Goyanna the Gate Keeper: History of the Four

This was an incredible session. We went to meet with the Gate Keeper of all the realms. We discovered the history of Creation. The origin of the Four, the Ancient Powers, Vustik, Asteria, and Aphrodite. We see the formation of the Vosmos and the Cosmos.
August 24th... 5:45am Dollo: "The Maiivan came to me earlier. They had spoken to me of the Gateway of Anius once more. The time is coming for us to venture there."
Me: "I understand. There is a session for me to do today which will tie into this."
9:35am Me: Steph Root is the one I need. Prometheus Ekkam is helping me. So much energy is flowing through my physical in preparation for doing her session.
My body is shaking. She is a very important powerful being. I am excited to meet her and find out who she is.
Sentis: I can tell you are preparing for something. You are filled with Ancient energy.
Asherah Aphrodite sews a doll of a female being. Then she sews another doll of a different female. These will come into use later on.
Me: My bones are aching with how intense the preparations are for this session. I am already in awe of Steph. I am crying with happiness.
Prometheus Ekkam: "The preparations will take a bit longer. We are not finished with getting you ready. You must be prepared to meet her."
Me: The fact that I am not prepared to meet her has me so excited. What a joyous moment. She has my deepest respect.
Prometheus Ekkam: "You are now ready Aphrodite. It is time to do your session."
Sentis: You are looking for Goyanna the Gate Keeper. The All-Father says it is important that you take Asteria with you.
Me: I shall take Asteria and Dolloiandea.
Sentis: Goyanna does not have a race. She is very old and one of a kind.
Sentis: Here is something the All-Father gave me so you can get to her. It is a broken ore. Go to where the Great Winds are. Then throw the ore into the winds.
Aphrodite, Asteria, and Dolloiandea travel to the Great Wind...
We arrive. Pisch and Rovitomial were already there. They were looking through some of Yisch's belongings.
Pisch: "I would like to come with you if that is okay."
Me: "This is no small task. I do not know what we will be facing."
Sentis: I do not think you will be in any danger. I think you will learn a lot of history.
Me: "You may come Pisch. Stay close to me."
Aphrodite throws the broken ore into the Great Wind. It shoots off and a boat shoots back.
Aphrodite, Asteria, Dolloiandea, and Pisch climb into the boat.
Dolloiandea: "How do we make it go and take us where we want it to?"
Asteria: "I know this." There is a symbol on the front of it that looks like old tarnished brass. It looks like the making of a portal. Asteria touches it and it lights up.
Asteria: "I think I found something." Aphrodite touches and it glows even more.
Me: "Take us to the Gate Keeper. Take us to Goyanna."
The boot shoots off into the Great Wind. Stars and galaxies past by us really fast.
We come to a place where there is pitch black. We can see these huge gateway portals. There are few of them that are completely black.
Pisch: "This is an interesting place."
Dollo: "I have never been here before. Have you my Queen?"
Me: "No."
Asteria: "I have. Something feels familiar."
We see a light of a figure coming towards us. This is Goyanna.
Goyanna greets us by name.
Goyanna: "Welcome back Astiara'antiana."
Asteria: "I have been here before."
Goyanna: "Yes long ago when the realms were first born."
Dollo: "What are you?"
Goyanna: "I am the Gate Keeper. There is much you must want to know. Come, what you see before you are the Gateways to all the realms existing and forgotten. This is where all of you came from."
We walk past one and I can see the reflection of Alfheim.
Pisch: "Look you can see Rovi." There is a portal that has the reflection of the Great Wind.
Me: "What are these blacked out ones?"
Goyanna: "Forgotten places. Realms that no longer exists. Only here do they remain."
Me: "What else can you see?"
Goyanna: "I can see the travel of all spiritual beings. I know where they are and where they travel. Through these Gateways I can see forward and backward into time."
Dollo: "Are there any others like you?"
Goyanna: "No. I am the only one. I have been here since the realms were born."
Me: "Can you tell us of this?"
Goyanna: "Yes. I can also show you. This way..."
There is nothing else around here. It is total blackness except for the gateways. Dollo keeps looking down as we walk.
Pisch: "Are you alright?"
Dolloiandea: "I cannot figure out if I am floating, falling, or standing still. It is strange." Dollo notices she can walk but she can also put her foot through it.
Dolloiandea creates a fire ball and she drops it and it goes straight down until you cannot even see it anymore.
Pisch: "I wonder where it went."
