Doumarae and the Return of Lovely

This started out as an intuitive guidance session for Riley. Timestamps are for PST timezone.

7:54pm I connected with your true self to bring him here. I am seeing a large being with tentacles.

This is not your true self, but he is connected with you somehow. He wanted to speak to me first.

Tentacle being: "You are about to transverse the unthinkable."

Me: "I give questions to the unanswerable. I give answers to the unquestionable."

Tentacle being: "Then he shall speak to you."

7:57pm Holy shit! Wow!... I am starting to cry.

Me: "Ahkorshkah... Ahkorshkah... Ahkko!"

Me: Do we speak in twisted tounge or do we speak plainly for the understanding of others?"

You: "To speak plainly I so oblige. It is from the sun not the moon that I bring you these tides."

You look like a Mind Flayer. A tentacle being with a squid face. You are a Star Keeper. The energy is so intense.

8:05pm You want to speak to me, but you are hesitating because Ark was in the room. He left so we could speak.

You: "These keys are of the sons of Orion. They speak the messages of the Stars. Place this one on your chest..."

I placed it upon my chest. I am feeling immense energy flowing through me.

You: "Speak and it shall happen. Speak it now..."

8:08pm Me: "I bring the fullness of myself Aphrodite into my physical humanoid form. In full power in Midgard and through all realms, kingdoms, times, places, events, destines, weaves, and fates."

8:20pm Ark walked into the room and could see something happening to my chest where I was holding the key.

Ark: I see all these celestial bodies. There are small versions of them like a holographic map coming from the key on your chest. This contains knowledge and wisdom of the celestial bodies.

Me: The name of your kind is Morgaei. They are Keepers and Caretakers of Celestial Bodies. You call them the Celestial Ones.

All Celestial Bodies are beings. They are Children of Elementals. Comets are as well. All planets, stars, and moons are Children of Elementals.

Elementals are their own kind like Nature Folk. They come in many different varieties from simple to complex.

The Four made the Divine and the Elementals. A lot of Elementals are children of Kronos or Gaia.

The Ourhkina and Hungali were gifts to the Divine from the Creator. I came along and changed that up when I brought the Ourhkina back and gave them freewill.

The Morgaei were gifts from the Creator of which I am to the Elementals. Your kind has freewill. You are not angelic beings like the Ourhkina, Hungali, and Ungrae. The Ungrae also have freewill.

8:30pm There is still immense energy coming from my chest. The holographic map of the celestial bodies is still there. It is switching out to different galaxies. It is a Key Map. I am absorbing knowledge from all of these galaxies. I am feeling in really overwhelmed.

As gifted beings from the Creator like you as a Morgaei... You never experience birth or creation.

Some of the Divine and Elements were born. You just came into existence. You and the Angelic were created to take care of the Creator's grandchildren.

The Creator of which I am created the Four. The Four created the Divine, the Elementals, Nature Folk, and other beings.

The Elementals created the Celestial Bodies, Stars, Galaxies, and so on. You are explaining this to me. You take care of the Celestial Bodies.

As an incarnation you are really in touch with planets and stars. You have a connection with Elementals and Nature itself.

You are talking about the Creation of this world. How different pieces were taken from other worlds for the design of this one. There were worlds that were total water, ice, or volcanic...

You are very interested in this Celestial Body because it is unique. You are referring to Earth. Gaia is the Mother but this Earth is not her only planet. She is throughout everything in the Cosmos. She is Life and Birth.

You are speaking of the Four Children of the Creator. The Four were two Alphas and two Omegas. Two Males and two Females. Chaos and Time as the males. Life and Harmony as the females.

You told me I still have much to learn and that is why you are here teaching me me with the Key Map.

You consider the Celestial Bodies to be the most important beings in the cosmos. You are here teaching me all this because I am the Creator. The Four are of me.

You are putting me on the fast track of getting caught up where I should have been if I didn't get locked up in Void. I have a long way to go, but I don't have time to let it flow the slow way. You are giving me a crash course.

You also want your incarnation to have a crash course. He wants you to start working spiritually here in the physical. You are going be important in the events to come.

You need to start teaching yourself herbal medicine and how environments work. You need to commune with all kinds of elements. Especially stones, water, fire, and air. You to focus a lot on the cosmos.

