Demands of the Great Houses

There is dissension among the Great Houses. The majority of them are angry about my post regarding the corruption of Griffin Bonds. Some are angry at the houses for the misuse of them.
Representatives of those who have Griffin Bonds are putting claims to the houses about how these bonds have been misused. That there were untrue bonds and even ones which were true were manipulated and misused.
The Great Houses have declared that the Griffin Bonds shall be honored and are in effect.
There is a dwarf there who is related to Fogbeard. His name is Oldoak. He know all the sacred laws and well educated. He is there on behalf of Lemniskaurn the Jotunn Price. Oldoak said "The bond will not be honored." The Great Houses are arguing over this.
The fomer Dragon King arrived. He was reinstated as King of House Dragon. He is insisting that his bond be honored.
"Ashontrah is the re-creation of Asherah and by the bond no matter what happens to the being the bond continues on."
At House Titan they are declaring Epimetheus a traitor and an outlaw. They have placed a bounty on him. They want him brought back to stand trial for the murder of Ares.
There is also dissension in the Great Houses about how they are going to bring down the law about how the realms should be. That even Kings that Asherah put in charge should no longer.
They say that Varidon has no claim to the Void throne. They want the nephew of Umbranathor to be King. They say the dethroning of Umbranathor himself was illegal by cosmic law.
They are also talking about replacing Lyindrinar as King. That because Asherah was not Elven and she usurped the throne from King Yserah. When Yserah died it should have gone to his next in line.
They are searching through for all the cosmic laws which were broken by Asherah.
The Dragon King declares that Ashontrah is an outside invading being like Ashoweah. She came and consumed Asherah. Because Asherah is part of her the bond must be honored and she should marry him.
The Houses are discussing how they are going take back their existence from the outside invaders.
They are talking about all the supposed support they gave Asherah while she was alive. Now it is their duty in her honor to repel them. All realms are to be subjugated to do the same under their direction.
They told the representative of Volheim... "Consider yourself lucky that Tenomachi is the direct lineage and the rightful ruler. But as the rightful ruler, he must honor his father's bond to serve the Great Houses when called upon."
They are threatening Tenomachi that if he does not uphold his father's bond to the great houses that his bond with Vilanea will be dissolved and a new bond for his mate will be made which she will have to honor. That goes for any of the others.
The Great Houses are declaring that the Blood Rose Vanguard are an illegal army that was formed without the approval of the Great Houses.
"All that are under that banner shall resign from it. All those who choose to stand under that will be considered outlaws, hunted down, and brought before the Great Houses to stand trial for treason and crimes against our existence."
The Great Houses do not believe that Atherak has the Hungali because has been no sightings or evidence of them through the existence and there is no army in the borderlands.
They have spies in the borderlands which say there is no army and there are no Myrrdonite there.
The thing is, the Hungali are not here in the borderlands they are currently in another existence.
By Atherak undoing the past Myrrdonites and doing away with the Trial of Blood the Great Houses are upset. They had deals with those Myrrdonites.
They also consider the Athernites to be outlaws who will be hunted down, captured, or killed.
They say the releasing of Set from Tartarus is revoked and he is considered an escapee and fugitive. He shall be captured and returned to Tartarus.
They have declared the Euravasiah is a spy and her dealings have led to the downfall of others. She is to be arrested and brought back to be tried for treason.
They are also bringing up accusations against Dolloiandea for the murder of Kronos. Which is really messed up. Aphorodite was there with them both when he died.
Kronos sacrificed himself to give everything to her. They are claiming she murdered him. Like they ever gave a shit about Kronos.
They have bounty hunters going out to claim Dolloiandea and Epimetheus.
They are saying "If we have march into the borderlands in front of the Athranaak itself we will demand they stand judgement. Atherak as judgement must honor this if he wants to stay in our existence."
The representative of Volheim was told by the Great Houses to surrender Fenrir. He is considered a fugitive. They claim that Asherah illegally released him without the approval of the Great Houses. They claim that they had a hand in bringing down his judgement to be chained up.
King Lyindrinar, King Varidion, and Tia-Nan are expected to abdicate their thrones by the next full moon of Midgard.
As for the matters of the stealing of light and the King of Light Hue...
They are placing full blame and full responsibility on the Light King Hue for invading other existences and bringing these enemies to our existence.
The Great Houses claim that Hue and the Light invaded the Bishberrin's existence and Dehmont's existence which brought them here in retaliation.
They are also claiming there are other existence that Hue invaded that are looking to come invade here in response.
They also claim that Hue in in possession of an illegal weapon that should be in the caretaking of the Great Houses. Hue has been marked a war criminal and shall be brought back.
All light beings shall be returned here to this existence. Hue shall stand trial for war crimes against other existences and for endangering this existence.
Hue shall surrender this weapon to the Great Houses. If Hue does not do this then she shall be marked an outlaw and hunted down.
