Varidon: The New King of the Void

This was a very eventful evening. There were changes to the Drakon, the Nether, and the Void. We have a new Void King. Hail Varidon King of the Void!
While this evening did not begin as a session it turned into one. It starts with us going to find Cer-Sia who had gotten in a dispute with Tia-Nan several days earlier.
Showing some of the meeting of Tia-Nan with her Drakon brothers and sisters on August 23rd right after the events of the post according to Anne...
Tia-Mat and Tia-Nan: What it Means to be Mother of Dragons
Cer-Sia: "You are really bringing the Old Guard to your side. I'll allow you to that on me. But you still have to prove yourself to me."
Tia-Nan: "Allow me? I am giving my own energy for you to protect yourself and you still look at me from above? This is Ancient Sun energy. Respect that."
Kyrse: "Cer-Sia, she is proving herself. I can also see that."
Cer-Sia: "This is really Sun energy. But I won't believe you are The Ancient Sun and Moon the so said Eclipse until Aphrodite confirms that."
Anne: Tia-Nan is glowing... There is a dark energy coming from her I never saw that! Tia-Nan calm down don't let him get to you.
Tia-Nan: "Until Aphrodite confirms it? Are you kidding me?"
Cer-Sia: "You heard me well." Cer-Sia is glowing too...
Tia-Nan: "I won't allow that. I already heard enough from your bullshit."
Kyrse: "Tia-Nan don't ruin things now."
Tia-Nan: "I could transform myself into a Sun right now but you know what? You are not worthy of seeing it." Cer-Sia is floating now.
Anne: If she turns into Drakon form it is over this is going to ruin everything!
Cer-Sia: "She'll be our end. Let's cut this bad tree by the root."
Dynesia: "We are not doing this anymore."
Tia-Nan is preparing to turn into Drakon form..
Kyrse goes to her: "No. If you do this I'll fight you back. Don't touch him."
Tia-Nan blasted Cer-Sia away but Kyrse hit her and she almost fell.
Dynesia: "What you are doing!?"
Kyrse: "I told her not to touch him."
Tia-Nan fix herself up... She is getting angry.. She is seeing them going against her all over again. She is starting to float too. Kyrse in this position is already to attack her. Dynesia is in the middle shouting at them.
Note from Asherah: I have not confirmed anything about her being the Ancient Sun and Moon.
Back to our evening...
August 27th 2018 PST timezone...
8:27pm Sentis: I am in the Nether wastelands to find Cer-Sia. Kyrse hasn't seen him.
Me: I will send you his location. This is a collector...
Sentis: "Where is my Dragon? Where?"
Me: I was being captured by them. I had to go.
Sentis: They tried to capture you when you came in. They were using enchantment mist to put you to sleep.
Me: I made it to Ashtarnia right as I was about to pass out. Ashtarnia wake mommy up!....
Sentis: It was the blow from Tia-Nan that seriously injured Cer-Sia. Then Unthor sold Cer-Sia to a Collector. Cer-Sia is dead.
Sentis: Unthor is done. Bring him before the Drakon.
Unthor reference...
Rescue of Unthor the Lover of Tia-Nan
8:45pm Sentis gave the Ancient Light to Ashtarnia. He separated from Sentis and became EinossArku again.
Ark is with Umbranathor. He is in the mirror but he is in unicorn form again.
Ark: "I could kill you now."
Umbranathor has a stupid grin on his face...
Ark: "You just didn't know how to leave well enough alone. You could have done something right for once. You should have known Cer-Sia was my dear friend.
For a long time he was my only friend. You all took him just like that. You should have thought. What I am about to do to you and that like sneak nephew of yours. I cannot hold onto the light during that."
Why Umbranathor was in the mirror...
Midorra: Trapped by Umbranathor
Ark let Umbranathor out of the mirror...
Ark: "So this is the best master plan you could ever fucking think of? No wonder the Candelabra never wanted you no matter how hard you tried to be part of them. Still how hard you are trying to be part of them."
Umbranathor: "But..."
