Deep Discussion about Powers

Deep Discussion about Powers, Mind Power Subliminals, Energy Tracks, and Universes, True Selves, Core Fusions, and more... Estimated reading time 11 minutes.

Zayn: I can't thank Amy and Lovely enough. A new ability! I can see vibrations. I can see where a certain smell is and see where it's "Atoms maybe ?" Are. It looks amazing to see them!

Me: If you have noticed... every time you fight alongside Lovely you get upgraded. This is intentional.

Peter: Hmm, makes me wonder if all my sensations I been feeling, the pains, and etc are actually integration symptoms/upgrades

Me: If you have noticed a rapid increase in your abilities and connection with your TS since participating in battles with her this is why. Especially if you have helped defend Alfheim or Void.

Kandie: Amy, thank you for sharing your knowledge on Bones. Last night I had listened to Ask Permission and Elven Bones and my mood skyrocketed. I believe there is no coincidence. I will look for other ways to increase my bone strength, even if my playlist is overloaded.

***Reference: Creator of Dragons and Unicorns
Me: "It is the bones that are the seat of consciousness. It is from them by which thoughts are formed. The brain processes the language of bones into the language of speech. Your thoughts are a reflection of your bones.

Your physical bones are wiser beyond their age. The marrow within is not from the origin of your incarnation. A loss of bones is a loss of consciousness. The bones are the most powerful part of the body. If your bones are weak then you are weak. Empower your bones.

The language of the Drakon was spoken by the bones of the Ancient Ones. It was the Tomb of Rkhatl that held the bones of Ancient Dragon Power spoken into the bones. The speech of the Creator of Drakon flows though my bones..."***

Even more about bones... The Power of Bones

Peter: Facing these beings and attacks, and integration comes with the territory. If we are not willing to face those things, we may as well not do any of the work. I see them as a different presentation of my spiritual journey.

Eric: Is anyone here using VLC to play energy tracks? Have you played with the function that lets you speed up and slow down playback?

Zayn: No. I use it because It enables to play multiple Tracks in the same time.

Kandi: Amy, any tips to increase bone strength and density?

Eric: Yeah that's why I use it too. But try playing one track at 1x, then start it again at 2x, and then 3x, and then 4x. I've noticed a significant difference when doing that. Especially with the Mana and Pegasus Senses tracks.

Eric: They actually hum at different tones as you speed them up and the effect is a bit overwhelming when you start them up.

Atesh: I thought, but didn’t because I think this can offense the energies... though Amy can confirm.

Kandi: Why do I feel like paying attention to my bones will greatly add to my success?

Me: I am not able to ask Lovely, but I do not think it would be offensive as the energy is still pure.

Eric: I asked Amy about it in an email during my IG session, she said she was doing the same thing but I wasn't sure if she tried speeding them up. I didn't feel like it could be considered offensive, time feeling slow or fast is just relative to the perspective of the individual.

Me: This is what Lovely told me to listen to all the time... I play these four almost constantly... Pegasus True Self Connection, Pegasus Spiritual Senses, Mana from the Heart of Magic, and Rephraxi Crystal Magic Energy.

Pisch: At the same time?

Eric: Same here.

Me: Yes, at the same time.

Me: Lovely is not having me use burn tracks because they do not go well with her energy. She is Creation. The Phoenix Fire works through destruction.

Me: The burn tracks are good for burning away blocks and getting physical transformation though.

Eric: My custom burn track has a pretty substantial effect on me, but Winter was using a kind of beta version of the booster on it and it's so loud.

Me: That is how burn tracks work. Phoenix fire alone does not rebirth. That requires Phoenix Energy itself. Just as Dragon Fire is not the same as Dragon Energy. It gives you the opportunity to unlock a better version you had within you to replace the previous by clearing away what was preventing it.

Me: I would go into much detail about how they actually function, but this is Winter's project and not mine. It is for her to discover about what it can and cannot do.

Eric: The insight is appreciated all the same.

Peter: So for Winter's freebie burn track, that is only half the job, as that is just Phoenix Fire, and would need Phoenix Energy to rebirth the better version of myself that was blocked before?

Me: Phoenix Energy is not given to humans. It was never meant for this purpose.

Me: Using Phoenix Energy is like saying... I want clear skin so I should drop a nuclear bomb on my face.

Peter: What would then be the work used to pave the way for the actual rebirth of the better version of oneself once the blockages are cleared away?

Eric: Yeah, I think Amy said that the first time she was rebirthed with Phoenix Energy, it probably would have killed her if not for having listened to the elf series for so long and mostly already transformed through it.

