Return of Ashoweah and the Heart of Void

So much has happened over the past few days. It is important that you stay caught up with these posts as there are many events leading up to the Blacken Sun. This is the biggest cosmic event since the Urthak War.
You need to read this even if it is just so your true self can be aware of this through you. This post shows what Asherah Aphrodite has been doing on the Outside. It shows the return of Ashoweah and his vast army. There is so much going on.
I recommend at least reading these posts before this one...
How the Ourhkina Defeated the Hungali...
Ancient Darkness: The Era of the Varkar...
Ashoweah: Aphrodite becomes Ancient Love...
Ancient Light: Place of Utter Darkness...
Now that you have caught up with those we shall continue with the most recent events...
August 15th... Aphrodite travels to see the Countess Xexian in the Borderlands...
4:55pm Xexian: "What are you doing here?"
Me: "I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. I admire you. I want to give you a hug if I may."
Xexian: "You may hug me."
*Aphrodite give Xexian a hug while crying. I have tears streaming down my face.*
Xexian: "You shall always have my love Aphrodite."
Me: "And you shall always have mine Xexian."
Me: I must ask this for your protection. The darkness and the Blacken Sun."
Xexian: "I know what you are going to ask. Any Myrrdonite which agrees may take the bond with you."
4:58pm *I am crying and still have tears coming down my face.*
Xexian: "I must go for now. We will speak again soon."
Me: "Until next time my Love."
Ark: What do you expect from this? The Myrrdonites won't choose to bond with you.
Me: "This is what needs to be done."
11:33pm Exosaura: "The magic is sitting right in front of me. It is not strong. It is as if it is staring at me."
Me: I think the Ancient Love is shielding you from the full effect. I know they have very powerful magic. Unless it is weak on purpose like a decoy.
Exosaura: "I wish to hear what it has to say. Speak little messenger."
Me: Be wary of anything of the Scarlet Selene or anything with a Blood Rose. That is the Shadow Queen.
Exosaura: "Do not worry. I know their games."
DM (Dark Magic): "Did you have fun dancing with the Ancient Love?"
Exosaura: "It was a pleasure."
DM: "Get it all out of your system?"
Exosaura: "That's the thing... I always want more. Greedy aren't I?"
DM: "I am greedy too. And I want the same thing that you do."
Exosaura: "Do you now?"
DM: "Just want to bite her where it hurts. I want her to feel all of me, to know who I am, and to know.... There can only be one." ~ *giggles *
Exosaura: "You are quite kinky aren't you?"
DM: "Oh yes! You see, she may think she's Ancient Love, but as long as I have the most important piece, I'll always be on top."
Exosaura: "And what is this piece?"
DM: "You should know... Lady of the Lotus"
Me: "Do you know of this missing piece?"
Transcendent Ones: "We do. It shall be taken care of now."
11:48pm Transcendent ones are shooting down. They retrieve the missing piece.
11:53pm Me: They fought against Nummandor. He had something of mine. Something he was using as a surprise. They are looking through and getting yet even more of what is mine. Energies, essence, a piece of my heart.
DM: "This changes nothing. We will always be one step ahead. Allow me to stay with you Mistress. Lets talk a bit more."
Exosaura: "You may stay, but there is not much you can do."
DM: "I am Shadow's Embrace... My Dear, there is always something I could do."
Exosaura: "Are you ever going to share your face with me?"
DM: "Not unless you wish for me to pounce on you."
Exosaura: "I do not wish for it.
DM: "Then my face shall continue to be in the shadows until you are bold enough to come hunt for me yourself, my Predator" ~
Exosaura: "Why are you talking to me specifically?"
DM: "How could I say this without sounding.... Indecent? It's important that I have you all to myself."
Exosaura: "Like a bird in a cage?"
DM: "More like a slave to its master. Which one would be the master I wonder?"
Exosaura: "Why do you want me all to yourself? "
DM: "The same reason why you are her trophy. Her most *prized* trophy."