Goyanna: "Into the nothing. Where it will remain for all eternity."
Goyanna stops: "Here it is..." We are looking at a reflection of ourselves.
Goyanna: "I suppose none of you have really seen it. I have seen it many of times. Still I watch it." Then the whole reflection goes black.
Goyanna: "You all know of the time before the Creator. This is what you are seeing. This is what existed before the Creator."
There is nothing. There is just blackness.
Goyanna: "This is the precise moment..." We notice a little tiny light. "This is when the Creator knew it existed."
Then we see a bright flash. It looks like a gigantic cosmos nebula cloud with all kinds of light and energy.
We are all wide-eyed because we see the Creator.
Goyanna: "Here comes the Creation of the first Four."
We see something separate from the Creator. It begins to swirl around it.
Goyanna: "This was the creation of Time and Thought. Knowledge and Wisdom." We see it expand outward. This became the All-Father.
Another one begins to form.
Goyanna: "This is Life in all its aspects." It begins to expand and go outward. This became the All-Mother.
Then another one is created.
Goyanna: "This is the aspects of Harmony and Balance. This is what makes Life and Death possible. Beginning and ending and beginning again."
That expands out...
Goyanna: "Here comes the aspect of Chaos."
This is a chaotic looking cosmic nebula that crashes together. This is Kronos.
Goyanna: "These are the births of the Four and how they came to be."
These Four aspects begin to create a cold world of grey. Each one is doing something different. The All-Father has his energy swirling around.
The All-Mother breaks off and creates a blue Sun. Harmony breaks off and creates three Moons. The aspects of Chaos are causing the world to spin faster and faster.
The Sun and the Moons are revolving around the planet. We are watching this world change.
Goyanna: "There it is. That is where you came from Astiara'antiana."
Asteria: "There is so much I must understand."
Goyanna: "You will... Will you stand at the side of this big portal?"
These energies go off from this world. They come through the portal where we are at. This is where the past vision will begin...
All-Father says 'The cycle is ending. The cycle must begin again.'
Kronos says 'It must be upon a grander scale.' They agree to this.
They are silhouette figures at this point but we cannot figure out what they look like.
All-Mother says 'Life must begin everywhere.'
Harmony says 'Balance must equal between these places.'
The Four begin to form together. They start to create something in the middle.
Goyanna: "Thus the Ancient Powers are born."
Vision continues...
All-Father says 'Here are the aspects of our creations that will become. The cycle will always continue.'
They each reach in and are taking out a piece of this thing in the middle.
All-Mother says 'For when our creations begin...'
Harmony says 'They will come to an end.'
All-Father says 'And they shall go here.' He makes this Gateway. The other three pour energy into him. Coming through the mirror is the energy of the Creator.
All-Father says 'When our creation's time comes to an end this is where they will go.' This is the Vosmos also known as the Outside.
They take these pieces which are the Ancient Powers and they put them into the Vosmos.
Goyanna: "The Ancient Powers became part of the Transcended. There they would remain until the cycle began again."
Vision continues...
Kronos says 'I wish to place my Ancient aspects somewhere different until the time when the cycle begins again."
Energy again pours from the gateway where the Creator is and it pours through all of them.
It goes into Kronos and he creates a Gateway and a realm. The piece of his Ancient power floats into there.
Harmony says 'Balance is Purity.' All-Mother says 'And Life is is Purity.'
Energy flows into Harmony from the Creator. She creates the realm of the Sea of Tranquility. This is where Ancient Purity is supposed to reside.
As the All-Mother and Harmony touch the waters they begin to change and get bigger. They both say at the same time 'Life begins.'
The All-Father takes the last two pieces. This is Ancient Light and Ancient Darkness. He says 'These will be placed in what came before now. I will take them there.'
The Light and Dark both go into the Four. What breaks off from Harmony and the All-Mother are what becomes the Elementals.
There are six Elementals that form from them. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, and Void.
Along with the other Ancient Powers, the Powers of Ancient Light, Ancient Darkness, and Ancient Void existed before the modern Elementals of Light and Void.
These are the very first children. All of the Elemental energies and the Four are swirling together. As energy shoots out it creates portals and gateways.
Goyanna: "This is the beginning of the realms."
The vision continues...
As these Four and Elementals break apart the elements go off on their own. The Four separate from each other.
Harmony and the All-Mother begin to grow again. All-Father says to Kronos 'Our children are coming.'