Ark: "Shut up mule. Interrupt me one more time and you will be Queen of the Void. You figured it was only a matter of time before Tia-Nan made your nephew King of the Nether. Then be declared King of all Dragons.
That is what Unthor was working his way into wasn't he? You figured Cer-Sia would tell me so you got him out of the picture. What to do with you... All the thoughts running through my mind as to what to do to you. No one is coming to save you. Not this time."
Umbranathor: "I am ready to transcend then."
Ark: "Nah you are not transcending. I am going to make you my own personal project."
Umbraathor: "What about the balance between Light and Void?"
9:02pm Mono Xoxo Baphomet shows up...
Mono: "I can feel your dark thoughts."
Ark: "Well here we all are. You with the Ancient Darkness and me without the Ancient Light all by my lonesome with donkey."
Mono: "Yes, that you are."
Ark: "How about we all transcend? That is not what you want right now isn't it? Even now you could destroy me with your Ancient Darkness or take me over with it.
Then your side will have two Ourhkina. Me and you and we can go make the world into what the fuck we want right? Like you always wanted to do. Couldn't just be content with what you were. Couldn't be that way."
Mono: "I watched our kind die for them!"
Ark: I watched our kind die too. Think you were the only one? This is all it is about huh? Your petty little peeve with the Divine. You aren't the only one who lost brothers.
Instead what did you do? Went undermining everything. Right General Franz? Or did you think I didn't know? I counted on you.
I didn't even know it was you and I counted on you. You hung for it anyway. Is any of this shit you been undermining working out for you? Any of it?"
Mono: "It worked out well enough."
Ark: "You went to get Ancient Darkness so you can make the cosmos the way Baphomet the Baptizer wants it to be. Tell me brother have you always felt this way?"
Mono: "It is what I saw. It was watching our kind be destroyed. That is what has changed me."
Me: Doesn't he know I brought your kind back to be transcended?
Ark: "He knows. He has been thinking this way a long time."
Mono: "And if I was I was alone then."
Ark: "You think are the only Ourhkina that thought we could do it better? Not Gabriel or anyone else ever thought of it? We all thought of it but it isn't what we were made for."
Mono: "Now we have a chance to make it right. The way we envisioned it. Join me. We can see our kind rise to where we always should have been. It was us who watched over them and our creations. It was us who guarded them.
We protected all of these beings. All of them from the most Divine to the simple mortals. How many times were they wrong? Join me now.
We can make it the way we always thought it should be. True balance. No more wars between one another. No more arrogant bids for power. No more kings or queens. Just one collective."
Ark: "One collective? One gigantic motherfucking collective that doesn't think for themselves. What the fuck is wrong with you Baphomet? That is how you really want to destroy everything. Make it all the way you see it fit.
One big thought collective. That is balance? Maybe that is why they didn't trust you with anything else. If you are going to destroy me do it.
Think I would come here all alone with the Ancient Light so you could call in your goon squad? Like Nummandor who is off his fucking rocker.
Ashoweah, talk about somebody who is unhappy with everything. Maybe he is unhappy with himself just like you. If you are going to do it just do it. Just remember my seed has been sown."
9:12pm Mono is building up dark energy: "So be it. This is how you make your last stand?"
Ark: "Why would I make a stand?"
Mono: "This is not the way I envisioned it."
Ark: "Nope. You envisioned me bringing the Ancient Light. You overcoming me and you gaining the power of the Ancient Light. Nah... Not happening that way. You destroy me it goes to Ashtarnia. Do your worst."
Umbranathor: "Wait we can all sit and talk this out."
Ark: "Shut up donkey."
9:14pm Mono Xoxo Baphomet is staring at Ark...
Mono: "I will have the Ancient Light. I will take it but I will take it from you."
Ark: "Maybe and maybe not. I guess we just have to find out."
Mono: "And we shall."
9:15pm Mono Xoxo Baphomet leaves...
Umbranathor: "I am glad you came to your senses. I really want to apologize."
Ark: "I am not done with you yet. I am going to give you the luxury to help me find your heir. You understand?"
Umbranathor: "What does that mean?"
Ark: "Means you are getting replaced."
Umbranathr: "I don't agree to that. This isn't your decision."