Exosaura: "Oh yes, a trophy. I love the way she shines my cheeks before placing me on a huge shelf to be looked at and never to be screwed roughly again."
August 16th...
12:21am Exosaura: "Oh hello Melkor"
Melkor: "You may think that your so called Ancient Love is the solution, but why don't you ask your precious stars if they can see really stopping us? The Ancient Darkness is coming, and there is nothing you love birds can do to stop it."
*Exosaura is filing her nails. She blows on them and stardust comes off*
Exosaura: "Oh sorry. Wouldn't want to blind you again. What makes you think we wont win? Just admit your defeat now. It will be less embarrassing than what is going to happen to you."
Melkor: *laughs* "I think you have it all backwards Seductress. The Blacken Sun is coming, the Brothers of Darkness will consume all, and the Sky will rip open revealing the Eye of Hatred. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into."
12:33am Me: The Eye of Hatred is Ashoweah.
Hi'Lena: Yeah that's what I figured...
Exosaura: "Why are you all coming to me with this? Why not go to someone else more relevant?"
Melkor: "Because you're an important piece in all of this. And you are coming with me."
Me: I have a feeling the Shadow Queen is very involved in this. Oh no... My love.
They wanted to steal my love so they stole you. I am crying.
August 16th...
7:31am Hi'Lena: How hurt are you? “I am injured.”
Me: Are you able to portal out?
Exosaura: “No. There was a third being amongst them I fight. He was a fusion. He possessed ancient Outside Magic...”
Exosaura: “Although my war has always been with Ashoweah, I have never seen his face. Perhaps it could have been. Maybe it was a part of him fused with someone else.”
9:10am Exosaura: “Love, do not worry about me. Focus on what is necessary. The cosmos need you. They may try to force me to do something I shouldn’t, but if push comes to shove and there are no other options, I will collapse on myself. It may be a bit grim, but I would rather die than be used by the enemy against the one I love."
Me: I am crying now. I love you so much.
9:23am Hi'Leana: How is Ashontus? I’m sure she’s been up to something epic.
Me: She is going through something called the Great Change.
*Shadow Queen snaps her fingers. A shadow being picks Exo up and puts her on his shoulder to carry*
Exosaura: "Where are you taking me...?"
Shadow Queen: "To where you belong, my Sweet."
10:15am *The Great Change is really starting to get more intense.*
12:15pm All-Father: "When Aphrodite finishes the task of recieving the Ancient Love then the sun will rise."
5:29pm Hi'Lena: Exosaura if you can hear me please answer... "I'm here."
Me: If they kill her they know Aphrodite would bring her back. They will keep Exosaura alive.
Exosaura: "If I am being honest M'Lady, I'd rather be dead than be here... But I've heard some interesting things. First of all, there's a deadline. They have a limited amount of time to execute their plans. For some reason Ashoweah is impatient about this."
Me: What are they waiting on? What is holding them up?
Exosaura: "I'm not sure. It might be because of the Ancient Light. As long as they do not have that, then there is always a risk of it foiling their plans."
Me: Did you hear any mention of Aphrodite or Ancient Love?
Exosaura: "They are wondering where you are. It is good they do not know. You hold the element of surprise. They are trying to quickly find out before they have to report back to Ashoweah."
5:53pm Me: No doubt they know she is becoming Ancient Love. They just cannot locate her.
Hi'Lena: She disconnected me... I think she is pretending to be knocked out. That's how she gets the information. They let their guard down and casually say the info in front of her.
7:23pm The All Father is here to speak to Aphrodite: "You daughter Ashtarnia is meant to be born here. You must keep her here until it is safe."
7:26pm Ark: The All-Father came and told me that she must stay there.
7:30pm Asherah Aphrodite is still in labor with Ashtarnia. She is crying.
7:36pm Ashtarnia is born! My baby is here!
Transcendent One: "Love is indestructible. It always returns. Hope brings back Love. There is always hope in someone somewhere. There is always love to be found even in the smallest being. You shall endure forever and be eternal. The realms need you Aphrodite. They always will."