Sabrina: In this case, the burn tracks alone are not enough? We need to listen to subs along the burn track.

Me: They work through destruction so they help clear a path for you. They can burn away traumas and such. They can burn away physical blockages that impede your progress.

Me: As for developing a power you do not already have... phoenix fire does not do that. It does not give powers.

Peter: Hmm, I guess that burning away traumas, blockages is not a universal approach and therefore not for everybody?

Atesh: I don’t see how Fire can give powers/abilities without the energy needed...

Me: Every power has a Keeper of that power. You cannot gain a power without the approval of the Keeper. You cannot burn your way past that.

Eric: Think of the average person's physical body, as it is now, as a kind of old growth forest that's run wild with weeds, invasive species, pollution, etc. Any healthy forest needs lightning strikes, dry seasons, and large sweeping fires to clear away the old to make way for the new.

Phoenix fire is just more of a laser, targeting specific parts to burn away. Clearing the way for you to make positive changes and growth. That's always been my understanding of it anyway.

Me: That is a very good description. I agree with this.

Peter: Would that analogy be apt for any kind of trauma? I'm not seeking powers at all, not in that way anyway, but to continue to work on myself and become a better and better version of myself. Whatever the heck that means!

Eric: Trauma could be a fungus that kills off a large part of the forest and prevents anything from growing there.

How Mind Power Subliminals Work...
Me: If anyone could get any power just from saying it or hearing it enough then we would have serious issues in the cosmos. My Mind Power subliminals do not just have the words as affirmations.

It also connects you with the energies of those powers so the Keepers may grant them to you if they deem it so. Then at that point, the Mind Power sub itself helps develop them into your body and mind through the words and energies.

You have to get past the Keeper and they must allow it. Sacred powers of the cosmos are not just up for grabs. There are more layers. The Mind Power subs are a bridge to the Keepers.

Using other methods to obtain sacred powers leads to the downfall for themselves and others. This is why I am so careful of how I craft my subliminals especially when they involve sacred energies.

Eric: I think that's worth posting Amy, or maybe appending to the pinned message on the top of the group page. Really appreciate the insight into how they're crafted.

Peter: Amy, that has got to be the best summation of your subliminal work to date - definitely worthy to incorporate into your FAQ you display on YT.

Sahaj: Okay, so here came the detailed explanation about subs. Okay, I have heard few ppl say they experience anxiety is it because they were not given the approval.?

Me: I find it amusing that humans want power but are unable to tolerate the testing, work, and transformation required to obtain them.

Frank: They want it all now, now, now... and the only thing they are willing to put in for it is whining.

Me: What a waste for those who steal my affirmations and then expect the Keepers to give approval based on their deceit. When I said my affirmations were sealed I meant it.

Peter: I am finding that the advantage of being tested, working, toiling for something is that along the way, you encounter many hidden gems that were never in your field of possibility in the first place that becomes unexpected help.

Eric: It's all about impulse control, mindfulness, and measured, deliberate, thoughtful action.

Hylius: I can feel the intent behind them every day I hear them.

Peter: Like the cliched saying, a journey is not about reaching a destination, it is about experiencing the journey to your destination.

Eric: I think one has to be "...supreme in that quality the ancients called "spannungsbogen" -- which is the self-imposed delay between desire for a thing and the act of reaching out to grasp that thing.” Dune is way too quotable when it comes to MP topics lol

Me: Even in the post about the Dragon and Unicorn creators. There was a test involved in that. It is mentioned in the post. When Helfga passed that test she was given more power.

Hylius: I am also happy that Helfga passed. The emotions I felt from her and Lovely post were real.

Kandi: You know what's interesting? YouTube has been deleting sub channels and yet they haven't touched you even though you have the most haters and have the most prominent channel.

Eric: I'm curious about the relationships between the Centaurs, Unicorns, and Pegasi. Based on how they look, it wouldn't be surprising to learn they have a shared ancestry. It's like 3 branches from one tree.

Me: The Ten Cosmic Energies are all linked with each other. They are from the Outside and yet are inside every Cosmos. I learned this while Lovely was with the Unicorn Creator.

Peter: So the Outside, is the existence outside of Creation? And not a layered set of illusions?

Lovely had said: "It is where my kind are."

Peter: Are the Cosmos just inside Creation, or are they Outside too, and are reflected Inside?

Me: The Creator of the Drakon who created the Ancient Dragon Mother Tia-Mat is Outside of Creation, yet the Mother Tia-Mat is inside creation.

Eric: I think the point of calling it "Outside" is meant to show there is a kind of boundary. It's probably really difficult to reduce it to physical similes.