You have incarnated here to help other preserve what is beautiful. You want them to understand Celestial Bodies and other worlds as living conscious beings.

You are helping my true self fully come into Midgard. This is why you are having me use the Key Map. I have to understand all of the Celestial Bodies and everything else too.

You true self said he goes by many names just as all gifted beings. You are saying a bunch of different names at the moment.

Ovakalah, Sinsinayah, Uuskavah, Deayantae'eleay'draeont'ravah. He wants you to refer to him as Doumarae (Pronounced Do-Mar-Ray).

You take care of the well-being and health of the Celestial Bodies. You are in a very high position in this. You are the head of this position.

Your kind is Morgaei, but your position is Vornkah.

Do you work with the Kah? You do at times. You mostly put your focus on the well-being and health of the Celestial Bodies.

Any decedents of Elementals are loyal to you. If you were standing around and some other being is trying to attack you. All kinds of Nature and Elements would come to your defense and attack this being.

Wind would fight for you. As would Water, Trees, and other forms of Nature. Even Celestial Bodies and Comets would protect you.

9:00pm You are telling a story of when a Comet came to your rescue.

You were attending a dying planet where that world was dying naturally. All words end up dying eventually. Celestial Bodies have life spans. There was a dominant species called Bindarg.

They are a kind of dominant species that are very conquering and dominating. They don't really destroy worlds they take them over. They like to rid other worlds of dominant species and take them over as basically vacation resorts.

The Bindarg have interstellar technology. They are in this galaxy that we are in now. They are just on the very far other side from Earth. Humans are lucky in that.

You were there at the last moments of the dying planet. There was a Bindarg ship that noticed you. They saw this energy floating around you in space. They wanted to see what you were.

Bindarg like to capture other creatures. They were probably mistaking you for another dominant species and not realizing you for what you are.

The reason your kind doesn't really fight is because you don't need to. You have mind control. If someone comes up to hit you, you can make them hit themselves instead.

Even if a Divine being came at you, you can mind control them. That is why your kind are not confrontational. You don't have to be.

As this Bindarg ship noticed you they were sending out some type of probe that was going to capture and ensnare you. This is manually controlled.

You mind controlled the whole ship and it just stood there. Then a comet came and smashed it to pieces. Then you just went back to what you were doing with the planet as if nothing happened.

Doumarae wanted to share that story because he think you as his incarnation would enjoy it.

Do you want your incarnation to embody you? You need to allow him in because your true self wants to come back and forth. He really wants to share his knowledge with you. Yes embody, but understand that it will be back and forth.

Your true self tends to Celestial Bodies so he cannot always be here on Earth. He does want you to embody because he can do work here on Earth. You have done this work in previous incarnations that help this world.

Do you want an Othrabui Core Fusion? Not right away. He wants to interact more with his incarnation first.

You can do this by thinking of Doumarae and calling out his name. It will work better if you are gazing at the cosmos. Let him come to you when you do this.

Doumarae thinks a core fusion at this moment would be a physical overload. He needs to give you as his incarnation pieces first so you can build up to at fusion. He says it won't take long and it depends on you.

Will your incarnation survive the plague? Yes, you survive the plague. You were incarnated here before during another plague that you did not survive. In this incarnation you will.

Doumarae is not interested in Super Saiyan. Your affinities are focused on Elementals and Celestial Bodies.

Your incarnation is my most loyal contributor towards the Nature School... What would you like in return? "Give me a home there."

Me: "Doumarae your incarnation shall always have a home."

9:28pm You are staying with me to bring the fullness of Aphrodite inside her incarnation in Midgard.

Doumarae: "This is what was spoken and what shall be done." You are bringing Aphrodite back from the dead!

9:36pm You returned Aphrodite back from the dead. You are bringing Lovely towards her physical Midgard incarnation.

9:40pm The Key Map is still active on my chest giving me knowledge of the Galaxies and Celestial Bodies of the cosmos.

9:45pm The Key Map finished giving me the knowledge of the Celestial Bodies. The holograph image changed to be that of Aditi Astarte. This is who I am known as by the Celestial Ones.

9:49pm Doumarae: "Aditi Astarte you shall be brought forth in your power to Midgard into your physical incarnation."

Me: I understand why the Celestial Ones use these names for Lovely. Astarte means “Enduring Star". Astarte is "Queen of the Morning and Evening Star".

