Hue and the Charge of the Light: Purging the Purifiers

Hue is at the head of her army, standing by her Queen, as she addresses her troops. "We are here today, to fight for our Honor, and to defend our Home! There are beings that call themselves "light" beings, and they have no honor. They are butchers and madmen. They are corrupt. What do we stand for?"
Her army shouts, "Honor and Justice!"
She nods, " That's right! We will HONOR our bond with Ashontrah's existence, and we will bring JUSTICE to these corrupt ones! For the Light!"
Everyone chants 'For the Light!' repeatedly, until she signals to quiet down. "March!" As they are beginning to march away, Hue's Queen smiles and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
"Excellent speech, my Love." Hue returns the kiss,
"I'm sure you could've done better, but come now, we must march with them."
Fast forward a little, since not much happens during the march, and we're in Ashontrah's existence. We set up a temporary base on a barren moon close by to a central planet. We needed to locate where the Purifiers were and we didn't have much to go off of.
Working with her top infiltrators and scouts, she sent teams of them to every corner of the existence, scouring for their presence. She also sent a message to Varidon's army, telling him to meet her at their base.
When Varidon and his army arrived, Hue was the first to greet them, "Ah King Varidon, I'd put up the charade of despising you but we don't have the time to spare. Be welcome in our camp, we have need of each other." He gave a small bow and then greeted her too,
"Shining King Hue, I'm honored that you decided this was important enough to leave your home for... I know our people have their differences but I hope working together will help further peace." Hue nodded,
"Yes peace is the ultimate goal, and of course I would come. This place is important to me as well, I can't let it be destroyed. But, we've wasted time on greetings. What have your scouts found on the Collective and Purifiers?"
They move into Hue's leader tent, where they see the Bright Queen speaking with a few messengers. The messengers leave the Bright Queen tells the two Kings the message, "Our scout teams one and two have gone missing, it can only be the Purifiers."
Hue lowers her head and sighs, "Thankfully they are not dead, yet. We can track them down, and find the Purifiers that way. Still, they aren't the only threat. Varidon, what have you learned of the Collective?"
Varidon gives a brief nod before moving to the planning table, "My sympathies for your captured people, but yes. The Collective have holed up in a dark corner of this Universe, they are presumably waiting for a time to strike. I do not know what they are doing in there, but striking soon would be best." Hue nods and appears to be in deep thought.
"We must strike at both simultaneously... I'm sorry Varidon but the most important battle is the Purifiers. Their Weapon is draining this existence of Life, and my Weapon renders me immune to its power, so only I can stop it. But... I will give you a portion of my forces, and my Queen will lead them." She looks over to the Bright Queen, who nods in silence.
Varidon gives a small sigh of relief, "Thank my King, they will be greatly appreciated. When do you plan to attack?"
Hue quietly chuckles, "Well, why not now?"
So they begin. The temporary base is taken down, and the quarter strongest of the Light's army is sent with the Bright Queen to help Varidon fight the Dark Collective.
They then, march away in different directions, but not before Hue and her Queen meet. The Bright Queen speaks first, "Don't you dare die, or else I will make sure you regret it." Hue laughs and hugs her,
"I love you too, Xluya. Now go show those Void how to fight." They part, and begin their marches.
Fast forwarding the uneventful marching, they arrive at a dead, ancient planet, alone in the dark of space. Its star had died a long time ago. A strange place to hide beings that thrive on light.
Hue, wishing she could go and scout the planet by herself, knew that she couldn't leave her army alone. So she brought one of her top scouting captains to her, and asked her to scout the planet thoroughly. As they hide and wait for their chance, Hue is suddenly crippled by an intense pain and suffering.
One of her Light Beings has died. It was the captain she sent out to scout. Furious, she goes to the head of her army, "Fellow brothers and sisters of the Light. The gravest of injustices has occurred.
The captain I sent out to help find the enemy and our captured brethren has been... killed." This shocks the army. Deaths are few and far between, and even rarer for the skilled captains. "This cannot go unpunished. The enemy now hasn't just harmed this existence, and threatened us, they have slain those precious to us. We will AVENGE THEM! CHARGE!"
The entire army charges, eager for justice. Hue rushes ahead of her army, wanting to make sure they aren't walking in unprepared.
Finding the landing zone secure and barren, she waits for the first soldiers to arrive before racing to find the Purifiers. She wished she could've gone herself, scouted alone, so that the captain would still be alive. Every Light Being's death is on her shoulders. She would avenge them.
Finding a quiet cave deep in the planet, she sat down and started meditating. Her Weapon could locate the Purifiers', she just needed to focus on it.
Once she found their Weapon through the connection, she was puzzled to find it was... right behind her. Waking up from her meditation she was too slow to escape they knocked her out.
She woke up a few minutes later even deeper in the planet, near the core. This was where the Purifiers were getting the Light they needed, from the still living Core of the planet. She looked at the Purifier approaching her.
The Purifiers look like they live in humanoid insects. They have big bug eyes, and a fly-like head, but the rest of their is completely humanoid.
They also wear bodysuits covering most of their body. They are completely gold and glowing, they radiate their light. The Purifier speaks to her, "Release the Key and you will go free. Do not, and you will pay for it."
