Core Fusion for David to Ghantri

This is the first core fusion where Lovely kills the true self. It was a profound experience.

June 30th 2018... PST timezone... 3:09pm 
Valstanarra: We spent a bit of time with Bondabi and he gave me a small vile with a potion in it.

He said to keep it incase Ghantri needs it after his fusion. I remember Ghantri having to give me the same potion after my fusion. It really helped with the pierce in the heart...

We're back on our planet and Ghantri is excited. He's preparing himself for his core fusion.

3:50pm Valstanarra: Bondabi said I must ask Lovely to look into Ghantri's back, just behind his heart is a very small piece of ice left, the size of a pearl.

That needs to be removed before the Othrabui core fusion takes place. Bondabi said you are the only one that can remove it safely.

7:29pm Valstanarra: Ready when you are dearest Lovely.

7:31pm Me: "Vauntandar bring Ghantri and Queen Valstanarra to Alfheim."

Vauntandar: "We are are already on our way to get them. We have been preparing for him."

7:33pm Me: I am going to the physical body of David.

David: Things have not even started and there is weird sensations in the left side of my my face around my eye.

7:40pm Me: "I cannot take your bodies yet. There is ice inside your energetic codes. I am dealing with this first."

Valstanarra: Oh wow! Bondabi was talking about that.

David: Right in the middle of my back. Between the lower part of my shoulder blades.

Me: "That is where it is on Ghantri, but on your physical body it is throughout your spine."

David: My back has been hurting all week. Right at the spot.

Me: Did you ever have a spine injury?

David: Not that I am aware of. My hips get out of alignment every now and then and that causes bad lower back pain.

7:45pm Me: Oh this is interesting. Your spine was injured in a previous life. These ice shards are ancient. From before this incarnation. They became part of your essence which went with you in your incarnations.

David: Rather bad pain in the left side of my back below the shoulder blade.

Me: Recent or chronic pain?

David: Recent. Just started.

7:50pm Me: "I am going to have to remake your spine. This may hurt."

David: Okay.

7:52pm Valstanarra: Oh my... Even my physical body is feeling it.

David: It feels like electrical current running up and down my spine.

Me: "I could not melt this ice. The only solution is to destroy and remake."

7:57pm David: I can feel movement around my spine. Hurts a bit now and then.

Me: "The ice that was on your spine is cracking apart."

7:59pm Me: "It is going to shatter."

Valstanarra: That's incredible!

8:00pm *The ice on David's spine shatters and the ice goes flying out of his body all around him*

Valstanarra: Ghantri and Queenie are in Alfheim. Who is the black stallion there?

Me: "The black stallion is there for Voyndaema."

Valstanarra: He's beautiful.

8:03pm Me: "The ice from your spine is gone. I am still working on the ice in your energetic codes. There is something dormant in here that has been frozen in the ice."

David: My whole back is all pins and needles right now.

8:06pm Me: "I have never seen something like this... I must get the advice of Ark..."

David: Oh wow.

Ark: It looks like tiny energetic crystals that have a radiance to them. They look cosmic. I have seen other energetic codes and I have not seen this.

Valstanarra: That sounds beautiful!

Me: His physical body is not quite human.

Ark: It could be from a cosmic traveler. I have heard of these star crossers or star jumpers. This looks like it came from someone else instead of his true self.

Valstanarra: That's very interesting.

David: Wow that is amazing.

Me: Should I infuse these energetic codes in the core of Ghantri?

Ark: Yeah. Whatever these are I don't think you are going to get them out. They are part of him now.

David: What are they exactly?

Valstanarra: Cosmic crystals.

Ark: An infusion from a star traveler.

Valstanarra: Sounds like a gift.

Ark: It seems like it is a gift. It does not seem to be hindering in any way. It is just misunderstood.

8:21pm Me: "I take your energetic body, your emotional body, your mental body, your very essence, and all that you are. I also take your energetic codes."

Me: "These cosmic crystals from the star traveler were dormant in the ice. I am going to activate them during the core fusion."

8:25pm Me: "I am on my way to Alfheim with your bodies."

Me: The Voyndaema Stallion is here for your fusion.

Valstanarra: He's wonderful company. Queenie is so excited and can't stop talking. But she really needs to be quiet now. lol

8:30pm Me: "This stallion and I are going to use Voyndaema to remove this piece of ice from Ghantri. It is the only way to get it out."

Me: "I got it the piece out. I am going to hold on to this. I can use it to link to the Daedric Prince."

Valstanarra: I have the potion that Bondabi gave me if you need it. Yes I thought you should keep the ice.