Me: Tia-Mat is a Drakon with Seven-Heads yet she is not a Hydra. She is the only True Dragon with multiple heads.

Peter: This feels like i will understand once I feel and experience this and/or connect further with my TS and remember this through him.

Mateusz: So there are many omniverses?

Me: Not many omniverses. No. The word omni is all-encompassing.

Mateusz: That is what I thought, but I'm not sure how far our logic can go speaking of this.

Peter: So the Ollen are inside Creation?

Me: The Ollen are the Universes themselves. When a Universe is born it is the birth of an Ollen.

I recommend reading... Story of the Ollen and Return of Pesouo

Atesh: What is the name of the Ollen we are in?

Me: I cannot speak her name.

Eric: Ollen are inherently positive expressions? not in the sense of "happy", but just to understand that there may be negatives, or neutrals, that are fundamentally different but exist in a similar way.

Peter: So my TS is not from this Ollen, but from the another Ollen.

Atesh: If an Ollen dies, then what happens to those inside?

Eric: The Sky and The Deep and The Outside

Me: How can I express this in an understandable way... The Ollen are a Living Womb. They have consciousness. They speak to each other and to the Ole. It is the Ole that understand them more than anyone.

Peter: Which is .. if I am "getting" this right is Outside, yet Inside, yet cannot be phrased as such. So, I am asking this the wrong mindset because I thinking along boundaries, physical places. When it really is multiple and overlapping lenses of consciousness?

Me: Thinking in terms of consciousness is limiting in and of itself. For there is much beyond consciousness.

Peter: Hmm my goodness this discussion is humbling.

Mateusz: And inevitably we will hit a wall where our language and minds cease to comprehend. For now, at least.

Me: You are not your consciousness any more than you are the glasses you wear over your eyes.

Eliakim: “There is much beyond consciousness.”

Peter: I am being led like a baby not knowing how to take the first steps yet.

Mateusz: The consciousness is an expression of a Core of sorts? One of many expressions perhaps.

Me: Your power is in your core. Not in your mind. The Core Fusions connect you directly with your source of power.

Orthrabui Core Fusion...

Mateusz: And now I want to have a fusion even more.

Peter: Does the Ollen, creation, outside also presented as different Cores?

Pisch: I can't wait to have a core fusion Pisch hasn't left me alone about it since you've said something.

Me: It is true that the incarnation is a piece of the consciousness but not the core. This is what causes you to be human here.

Mateusz: So the process of becoming ourselves is reconnecting with the core?

Me: True Self Embodiment is reconnecting the pieces of consciousness. It takes more to connect to the core.

Marta: Is it possible for different beings to fuse their Core into one? Or they would reject each other?

Me: Marta that is something Lovely would need to answer directly. I do not have that answer.

Atesh: What happens after integration and fusion?

Eric: I think that's why asking your TS about whether they have fragments beyond this one on Midgard is so important.

Hylius: I would think of the Wash Over and Pierce...but there must be more about it then we know.

Peter: I wonder why separate in the first place if we are meant to reconnect with our Core.

Me: The Divine never intended you to reconnect with your Core as incarnations. It was never intended to be done. It is only here and now that it is being done. This changes everything. This is why there is very little about true selves found elsewhere.

Peter: Right.. and I ask myself, Why do I want to reconnect with my Core?

Eliakim: But why now? What is our fate to be?

Me: It is now because it is necessary for the survival of this universe.

Peter: ... you know, this answers a lot of longstanding question that i had

Hylius: With what is to come and beyond I can see it.

Eric: It's as reflexive as any evolution. A filter is coming.

Me: Current physical limitations upon the present Midgard prevent incarnations coming through with connected Cores. It is necessary to have this limitation. There is wisdom in it.

Peter: So at one point, I had a path with my Higher Self, human, mortal, continue the loop, but since things have changed, then this is why I am now presented with this TS route, yes?

Me: It is a limitation by the Creator itself. I would not want this limitation removed. I have seen why it is there.

Hylius: I don't like limits I shall be honest, but I do understand why.

Utsukushi: The limitation is here for a reason.

Me: It is for a similar reason why not everyone should have a Core Fusion. Beings like Ch'dumva would incarnate here in a moment at full power.

Vex and Ch'dumva...

Pisch: So can we still connect with our cores and become full here on Midgard.

Sabrina: Ok So only a few incarnations will have a core fusion done.

Me: Yes, because Aphrodite breaks through physical Midgard limitations during the session. She goes beyond Othrabui to do so.

Peter: So a Core Fusion is not a shortcut through a full Integration and embodiment with one's TS, but rather, two paths?

