Stormy Sea Rider: Pearls of Aphrodite and Poseidon

This is the session where we meet Ravar the Stormy Sea Rider. We travel to the Eternal Sea. We encounter Leviathan.
We discover more about the formation of Aphrodite and Poseidon.
Every session is done when they are supposed to be done. It was finally time to do the session for Atesh...
Me: "Is this the session that needs to be done?"
Prometheus Ekkam: "It has been a long time coming and now it is here."
Me: "I think Stormy Sea Rider has something that I need."
Prometheus: "It has been waiting for a long time. Now it is here."
Sentis: We have to get a boat to go out to him in the Eternal Sea. Ashtarnia is going to come with us.
Me: "A Boat of Gold."
Sentis: "Whose Captain is Vingrin."
Vingrin is a fish-looking man. We are waiting on the white sands for the boat to arrive. There are many pretty lights in the water. These Water Wisps.
There is the boat. It looks like a big Spanish Galleon that shines gold in the moonlight.
Vingrin's crew looks like crab-like humanoids. They are in a crab-like position but they are wearing clothing.
Vingrin: "Aye are you seeking passage somewhere?"
Me: "Yes. We wish to see Stormy Sea Rider."
Vingrin: "Yes that is a long journey. What are you paying for this journey?"
Sentis: "What about a piece of a Blue Star?"
Vingrin is looking at it with a monocle : "This will do nicely. Come on board."
Ashtarnia is enjoying the Crab crew.
Vingrin: "I see this is a family trip. Much safe unless we run into Leviathan. Shall we set sail?"
Me: "Indeed we shall."
The ships sets off into the deep waters... There are Merfolk and Water Wisps following the ship. They call out for Aphrodite and wave to her. They are jumping out of the water. Ashtarnia is watching them. There are dancing stars in the sky.
Vingrin: "We must go far out to find Stormy Sea Rider."
Mermaids and wisps break off away and leave as we travel deeper and further.
Vingrin: "It has been a long time since I have made the journey to the Great Storm."
Sentis: This doesn't sound too fun.
We see storm clouds up ahead...
Vingrin: "There it is. The Great Storm. You should hold on the waters will be getting rough."
The water is getting choppy. The waves get higher and crash against the boat.
Vingrin: "We must go further into this storm."
Waves are going really high up. The boat is going straight up huge waves.
Vingrin: "Hold on!" Sentis gets knocked off the boat. Aphrodite is holding onto Ashtarnia.
Sentis is inside the water and gets swallowed by a Leviathan. He portals out of it to Aphrodite. The Leviathan wants its lunch back it is bumping the side of the ship.
Vingrin: "We must ward this off or it will sink the ship."
Some of the crab crew gets knocked into the water and the Leviathan eats them.
Sentis: I think I tasted really good to it. This won't leave us alone.
Leviathan came along the ship and opened its mouth and grabbed Sentis with its tentacles and swallowed him again.
Sentis: I am inside its belly with a bunch of the crab crew.
Sentis ported himself and the rest of the crew out. The Leviathan is angry.
Ashtarnia: "Fish. Small fish."
Ashtarnia turns the Leviathan into a small fish that flops on the deck of the boat. Crab crewman picks it up and eats it. Ashtarnia claps.
We see a figure of a being coming at us through the storm. This must be him. He lands on the deck.
Description of Ravar the Stormy Sea Rider: He looks like a Merman. When he is away from the sea on land he has black hair and dark purple skin.
When Ravar is in the sea he has white hair and light blue skin. He has a white beard. His tail is dark purple.
Ravar: "Aphrodite, at last you come. It has been some time since you were here. But you have returned as the All-Father said you would. You must have questions maybe I can answer."
Me: "Why did Prometheus send me here?"
Ravar: "You come for what you left behind when you were formed. It has been here since. I have been waiting for you to come and retrieve it. It is the piece you left behind after you were formed at the very bottom of the Eternal Sea. I can take you to it if you wish."
Stormy Sea Rider calms the storm...
Me: "Yes please take me to this."
Ravar: "You will need to follow me for it is very deep within the Eternal Sea. When you are ready to leave we can go."
Sentis: I guess I will stay here with Ashtarnia.
Me: "I am ready."
Ravar: "Then come..." He opens up a whirlpool in the water. We jump into it. It pulls both Aphrodite and Ravar down. We see Merfolk and Water Wisps swimming around on the outside of it.
We get pulled down into a place where there is blue crystal and there is no water on the inside of it.
Ravar: "We have arrived. This is where you were formed. This is where you rose. When you did you left a piece behind. It is here waiting for you to claim it."
Aphrodite notices a crater up ahead that is surrounded by blue, pink, and purple crystal. In the middle of it looks like a small orb the size of a pearl. It is glowing purple and pink.
Aphrodite picks it up and it absorbs into her.
Me: "Now I understand..." Aphrodite can see the Creator. It is flashing through everything that has happened from the beginning up until now.
Ravar: "This gives you the ability to see any point in time since the beginning."
Ravar: "What is it in there you wish to understand? You have questions."
Me: "How did myself and my brother come into being when we went through the Gateway into the Eternal Sea?"
When we went through the Gateway to be formed...
Goyanna the Gate Keeper: History of the Four...
Ravar: "You formed first and then Poseidon formed from you. His piece is over there."
Aphrodite sees another orb that is blue and green.