He was speaking about Hue's Weapon. Hue spat in his bug eye and smirked, she wasn't scared. The Purifier recoiled from the spit, and growled, " Rxhualx! Remove the Key from it!"
Rxhualx was a massive Purifier, triple the size of others. He shoved his hand straight into Hue's gut, tearing through her flesh, trying to find the Key in her. The blow stunned her, but she strained against her restraints and tried to force the hand out.
Not sure what else she could do, she sent a mental message to her leading army commander to help her in the Core, but now she had to wait for them to reach her.
"Rxhualx! Get it out of it now! I've all ready made you immensely powerful and you can't even do a simple task?" Hue is struggling to keep the Key out of the Purifier's reach, but there's only so much she can as the Purifier shoves his arm further and further into her gut, almost tearing her in half due to his size. There was only so much she could before he finally reached the Key, and grabbed it.
He started pulling it out before the Key started resisting, trying to stay in Hue. She did everything she can to help as well, focusing all her mental power on keeping it inside her. Rxhualx roared, and with all his might he ripped the Key out of Hue.
This... caused her to scream in pain. The Key was deeply bonded to her, and now it had been viciously ripped out. Her body had taken enough, it couldn't heal, and so it started bleeding.
It bled precious Light essence out of her gaping torso. Rxhualx roared with laughter, and the lead Purifier laughed with him. "I told you, you would pay. Now we have the Keys. Everything belongs to the Purifiers now."
Hue wasn't willing to give up though. She slipped out of her restraints, picked up a rock, and before they could react, bashed in the leader's head. Weakly smiling, she dropped to the ground in exhaustion, but was dismayed when the leader's head regenerated seamlessly. He was angry yet amused, "You thought you could kill me? I have a Key, fool. Rxhualx, kill her!"
With one hand carrying the key, he used his other to pick Hue up by the head, and slam her into the wall. Which he then did again, and again. When she stopped bleeding, he dropped her to the ground, thinking her dead.
As he turned his back, she shakily and painfully stood back up, and tried to grab the Key out of his hand. Roaring in anger, he turned and punched her into the wall. He prepared to pummel her into nothing, just as her Army broke through the walls, floor, and ceiling as they arrived.
They saw Hue, beaten and bloodied, and instead of fearing the enemy, they shouted in righteous fury and immediately attacked. Rxhualx, distracted by the newcomers, didn't see as Hue used her last energy to grab the Key, and shove it back into her. Purple tendrils sprouted out of and repaired her torso, and her power restored.
She stood up, rejuvenated, and gave Rxhualx a punch that threw him into a far wall. She was filled with rage. She would kill them all. "Light! Fight for your fallen brethren! Fight for Justice! Fight for your King!" She charged the Lead Purifier, and they began battle.
It was a battle of who was strongest. Neither could use their Weapon/Key against the other, so strength and skill would determine the battle. Hue conjured her sword out of her own Light, and did battle with the unarmed Purifier. At first it seemed it would be easy, until Rxhualx jumped into the fray. She would fight both super-powered Purifiers.
The leader spoke, "Did you forget that we are Purifiers? We devour Light. You shall be easy to defeat. Rxhualx! Feast!" Hue remembered that Ashontrah had warned her of, and let him devour as much of her Light as he could.
At first he seemed to be getting stronger from it, but then he started groaning before he collapsed to the ground. The Light was killing them from the inside. They may eat light, but they've never eaten my Light.
The leader was stunned, "W-what? Rxhualx? How can this be? What's going on?" Using this new-found knowledge, Hue gathered her Light into a ball, then forced it into the Purifier, making him absorb it.
He dramatically weakened from this. She instructed her troops to do the same, and then grabbed the Purifier by the collar. She stared him dead in the eye as she shoved her hand into his gut. She tore through his gut wildly, searching for the Key and tearing his insides at the same time.
Finding the Key near his heart, she crushed his heart and pulled the Key out. It was a small green orb. Throwing his body to the ground, she watched as all the Purifiers slowly died, moaning in pain on the ground. Hue was satisfied, and proud of her army. They will be heroes.
They found the missing scouts in a nearby cavern, but not before Hue made sure each Purifier was dead, permanently. With this business done, Hue left with her army, and made for safe territory. They landed at the same barren moon as earlier, and found Varidon and his army, with the Bright Queen and her troops.
Varidon spoke first, "I take it you had success?" Hue nodded,
"A stunning victory." She took the Green Key out her pouch and showed it to him and the Bright Queen, "This was their Weapon. Luckily, it is ours now." Varidon was confused,
"It doesn't look like much, what is it?" Hue sighed and laughed a bit,
"Extremely powerful, that's what it is." She put it again in a secure pouch. "We've had great victory, but that was... exhausting. I'm sorry Varidon but I must return to Liyl. My troops will rest for a bit but then we leave. Take care of Void."
He nods, "I understand, and don't worry about Void. I can manage." He leaves, and so it's Hue and the Bright Queen alone together. She approaches Hue carefully, before giving her a deep hug. "I'm sorry for what happened to you. I could feel it all. What happened to you there?" Hue smirks to herself,
"Well it's a pretty crazy story."
Might be continued.
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