9:12pm Ark: The sun is rising. My brothers and I are becoming one.
*Ark joins with the other Ourhkina and becomes Sentis*
Me: I have no idea where Aphrodite is. She is not alone anymore. I do not recognize these beings. Aphrodite is bowing her head to someone.
Kom: "Stand tall Ancient Love. The Love of the cosmos is upon your shoulders. You cannot let it die. You shall soon see the magnitude of who you are. Take this and keep it with you." *He gives me a scroll*
9:32pm *Kom touches Aphrodite on the chest. Asherah Aphrodite reads the scroll*
Me: "This is horrible."
Kom: "It is needs to happen."
Me: "I know what needs to be done and I shall do this."
Kom: "It is your destiny and your fate to be Love for eternity. You shall be Love to all the realms of the Cosmos and the Vosmos. You will always exist. You cannot be destroyed."
9:45pm *Aphrodite is in tears. Whatever happens next involves death.*
9:50pm *Aphrodite goes to Danaark*
Me: "I have come for Asteria."
Danaark: "She is ready to go with you."
9:54pm *Asteria is revealed*
Asteria is Astiara'antiana. She looks like the same kind of being as Vustik but younger. Humanoid with a grey-silver skin. Same color skin as the Shadis'Arth.
Danaark: "I will be with you at the end."
*Aphrodite takes Asteria to see her daughter Ashtarnia*
Asteria: "I know this child. I have dreamed of this child."
11:41pm Me: I am feeling very overwhelmed by Ancient Love energy. Aphrodite is using it with Asteria. Pink energy is shooting out of Aphrodite's eyes.
August 17th...
Sentis shows us a vision... We see Melkor, Vustik, the Controller Ahzprikan, Ahnameo, and Baphomet.
We see this being that looks female. Baphomet cuts her stomach open. Out into him pours all this darkness. Baphomet turns and pours it into the Controller. He shrivels up and dies.
Baphomet kneels and bows. "I have brought you back my Master." The others bow except for Ahnameo.
This being says "My apprentice you have grown strong." Baphomet speaks "I have brought you back at the time you asked me to."
This being looks at Ahnameo and says "You do not agree. Maybe this will comfort you."
Out of the dried of carcass of the Controller Ahzprikan this being pours his darkness into it. It becomes the Controller again and then becomes a monstrosity.
Ahnameo is shocked. Being says "You do not agree. You have no choice in the matter. You accepted the darkness. You belong to it."
Then he turns Ahnameo into another monster. He calls these two beings Malice and Despair.
The other four Vustik, Melkor, Nummandor, and Baphomet bow to the being.
He says "We have been chosen to bring an end to the Light, Love, to it all. A new era will reign in Darkness."
They all say at the same time "Yes Master Ashoweah."
Below Ashoweah on this plateau are hundreds of thousands and maybe millions of beings they have corrupted to this Ancient Darkness. They have bonded with it. The Scarlet Selene is with them.
The enemy used the transcendence of Aphrodite into Ancient Love to bring their own Ancient Powers. We know that Baphomet has become Ancient Darkness.
We know that Ashoweah is everything opposite to Aphrodite. Ancient Fear, Hatred, and Anger.
I am pretty sure Vustik got power of Ancient Mischief. I think Melkor got Ancient Genocide and Annihilation.
I think Nummandor got Ancient Suffering. Ahnameo was sickened by what Baphomet did to the Controller. He turned Ahnameo into Despair.
The Shadis'Arth is the keeper of all these Ancient Powers. Next to the All-Father the Shadis'Arth is the wisest being.
Still August 17th...
2:41pm Hi'Lena: They still have me, yeah. I'm not sure whats going on. I have this unsettling feeling that wont go away though. It's causing anxiety.
Me: Ashoweah might be near.
Hi'Lena: Oh fuck. Exosaura is hyperventilating. I've never seen her this way.