Ark: "Well, too bad. Come on donkey."
Ark takes Umbranathor to the borderlands...
Umbranathor: "This place is scary."
Ark: "You sit here for a while."
Umbranathor: "Wait! No!"
9:21pm Ashtarnia is playing with the Ancient Light.
Ark: "Go get my dragon friend back please."
Me: "You want me to have Cer-Sia reborn?"
Ark: "Yes whatever it costs me."
Me: Yashadite and Asteria are here with Ashtarnia. I get Cer-Sia and bring him back a baby.
Me: "I have made the decision that Tia-Nan should focus on being Mother of Dragons and no longer be Queen of Nether. Effective immediately."
Ark: "You hear that mule?"
*Projecting my decision out to all of Nether*
Anne: Anne: Why? I love Nether I am not doing a good work?
Astharnia is trying to get mommy's attention...
Ashtarnia: "Mom! Mom! Cer-Sia..." It is the transcended Cer-Sia.
Ark: "Well there he is. Time to go Mule. You should be in another form for this."
Ark: "Aphrodite do you have my dragon friend? Use your Ancient Life and Ancient Creation and touch him."
Aphrodite touches Cer-Sia...
Me: "The one who was taken before his time. The one whose thread was severed not of his own will. I ask you Transcended Ones to release him back to the realms."
Cer-Sia is now a baby dragon in Aphrodite's hands.
Ark: "This donkey is the River of Bones. You should be in form for this."
Ark: "Aphrodite, the River of Bones is flowing in front of you. Place Cer-Sia in. Ashtarnia, daddy will need that Ancient Light sweetheart."
Ashtarnia giggles and tosses Ancient Light into the River of Bones. Aphrodite places Cer-Sia in the river...
Ark reaches in and grabs the Ancient Light and pulls it out and sets it on the ground. Then he puts his hand back in to find Cer-Sia. He pulls him out of the river.
Ark: "Breathe." Cer-Sia wakes up...
Ark: "Hey old friend. I would never forget about you."
Me: "I could have brought him back another way."
Umbranathor: "So I guess you will become Sentis again."
Ark: "Yeah I guess so. She's right."
Umbranathor: "Who is right?"
Ark: "Queen Asherah. She could have brought him back another way. But like I said Umbranathor. This was personal."
Ark grabs Umbranathor and pushes him down into the River of Bones. This tears him apart.
Ark: "I will take that back now..." I took the bond he didn't deserve and put it away.
9:38pm Ark becomes Sentis again. He has the Ancient Light.
Sentis: Well it is time to go find new rulers of the Void and Nether. Sorry sweetheart. Umbranathor isn't Void King anymore. He is dead.
Sentis: Nobody hurts my Aphrodite or my Ashtarnia. And nobody hurts my dragon friend!
Me: Umbranathor is dead.
Anne: But what that has to do me and Nether? To do with me?
Me: You were Queen of Nether but now as Mother of Drakon that is what you should focus on being. Take your position at House Drakon.
Anne: But really didn't want to leave Nether. It is my home the place I feel safe. I love there the people it is one the most beautiful places for me. If you made the decision I cannot fight you since you made me Queen but it breaks my heart.
Sentis: I did this to avoid conflict. Kyrse would have found out that Tia-Nan and Unthor causing the death of Cer-Sia. There would have been civil war.
Me: Kyrse would have blamed the Tia-Nan as Queen of Nether and destroyed the Nether. Then he would go after Void to get back at Umbranathor. This would cause the Light to have to get involved. It would cause a domino effect of chaos.
Sentis: Then the Nature Folk would get upset because their Drakon guardians would be dying and fighting. There would be dissent in the Nature Realm as well. We have to stay on course. I never used the Light to do any of this. Like I said, this was personal.
Me: Do you think it is possible I could restore the Void Monster?
Sentis: He is better off where he is. Maybe it is time for someone else to be Void King. Let's go find the nephew of Kurebon. He is perfect and you will see why. He is on your session list. Now all you have to do is find him.
Me: It is Ruel King! I am going to start crying.
Sentis: Shall we go to the Void?