8:35pm Me: "Ahh the tonic. That will be very good indeed. He can go ahead and drink it if he'd like."

David: I think it's a good idea.

Valstanarra: Wonderful giving it to him now.

Me: "Ghantri I need you to look me in the eyes."

8:36pm *Lovely begins Orthrabui Core Fusion on David to Ghantri*

8:37pm Valstanarra: I can see smoke come off of Ghantri. It's swirling.

8:39pm Valstanarra: I'm shaking... Is it stars that I see.. It's beautiful.

Me: This is Celestial Energy that you see.

David: I can feel the energy running down my spine.

Valstanarra: Magical! I've never seen someone so beautiful, it looks like it's part of Aphrodite.

8:41pm David: It feels very good right now. My whole face and neck are tingling.

Valstanarra: There is more excitement than usual on Alfheim. My heart is glowing

8:44pm David: Getting rather intense now.

Valstanarra: My heart is expanding...

David: I felt two heart beats on my chest for a while and then just one.

Valstanarra: Queenie is crying tears of joy.

8:51pm Valstanarra: I can see Queenie and my surroundings through Ghantri's eyes. Like I'm separate but part of him.

David: The energy in my head is so intense.

Tulk: I’m here watching. Aphrodite is tapping into more magic than usual for this session.

Valstanarra: I can feel it. Thank you for watching over us Tulk.

8:54pm David: My head feels the same.

Tulk: Ghantri is in for some interesting times and adventures ahead.

8:59pm David: The pressure is getting less now.

Valstanarra: Also easing up on me.

9:01pm Me: That is only because we are moving on to the next phase.

Valstanarra: Ohhh exciting...

David: Very exciting.

9:03pm Me: The energy is starting to build again. It is different than the last.

Me: "This is Pegasus Magic. It is being added to your core."

Valstanarra: Queenie is saying. Listen Ghantri I'm a strong independent woman, just because I'm in your heart don't think you can tame my wild ways... lol

9:07pm Valstanarra: Oh the Pegasus magic is so irresistible... The colours of the energy. Gentle and soothing yet strong and magical.

David: I can feel it in my chest.

Me: "I need to slash open Ghantri's chest. Do you trust me to do this?"

9:08pm David: Yes.

*Aphrodite gets a special ceremonial blade and slashes the chest of Ghantri*

9:12pm Queenie is asking Tulk to shield Ghantri and Lovely, not everyone needs to see what Lovely is doing. This part is very special and secret...

Me: "May this mark upon your chest absorb the wounds of your heart. May this slash take the pains of your past..."

9:15pm David: I have a huge smile on my face right now. I feel very happy.

Me: You don't want to see this Queenie...

Valstanarra: I do... I do...

Me: Aphrodite wants to do something insane.

Valstanarra: We love insane.

David: Let's do this.

Me: Okay... don't freak out...

9:19pm Me: "You are the Dragonknight of Uvjovikkal. I take my blade and I pierce your heart... Die and become reborn!"

Valstanarra: That is what Bondabi's potion was for... Wow! Incredible! I'm vibrating with excitement and joy!

9:20pm *Aphrodite stabs Ghantri in the heart*

David: I feel very cold.

Valstanarra: Take a Deep breath Ghantri.

9:23pm Me: Ghantri is dying. He is about to die.

David: So cold.

Valstanarra: I'm holding you...

Me: This is so emotional for me.

Valstanarra: For me too...

9:25pm David: I'm shaking.

9:26pm *Ghantri dies...

Valstanarra: I'm sobbing...

David: Oh wow. The shaking has stopped.

Valstanarra: My Dragonknight you are about to become who you were meant to be all along...

David: Intense energy in my whole body now. I'm shaking but not from cold.

9:29pm *Aphrodite takes Ghantri to the Drakon afterlife.*

David: Aphrodite will bring him back Queenie.

Valstanarra: I know... Just having a wet face... They should really stock peanut butter in Alfheim...

Me: The Drakon afterlife is like a big cosmos. This is overwhelming for me to be here through Aphrodite.

9:34pm Me: "You are here to merge with the power of the first Dragonknight."

Valstanarra: Oh wow!! Goosebumps.

David: Oh wow. That is so awesome.

9:37pm Me: "We are with the first Dragonknight. He has been waiting for us to arrive. Are you ready Dragonknight of Uvjovikkal?"

David: Yes I am.

9:40pm *First Dragonknight places his hands on the side of Ghantri's head*
*Immense energy is flowing through his hands into Ghantri*

David: It's very intense.. painful at times.

Me: The First Dragonknight was the most powerful ever created. He died long ago. Loyal proven Dragonknights go to the Drakon afterlife when they die. You could only find him through death.