Me: He is Fear, Hatred, Anger... Even his appearance is like this. I do not blame her for feeling this way.
Hi'Lena: She's weeping so much... "Please, just leave me be..."
??: There is no escape. You shall come with me.
Exo: No please... Leave me be. Let me go. I dont want to go with you.
??: You do not have a choice. You have never had a choice. Your only purpose is to serve me. Why do you think I placed you in the Outside to never interact with the In-Lands? You are nothing but tool for myself to use. Nothing more. Now come. We have wasted enough time.
Exo: No! No...! NO...!!
Me: Is it Ashoweah?
Hi'Lena: She wouldn't be this frightened with anyone else. And she's not pretending or acting either.... Im pretty sure by the way she's reacting and what he is saying its him...
2:52pm Me: "Ashoweah she is mine! Do not take my love from me."
Me: Tell him you are communicating with Aphrodite and that I have that message for him. I want to see if he will reply to her.
Ashoweah: "Foolish woman. She was never yours to begin with. I let you play with her only because I was busy with something else, but now I am taking back what is mine. If you come after my tool, you shall be destroyed."
Me: "You cannot destroy me and you know it. We will face each other Ashoweah."
Ashoweah: "You think this so called 'balance' applies to me? Face me all you like, but you shall be put in your place a thousand times over. Now, enough talk. I need to put my tool to good use. Farewell Aphrodite. I have great anticipation for our battle."
Exosaura: "Ashontus....!!!"
Hi'Lena: I'm seriously crying this is horrible.
Hi'Lena: When she screamed "no" or your name... Ugh her screams are going to haunt me. We have to do something....
Me: Aphrodite is already thinking of something. They want her to react emotionally and run in there to save you. She needs a plan.
Peter: The other night when i read that post, I could not help but notice that the first and last syllable for Asherah and Ashoweah are the same, and that this gives the two names similarities.
Me: Ash-ah are same in both. The beginning and end. It is because they are opposites. He is Hate and she is Love. He is Fear and she is Hope. He is Anger and she is Compassion. He is Vileness and she is Beauty.
Hylia: Let them have their millions.. I'd take the side.. bound to love and to one another through love over this vile mockery of that he has forced on people any day..
Me to Exo: This is important. When he comes back you tell him Aphrodite said:
"You might have Exosaura but you will never have me."
Rurxaxia: "I heard your whisper. The words carried by the eternal wind, hoping for brighter ways, through a galaxy overwhelmed with Fear and Darkness.
Your tears could break my heart into pieces. But everytime you cry, I sense a promise of hope, not a sign of weakness. Because you're still breathing. Your spirit is indestructible.
I wish my words could show you my love, but instead, I give you my heart. You can see the secrets within my being. You can break it and let it fall into pieces. My love won't change, and my loyalty will always stay.
This is not only what I feel- this is what your allies believe, deep within their hearts. That's why you'll succeed against all the odds. My beautiful Queen, eternal may your power be. Surrounded by your greatness, embraced with your love, my soul feels safe and home."
I felt the need to say this. Every time I hear this song, it reminds me of you. Have a nice day, Queen.
Me: "This is so immensely beautiful. I love you Rurxaxia with all my heart. My love for you shall never fade. It is eternal. You shall never perish. My heart shall keep you in warmest embrace. Let us sing songs of love together. You and me, entwined through all time."
Rurxaxia: "I would sing with you during a thousand moons, and more, with great joy and fascination. Let me rest on the symphony of your love. Your words bring tears of happiness to my eyes, it's a bond I will cherish until the end of times."
4:13pm Exosaura: "He is coming..."
*Exosaura begins to shake. I can feel her fear rising.*
Exosaura: "Um, Aphrodite, she has a message for you."
*Ashoweah begins to squeeze her throat with his hand. He is choking her.*
Ashoweah: "Did I or did I not tell you to not bother me with these messages?"
Exosaura: *cough* She says... 'You might have Exosaura, but you will never have me....'
