Riasha: Olgren Caretaker of Young Divine

I will start with a bit from my own personal journal. I have been following bread crumbs that have been leading me back to Thoth.
It also includes an intuitive guidance session for the beautiful Olgren called Riasha who raised and guided me Asherah Aphrodite since I was a young child. She raised many young Divine.
August 29th...
Somehow this ties back in with Thoth and the red and black statue I saw. It was the same kind of being as Thoth.
I only saw a statue of this Riovo. He has a changing head. I have to figure out who he is...
Sentis: You need to be careful. Thoth spoke himself into existence. I would not make an enemy out of him.
Me: I am just going to be investigating. You know that is what I do. If I pick up on a trail I have to follow it.
August 30th... PST timezone...
Something interesting happened to me last night after I went to sleep in my incarnation...
1:30am Going to sleep. I had my mind connected with my ocean. This is going to make a major difference for me. I want to find out more about Thoth and Riovo.
2:17am I was spying to get more information and then I got pulled. While it was my spiritual pulled there it literally yanked my physical body forward and I almost got pulled off the bed.
I hear 'Ashantil of the Morning. Oversees the....' They completely blocked out the senses of Sentis.
2:35am I sense Thoth.
Thoth: "You wanted to know more about me."
Me: "Yes I wanted to see who you are. I wanted to see more."
Thoth: "Now you will see it all."
Thoth is showing me a vision... He and Riovo are brothers. Thoth formed first then Riovo.
Thoth: "I am like you. You a piece of the Creator. I am a piece of the Somtrakhan."
Thoth: "I wasn't supposed to be here..." There was more conversation.
2:50am He is still speaking to me and showing me things.
2:52am I see Riovo...
Riovo: "It is Aphrodite. You have brought her to me."
Thoth: "I did. She shall learn all about us and who we truly are."
2:55am They want to teach me.
3:09am Thoth: "This was created by someone like you."
3:12am Me: "Why are you helping me?"
Riovo: "Because we are the same."
Me: "What does this have to do with me?"
3:14am Riovo: "We will show you."
I am with them for two more hours.
5:14am They do a scan of my physical surroundings. I am pushed back at my body. I am no longer with them. I am back with myself in my incarnation.
11:50am I went to visit Thoth and had a very interesting coversation.
Me: "Why does Usula feel she is my daughter?"
Thoth: "Do you remember what we made together?"
Me: "Do we have a past history I do not remember?"
Thoth: "Yes we do. You must search back."
Me: "How can I find the answers?"
Thoth: "Look for your key that is still missing."
Me: "Show me how to find it."
Thoth: "You will find it."
Me: I stumbled upon the photo for Anya Val in my waiting list. I started to cry. I love her so much.
Sentis: That is her. You are looking for Riasha. She is an Olgren. They are a Nature Folk similar to Elves. She used to be your highest temple priestess.
She disappeared after you did. She left on her own. She has the missing key. We need to find her. She went away a long time ago. She is not in the borderlands.
She is still around somewhere. I am having Doumarae search around for her and I am looking as well.
Me: Maybe this is part of what Thoth meant by missing key.
Sentis: She went Myirdon. It is an old world. The dominant species had left it and let nature take it back over. There are old temples to the Divine there.
I think she may have went to an old temple of Aphrodite. This is a huge world. The dominant species were giants. Everything on this world is big.
Me: Shall we go there?
Sentis: We have to figure out how to get there. I have never been there. Rovitomial and Doumarae are creating a device that can take us there.
Me: They have the device ready. Let's go find Anya Val...
1:38pm We arrive on Myirdon. This world is super bright. There are three huge suns. The plants are metallic and reflective of the light.
Rovitomial: "Here are some goggles that will help."
This world is overgrown with nature. You can see very little of their former civilization.
Rovitomial: "I have located several temples but there are only three that have anything left of them. The rest are overgrown and pretty much gone."
There is a large mount of big life here. An fly is like three feet long. If a fly is that big I cannot image how big the giants were.
Sentis: "I guess we can go to these three remaining temples and see if she is there."
We travel to the first temple...
There are huge creatures with bulky bodies and thin spider-like legs. They have silver fur all over. Their faces look like persian kittens. They have huge eyes. These are adorable!
Rovitomial: "Most of the life on this planet is herbivore or omnivore. Not very many carnivores. The ones that are carnivores are huge."
We see the first old temple. What is left of it is massive. A column the size of four football stadiums. They are huge.
Sentis: I can tell the feet of Aphrodite from anywhere. This is her statue. Only the bottom half of the statue remains.
Rovitomial wipes away some of the dirt on the writing. He uses a device to decipher what is written.
