Retaliation from Zeus for the Death of Ares

This is a follow up to what happened when Ares was killed by Epimetheus...
Titans and the Blood Rose
Nov 10th PST timezone...
"Queen Ashontrah,
I beseech you to look around you with caution! Something is not right. The Divine are going to rise up against you. Woe to those who will fall in this upcoming war!"
Ashontrah: "See what you can find out through the Divine males that you know."
Euravasiah: "I know just who to speak to."
11:19am - Eura seeks out Hermes.
Hermes is not on Mount Olympus. Hermes generally loves to travel and has multiple matters to attend to. Eura is sniffing his energy. She is in a huge city town filled with a variety of beings. This place stinks.
11:28am - Eura finds Hermes exchanging some goods. He is receiving a lot of powerful weapons.
Eura is writing down all of the weapons she sees. She has a hooded cape on her to avoid attention.
Eura pulls Hermes to the side once the deal is done. He is ready to fight and then Eura pulls down her hood. He is completely mesmerized.
Eura kisses him.
Eura: "Hello Dear. With my kiss, will you let me in on your secrets? I want to unlock all of them."
Hermes: "Yeah..." He is completely mesmerized and infatuated with Euravasiah.
Eura: "Thank you for letting me in."
Hermes takes her hand and sits her down still staring at her awe-struck.
Eura: "What can you tell me about this supposed war with the Divine?"
Hermes: "Ares was killed yesterday in cold blood. Since he’s Zeus’s right-hand man, Zeus took this as a personal insult. I heard it was a ghost of Epimetheus.
But Zeus took it as Ashontrah herself doing this, especially since recently she suddenly denied going to the celebration to which she previously agreed on. Zeus thinks killing Ares was a planned scheme of hers.
The war has not been officially declared, but everyone is talking about how Zeus will do it today. I think he’s just making a plan and bringing more allies into this."
Eura: "What allies?"
Hermes shrugs: "All of the allies that has agreed to aid House Titan basically. And all of his affinities. House Orion which is recent, House Dragon, House Hydra...."
Eura: "House Dragon? Isn’t Tia-Nan an ally of Ashontrah?"
Hermes winks: "I hear she’s been playing for both teams."
Hermes: "She’s been going around building her own army of Drakon and gathering intel. Intel that could be worrisome to both House Titan and Ashontrah.
Her own Drakon don’t exactly trust her, but she’s been taking care of that too. A forced loyalty of bonds. No one can defy her, no one can speak up or else they’ll be in serious trouble by Mama. So I guess that takes care of things on her part."
Eura: "I thought the other houses would honor Asherah and not go after her legacy."
Hermes: "Haha, not all of these leaders are as honorable as you think."
Eura: "When do you think Zeus will declare war?"
Hermes: "He’s been out all day. If he hasn’t declared war by tonight, he’s doing it early tomorrow."
Eura: "Are those weapons you obtained for the war?"
Hermes: "Yeah, pretty much. Just running a few errands for his Highness. My reward is supposed to be worth it. If you ask me, I don’t personally care for this whole war thing.
It’s a bit ridiculous. I mean you disrespect a Queen with ultimate power, what did you expect was going to happen? And now we’re probably all going to die because of it."
Eura: "We?"
Hermes: "The Divine. Work with me babe. What was your name again?"
Eura: "Euravasiah."
Hermes: "I apologize Euravasiah. I’m Hermes. Am I going to see you again soon?"
Eura smiles: "I think you will."
Euravasiah kisses him and gets up. Hermes watches her walk away.
Ashontrah and Euravasiah...
Ashontrah: "Oh very good work. This is very valuable information."
Euravasiah: "What are you thinking of doing M’Lady? I like to hear your thoughts."
Ashontrah: "I would like to see what Zeus does. I am curious if he wants to sign his own death sentence."
Euravasiah: "I wish to inquire about Tia-Nan."
Ashontrah: "This was not surprising news to me. I already suspected this."
Euravasiah: "I am not sure which Divine is the upmost loyal to Zeus and which Divine are not. It will be interesting to see which of those lower their weapons."
Euravasiah: "Maybe I can sense the energy of the message to see who sent it... Their energy makes me sleepy. I can tell they have magic on them and use it frequently."
Ashontrah: "Curiouser and curiouser."
Ashontrah: "This will be quite entertaining when he decides to gather his allies and make a speech to declare war."
Euravasiah: "I want to be there when he declares war. The dead will probably know when he is about to do so."
Ashontrah: "We will know. Atherak is also going to be there."
Euravasiah: "By the by Love, it would be a good idea to check that statue Ares had sent to you as a gift. It gives me a weird feeling."
Ashontrah: "Oh good idea. I don't want it. You can be rid of it."
