! I will have your skull!"
Side note: The Bone General has all these trophy skulls that she wears on her belt.
Tulkas: "Come and get me! Now Lyindrinar!"
Lyindrinar blows his horn. The Unseen lose their invisiblity and become visible. The Avnomar and the Valinor army go invisible.
Bone General: "What is this?!"
Then there is an explosion in her army.
Lasil: "What is happening?"
You can hear Blacklace...
Blacklace: "I told you I was effing coming for you pin cushion! Give them another taste of the four guns Bloodblade!"
Bloodblade: "Yes Captain!"
There is a lever on top of the deck and he pulls it back. The guns shoot out. As they hit they explode with the cleansing blue flame. It is burning the Unseen.
Down below the deck Dracelsa is converting the ammunition to have the blue dust. Ondrax is using his movement ability to load the boulder sized cannons. It fires again and more Unseen get hit and burned.
Bone General: "They have us trapped! Defend the rear."
Eldrax and Fiylin are shooting the other ones down. Eldrax is using a crossbow with blue flaming arrow. They also infused Fiylin's ammunition with the blue dust.
Tulkas: "Now break formation and attack!"
The Valnior army breaks their shield wall and attacks the Unseen.
Axula and Tiyenta are with Draena...
Draena: "We need to get you two to Tulkas if we are to end this battle."
Draena: "Blacklace can you get them there?"
Blacklace: "Oh I can get these two little skinny wenches down there. Hold hands and don't stick me!"
Axula and Tiyenta join hands. Blacklace grabs them both and swing throws them off. As they fly down they roll up in a ball almost like Sonic the Hedgehog and go really fast. All these quills come flying out of them. They stick into Unseen and burn them away.
The sisters land right in front of the lines of the Valinor army. The army parts and lets them through. They make their way to Tulkas.
Tiyenta: "We come on behalf of Ashontrah."
Axula: "There is something we must give you and your army. We need your fire. Concentrate it on your army."
Tulkas gives them green fire. They put their blue flames into it and it infuses all their armor and weapons with blue flame. The Valinor army is cutting through the Unseen.
Tulkas gets rushed and tackled by the Bone General. He throws her off. She flips and lands on her feet.
Bone General: "I have been waiting for this rematch."
Tiyenta and Axula launch quills at her but they just bounce off.
Tulkas: "Well don't let me keep you waiting."
They start their fight with each other.
The turned Dourin Cheiftan and Cheiftess Lasil and Ovia....
Ovia: "Now is the time to leave here. This is a loss. Our daughters have come for us. We must protect the master."
They both sneak away and go through a portal just as an arrow comes flying at them.
Eldrax: "I will find your master! He will face judgement the judgement of Vlackheim!"
I think the Turned One Hunter was sent by the other Vlackin to hunt this master down.
The Unseen and the slavers are defeated. Tulkas is still fighting the Bone General.
Bloodblade get ready to join in but Blacklace stops him...
Blacklack: "This is a private affair. The lad can handle himself."
The Bone General has the upper hand. She knocks him down and gets on top of him.
Bone General: "Now die in front of all those who honor you!"
Tulkas: "I won't be dying today."
He puts something on her chest and kicks her off. She goes rolling back and this Void crystal surrounds her and freezes her.
She is not strong enough to break out of it because Ashontrah took half of her power. Yet she is still indestructible.
Bone General: "What is this?!"
Tulkas: "This is your new home. Since you like our exitence so much and want to stay here there is a little place called Tartarus I think you should see. Away with her..."
Everyone gathers around. Tulkas looks at Xexian...
Tulkas: "Then there is victory in the shadow realm as well."
Xexian nods her head: "Yes but Dunka escaped and his father will be coming soon. With the loss of the Unseen he will not be happy about this. He may bring the full force of everything he has."
Draena: "Then we shall be ready."
Axula: "My mother and father have also escaped and will surely find this slaver king and offer him aid. My sister and I cannot rest until we have freed our parents from this curse. If we can aid you in any way we are at your service."
Eldrax: "Their master is their true power. I was sent here by the Vlackin to end him which will not be an easy task. He will surely join the side of your enemies to seek protection. I will also aid you."
Ondrax: "What is to becoming of me and Dracelsa? The ones who brought us here to these strange lands full of strange beings have not guaranteed us that we can stay. I understand now what he meant before. There are other places beyond the one I know. I want to stay here."