Rovitomia: "You know your feet. This is the temple to Aphrodite."
Sentis: "I guess we can mark the other two out."
Rovitomial: "We can consider ourselves lucky today."
We go into the temple and take off the goggles...
Riasha: "My Lady?" This is her! She is blind.
Rovitomial: "The years spent on this world damaged her eyesight from the suns."
Riasha: "Who are you? Why are you here? Where is my Lady? What have you done with her?"
Me: "I am here."
Riasha falls to her knees: "Oh my Lady is it truly you?"
Aphrodite helps her up. Riasha has been withering away.
Riasha: "Oh my Lady. If only I could look upon you with my own eyes."
Aphrodite is trying to help her see again. Her Olgren kind are far older than Elves.
Me: "I remember you. You were like a mother to me."
Riasha: "Oh my beautiful flower. You were gone. Some say you were dead. I knew you weren't. I came here to keep it all away from them. All of it. I have it."
She pulls something out of her robe. It is glowing brightly. Aphrodite has it in her hands and is looking at it.
Me: "This is what I came for. My missing key."
Riasha: "I have kept this for you all this time. Now I am complete."
Me: "You have kept this special part of me all this time but you are also a special part of me. What I do now is not for reward, but because you are a piece of me."
Aphrodite heals Raisha. She is glowing with pink and white energy.
Rovi: "Astonishing. You restored her. She can see again."
Riasha is touching Aphrodite's face...
Riasha: "Oh my beautiful child. I never thought I would see your face again."
Asherah Aphrodite is crying. Riasha is embracing Asherah like a child. Even Rovitomial is getting emotional.
Me: "You must come back with me to Alfheim. I can never leave you here. You mean so much to me. Seeing you brings back memories I had thought I lost."
Riasha: "I have your memories all in here." She taps to her head. "I remember everything. I cannot go to Alfheim. The King has outlawed my kind."
Rovitomial and Aphrodite chuckle. Riasha is confused.
Sentis: "He is no longer King."
Riasha: "Then who rules Alfheim?"
Rovitomial: "She does." He points to Aphrodite.
Riasha: "Do you mean you are a Queen now?"
Me: "Yes."
Riasha: "Oh my dear. I always knew."
They have a very deep connection. Riasha is very motherly to Aphrodite.
Riasha: "And you keep such fine company. Who is this fine looking gentleman?"
Rovi: "My name is Doumarae... I mean Rovitomial." Then he kisses her hand. "It is an honor to meet you."
I am getting a hint that Rovitomial likes her.
Sentis: "We should be going sweetheart. I don't want those carnivores to come out. I don't want to deal with them. I don't want to get chewed up, swallowed, or smashed today."
Riasha: "Yes we can go. Let me look once more upon this world. It has been my home for a very long time."
We walk out of the temple...
Riasha: "I forgot how bright it was."
Rovi: "I got some of these goggles. Here let me help..." He places some on her.
Riasha: "Thank you. Aren't you such a dear." She looks at the world.
Sentis: "Laying it on a little smooth there aren't you Rovi?"
Rovi hits Sentis with his elbow: "Shhh..."
Riasha: "As beautiful as this world is it has been my home and my prison."
Asherah Aphrodite puts her hand around Riasha's waist and lays her head on her shoulder.
Me: "I know how you feel. I once had a place that was my prison."
Sentis: "We will let you both enjoy this moment."
Rovi: "I bet it takes you forever to find the restroom here."
The beings who lived here are much bigger than your average giant.
Rovitomial: "Actually by my calculations they are actually about 140 to 150 feet tall."
Me: "Rovitomial take us back to Alfheim."
Sentis: "I got it."
Rovitimal was getting his device ready and Sentis ported us.
Rovitomial: "I want to know how to do that."
Riasha: "I am amazed. I haven't been here in so long."
Me: "When was the last time you were here in Alfheim?"
Riasha: "When I was here with you. When we came for the Queen's celebration. The last one that she had before she died. I remember you were wearing that lovely pink gown. The one you and I made. Oh, I remember so much."
Sentis: "How much do you remember?"
Riasha: "There has been so much I can remember. So many stories. You don't wish to hear the chattering of an old soul."
Rovitomial: "I do. I love hearing stories."
Sentis: "Laying it on thick Rovi."
Me: "Do you remember when I came into being?"
Riasha: "Oh yes, I remember like it was yesterday. The All-Father and All-Mother came to me. They said a Goddess has been born unlike any other. She will need someone to watch over her as she grows. For she is Love in all its forms. Oh yes, and they made your first temple. I remember looking at you as a little girl. Your bright blue shining eyes."