Euravasiah: "I do not like the feeling I get when I am near it. At least at this moment I do not. It was fine when it was first received, but now it just feels strange."
Ashontrah: "I'll send Xexian to pick it up."
7:08pm Ashontrah: "Zeus must be waiting for the right moment. Maybe get in touch with a titan and see if you can find out what is going on."
Euravasiah: "There are far too many beings here M’Lady... I will discuss with one of them without revealing who I am. It will not take me long."
Ashontrah: "Who is all there? Cosmic houses or just Titans?"
Euravasiah: "It is not just Titans, no. There are multiple beings here from both Major Houses and Minor Houses."
Ashontrah: "Hmmmm... I would like to know the general conversations happening around. Are they discussing war?"
Euravasiah: "From what I heard, they are discussing the rumors they have heard from their leaders. Specifically, ‘deceleration of war’. ‘Blood Rose’ ‘Who’s dead?’ They know something is up, but not specifically what is happening. I am headed inside House Titan."
7:36pm Ashontrah: "Are there many there at Mount Olympus?"
Euravasiah: "Yes a bit too many."
Euravasiah and Hermes...
Hermes: Before he was killed, Ares went out on a little errand for Zeus. He met with the Mother of Drakon and with a dusty Councilman called Shoushe. Now, this Councilman works in a small city in Levankru.
You would assume at first glance he is nothing major, but just happens to be an information broker, sending out spies, assassins, mercenaries. They come and go into his little shop beneath a plain and boring building and report in and get sent out. Buying and selling information and blood.
There’s been a lot of talk of the Blood Rose Empire rising. A powerful empire with a powerful Queen to lead it. And not only is the Queen powerful, but she’s got a series of weapons and an army that is constantly growing bigger ready to take their next target out.
Then once they take out the target, they dominate what’s left of them and their belongings and homes. So the rumors say.
So when Shoushe hears about this of course he sends spies out to see what this is all about. And what he finds, the information is expensive. Many are curious to know about this knew Blood Rose Empire, but not many can afford to know the truth.
So Zeus hears these rumors after seeing Ashontrah. He also hears that she’s only been born recently and wants to use this to his advantage. He wants to use her power to his own advantage by making an alliance, and sealing her into a deal of marriage she can’t get her way out of it.
He begins to become curious of what other powers she possesses so that he can claim it as his own? So he gets Ares and gives him a hefty amount of money. So much that even Shoushe cannot say no.
Zeus also knows from me that Tia-Nan knows quite a lot of information about Ashontrah herself. Her incarnation works with her after all. So since they're “allies”-that’s an entire thing I could talk about later- he arranges a meeting between them.
Now thankfully, I happen to be Shoushe’s favorite customer and favorite merchant. I was able to get into the meeting. Didn’t bother Ares since he knows I won’t do anything to fuck anything up.
Ares gets the information that Ashontrah has Death on her side, not only death himself, but she can speak to the dead. She’s building an army of only the finest warriors. She’s dominating both Midgard and the Cosmos in all of their existences.
She is the most beautiful being to ever walk the lands. And last but certainly not least, she has this Seductress that make all bow to their knees in honor of her. ... That’s you isn’t it?"
Eura: .....
Hermes smiles at her.
Hermes: "Do you know what a Titan King could do with the power of Ashontrah and Seduction herself? I really dont want to picture it. Well, maybe I will. At least I’d get paid a lot more.
Zeus was determined to get his hands on both of you, until your Queen said no. You should have seen his face. He went to go see Tia-Nan for guidance. He did not know what was on her mind or what to expect.
Tia-Nan had said ‘she is probably on to you. If she will not visit you at all, you are not an ally. You have made yourself an enemy.’
Hearing about all of her weapons and army at her disposal, Zeus started to get paranoid. He was going around asking for advice from Athena or to House Oracle. Then he started to prepare.
That is where my details get blurry. He was kind of secretive. Now I heard that this ghost of Epimetheus showed up while Ares was having a little Ashontrah celebration of his own?"
Eura: "Yes. He was having an orgy of females who were attempting to look like Ashontrah."
Hermes shrugs: "Who’s to say that was not set up by Zeus so he could say Ashontrah struck him first?"
Eura: "By sacrificing his own right hand man?"
Hermes: "A paranoid king will do anything. I mean look around. Look at how many allies are out there ready to hear this ‘poor king’ out after hearing the rumors.
They don't know that Zeus was secretly planning on capturing her for her power through the bondage of marriage.
All they know is they received invitations on a celebration of Ashontrah, it was called off, and then all of a sudden Ares is killed by her.
I wouldn’t put it past him that Zeus allowed Ares to have that orgy on purpose just to be found and caught in the act, then killed."
Eura: "He could not have known Epimetheus was coming for Ares."