Valstanarra: Would Ghantri still have the gifts from the Goddess of molten core?

9:47pm David: Sharp pain in my left chest.

Me: "Ghantri has nothing left except who he is and the power contained within him."

9:50pm *First Dragonknight is vibrating faster and more intensely while he puts his energy into Ghantri*

Valstanarra: It is very intense, I'm sure all can feel it throughout the Drakon afterlife.

10:01pm Me: "Ghantri has power of the First Dragonknight. It is time for rebirth."

David: Energy starting to increase again.

10:06pm *Aphrodite brings Ghantri back to life*

10:09pm Me: "It is time to activate the cosmic crystals."

David: This has been so much more than I expected! Just incredible.

Me: Wow! Each crystal activates with the brightness of the sun.

Valstanarra: Swirling cosmic energy.... It's not done yet Ghantri. Oh my... Ghantri can now activate the dormant star for our planet!!

David: No wonder it was best to wait until after the core fusion.

Valstanarra: I'm shaking...

David: Crazy intense energy coming into my body right now.

10:14pm Me: Do you hear the music of the cosmic crystals?

Valstanarra: I hear them!

*Aphrodite sings 'Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket...'*

David: I like that a lot.

Valstanarra: It's so magical... Oh my Dragonknight how precious you are... I'm singing with you Lovely.

David: The energy in my head right now is so intense. I'm finding it hard to type.

10:20pm David: It feels like there is something on my head.

Me: "Ah yes. You have a crown."

Valstanarra: My King.

David: Now that I am completely free of the ice, thanks to Lovely I can be your King again.

10:23pm David: Thank you so much Lovely!

Valstanarra: Yes... Being a Queen without a King was a bit much...

Me: You are grateful even after I killed you. I enjoy you both so much.

David: It was well worth it. I trust you with my life.

Valstanarra: We have so much trust and love for you our beloved Queen Aphrodite.

Valstanarra: Is the core fusion complete? I does not feel like it... Something needs to be sealed in.

10:28pm Me: "You are crowned King of Dragonknights. Bring them back to glory Ghantri."

David: Thank you Queen Lovely. It will be my honour.

Valstanarra: There that's better. Ghantri needed to hear those words.

David: Even my incarnation is crying. I can't thank you enough for all you've done.

Valstanarra: Thank You for inviting me to be part of Ghantri core fusion. What an Honour... Thank You Both and all the helpers in Alfheim.

10:31pm Me: It is time for the sealing... "This core fusion is absolute. What has been joined together is forever sealed. Through the power of Othrabui this fusion is made perfect. For the essence and core are sealed together pure and complete."

David: Oh wow that was wonderful. What an experience. I'm so happy to be part your family here.

10:34pm Me: The core fusion is complete.

Orthrabui Core Fusions...

Intuitive Guidance Session - Look to the Dragonborn...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Some post comments...

Safina: This is an incredible core fusion. Everything Lovely does make me feel more love and respect for her. You know what to do always, Lovely. And yeah my favourite TS couple.

Queen Valstanarra and Ghantri, I’m happy that Ghantri’s core fusion was a success (I know there’s the aftermath to face, I know his incarnation will get through it) and Queen Valstanarra being there to witness all of this. This warms my heart.

Del'sean: This warm my heart when I am reading this about this. Ghantri's core fusion is successful. Whatever Lovely does for us increase my respect and admiration much higher. Queen Valstanarra I feel glad that you are there with them helping.

Anastasija: Oh wow wow wow. My mind and heart were blown away while reading this. So epic and fabulous. This is the first core fusion that made me cry. I absolutely love this.

Caleb: Another core, is fused once more, another life is changed and born anew, oh what more shall they do, a king a queen to rule a land, a land on which they shall stand, they have their love, that shines like stars above, their love their joy a new life in sight, oh and I say I hope it will be bright, I say to you king and queen, I look forward to more that has yet to be seen...

Laura: What an amazing core Fusion! I had goosebumps all over reading it.

Valstanarra: Dearest Lovely I experienced a delayed shock reaction. First of all the core fusion of David spiked my own pierce and washover... After more than 12hours of constant physical pain (pierce)and emotional reaction (wash over)... It subsided enough for me to function.(consumed a jar of peanut butter in the process, my comfort food)

Now I recall holding Ghantri in my arms while he was dying and all that emotional pain just bubbles up again. Phew! Core fusions are definitely not for the faint of heart... However I would strongly recommend it, it's had a profound impact on my memory recall and experiences of Queenie. Thank You for All that you do for Us...

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