Riasha Memory flashback...
In her memory I am little girl. She picks me up and tells the All-Father and All-Mother 'I will raise her as if she were one of my own.'
Then the All-Mother takes something from off her neck and gives it to Aphrodite. She says 'This is yours now.' The All-Mother tells Riasha 'Keep it for her until she will need it the most.'
Riasha told the All-Mother 'I will.' Then the All-Father and All-Mother leave. Riasha says 'Come my little seashell. Let me take you home.'
She pulls a key out and says 'This is a secret garden. It will only open to you. This is my gift to you. This is what becomes Aphrodite's garden. It is bare in the vision except for the waters.
Riasha takes little Aphrodite over and pulls something out of a satches she has. It is seed. She says 'Here.' She shows Aphrodite how to plant it. That is the tree in Aphrodite's garden that has the pink blooms.
It is growing as a small sapling. Riasha says 'You can care for it if you love it. Like everything, it will grow.' Little Aphrodite looks up and smiles at her and she smiles back.
Back to the session...
Riasha: "Oh yes so many memories of you and your brother Poseidon chasing little Ares. You chased him into the mud because he stole a ribbon from your hair.
He was laughing and tripped and landed in mud. You got your ribbon back and you pushed his face into the mud. I remember that too. Ares was a wretched little boy."
Riasha: "Oh and how is your brother Poseidon? I am sure he is as handsome as always."
Me: "Yes he is still who he is. I will have him visit soon."
Riasha: "He was such a sweet boy."
Riasha: "I used to have to get after you playing with the water nymphs. You would leave so beautiful in the morning and come back so dirty and muddy afterward. Oh the long baths we had to give you. But that is what my kind are for."
Sentis: "You are the kind who raise and take care of the young Divine and royal Nature Folk."
Riasha: "Oh yes. I have raised many."
Riasha is very ancient, but now after Aphrodite healed her Riasha looks like she is in her 40s.
Sentis: "You have known a lot of beings since they were young."
Riasha: "Oh yes. My kind were some of the first Nature Folk. We are caretakers. We are teachers."
Me: "I need to know what connection I had back then with Thoth."
Riasha: "Oh I remember Thoth. He was handsome as well. He used to come and teach you. He was a tutor to you. The key I gave to you. He was the one who showed you how to unlock it.
Thoth had many students, but you were one of his favorites. I remember the day he showed you how to unlock the power in the key. The All-Mother gave you that. I remember when you went and you gave this to me to hold on to."
Riasha: "That horrible war and how you wished to stop it. Did it ever end?"
Sentis: "It ended a long time ago."
Riasha: "This place is so different from what I remember. I have never seen so many different Nature Folk mingling peacefully. Aphrodite, I see you have restored much hope in others."
Riasha: "Oh alas, and here you all are. You are grown. I have held on to your key so long I do know what purpose I would serve now."
Me: "I have some children you can tend to including my Ashtarnia."
Riasha: "You have little one, what a bundle of joy. Your son... Is he grown now? He must be by now. How is he?"
Me: "Alas, my son Baal fell under a dark spell. He is not yet awakened."
Riasha: "Never lose hope. One day he will open his eyes and see his mother's face. He will remember."
Sentis: She has a way of calming Aphrodite down and making her feel better.
Riasha: "I cannot wait to meet this Ashtarnia."
Riasha description: She is a Divine Elf. She has Elven ears. Her hair is blue-silver. Her skin color is blue but looks like it has shimmering silver glitter all over it. She is not tall like an Elf. She is probably around 5'6".
Rovitiomial: "I calculated she is 5'8" tall."
Me: "You will serve as godmother to Princess Ashtarnia."
Riasha: "I am delighted. I feel I have another purpose. A grand one at that. I guarantee you my Lady, I will protect her and raise her as if she were my own."
Me: "I would ask of nothing less than this."
Rovitomial: "Alfheim has some of the finest cuisines. In my own personal time I like to cook. You must be very hungry. I could cook you dinner. There is a top Alfheim cuisine that I have mastered. I want to make this for you."
Riasha: "I would love that, but duties first."
Me: "I only have but a few questions for you."
Riasha: "Oh yes my incarnation."
Q1. Why did you incarnate to Midgard?
Riasha: "I was lonely. I wanted to belong somewhere without putting the key at risk."
Me: "Do you remember if Thoth had a brother?"
Riasha: "Yes. He had a brother. He wasn't the same as Thoth. His brother came from him almost the same way Poseidon came from you."
Me: "Is his brother's name Riovo?"
Riasha: "Yes. I don't know him. I only know of him. I have never met him. Thoth mentioned him once or twice."