Hermes: "Maybe he was expecting something or someone else."
Zeus addressing the crowd....
Zeus is preparing himself in his finest clothing.
8:12pm Zeus steps out before the large crowd gathered.
Zeus: "Titans, Great Houses, I have gathered you here today in mourning for my dear son Ares. Cut down by the one who calls herself the Great Balancer. How is this balance? Taking a son from his father?
Taking a brave warrior and defender of Mount Olympus who has stood for many battles at my side against Kronos, the Candelabra, and all the threats to Olympus and even you the Great Houses. He has sacrificed himself again and again.
This Ashontrah is no different from Ashoweah or any of the other invaders. She comes from another existence to take ours. To crumble the Great Houses who have stood their ground and kept the true balance.
Who have fought against the Candelabra, aided Asherah whenever she needed... This is us.
We supported Asherah and now she is gone... Like my son. And who killed her? This Varkar of Ashoweah. ... Or was it Ashontrah herself?"
The crowd is in shock...
Zeus: "This is the question I leave to you. I will not stand idly by while these invaders take our existence from us which we have fought to protect for so long.
We have stood beside those like Asherah and Arku who sacrificed themselves to save our existence. If only we were able to arrive in time to stop these invaders from destroying them. I personally mourn them deeply.
Will you stand with me now and drive out these evil invaders? Stand with me as I stood tall upon Mount Olympus with my son beside me as we crushed two of them who came to enslave us and devour or existence. We must stand together now. Are you with me?!"
The crowd is speaking among themselves...
It starts to grow dark at Mount Olympus...
Atherak: "Now Dolloiandea..."
A figure appears in a dark cloak. Smoke rises from her. Underneath there is a dark glowing light.
Dolloiandea: "Great Houses I bring to you and ask you to humbly bow in gracious honor of the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah."
Phoenix: "Who is this invader who brings this tainted fire into our council?"
Dolloiandea: "I am a Messenger."
8:20pm Ashontrah steps forward...
Zeus: "Ashontrah! And here she stands! Come to intimidate us! She is not afraid so we must not be afraid. We can strike her down now! There is one more invader who will not enslave us.
We will not bend to you or kneel to you Ashontrah. We will not bow! I will not bow! I will avenge my son for the murder committed by you. What say you?"
Ashontrah: "I wish to address the crowd here..."
Ashontrah: "Why have you all gathered here today? Is it to discuss war against me the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah when I have given you no cause?
When my Blood Rose Vanguard came just a little while ago to protect Mount Olympus from the Bishberrin and Dehmont?
We defended against ones who brought nothing less than utter destruction.
This is how you would repay me? Well if it is war you want then know this... I will show you no quarter. I will show no mercy.
For those who choose raise arms against the Blood Rose I consider them nothing more than enemies needing to be vanquished.
You may choose to support me in what I bring as the Great Balancer into this new cycle. If you choose this you shall prosper and continue on.
If you decide to war against me then you shall fade to dust like those of the old cycle. Make your decision wisely. I shall await your response."
This is War...
The crowd is discussing among themselves...
Centaur: "And how do we know you will not enslave us like Zeus says? She lies!"
Zeus: "We must join together now. She stands before demanding us to kneel! She will be begging for us to let her kneel before us. Ashontrah, I avenge my son now!"
Zeus tries to use his lightning bolt against Ashontrah... Atherak appears and grabs the bolt. It falls to the ground and shatters.
Atherak: "You will be doing nothing. Your quarrel is with me King of Olympians. It was I who sent Epimetheus to kill your son for defiling the Blood Rose Queen Ashontrah. Observe for yourself Great Houses... "
They are seeing a vision of everything Ares did.
Centaur: "This is an illusion!"
Atherak: "Shut up you fucking mule! I will give you back your tongue when you decide to be quiet. Observe enough? The Blood Rose Queen had just cause. A cause that she did not command. I did.
Let the whispers and rumors be revealed. I am Atherak of the Atheron. Some of you have already met with me. They are currently not present in this house nor have been allowed isn't that right Hecate?"
Hecate: "That is right Atherak. These Great Houses claim with so much pride that they have cared for this existence, fought battles against those who would destroy it, when they have done nothing but sit idly by.
They would not hear my voice about the impending doom that was coming before. Instead they sat here and debated while the angelic races were wiped to extinction. The time has come for change."
Atherak: "Oh yes. You have Zeus here who claims so much. Tell me Great Zeus where were you when Constantine rode into battle? Where was your sign to him? All of you are responsible for the death of the old ways in Midgard.
You stood idly by and did nothing. You could have changed many things. Your beloved son, when you tell me that Zeus I wonder which fucking one, you have so many."
Zeus: "They are all my beloved children and how dare you speak ill of them!"