Sentis and Aphrodite travel to the Void...
Sentis: You have a tag along Aphrodite. Ashtarnia was holding onto your leg.
Sentis to Ashtarnia: "You have to go back sweety."
Ashtarnia points her finger at the ground and made a stern face: "No. Have to be here."
Sentis: "I don't like it just being us three."
Me: "I don't like that either. I can take care of that. A problem easily solved."
Asherah Aphrodite brings Moidaybe and Fenrir.
Moidaybe: "My Queen."
Ashtarnia runs up to Fenrir and hugs onto his leg. He looks at her and sniffs her.
Fenrir: "This must be your pup."
Sentis: "Yep. That is our little star."
Moidaybe creates a portal and Astarnia jumps through it and comes out another one. It is two portals that she keeps jumping through. She tries to fly but her wings are not big enough yet. Moidaybe laughs and then collects himself.
Moidaybe: "I apologize my Queen. You called us here for duty."
Me: "Yes I have and you are performing it well."
Fenrir: "Looks like we are babysitting."
Ashtarnia is tugging on Fenrir: "Come on..." She wants him to jump through portals with her. She calls him Fenyir. Ashtarnia then grabs Moidaybe and he makes several more portals for her.
Me: "I think she is in good hands."
Sentis: "I am more worried about them."
Me: "We will be back soon. Ashtarnia be good." Then Aphrodite kisses her on the forehead.
Ashtarnia: "Okay bye." They chase her through the portals and then she chases them.
Sentis: "Let's go find us the new Void King."
Me: "I want confirmation from the All-Father this is the King that is meant to be."
All-Father: "He is the nephew of Kurebon. Find him and judge him for yourself. Then come back and ask me."
We go to an arena in the old city in the Void. We enter the main gate.
Void guard: "Queen Asherah! I have the best seats. Please right this way..."
He calls for a huge Void unicorn that looks like a Clydesdale. He is huge.
Void unicorn: "Let me show you to your seats." He is very muscular.
Announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, for our first match..."
There is a Void Elf and this other kind of Void being. They almost look like Arcturians but they aren't. He shifted into some kind of Void hell hound. They are fighting each other. The Void Elf is pretty quick.
Well that was over fast. The Void Elf jumped around and that Void hound caught him by the neck and ripped his head off. The arena crowd is cheering.
Me: "Is that who we are looking for?"
Sentis: "No."
Announcer: "And our second match. The Champion vs the Number One Contender."
The big over muscular unicorn who showed us our seats is the champion. He is Nurbedon. A nephew of Kurebon.
Me: "Is that him?"
Sentis: "No that is not him."
The Number One Contender is Lastarstil the Arcturian Black Magus of Universal Annihilation. They practically wheeled him into the arena in a wheelchair. He looks ancient like an old man.
Announcer: "Let the battle for the championship begin!" The crowd cheers.
The Arcturian creaks out of his wheelchair all rickety.
Nurbedon: "Smash!" And he hits the Arcturian into the ground.
Announcer: "What a vicious battle! Give it up for the challenger. He fought bravely. He shall always be remembered in the halls of the Void!" The crowd cheers.
Me: "Are you sure it is not him? Please tell me you are sure it is not him."
Sentis: "I am positive."
Nurbedon: "Come brother! Carry my championship trophy!"
We see what looks like a Void Wolf but he is kind of thin. The trophy is like 10-feet tall with an image of Nurbedon on top fighting the Arcturian Magus face to face. It shows an intense fight.
Nurbedon pushes the trophy onto the back of his brother.
Nurbedon: "Carry this!"
Brother: "I have this brother. I will take good care of this."
Nurbedon: "You better! Now get out of here! I have my fans who need my attention."
Sentis: This probably going to blow his mind completely. Let's go talk to the brother.
There is a huge female Void being: "I love Nurbedon!" Then she rips her shirt off and throws it at him. "I will have your children!"
We go down into the back staging area of the arena. This is all rigged but it is sickening. They are bringing in these weak ass beings to fight the strong ones. We walk by this Void Elf who is super scrawny and weak.