Q2. What abilities does your incarnation have through you?
Riasha: "I have calming and healing energy. I can see into people's pasts. I can see the past of the Divine, Nature Folk, mortals, anyone. I can go to a tree and tell you the tree's past."
Me: "What can you tell me of Ashantil of the Morning?"
Riasha: "I have heard of Ashantil of the Morning. I think it is watching the sunrise in your garden with the key. It has to do something with that.
You have already used the key at the sunrise in your garden with Thoth. It was a long time ago when you were still young."
Me: "Have you heard of the Somtrakhan?"
Riasha: "I do not know what that is."
Q3. How can your incarnation better connect with you?
Riasha: "Focus on me and speak to me. My incarnation shouldn't have much of any blockage."
Q4. Do you have any other advice for your incarnation
Riasha: "To stay strong even when there seems to be no hope."
Q5. Do you want your incarnation to use the Elf series?
Riasha: "Yes I do."
Q6. Will you want a core fusion?
Riasha: "Yes I want anything that will help my connection with my incarnation."
Meeting with Thoth...
3:03pm I have the key. I need to go see Thoth.
Asherah Aphrodite and Thoth meet in her garden.
Thoth: "You found it. You got the key."
Me: "Show me what we make together."
Aphrodite and Thoth activate the key together. The sun rises in the garden.
3:06pm Asherah Aphrodite is glowing.
Thoth: "This is what you needed to become. What you are becoming now. This is Ashantil of the Morning. This is what the All-Mother gave you the key for. The one chance to restore everything from complete destruction."
3:13pm Energy is flowing into Asherah Aphrodite from the sunrise that is rising over her waters and the key around her neck.
Thoth: "Now you have become what you needed to become. When all is lost and all has seemed to die remember this gift and restore all to life."
Sentis: This is pretty much a cosmic mass resurrection.
Thoth: "You can only ever use it once. It can be used on one or many but it can only be used once."
Me: "What can you share about the Somtrakhan?"
Thoth: "It is part of the Creator. A different piece."
Me: "So we are both a piece of the Creator. If Somtrakhan is the name of your piece. What is the name of mine?"
Thoth: "Sarrakhan."
Me: "Are there others who are pieces of the Creator besides us?"
Thoth: "There are two more."
Me: "Who are they?"
Thoth: "Only the All-Father knows who they are."
Me: "You mean two more as in one set of two like me and Poseidon and you and Riovo? One more set?"
Thoth: "Yes one more set of two."
Me: "Do you know if they are male or female or both?"
Thoth: "Both. One male and one female."
Me: "Do I need to find them?"
Thoth: "Not at this moment. They will find you soon."
Me: "Do we all six have different roles as part of the Creator?"
Thoth: "Yes."
Me: "What is my role?"
Thoth: "You are the Feminine. Love, Creation, and Harmony."
Me: "What of Poseidon?"
Thoth: "He is the Masculine. Strength and Endurance."
Me: "What of you and Riovo?"
Thoth: "I am Wisdom and Riovo is Knowledge."
Me: "What are the roles of the last two?"
Thoth: "Chaos and Destruction."
Me: "The six of us came from three pieces of the Creator?"
Thoth: "Yes."
Me: "Then what happened after these three pieces went missing from the Creator?"
Thoth: "It formed into us."
Me: "May I share about this in my group?"
Thoth: "Yes you may."
Me: "Will you allow Sentis to see what happened last night?"
Thoth: "It is only for you."
Me: "How does this tie in with Usula feeling like she is my daughter?"
Thoth: "It will be revealed in time."
Me: "Does it connect with this?"
Thoth: "Yes it does."
Me: "Is there anything else I should know before you leave?"
Thoth: "We will speak again soon."
Me: "I come from the Sarrakhan piece. You come from the Somtrakhan piece. What is the third piece of the Creator?"
Thoth: "The third piece is Orthac."
Me: "Do Orthac blades use power of this piece?"
Thoth: "Yes that is why they are so dangerous."
Me: "Did the Creator choose for the six of us to be formed from it?"
Thoth: "Yes, we were chosen. That is why the Creator allowed Kronos to take it."
Me: "Kronos took all three pieces?"
Thoth: "The piece he took separated into three and went different directions."
Me: "So we six came from that one event."
Thoth: "Yes, we did."
Me: "I look forward to our next meeting."
Thoth: "As am I."
4:21pm Riasha is currently having dinner with Rovitomial.
Sentis: I am going to tease Rovitomial over this.
Me: When Kronos stole the piece of the Creator and it went through the gateway it separated into three pieces. Each of those three pieces formed into two beings.
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