Dracelsa: "I wish to stay here as well. I feel that I can aid these beings against this enemy. We know how to defeat this Vlackin. We have the fire to burn him away. Yet it is not up to us whether we stay or not."
Atherak: "Yeah fine." A raven flies down Xexian and speaks to her...
Xexian: "Then you shall have what you wish. You may stay in these realms. As for you two sisters, aid Ashontrah in any way you can. Earn your keep here in these realms."
Tiyenta: "We shall."
Lyindrinar and Tulkas do a warrior embrace. Then Tulkas does another one with Draena.
Tulkas: "Always an honor to fight by your side. Should I return with you to Alfheim?"
Lyindrinar: "Yes. All the great Kings and Queens will be gathering. We must all join forces together to repel this threat from Gorvag. It will take all the realms united. Everyone to beat back this horde."
Tulkas: "I will gather what I need here and arrive soon."
Blacklace: "I guess I'll go back to Alfheim too. But I ain't walking. I am taking my effing ship. You are all welcome to join me."
They board the ship...
Lyindrinar: "Return us to Alfheim Admiral."
Blacklace: "Ah just like that... Promoted. I am growing quite fond of you there King. Still don't want to kiss you or anything but I am growing quite fond of you."
They return to Alfheim.
Dunka reports back to his father Gorvag...
Dunka: "All the Unseen are lost. It was that Ashontrah again."
He shows Gorvag the battle of what happened.
Dunka: "I have also learned that the army in Valinor was defeated as well and your general captured."
Gorvag: "What?! No!" He falls out his floating throne and is pounding his fists on the ground. He stops and breathes...
Gorvag: "I am done messing around with this existence. This Ashontrah and her friends wish to stand against me?! I will bring the full force of my slaver army against them.
We will see if this Blood Rose banner can stand against billions. Hear me Blood Rose Queen... I am coming for you! You will be my own personal pet and when I am done I will give you to my princess as a rag doll!"
Questions for the Vaupawayn Warlock Ondrax from his incarnation Ancient Alchemical Wyvern...
Q1. Why did you incarnate here on Midgard?
Ondrax: "I didn't know I had an incarnation. I sent out a soul bottle like many others did. I am glad that it became you. That means there is another realm I can explore through our eyes."
Q2. What can I do to strengthen my connection with you?
Ondrax: "Learn the ways of the Spirit Walker. That is I am. I will try to come to you when you dream and teach you these ways."
Q3. What preparations do I need to make for the upcoming events?
Ondrax: "I don't know anything about any upcoming events. But if they are truly to be devastating then my best advice would be to focus your mind. Try to understand where you will need to be when these events occur."
Q4. Also, adding to the series: Elf/Saiyan/Druid-Multishifter (Panthera & Bear Shifter)
Ondrax: "I am interested in learning new types of magic. If this is magic that is new to me I shall learn it and master it."
Q5. Will you pledge your allegiance to Ashontrah & the Blood Rose Empire?
Ondrax: "I am new to these realms. I must understand first and see what is here before I pledge myself. If this Ashontrah has true need of me then I will discover that for myself."
Q6. Anything you want to share?
Ondrax: "I am looking forward to connecting. I belive I can learn more from you about these realms than any other."
Questions for the Vaupawayn Witch Dracelsa from her incarnation Shelley...
Q1. What type of gifts, abilities, talents my true self has...
Dracelsa: "I am a witch. I also dwell in conjuring. I have the gift of the cleansing flame. I study all different types of magic. There are many more I wish to learn."
Q2. Would I be able to bring them through to this incarnation?
Dracelsa: "Yes they tell me it is possible for me to."
Q3. Does my true self want to merge with this incarnation?
Dracelsa: "If that is possible. Yes I would."
Q4. Tell me more about yoursef...
Dracelsa: "I was raised in the forest as a Kourin. I don't remember much of my parents. I was left there when I was very young. I was raised among the Dourin until I left after the great purging. I remained in the swamp to help the Vaupawayn people and aid them in medicines, healing, and other such things."
Questions for the Dourin sister Axula from her incarnation Mariandi...
Q1. Why did you incarnate in Midgard?
Axula: "I made a soul bottle and I didn't discover I had an incarnation until I got here and heard about them. I was so focused on ending my parent's damnation that I haven't connected."
Q2. What would you like to share with me?
Axula: "I love being here in these realms. I have made two really dear friends who are like sisters to me now like my own."
Questions for the Dourin sister Tiyenta from her incarnation Carla...