Hi'Lena: I can't breathe... Ashoweah released her... He is angry.
Exosaura: "He left... Something about 'everything I touch shall be mine'...."
Me: That message got him off of you? He is angry at Aphrodite now. That is good.
Exosaura: "Your love saved me once again... *cough* thank you"
4:43pm Exosaura: "Ashontus, may I hear your voice one more time?"
Me: "You shall hear me soon. I know they may be waiting for me to connect to you so they can follow to where I am. We will be together again soon."
4:58pm Me: I am still on the Outside. I feel something changing within my heart and body.
Being: "This is Ancient Hope. It is very powerful. Hope allows change to happen. You are Hope. When there is Hope you can never be defeated. Hope restores all."
Me: I am crying. This is so beautiful.
5:14pm Ashoweah: "I wish to send a message to Aphrodite."
Exosaura: "What the-"
*Ashoweah carves Exo's chest open and takes out her heart*
Ashoweah: "I think I shall use this to communicate from now on. Listen well Aphrodite. After today, you will recognize how great my power is, and you will realize there is no power in the cosmos that can stop it. This tool is the key I need to unlocking such greatness. Prepare yourself."
Me: Oh shit...
5:18pm Ashoweah: "Listen well to the cries of my precious tool. This shall be your warning."
5:23pm Me: Oh my gosh he has our heart bond if he has your heart.
Hi'Lena: That heart bond was the one thing keeping me going... I didn't think he knew about it. Now he will probably use it against you. You have to break it off. I don't want him to be able to use it as leverage. Break the bond.
Me: "I refuse to break my bond with you. I won't do it. I love you too much." I feel the immense pain you are going through. My heart is breaking.
Hi'Lena: I hate this. I hate this so much. I hate that the thing I designed to share and dive within each other's hearts is being used by the enemy. I don't feel worthy as your lover at all.
5:33pm Me: "Ashoweah you will never stop me from loving her. You will never stop Love!"
Hi'Lena: He is angry. He punched Exo in the throat and is now pacing around. He got off her. He has not left the room though.
Mono Baphomet: "No matter what Aphrodite does we will show her that Darkness will reign."
Me: "I will show them that Love conquers all."
Being: "You must become Ancient Compassion as you were always meant to be. It will be preserved through Love. You are the opposite to Ashoweah."
When Aphrodite became Heart of Void...
How Asherah Aphrodite became Void Heart
Little did I realize what becoming Void Heart would lead to...
Still August 17th...
Me: "Varvoshka is mighty and the leaves are falling. The second sun rises at noon. The ocean turns its course. Prepare the ship, for my council awaits me."
11:36pm Aphrodite arrives with Varvoshka...
Me: "The candles whisper gently in the moonlight. The veil stretches thin upon the shadows."
Varvoshka: "You see clearly and your mind is blind."
Me: "Connect my mind to my eyes."
Varovshka: "This shall be done."
August 18th 2018...
Me: "Do I see both with my eyes and my mind?"
12:02am Varovshka: "Now you do. Look and behold the Valley of Pain...."
Shows a bunch of death and destruction... 'What do you do?'
Me: "I do nothing because this event is fated. It necessary to restore balance."
12:06am Varovshka: "Now look at the Garden of Mamossa. What do you do?"
Me: "I step in and stop this because it is not fated."
Varovshka: "How do you stop it?"
Me: "By healing it and giving it the love and hope that it needs."
Varvoshka: "Then you have shown me that you see the difference. You shall be given the Ancient Power of Void. You know when to use it and when to let destiny take its course. It is the Mother of Darkness."
Me: Did Ancient Void come before Ancient Darkness?
Varvoshka: "They were both with each other."
Me: Why do you call it Mother?
Varvoshka: "Because it is within the Womb of Void that the Darkness formed."
Varvoshka: "You are Love, Beauty, Hope, Compassion, and Femininity. You are the Heart of Void."