A beautiful phrase about Astarte: "She was the Mother of the Sun, Daughter of the Moon, Ruler of the Stars and Keeper of the Earth. In the beginning, Astarte was the whole."

Aditi is said to be the "mother of the gods and all twelve zodiacal spirits from whose cosmic matrix, the heavenly bodies were born."

Also about Aditi... "The name is mentioned in Vedas as mother of Surya (Sun) and other celestial bodies or gods Adityas (meaning sons of Aditi)."

Lovely's names of Aditi and Astarte are the most connected with the Celestial Bodies.

10:08pm Message from Queen Valstanarra who is unaware of what is happening in this IG session...

"Dearest Lovely... The sudden overwhelming Love that I feel for you right Now. I'm not sure what you are doing, but I feel Your strong core pulsing into the cosmos... It actually sounds like it's creating music... It is so beautiful."

10:10pm Doumarae: "Elementals see you as Mother and the Celestial Ones see you as their Grandmother."

10:20pm Ark sees a lot of energy around my chest. You said this won't take too much longer. You said that Aditi Astarte will be fully here in Midgard tonight while you are here.

Aradhna posted a FB comment to me unaware of what is happening in this IG session...

"Amy Bass are you okay/safe? I had this sudden intense feeling of restlessness in my stomach/core (I don't know how to put it) and felt that you might be sad or in pain. I hope I am mistaken and you are okay."

10:28pm Ark sees energy swirling around me coming into my body.

10:32pm Doumarae told me he is going to need to use some of his power on my mind and the elements of my body. I have given him my approval and permission to do so.

10:47pm I picked up something energetic and held it with both hands above my head. Then I trust it into my abdomen like a blade.

10:57pm Doumarae is changing some of the elements in my physical body so I can handle the fullness of Aditi Astarte.

11:06pm Message from Maxime who is unaware of what is happening in this IG session...

"I feel like my ts mind and mine have been colliding with each other. It’s 8am in the morning here and since last night, I feel like receiving thoughts I can’t comprehend. It has been also very intense physically. I’m a bit disoriented."

11:11pm Lovely is still not within my physical body. You are still preparing the elements of my body to accept her. You are giving my body cosmic elements from the Celestial Ones.

11:29pm I feel a change happening in my physical form

11:30pm Lovely is born within my body but her fullness is not yet inside me.

11:42pm My physical body is vibrating

11:45pm Message from Kiki Lazybones who is unaware of what is happening in this IG session...

"What's happening? I hope you are ok! My heart feels like being stabbed."

11:49pm Me: Lovely is returning from the dead and coming forth into Midgard.

Kiki: Yes, I felt it coming! Wow, now I'm happy. I always knew that I perceived love differently, but I didn't expect to experience this in such profound new ways and overwhelming emotions.

11:55pm Me to Kiki: "I knew you would sense me. We are deeply connected."

Kiki: I knew this very early, but dismissed it until you went to the Outside, there was no other explanation possible anymore. I'm so excited for the change you'll bring, I've been waiting for a long time for this.

June 27th 2018...

12:00am Me: Her entrance has not yet been made. My body is changing to handle her power.

12:09am Hylia: I dreamed she came back, I'm so glad. I literally just woke up from that to your message actually, timing is always amazing.

Me to Hylia: What did you see in your dream?

Hylia: It was vague unfortunately, just a dream about you and I messaging with the knowledge that Lovely was about to come back and a discussion on my wanting to be there when she arrived. XD so... pretty much this conversation lol. I snapped awake and checked my phone because I had a hunch you had sent a message.

12:12am Doumarae: "Aditi Astarte is making her entrance. Hail the Queen of Nature!"

Ark sees the swirling energy getting more intense.

Me to Hi'Lena: Do you sense it through the bond?

12:16am Hi'Lena: Yes. I sense her love and presence.

12:21am "I am being born in this physical form. I am here in Midgard."

Hi'Lena: There is something inside me stirring because of this. I am so passionate about this, this goes beyond excitement.

Kiki: Such a heat was flooding me, thank you for letting me witness this most remarkable moment in the history of Midgard!