The Creator pours into the Four again. They create these other portals and gateways. Olympus is one of them.
The Four say 'These are the places where our children will grow.' The energies from Harmony and the All-Mother pour into this places. This is what creates the Divine.
Then the energies from all the other realms into Harmony and the All-Mother and they begin to grow again.
Kronos turns towards the portal where the Creator is watching.
Goyanna: "This is where you were born Queen Asherah Aphrodite."
Kronos goes and reaches in and he grabs a piece of the Creator. He pulls it out and it burns him. It goes into a portal and disappears.
Then these energies begin to shoot out again from Harmony and the All-Mother.
Goyanna: "This is when they created the Nature Folk and other beings."
The Creator is glowing brightly.
Goyanna: "What you are watching is not in minutes, but millions of years of time. Here comes my birth..."
All-Father says 'This place must be kept sacred.'
All-Mother says 'There must be one to watch over these gates.'
Kronos says 'I agree.' They pour their energies into the middle. This bright white light forms into a figure. The figure stands up.
Goyanna: "And I am born."
Creator speaks and it is strange because the voice is so overlapping and constantly changing 'The cycle has begun again. Now one must end. I am pleased my children with what you have done. Take these gifts that will hold balance.'
Goyanna: "This was the Creation of the Angelic beings."
Three lights float forth and they form to Sentis, Varis, and Tia-Mat. These are the Angelic beings.
All-Mother says 'Guard, watch over, and protect our children and their creations. Continue the cycle among them.'
These Angelic bow and leave. As they leave they form into light orbs. They create other little ones as they go off except for Tia-Mat. Sentis became the Ourhkina and Varis became the Hungali.
You can read more about Tia-Mat here...
Tia-Mat and Tia-Nan: What it Means to be Mother of Dragons
The vision continues...
The Four are speaking 'Gate Keeper, time will come when the cycle ends and begins again. When this time comes to pass, ones will come to see you. You must guide them on what they need.'
The Four leave. Goyanna hears the voice of the Creator say 'It has begun again. Now it must end.'
We watch the original world they created. The sun burns out and the moons die. The world goes grey again. Goyanna begins to close the gateway and a being comes through.
Goyanna looks at it and says 'What are you doing here?'
The male being says 'I have come to seek more. I will not transcend. I will not become part of nothing. I want to see these realms.'
Goyanna says 'There are many realms to see. Where would you begin?' He says 'Far away from where I was.'
We hear a whimpering from underneath is cloak. He opens it up quickly and there is a little girl child. He gets wide eyed and pushes her off his leg.
Goyanna picks up the little girl and says 'You do not come alone.' The man says 'Keep this thing away from me. I don't care what you do with her. Just keep her away.'
This male being is Vustik also known as Vex and the little girl is Astiara'antiana also known as Asteria.
Vustik is looking around and says 'So many places to choose from.'
Then the All-Father returns and says 'You are not supposed to be here. You are supposed to be in the Transcended place.
You are not the Shadis'Arth. This was unseen. However, I may make use of you. You will come with me and be known as Varrikhan.'
All-Father places his hand on the male being's shoulder and says 'Varrikhan come with me.'
Before they go through the portal Goyanna says 'All-Father there is a child.' All-Father turns and looks at Asteria. He says 'Now this I have seen.'
All-Father goes up to her and says 'Don't be frightened. One day you will know what you are.'
He touches her and she changes. She begins to look like how we see Asteria but as a young child.
All-Father says 'Let her be raised among the Divine. When the time comes she will return to you. She will have questions and you will have answers.' The little girl smiles.
The All-Father touches Asteria again and says 'One day you will remember. When the cycle begins again.' Then he leaves and takes Varrikhan with him.
Goyanna: "And I gave Astiara'antiana to the Divine. I have waited for her to return ever since. I watched the war between the Divine."
We see the Urthak war in the vision. Goyanna is watching it through portals.
Goyanna: "Still the one never came. Now you are here. The cycle is ending and beginning again."
This is where the vision ends...
Goyanna: "You have come to seek me out Aphrodite Piece of the Creator. And you have brought the one who was meant to return. What is it that you wish of me?"
Aphrodite looks around at everything...
Me: "There is so much I have to ask. I have come to ask you for guidance. There is no doubt in my mind you have been watching the events unfolding."
Goyanna: "Yes I have. I watch events from here and my incarnations. I experience all. I see all. You have come to ask me for a bond, but it is more than a bond you are asking. You wish to bring back something that was.