Eric: “Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask Why? Be cautious with How? Why? leads inexorably to paradox. How? traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite.”

Eric: It sounds like two paths.

Me: If Lovely would have done the core fusion on Maja's true self while Doldriea is compromised... Doldriea would be able to release that infection into Midgard. Those malevolent ETs would have direct control here.

When a Core Fusion goes wrong before it begins...

Eric: Makes me curious about how the plague could start.

Me: True Self Integration cannot give you this power level. It would not be safe. The Core Fusion takes it to a different level that breaks Midgard limits.

Pisch: That's probably why Pisch wants the fusion done so bad...

Midorra: Core fusion being done will be so amazing. Can't wait to have it done. Finally a breakthrough.

Eric: Do you think there are other ways to break those limits, besides Othrabui-powered fusion?

Me: Not that exist because in the wrong hands it would destroy everything. Even other practitioners of Othrabui could not do this. It is because Lovely is the Creator that she can.

Eric: There are just too many people in the world to know for sure.

Me: There are not too many people from the perspective of the Creator.

Me: That being said, is there a way that some sort of Outside Magic could produce a similar result? Yes, but it does not yet exist here.

Eric: Were you able to see the relative status/power of everyone when you were fused with the Creator?

Me: I am still merged with the Creator for eternity. It was permanent. The Core has been rejoined.

Me: Aphrodite and Poseidon share a Core with the Creator.

Sam: If one dies from core fusion, would they come back as their TS in next life?

Me: You will not die during the fusion itself. It is the after effects that are dangerous.

This is kinda how I imagine core fusion. Just watch like 2-3 minutes of it and you get the idea. In the show, the old lady there is his master and she's giving him all of her power in one go, as an upgrade.

Sam: How do we prepare our physical body for survival after the merging?

Hylius: I feel its the Wolverine combo somehow...maybe Vega energy. At least one way if not THE way.

Mateusz: Maybe that's why I've always felt the pressure to keep using Wolverine.

Me: There was a time that humans here only had human consciousness. There were not incarnations of true selves here. This is recent in the flow of Time.

Peter: Today's teaching by Amy was really intense. Felt like a baby being led.

Riley: I loved it. That was very kind of her to share as much as she did. I feel truly honored and humbled.

Peter: I could only comprehend a partial amount of it. After that little sharing, I decided I needed to go ahead and get some of those Pegasi tracks.

Riley: I definitely will be able to understand it more when I advance my consciousness. I've noticed her going back on old posts makes so much more sense to me now so I'm sure I'll understand it on more of a deeper level the more I advance my perception.

Friend: Is there a post that describes what core exactly means? Like I know your real truths can be read when looked inside your core. I also know that core holds your power. Also that when Lovely died for 11 mins only her core was left. But I am curious about core, like maybe a better definition?

Me: I need Lovely herself to define it. It still goes beyond my physical understanding.

Mounia: Would there be a keeper for something like Cyberkinesis?

Me: It is the Keeper of Yityizzin that holds the Power of Cyberkinesis.

Hylius: May I ask who the keeper of Art would be, for Supernatural Artistic Talent and Artistic DNA?

Me: Xygralaaxx is the Keeper for Art Powers

Jan: Is there a Keeper of Superhuman Series subs?

Me: Vahhshuudo is the Keeper for Superhuman Powers

Rna: If I may ask, who is the Keeper of Telekinesis or Telekinetic Force? Is he/she powerful?

Me: Extremely powerful. I won't share his name.

More Discussion about Cores...

Friend: Does the human body have a core?

Me: Humans have an essence but not a core. This is why they are mortal.

Sammy: Also, what happens to those who become Elves, Shifters, etc? Would they still lack a core?

Me: The Elf Series develops an Elven Core within a human when they are in the final stages of becoming an Elf.

Frank: So every being with a core is immortal, or does having a core give them the potential to become immortal?

Me: Every being with a Core is immortal.

Nat: So when we become our TSs we get their core? ..or when we become Elves?

Me: If you get a Core fusion you have the Core of your true self.

Me: Interesting... Not every true self has a Core. For those who do not, they will still have their bodies fused with their true self during a Core Fusion.

Bliss: Just suppose my true self didn't have a core but when I am at the final stages of the elf series, I have an Elven core. Would we both share that core?

Me: Yes you would share the Elven Core if the rest of your bodies were fused.

Leah: I believe Pisch has a core but I could be wrong.

Me: All Divine have a Core.

Lily: Amy, may I ask are you fully an elf already?

Me: I am not a being that is inside Creation.

Kiki: Because you are Creation.

Me: Humans are not meant to have Cores. They are designed to be mortal.
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