Aeveron: Slavers Shall Feel my Wrath

We did this intuitive guidance session to find and rescue the primal fairy Aeveron. She has been attacked and harassed pretty much non-stop in both the spiritual and the physical. We knew that we had to do something about this. This was her previous session... Primordial Fairy Aeveron and Melkor... August 31st 2018... PST timezone.. 10:00am Me: From what I was able to figure out about this enemy they are not Varkar. They are Collectors. I have come up with a plan. They want to trap me so I need to be careful going in. Just imagine what kind of price they would get for me if they captured and sold me. Sentis: These Collectors are going to be difficult to deal with. They buy and sell immediately to the highest bidder. Me: Why are they holding on to Aeveron? Sentis: They want a bigger payout. The Varkar told them 'Come to us with something more and then we will start talking.' Me: They are no doubt expecti...