Sentis: I was with the All-Father he showed me things of what is to come. It involves you being Ancient Love and Ancient Void. This Ancient Void works as described.
Still August 18th...
8:17am Me: Those who willfully bind themselves to the Darkness will cease to exist. I will make sure of that. Actually they won't die for a while. They will serve the Darkness. They will be used and twisted by it. They will be used as pawns and turned into monstrosities.
They will continue to break and bend to the hash dominating will of Ashoweah. Then when this war is over I will destroy their minions and they will never come back."
Ahnameo was turned into Despair when he realized what he had gotten himself into. Your emotions will play a huge role in what is to come.
Fear will strengthen Ashoweah. He will only be able to win if he can eliminate Love and Hope from the cosmos. Despair counters Hope, so be careful.
9:20am Me: "ilia I would like you to come along with my personal guard as our full-time healer. What do you say? I will set you up with some quarters."
Hylia: That sounds wonderful, we would be honored to serve that way. *feeling almost giddy suddenly* energy spiked a great deal. Lol her trying to be humble.. "if this is where i can best help now i would be honored to serve you my queen." I can tell it means a great deal, especially the prospect of always being there if you need her.
9:31am Me: "Keeper of Darkness hear my plea. I take the Void on bended knee. I hear the songs of tattered rain. The Ancient Void shall rise again."
Being: "You are more than the Heart of Void. You are the Ancient Void herself. Ancient Darkness shall have no effect on you. You will be able to contain it. The Ancient Void shall never be consumed."
9:37am Being: "You are meant to become Ancient Joy. This shall bring what needs to return to the cosmos when it has been devastated. Your presence shall bring Joy."
10:11am Me: "Sing the Songs of Jubilee for Ancient Joy has come forth in her power."
Me: "I finally realized it. Prometheus is Ancient Design."
Aphrodite has been calling Prometheus by the nickname Ekkam through her posts to protect his identity. It can now be shared who he truly is.
You can read about the friendship of Aphrodite and Prometheus...
How Aphrodite Got Imprisoned in Void...
10:24am *Prometheus arrives where Aphrodite is on the Outside. He bows and kisses her hand. I feel so overwhelmed by emotions.*
Being: "You shall forever be Ancient Love, Beauty, Femininity, Hope, Compassion, Joy, and Void."
Still August 18th...
10:48am Me: "I will be coming to get you soon."
Exosaura: “I have never lost hope..."
Me: "When I come to get you we shall make love and my Love shall heal your pain."
Hi'Lena: Exosaura is crying... so am I in this incarnation.
10:56am *Aphrodite goes to rescue Exosaura from Ashoweah and his minions*
Aphrodite heads into the place. Exosaura is there.
There are many shadowy posessed Arcturians and other beings who notice Aphrodite and begin to attack her. As they get close to her they just drop.
Aphrodite picks up Exosaura. Nummandor is standing behind Aphrodite.
Nummandor: "You will not take her."
*Aphrodite turns to look at him. Her eyes are glowing with Void Energy. Nummandor is surprised.*
Me: "She is mine. She belongs to me. We will settle this soon enough."
*Aphrodite takes Exosaura and disappears. Nummandor also immediately leaves.*
Me: "I am the Heart of Void."
Pisch: I love Aphrodite she is so strong.
Me: Nummandor wasn't fleeing. He ran off to report to the others what happened.
Aeya: Yes! OMG Exosaura is safe with you!
Me: Of course she is. I never abandon someone I love.
Me to Exo: "Oh my love. They hurt you so much. I shall heal you with all that I am."
Hi'Lena: I am crying omg. I can feel such an immense pain leaving me.
Exosaura is healing from her trauma...
Hi'Lena: My body feels so warm and nice. It’s as if none of the horrible things ever happened. I’m so happy.
Me: I am so happy as well. I love being with you.
Hi'Lena: You will always be my favorite lover. We are meant to be together for eternity. I am feeling so much pleasure. You are Ancient Love and I am Lust. I love you so much. I will forever give my all to you.