Void Elf: "Tonight is my night! I am going to make a name for myself!" He has oversized armor on and he is clunking around. He can barely walk.
Sentis: "This must be the head person..."
There is a Void Pegasus talking to this Void Elf: "Tonight is your night kid! You are going to make a name for yourself! Now get out there and spill some blood!" He pats the Void Elf on the back and he falls over.
A Void Griffin follows the Void Elf out...
Announcer: "Vischgon Void Elf Slayer of Worlds and Titans and his challenger *The crowd is screaming and music is playing* everyone's home favorite Killios the Mighty!"
The huge Void Griffin Killios comes out super muscular. He tells the Void Pegasus: "Time to put on a show boss."
Void Pegasus looks at us...
Void Pegasus: "Queen Asherah! Nobody told me you were here. My name is Piynus Entertainer Extraordinaire." Then he takes off his hat and bows. "What service can I do for you?"
Sentis: "We are looking for someone."
Piynus: "Then you have come to the right place. Maybe entertainment for Alfheim is what you are looking for? Or any of the other realms that call you friend? I bring the finest entertainment for a price of course."
Me: "Maybe some other time. I am looking for someone in particular. The brother of your Champion Nurbedon."
Piynus: "You mean Varidon? What do you want with him?"
Me: "That is none of your concern what I want with him. In fact, wasn't this place made illegal by the King?"
Piynus: "No, Umbranathor comes here all the time."
Me: "But I do remember reading somewhere Kurebon outlawed this."
Piynus: "But Kurebon disappeared."
Me: "Oh that is right, I forgot. Still, I need to see this Varidon. Go fetch him for me. Run along now..."
Piynus: "Okay."
A big Void being with one eye hit on Aphrodite...
Being: "Hey baby do you want to feel some real muscle?"
Sentis: "Come here..." Then Sentis blinded him with Light.
This must be Varidon coming towards us...
Piynus: "Well here he is. If you don't mind he has things he needs to attend to. So if you can make it quick."
Me: "I will take all the time I need."
Piynus: "Um, but you know, you must understand I have a schedule to keep. Things need to run properly here."
Me: "Oh really? And what things are you having him do?" She looks at Varidon.
Piynus: "Well he has a very important task right now and if it isn't finished then everything here could fall apart. You could have a whole stadium full of angry Void beings. I don't want them being angry at you or me."
Me: "I wasn't asking you. I was asking him. Now shut your mouth."
Varidon: "He was having me clean his personal chambers."
Me: "Oh really? And if you didn't finish this task everything would have fallen apart."
Varidon: "I do what I am told without question. I apologize my Lady but that is the way it is."
Me: "Why is it this way?"
Varidon: "Because my uncle the King..."
Piynus: "You need to watch what you say right there!"
Sentis: "He needs to end up not pissing me off before I turn him into dog meat."
Me: "Your uncle? I am curious. Please continue."
Varidon: "My uncle the King Umbranathor..."
Me: "But he is not your true uncle."
Varidon: "No. Kurebon is. But ever since he disappeared Umbranathor has placed me here. He has warned me if I was to ever come to the capital throne room that he would have me beheaded. I am to serve my brother in any way my brother sees fit. This is my fate."
Me: "And why is this your fate?"
Varidon: "Because of the King. It was King Umbranathor's decision. He says I am weak and not deserving of my uncle's bloodline."
Sentis: "Your uncle Kurebon is dead."
Varidon: "I know. Somehow I have known for a long time. I miss him. But the King, he will never allow me to leave here."
Aphrodite goes up to Varidon. She takes his chin and looks into his eyes.
Me: "You are much more than you appear."
Varidon: "I see you keep the deepest Void in you."
Sentis: I think he can see the Ancient Void.
Me: "It is time to go."
Piynus: "He is not leaving everywhere. The King already said..."
Me: "Umbranathor is King no more."
Piynus: "Oh yeah? And what makes you think that?"
Sentis: "Because Umbranathor is in the borderlands and that is where he is going to stay."
Piynus: "How did he get in the borderlands?"
Sentis: "Because I put him there. I warned him never to cross me. Now I am warning you. We are taking Varidon and there isn't shit you going to do about it."