One of them is saying "But who will control the light in our existence?"
They introduce three beings which are Purifiers which are light beings from another existence. These are really bad guys.
These Purifiers absorb all light aspects in an existence. They claim that Hue invaded them. They claim that Hue is going through stealing all the light.
These Purifiers have another piece of this weapon that can deactivate Hue's. They really do have the other piece since there are two pieces.
As for Ashontrah... Since Asherah is part of her she will honor her bond and take her place beside the Dragon King in House Dragon.
Ashontrah shall cease her expansion of this illegal empire or be marked as an outlaw, hunted down, and brought back to stand trial for crimes against the existence and the inhabitants of.
Speaker: "All of the Great Houses in favor of all proclamations made today.... All opposed?... The Houses rule in favor of the proclamations made today. Actions shall be carried out. This concludes the meeting of the Great Houses."
Representative of Void: "King Varidion will never abdicate his throne! This is war!"
Dragon King: "Then war you shall have!"
Nastazil is there representing Lyindrinar. He doesn't say much but he speaks to a confidant and says "Bring all that we learned here today to the King directly."
Lyindinar made Draena Silverleaf and Amerriah the generals over all the armies of Alfheim. They are no longer just elves. The army is mixed of all Nature Folk.
Nastazil says "Also inform Draena and Amerriah to ready the armies just in case."
Oldoak says "I must speak to the Jotunn Queen and Prince right away."
The heads of the Great Houses are continuing to speak to each other. They are saying this could mean war, but is it a war that we could win?
Titan says "We have made a deal. We also have allies from other existences willing to help us."
They allied themselves with the Dark Collective. These guys come through and absorb all the darkness and dark aspects within an existence. They follow the Purifies who absorb all the light aspects.
Centaur says "There is also one who is ready now. We all know that Ashontrah will not honor her bond. She will be a threat to deal with. But we have another ally here who can help us in this struggle."
Shaderell walks into the room of the Great Houses meeting...
Shaderell: "Ladies and Gentlemen, I heard you needed a little help. Well I am here."
They are no concerned about what All-Father will think because they consider him to be just a 'tired delusional old man.'
Dragon says: "Let the All-Father wander for eternity in his delusions. We don't need his approval on anything. It is the Houses who have kept this existence together and all the realms. Now it is time that we take back our positions which were granted to us by the Creator."
This is what we are dealing with now in our existence coming in...
Nahshuah who is an old ally of Ashoweah. He is like a floating core with all these energy tentacles. Very old being.
He is a twisted creator being. He would create an existence and destroy it over and over.
Then Great Mother took away his ability to create existences. He can still create many things like an endless army.
The Purifiers are a race of light being divine. They go around absorbing all light. They are followed by the Dark Collective who are a divine race of dark beings. They absorb everything else. Purifiers and Dark Collective harness power and live on the energy of others.
The Slaver Guild Faewingah provide slaves to the others. Their leader is Mishda. They are conquerors. Nahshuah doesn't have any kind of followers, council, or anything. He can make an army just like that.
Purifiers and Dark Collective are going after the weapon with Hue. The Slaver Guild Faewingah is going to be the main force. They are going to be be backed by the True Order. Nahshuah is going to go after all the most powerful beings himself.
So I must say thank you to the Great Houses for rejecting Ashontrah but welcoming Shaderell, the Purifiers, and the Dark Collective. Good work once again.
Shaderell asks that Tenomachi's mate Vilanea be given in bond to him. The Great Houses declare this would be a way to honor their new alliance.
Update: The head of the Great Houses are speaking again. Volheim has declared war. They are saying that Tenomachi and Vilanea's bond is now null and void. Vilanea is to be delivered to Shaderell to secure their new bond.
Tenomachi is considered an outlaw King and shall face the judgement of the Houses. The best choice for him would be to die in battle. If he is captured he is to be brought back in chains, tried, and executed.
Griffin says: "It seems that Jotunheim has aligned themselves with Volheim and have also declared war."
Lyindrinar has refused to abdicate his throne. He honors the allienage between Volheim and Jotunheim. Alfheim has joined Volheim and Jotunheim in declaring war.
Tia-Nan has declared that this Dragon King is a ursurper. She has pledged the Drakon to Ashontrah, Volheim, Jotunheim, and Alfheim. She has also declared war.
Titan says: "They have great armies. Many will be lost. This will not be easy."
Shaderell: "They have great armies but we got bigger. This is my friend Mishda. He has an army of billions of all different kinds of beings with different abilities. In exchange for lending his army any of those who are loyal to these renegade kingdoms shall be given as slaves to him."
The Great Houses are hesitant but they agree...
Shaderell: "Look if you just let them go they will keep coming back. Killing their Kings and Queens isn't enough. You got to show them the consequences for rebellion."
All bonds who have gone against the Great Houses are now declared null and void.
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