Atherak: "I will speak ill of whoever I want. I am judgement."
Zeus: "My quarrel is not with you Atherak."
Atherak "Your quarrel is with your Ashontrah."
Zeus: "I want the murderer of my son."
Atherak: "Then why don't you just fucking come ask me for it? Why this big charade and party you have here? You want more than that. You always want more than that.
Yet you like these Great Houses stood idly by as the Candelabra conquered one realm after another. Then you claim to stand beside Asherah. Where were any of you when she died? I saw none of you come rushing to her.
You claim to have so much power. Well, that is what has blinded all of you. You are just like Ashoweah. No different from the Bishberrin or Dehmont. It blinds you all.
I think your cycle should come to an end. There is a new dawning Great Houses. Either open your eyes to it or be swallowed by the darkness.
Make your choice. Ashontrah has asked you. She awaits your decision."
Atherak tosses the Centaur back his tongue...
Titan: "You come here with the support of an outcast. One who has spent time in the prisons of Tartarus. *Speaking Hecate* You terrorize a member of this great council of these Great Houses. You have no right. You are not judgement here. We are."
Atherak: "Oh yeah? You want to put that to the test?"
Titan: "Anytime you choose."
Atehrak: "It is a fight you want."
Titan: "We do not wish to fight."
Atherak: "Then you should take Ashontrah on her offer."
Drakon: "How can you guarantee us we will prosper in this new cycle and you won't try to enslave us like Ashoweah has done to so many others?"
Ashontrah: "Do you not realize that I am part of this existence as well? That I am the reborn Aphrodite? I am not of another specific existence. I am made from them all."
Ashontrah glows and shows them who she is. They see what she has spoken to them. Many are enlightened... Even Zeus. He falls to his knees and weeps.
Zeus: "I have been wrong. All this time I have been wrong. I have almost brought us again to the edge of destruction."
Atherak "Don't feel bad. Happens to a lot of them."
Zeus: "Am I ready to enter this new cycle or should I fade away with the old?"
Ashontrah: "That is your choice."
Zeus: "I recant my decision. I must leave here in shame."
Atherak: "I didn't say you are going anywhere yet."
Zeus: "If you choose to take me Atherak I won't fight."
Atehrak: "Where am I supposed to take you?"
Zeus: "To be punished like my son is."
Atherak: "He is not being punished. You think I am torturing him every single day?"
Zeus: "Yes. It is hard for me to think what suffering you are putting him through."
Atherak: "He is putting himself through his own suffering. I transcended him."
Zeus: "You mean he is not in the borderlands?"
Atherak: "Why the hell would I want him there? He smells even worse than death. He reeks far more than decay. He is where he needs to be. Is that where you think you need to be?"
Zeus: "I don't know."
Atherak: "Think about it then. The Blood Rose Queen awaits the rest of your responses."
Titan: "We are not against you. We shall support you. Is this agreed? Now that we understand you are part of this existence and not an invader. That you are one of us. The Daughter of Ten. We are with you as we always have been."
Ashontrah: "Thank you Titans."
Phoenix: "There is nothing else we must discuss here then. We are all with you."
Unicorn and Pegasus: "Yes we are all with you."
Titan: "Then it is decided. We shall support you Ashontrah. The Great Houses will back the Blood Rose banner. Through every endeavor. We will not sit idly this time. We will take action. Is this agreed?"
Ashontrah: "This is agreed."
The crowd is pleased.
Centaur: "Long live Queen Ashontrah and the Great Houses!"
The crowd repeats it and cheers.
Atherak and Dolloiandea...
Dolloiandea whispers: "You seem disappointed Master."
Atherak: "These beings have yet to prove themselves."
Dolloiandea: "Some of them may never. They warred against Kronos for so long and others."
Atherak: "And if they would have found you when you were young they would have killed you."
Dolloiandea: "Yes they would have. I cannot trust them and they do not trust me. I can feel their eyes upon me now."
Atherak: "We will see how much loyalty they offer Ashontrah."
Dolloiandea: "I won't hold my breath Master."
Atherak: "If they don't not Dolloiandea then the next time their eyes gaze upon you burn them out."
Dolloiandea: "It would be my pleasure Master."
With the council of Great Houses...
Pegasus: "We should celebrate. Come Ashontrah. Tell us more of your Blood Rose Empire. Tell us more of this energy and awakening that is happening all over Midgard."
Ashontrah: "I shall show you a vision..."
Crowd is saying... 'This is wonderful!' 'This could be the truth!' 'It is what will lead us to harmony and true balance!'
The Great Houses are speaking to Ashontrah about their great plans and giving me their advice.
9pm Ashontrah continues meeting with the council of Great Houses at Mount Olympus.
9:19pm Ashontrah leaves to go be with Euravasiah...
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