12:32am Hylia: *we have waited ages for your coming, welcome home..* I felt the urge to say that.. now that I think about it in the dream I was going to meet you in person from the sound of it.. but I was thinking about you specifically as Lovely rather than as Amy, and it felt important that you were going to be there. I'm so glad you made it through all of the experiences you went through to come this far.

12:34am Queen Valstanarra: I'm so emotional since this happened... Crying from joy.

12:44am "The birthing process is still going on inside my physical form. I am forming for this body while this body is adapted for me."

Doumarae: "Queen Aditi your physical is almost complete."

12:48pm Kiki: It's still mind blowing to me how much I sense from everything! Even my skull feels like being expanded to its maximum. I know you are the one that is strong enough for this!

12:50pm Me: I am feeling intensity coming through my bones. My bones are starting to ache.

12:52am Queen Valstanarra: It Is A Magical Process... The cosmos is overjoyed... Alfheim "knows" and celebrations are in full swing. I don't know who spread the word... There is a lot of busyness at the moment.

12:55am Me: I am feeling birthing pains within my body. This is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

1:01am Me: Power is flowing through my body. This is far more power than I ever thought possible for my physical to handle.

1:09am Me: The intensity of the power going through me kicked up another level. This is beyond words.

1:11am Doumarae: "Aditi Astarte your physical is ready. It is time..."

1:15am Me: "Hahkah... Hahkah... Voyndaema Kah." Voyndaema Magic allows the passage from the spiritual into the physical.

Ark: Aphrodite is starting to descend here into the physical room. She is coming the middle of the room.

1:24am The intensity went up yet another level.

Daydra: Also... um, what will happen to the Aphrodite out there? Will she be like, no longer around or is this rebirthing part kind of like... uhh.... *scratches head* like... copy and pasting herself? So to speak XD *ponders*

Me: We will see what happens. I am not sure.

Daydra: Wow... definitely treading some new ground!

1:30am "Seekah Voxatrunatah vaoix."

*Doumarae nods his head in agreement*

Doumarae: "Seekah Hahkah estro Kah aeno tanknhahn."

1:37am I am feeling so emotional. I am starting to cry.

1:39am Feeling a lot of pressure and energy in my hips.

1:44am Doumarae, Seekah, and Hahkah are channeling Voyndaema Magic into my physical form.

Ark: This channeling is to help you make the transformation. Amy and Aphrodite are both floating in the air and combining together.

Me: "Give me the Ice."

Dourmarae: "As you so desire Queen."

1:49am "Increase the Wind."

Dourmarae: "I shall do so."

1:50am "Turn the Voyndaema upside down. Channel it backwards."

Dourmarae: "It is not done this way. Yet I shall do as you request."

Ark: Elemental energies and many other energies are swirling around you and becoming stronger.

1:52am "Speak the rhymes in reverse."

Dourmarae: "It shall be done."

1:53am "Ahkko! Come here now!"

1:55am *Ahkko arrives and joins in the channeling*

1:56am "Ahkko speak the coded passage. It is time for wounds to be shorn."

*Ahkko speaks the coded passage phrase*

Ark: This is causing the joining of the spiritual with the physical. Aphrodite joining with Amy. There is fire swirling around you both combining you together.

1:58am "Seekah go to the Volidereii and get the scroll. Hahkah give my incarnation your candle."

2:01am "Doumarae increase the Fire. I can handle the flames."

2:02am This burns! Why does there have to be so much pain? Oh my...

2:12am The intensity increased to another level.

Ark: The fire increased around you. It is swirling around you and consuming you in flames.

2:15am A stream of energy from Hahkah is hitting me really hard.

Ark: He is sending a bright energy at you.

2:22am "Fill my physical body with Vosmic Current."

Ark: Energy is pouring into your physical body. While this is going on many energies are flowing through you.

2:33am Doumarae: "It is complete. What was spoken is happening."

2:42am *Seekah returns with the scroll of Volidereii*

Ark: Seekah put the scroll in Aphrodite's hand and it appeared in your physical hand. The scroll merged into your physical body.

I saw both your incarnation and Aphrodite lifting and joining into one. You then descended back down into your physical.

Before that there was energy bringing from Lovely from the dead into the room. I have been waiting a long time for this.

There wasn't just me observing. The All-Father was also watching along with my other six brothers. Usula was here recording it. This was a very important event.