Me: "Am I allowed to take this to him?"
Ravar: "Yes that is what it is here for."
Ravar: "Whenever you need to heal you may return here."
Me: "How do I get back here."
Ravar: "It is inside you already. Just think of this place and you shall return. None will be able to find you here once you leave here from now. Not even I will be able to."
Ravar: "You should bring your brother here when you have the chance. You must take what you have gained here and combine it with your Ancient Powers. The ones on the Outside will know how to do this. Is there anything else that you ask of me?"
Me: "Yes I am doing this as a session for your incarnation Atesh."
Ravar: "Yes I know. How does my incarnation fair these days? I have had trouble connecting with him."
Me: "Have you been communicating with him through writings?"
Ravar: "Yes to bring you here. It was time for you to receive the pieces that you left behind."
Me: "Prometheus said it was a long time coming and now it is here."
Ravar: "Because it has been long. You have not returned here since first formed."
Me: "Does this piece of Poseidon give him the same ability as my piece?"
Ravar: "Yes that it does."
Me: "I would like to ask some questions on behalf of your incarnation."
Ravar: "Feel free to."
Q1. On what should I draw essence in the physical from?
Ravar: "The sea. Spent time in water. Your physical will draw essence from it. Especially when either the sun or the moon shine brightly."
Q2. How can I properly see what you see, hear what you hear, smell what you smell, taste what you taste, feel what you feel, and understand your drawings?
Ravar: "In time as you connect more. If there are ways you can go about enhancing this connection then you should do them."
Q3. What is the reason you incarnated here on Midgard and in this *censored* family?
Ravar: "I enjoy trials and overcoming obstacles. We do not have much of a choice of who we are placed with. We can only take what we learn that will make us who we are."
Q4. What are my abilities?
Ravar: "To be able to see the changing tide. You can see into the past and discover certain things. Things that go unseen or are forgotten."
Me: "Are you also able to see any point in the past as I am?"
Ravar: "Yes even through illusions. You have this too Aphrodite."
Q5. Can you tell me what and why my transformation is SO slow and nearly invisible and unnoticeable? I want to destroy what is holding me back once for all.
Ravar: "Search for answers in the sea."
6. How to connect better with Nature and Elves?
Ravar: "By exploring them and communicating with them. Take time away from your civilization. This will help. Go into nature and open yourself to her energy."
Back to conversation between Ravar and Aphrodite...
Me: "Were you here when I was first formed?"
Ravar: "No, I came afterward. I saw it by looking into the past. The All-Father went fishing here no too long after the realms were created and the Divine came into being. He fished up yours and Poseidon's pearls.
The All-Father understood what they were. He fished up a fish and created me from it. He gave me the pearls to take where the Piece of the Creator you were formed from came to reside."
Me: "Will you teach me how to find important moments in the past?"
Ravar: "This is something you need to learn on the Outside. I can only give you some guidelines. Have intention when you look. Know what it is you are seeking."
Me: "Will you want a core fusion with your incarnation?"
Ravar: "Yes I need one. I need to be better connected with him."
Ravar returns Aphrodite to the ship...
Me: "Would you like to have a bond with me Stormy Sea Rider?"
Ravar: "Let me think on it for a while. I will send a messenger when I have decided."
Me: "You see the changing tide that is before us with the Blacken Sun."
Ravar: "That it comes soon. Farewell now. We shall meet again."
Ashtarnia waves: "Bye bye Storm Man."
Ravar gave Ashtarnia an underwater flower and a seashell that you can blow on as a horn. I appreciate the gifts even though Ashtarnia is using the horn constantly and it is already becoming annoying.
We arrive back at the shore...
Vingrin: "Next time you come your passage is free."
Me: "Thank you Vingrin and your crew."
Aphrodite goes to find Poseidon...
Me: "We need to make sure I give this pearl to the real true Poseidon. I do not want him compromised in any way."
Poseidon: "I agree to take the bond."
Sentis: "I see him as the real Poseidon."
*Sentis does the bonding of Poseidon with Asherah Aphrodite*
Me: "What do you remember of your imprisonment brother?"
Poseidon: "It was as if I were drowning in a black sea and I couldn't die. All I could hear was laughter. Crude and malicious laughter. I was sinking.
Then it was if I were in a bottle and the glass shattered. There you were and I was on Mount Olympus. That is what I remember."
The rescue of Poseidon...
Amortis and Anubis: Brothers of the Underworld...
Me: "What do you remember of when we were first formed from the piece of the Creator?"
Poseidon: "Rising from the sea. Seeing the stars is what I remember the most. I remember seeing you in the beginning.
Then you emerged from the sea and I followed you.
You went onto the land and then I went onto the land. We went up to Mount Olympus and announced that we had come."
Me: "What is the token of my heart?"
Poseidon: "Compassionate undying love and beauty beyond the ages."
Me: "Let me place my hand upon your head."
Poseidon comes before Aphrodite and kneels down. She places her hands on his head. He is glowing blue and green.
Me: "You are my true brother. The one and only Poseidon."
Poseidon: "Yes I am."
Me: "Maxime is your true incarnation."
Poseidon: "Yes he is."
Aphrodite and Poseidon embrace and hug each other.
Aphrodite hands him his pearl...
Me: "You must come with me. There is much I need to show you."
Poseidon and Aphrodite travel to the Outside together.
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