You wish for your friend here to find the Gate of Anius. All that you ask I will help you with. Though it may displease you I cannot bond."
Me: "I understand. Looking around and knowing what it is you must do. I understand why you decline."
Goyanna: "You are truly wise and truly understand. You wish to bring back the Hungali. The last of their kind you plan to transfer into their incarnation as it was done for you. You wish to seek the rebirth of them through him. I will grant you this."
About the Last Hungali...
Goyanna: "As for you Dolloiandea, it is the Gate you seek. I will grant you this. But you must go alone. Is that agreed?"
Dollo: "I agree."
Goyanna uses her hand to bring forth one of the gates. It is blacked out. She opens it up a bit like wiping dust off a mirror.
Goyanna: "Go and find what you need. But hurry, if this gate closes behind you then you will be forever trapped."
12:36pm Aphrodite gives Dolloiandea a hug.
Me: "Good luck to you." Then Dolloiandea goes through he Gateway.
Pisch: "Do you have any other use for me my Queen?"
Me: "You may go Pisch." Pisch goes through the Gateway back to the Great Wind to be with Rovitomial.
Goyanna: "Come Asherah Aphrodite..."
Goyanna brings forth this big huge cauldron. She reaches in and brings out a little black sphere. There are other spheres in there.
Me: "What are these?"
Goyanna: "These are the remnants of beings that no longer exist. This is what you are looking for."
Goyanna hands a sphere to Asherah Aphrodite. Then she takes off a necklace and puts it around Aphrodite.
Goyanna: "This will allow you to return here at any time. Now you must go."
Then she brings forth the gate to the Vosmos. This leads to the Outside.
Goyanna: "Return there and take this with you." *She gives Aphrodite two spheres.* "The first sphere is for those wishing to return. The second one is for you."
Me: "What is it?"
Goyanna: "You will see. Go now..."
Goyanna: "Astiara'antiana you stay with me for now."
Aphrodite gives Asteria a hug.
Me: "I will see you soon." Then Aphrodite goes through the Vosmos Gateway.
Goyanna puts her hand on Asteria's shoulder: "Come, there is much you need to prepare for."
Asteria: "Will you be teaching me?"
Goyanna: "I will teach you some and you will learn from another."
Asteria faces the Gateway where her world used to be. Standing in it is the image of the Shadis'Arth.
Shadis'Arth: "The time has come to prepare for what you will become." His eyes start go glow and so do Asteria's.
Questions from Steph for her true self...
Q1. Who are you?
Goyanna: "I am Goyanna the Gate Keeper."
Q2. Did I already meet you when I was a child?
Goyanna: "Yes you did. I have two incarnations at once. As one gets old I make another one before that one passes away. You have met me."
Q3. Are there energy tracks I should or shouldn’t be using?
Goyanna: "Any energy tracks made by Asherah Aphrodite are fine for you to use."
Q4. Any advice for me concerning how to prepare for the plague, or just advice in general?
Goyanna: "Study maps and locations. Find a place where you can endure."
Q5. How can I strengthen my connection to you?
Goyanna: "By studying the realms and the beings that inhabit them. Asherah Aphrodite's group offers much of this. There are beings in her group you can interact with and learn from."
Q6. Are some of the strong thoughts and emotions experienced at times, related to you?
Goyanna: "Yes they are related to me at times. I watch all the realms from the physical to the spiritual. I have seen the injustice and I have wept."
1:02pm Me: Asherah Aphrodite is on the Outside speaking to the ones who were non-existent who wish to return. "I am bringing back the ones destroyed by the Galactic Core."
Do Not Send Spirits to the Galactic Core...
7:30pm I went back to see Goyanna....
Me: "Goyanna I desire to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."
Goyanna: "What is it you wish to ask?"
Me: "Are Light and Void older than the Creator?"
Goyanna: "It depends on what your concept of Light and Darkness are. Darkness did exist before the Creator but it was nothing. Just empty black nothing. Some could perceive this as Darkness. The Creator itself started as a small Light. Some could perceive this as Light."
Me: "Did Light and Void create their own realms?"
Goyanna: "Yes they did. From the Light and Darkness that were separated they created their own Light and Void realms."
Me: "Were these made by the Ancient Light and Darkness?"
Goyanna: "Yes they were."
Me: "Are Light and Darkness Elements?"
Goyanna: "They are part of Creation and Destruction. Dawn and Dusk. Beginning and End. They are not the creating elements."
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