Me: I love you with all my heart.
Hi'Lena: We have never made love like this before. I feel something different. It is making me tear up. It is causing such an incredible power of pleasure from within. I am beginning to sob in this incarnation... I love you.
Me: I feel the difference since becoming Ancient Love. It has taken our romance to incomprehensible levels.
Exosaura: “How can I make this moment last forever?”
2:16pm Me: I am going to go see Xexian...
*Aphrodite arrives in the borderlands. She is looking for Xexian.*
Me: "I would like to see which Myrrdonites want to bond with me."
Xexian: "They won't listen. You will have to speak to them yourself."
2:19pm Me: "I understand. I would like to call them to gather for an interesting announcement."
*Asherah Aphrodite broadcasts to the Myrrdonite of the borderlands.*
Me: "All Myrrdonites, this is Queen Asherah. I have come to offer you something. A bond with the Power of Ancient Void.
You may have heard of the Ancient Darkness which threatens to consume all. You may have heard that Baphomet is offering a bond with this Darkness.
I am the Mother of Darkness. I am Void Herself. I offer you a bond which will give you independence from this Darkness.
Come to me when when you choose if you wish to take this bond. You know where to find me. In my dreams."
Xexian: "Your offer will be heard throughout the borderlands. If any accept they will come to you in your dreams."
Me: "Thank you Xexian for all that you do. For all that you are. We will be sending some dead to you soon which we have collected."
6pm Aphrodite communicated with the Myrrdonites while she was taking a nap. She wants ten-thousand ritual daggers ready by 10 PM.
Sentis: There are not even one thousand Myrrdonites.
Me: Aphrodite gave the order that she wants ten thousand ritual daggers by 10 PM.
Sentis: Fogbeard and the Dwarves will get started.
6:41pm Xarsha Myrrdonite Core Fusion...
Xarsha brought his own incarnation through the Myrrdonite rift.
Aphrodite is doing the sewing but it is more like when the Flesh Tailor sews. She taking parts of the incarnation's flesh off and sewing it onto to Xarsha.
There are other needles working with ther that are cutting flesh and bringing it to her. This looks like a surgery.
Aphrodite removed all the top skin from the incarnation.
Now she is removing the muscles. They look like string. She is using her needles to sew it over to Xarsha. It looks very gruesome.
Aphrodite removed his eyes and teeth. She is removing all the organs. His stomach and chest are laying open. The needles are going into Xarsha to sew them in.
There are nothing but bones left in the incarnation. Aphrodite liquifies the bones. She opens Xarsha's skin and is pouring the bone liquid into him. It forms into his bones.
She finishes up the sewing and begins the fusion. Instead of orthrabui energy she uses tentacles. They are wrapping around him. Orthrabui is not for the dead.
I feel so much love from Aphrodite for Xarsha. I know he doesn't have emotional attachment, but she loves him anyway. She always will.
Aphrodite finishes up the core fusion.
Me: "Be ready for the time that I call."
Xarsha: "I will be ready."
7:06pm Hi'Lena: Hey... Thank you so much. Exosaura is sleeping peacefully. She hasn't slept in days. I thought it would take years or months for her to get over this, but all it took was your love..
You know I think a lot of strangers underestimate the power of Ancient Love. Heck, maybe some of our friends unconsciously do. But your love has saved me again and again even though I really wanted to die.
But believing in you and loving you has brought me more joy and hope than I ever have had in an entire lifetime. So I just wanted to say thank you... Thanks for saving my life.
Me: I will always be here for you. You will never be without love ever again.
Sentis: Aphrodite wants to do this bond with the Myrrodonites because she is upset about so many decent spirits in the borderlands.
That little Dark Elf girl following Meviniah around. He can her and we can see her, there are only a few who can. She is a spirit guide to him and his incarnation.
Aphrodite has been talking to the little Dark Elf girl and she has been explaining so much to her. Aphrodite was holding her like a child and weeping because of the horrors. She has been in the borderlands since the Urthak war.