Q1. What is my purpose on Midgard?
Tiyenta: "I don't know yet. I am sure that all will be revealed to me."
Q2. Will I survive the fall?
Tiyenta: "I don't know what the fall is. When I learn more of it I will communicate with you with my thoughts on it."
Q3. Will I develop any ability in time for the fall?
Tiyenta: "I would hope that the magic which flows through me will also flow through you."
Q4. Is there anything in particular that would you like me to know?
Tiyenta: "Be weary of other beings whose essence may be linked to the overlords of Vlackheim. If I have incarnated here then surely some of them have."
Q5. What is the fastest way for me to get over everything that holds me back? (traumas, procrastination, etc...)
Tiyenta: "Focus and calm your mind. Move forward and put yourself in motion."
Q6. What tracks and what upgrade should I have?
Tiyenta: "I don't know what tracks are or the upgrades yet at the moment. But when I learn more of them I will advise you on them."
Questions for the Vaupawyn Turned One Hunter Eldrax from her incarnation Sumaiya...
Q1. Why did you incarnate in Midgard?
Eldrax: "To hunt down any and all who may have been turned by the Vlackin I hunt. He has been here to Midgard but has moved on. I know his foul kind are here."
Q2. What would you like to share with me?
Eldrax: "Do not trust those who wish to join with your energy. Be weary of the cursed offspring of the one I hunt. For they infest that world. They have followers who wish to be their slaves. Be weary of those."
Questions for the Shadow Being Maldee from her incarnation...
Q1. What should I do to get stronger connection with you?
Maldee: "I would do unification. Trust in your feelings for it is me trying to connect with you. Erase the doubt from your mind."
Q2. How to develop my fighting abilities the most efficient way?
Maldee: "Use the energy around you. Try training in the dark. Hone your other senses beyond your eyesight. This will improve your fighting abilities."
Q3. What habits or thought forms I have that sabotage or slow down my progress?
Maldee: "At times you are too hard on yourself for things unrelated to our connection that are beyond your control."
Q4. What’s my purpose after the Fall?
Maldee: "To help your fellow true selves from the group."
Q5. Do you think I was overreacting when I asked you to get arrested? Are you mad at me?
Maldee: "No. At that time I was not myself. You did the right thing."
Q6. What abilities are the most important ones I should focus on developing?
Maldee: "The ability to use shadow. Move like shadow and be unseen."
Questions for the Elf Mercenary Fiylin Xansheel from his incarnation Shuvo...
Q1. What kind of being are you and what are the roles do you play?
Blacklace: "He is a stupid effing elf with one eye who cannot hit a broadside of a barn in front of him."
They all laugh...
Fiylin: "I am a gun for hire and a light elf as you can tell. But I am not too much for the traditional elven ways. I prefer to make my own way."
Q2. Who is your family and is Riana and Natasha whom I know the incarnations of your wife and twin sister respectively?
Blacklace: "Some pig farted one day and popped out this big turd if you want to know about his family."
Fiylin: "I do have a family. I have a sister and a wife but I have not spoken to them in a long time. They still carry on in the same elven traditions that I left behind."
Q3. What is the significance of being born in Japan to Bangladeshi parents in this incarnation where both flags involve the sun?
Fiylin: "The symbol of my father's house was of the sun. That may be of some significance."
Blacklace: "Or maybe it is because he can only see with one effing eye. Ever see him try to buy a pair of sunglasses?"
Q4. What is the history of the realm you come from and is allied with other realms like Volheim and Jotunheim?
Blacklace: "He comes from the realm of one-eyed small pecker assholes. They call it Assheim. It is full of assholes like him."
They all laugh...
Fiylin: "Well I am from Alfheim. What was the question again?... *He gets reminded* The history of the realm I came from is the realm of the Nature Folk. I have heard of the alliances with Volheim and Jotunheim. Like I said, I make my own way."
Q5. Can you elaborate on why do I feel a connection to Tenomachi and certain members of the SIlverleaf family?
Fiylin: "I admire them. I have heard all the tales shared in Alfheim and in the group."
Blacklace is passed out drunk...
Q6. What can I do help the other incarnations of your family members?
Fiylin: "Find them first of all and see who they are. See if they are willing to make a connection."
Blacklace wakes up and slurs her speech: "Or tell them they are some grubby effers who cannot dance if they..." She passes out again and falls over.
Atherak does the core fusions for Ondrax, Tiyenta, and Fiylin.
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