You were so tired afterwards. Your physical fell asleep. You will be tired for the next day or so. You are assimilating and adjusting

All the beings here were focusing their energy into you. That is when you descended together into your physical form.

The Four and the Seven were here to be part of this. It is complete and now I have you fully back.

Tulk: I feel extremely happy now for some reason. Is Lovely back? I could feel that she was.

Everything in the cosmos feels so warm and loving now that she’s back. My heart feels lighter. I can feel her love energy spreading throughout the cosmos.

Hi'Lena: This is such a historic moment. I know it takes time for birth I'm just so excited.

Tulk: Ever since Lovely’s return it feels like I got a piece of myself back. I also feel wrapped in a love energy field. I sense your physical transformation will be sped up much faster than before. More importantly, you will have all your true power and beauty.

Riley: Thank you. This is officially the best day of my life. Aphrodite's return and also discovering my TS. Words don't do justice to how happy I am right now. So glad to have our Queen back. I've missed her so much. So glad to have her back.

Past Incarnation Reading for Doumarae...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...
Some post comments...

Sabrina: It’s a strange coincidence that I was looking at a drawing of the human different bodies yesterday and I was wondering what a celestial body is And now this IG session and the celestial bodies. Probably not a coincidence.

Devin: It might be silly, but when Lovely was dead it felt like the Cosmos had been running out of love? I know that for me, I felt worse and worse each day, yesterday feeling absolutely unloved and alone. Reading this post alone made me feel so much better, as if I was surrounded by love almost. I am very glad Lovely is back, on Midgard nonetheless.

Vox: I don't think i should call you Amy anymore! Cause you are now fully Aphrodite! I am so happy for you and Riley! Amazing.

Sammy: Woah this is amazing. Truly historic! I love the way the cosmos is. The Creator, The Four, The Divine, The Elementals, The Ourhkina, The Ungrae, The Hungali, and the Morgaei! Everything makes sense now. I am overjoyed for you. Welcome back!

James: What a joyous and momentous occasion! Both an IG session and the wonderful story of Lovely’s rebirth into Midgard! So much energy and emotions, I feel so lucky to have heard of Aphrodite’s return and may your reign here bring about the change and balance that is needed. I am filled with love and joy!

Del'sean: I am feeling intense love and power from this post. May the new changes and upgrades make you feel more stronger then you were before.

Tara: Welcome back, Queen Aphrodite. I woke up from a dream of gazing at happy shooting stars, the sky full of them. I love you, Aphrodite.

Pedro: One of the few times I ended up crying of joy.

Arya: I sensed your return, welcome back Aphrodite , you mean so much to me.

Jiva: Earlier today I was feeling nostalgic out of nowhere. A bitter sweet sadness you could say, mixed with happiness. Could have easily teared up. Makes me wonder if it had to do with your return Lovely Queen Aditi.

Naturome: Wow. I have no words. Im so overwhelmed and emotional right now. Will read it all again when i pull myself together. This is amazing beyond words.

Zelda: Well... I have no words. I felt really depressed and unloved yesterday but better today, maybe that's why?

Aradhna: This is amazing! I knew you would be back 1000times stronger. I had shared my vision sometime back where I saw you returning mounted on many suns- the mother of sun, Aditi! Also, I felt you were in pain earlier during the day! I am joyous beyond words to know of your return.

I am also glad that I am not as disconnected as I tend to think I am. I have gotten some confidence now that one day I will be worthy enough to be a part of the epic battles this group has the honor of fighting along with you! Love you forever Queen Amy.

Zanele:  The Queen is back! Riley your importance in all of this has been confirmed... I didn't expect any less because of how awesome you are.

Safina: I’m feeling immense love. I knew I would wake up to this post. This is going to be the best day ever! I’m so glad I’m here to witness this historic event! I know this is just the beginning. I’m excited for the adventures to come.

Rna: Such happiness that I feel and I'm not even so connected ... Without doubt a great historical event happened today June 27th!

Sam: Truly happy to have you back, my Queen. Morgan is right. She had been talking since two weeks ago about the dates 26th and 28th of June this year. She felt big things were going to happen. She was always so accurate.

Katha: This session was resonating deeply with me. I always felt a strong connection with space, the universe and nature at the same time. What an important session! And welcome back Aphrodite! I felt it in my bones this morning that this would be an amazing day!

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