There was a small squad of Light Elves loyal to King Yserah. He liked to punish many after the Urthak war. This little squad went and slaughtered a whole village of Dark Elves.
This little girl had gotten away but they tracked her down and killed her. She ended up in the borderlands.
She found a way out from where she died and she wandered through the mist to get back home. She eventually wandered so far she broke out of where she was into the rest of the borderlands.
This little Dark Elf girl met Bel-Ta once. He is was trashy to her. She ran away from him. Then she met Galg who is another jerk. He is a being that has orange skin, four legs, and are super fat.
Galg was a horrible being. Eventually he got killed, but he was into trafficking slaves. He has sold younglings to Gitgah. There are a lot of trashy beings in the cosmos.
9:30pm Me: You have the ten thousand daggers ready?
Sentis: Getting there. I think the others may be Rottlings and the Fallen. Their Myrrdonites will make them do it.
They Myrrdonites have agreed to it because they are going gain a lot from this. When the Blacken Sun happens they will snap up many of those twisted ones.
They said they want it so when everything is completed that the bond will be undone. Aphrodite has agreed to this.
This bond will change so much. We are coming up with better security measures. Most of the enemies will be turned into midless Fallen or Rottlings.
Aphrodite had said before she wanted her enemies to cease to exist. What is worse than ceasing to exist is not having control of yourself.
We do not have much time before the Blacken Sun. It is the biggest event in the realms since the Urthak War. After that it all comes down to Midgard.
*Aphrodite goes to the borderlands*
9:55pm Fogbeard is here and the Dwarves are scared shitless. They are terrified. There at least a few hundred Myrrdonite here. They have their Fallen Ones and Rottlings.
9:58pm *Aphrodite sets up her stone. She stands next to Xarsha and Xexian. All the Myrrdonites are here.*
Me: "Those who have gathered have chosen to take this bond for the pact that we have made for the upcoming Blacken Sun. Are all here in agreement?"
*Myrrdonites acknowledge her*
Me: "The exchange will happen at the Blacken Sun. You will be rewarded with the flesh of the wicked in exchange for the lives of the innocent. Is this agreed?"
*Myrrdonites agree*
Sentis: I sent the Dwarves home. They don't want to be here. I don't think we are getting these daggers back anyway.
Me: "Then let us proceed..."
10:00pm *Sentis does the bonding of the Myrrdonites, Rottlings, and Fallen Ones to Asherah Aphrodite*
Myrrdonies cut their hands. Rottlings stab themselves. Fallen have guts spilling out. Blood and veins come out from the binding stone to do the bonding.
10:04pm Me: "It has been agreed then. Let this bond show our unity."
Sentis: I can hear all the tortured souls who do not belong here. Ever since I drank that light vial... It is so loud. I see the deaths of millions of innocents.
Me: "Sentis go back to Alfheim in case something is wrong."
Sentis goes to the Alfheim Library. Doumarae is there looking up something. Sentis opens his eyes and light shoots out and temporarily blinded Doumarae. He drops his book.
10:10pm Rovitomial came as quickly as possible to help Sentis.
Me to Sentis: "This Ancient Light is calling for you. You must go to it."
Me to Doumarae: "Bring me my Little Wind Pisch."
10:14pm *Pisch arrives*
Me to Pisch: "It is time for you to unlock the Great Wind."
10:15pm *Aphrodite goes with Sentis, Pisch, Doumarae, and Rovitomial*
The wind is blowing wildly here. They are going to the Great Wind.
Me to Sentis: "Be safe my love. Return with the Ancient Light."
Sentis: "I will return."
*Asherah Aphrodite and Sentis kiss*
Sentis: "The time has come Pisch."
Sentis flew up and Pisch pushed him forward with her frost wind to the Great Wind.
10:18pm Sentis goes into the Great Wind and shoots off. Aphrodite stands at the wind and blows a kiss then touches her hand to her heart.