Nurbedon comes up from behind: "What makes you think that he can leave here? What makes you think you can put the King in the borderlands huh? There is only one rule around here and that is Umbranathor's rule! Varidon go polish my trophies damn it!"
Varidon: "I will not."
Nurbedon: "What do you mean you won't? Go polish my damn trophies now or else it is SMASH!"
Varidon: "You are a fraud and I will no longer be afraid of you. I have been afraid of you for a long time. You strut around all mighty but your opponents are weak."
Nurbedon: "Weak? I risk my life every night! What do you do? Scrub toilets?" Then he laughs. "The only thing you have ever conquered is a wash rag! I am a champion and you are due for a smashing."
Me: "There is a way to settle this." Then Aphrodite looks at Piynus.
Me: "Go do what you do best. The only thing you are good for. Announce a match Champion vs a Challenger. Brother against brother. Do this now."
Piynus: "Oh well, um... I can't just... Everything is scheduled..."
Sentis: "You heard her dog food. Make the match."
Nurbedon: "Well this is going to be easy you scrawny little weakling. I will find somebody new to scrub my trophies."
Varidon: "My brother may be a fool but he is strong. This is a fight I cannot win."
Me: "This is a fight you will win. This will be the beginning of a new life for you. This is only the first step."
Asherah Aphrodite's eyes glow with Ancient Void. Varidon's eyes start to also glow with it.
Piynus announces the match: "Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight is your special night! Two championship defenses in one night.
The mighty, the great, the extraordinary undefeated champion of the Void Nurbedon will defend his title once again! But who is this challenger?
Out of all that Nurbedon has faced. These great foes that have come and gone. These mighty beings of the Void that have met their end at the hooves and horn of Nurbedon.
Who now challenges for the championship? None other than his own vile lowly flesh and blood! A being unworthy of a surname. Varidon the Weak!"
The crowd boos and jeers. Varidon enters and they throw things at him. Piynus laughs: "Ready to meet your end toilet wolf?"
Piynus announces: "And now once again the mighty, the amazing, the greatest of all beings, the strongest conqueror of all realms champions... your champion Nurbedon!"
Fireworks go off and music is playing singing about Nurbedon 'He is the mighty! He is the strong! He is the NURBEDON! Smash! Smash!'
Nurbedon is a Void colored unicorn with platinum blonde hair. He is a totally muscular pretty boy.
Piynus announces: "And now let the slaughter... I mean the battle begin!"
Nurbedon is prancing around the ring: "Let the smashing begin!" He turns to Varidon: "Time for smash!"
Nurbdon slams his hoof down but Varidon moves quickly out of the way. The crowd is surprised.
Crowd: "Horn him! Horn him!"
Nurbedon goes charging forward with his horn. Varidon charges back with his eyes glowing with Void.
Varidon goes back and forth between his wolf and humanoid form very quickly. He jumped at Nurbedon and they went head to head.
Then he switched into humanoid and grabbed the horn and hooked his legs around Nurbdeon's neck. He hits Nurbedon right into the wall. Boom!
Varidon is rapidly switching back between forms totally messing Nurbedon up. In humanoid form he looks like a Void Elf with long black hair.
Nurbedon: "Stop! Stop! Don't!"
The crowd is sitting there in shock.
Crowd: "Nurbedon the fraud! Boo!"
Varidon: "Do you yield brother?"
Nurbedon: "I yield. I am good. Sorry. Just please stop beating me up."
The crowd starts to leave...
Piynus: "Wait! Where are you going? Come back! I am ruined!"
Asherah Aphrodite comes up to Varidon and puts her hand on his shoulder.
Me: "You have taken the first step. Now for the next."
Aphrodite takes Varidon to the Void Capital. He is amazed. He has never been allowed to come to this part.
Varidon: "I shouldn't be here. Umbranathor said I was never allowed here. Is it true that he is gone?"
Sentis: "Yes he is gone."
Varidon: "Then who will be King of the Void?"
Me: "You will be King of the Void. I see now what the All-Father meant. You are balanced yet you do not seek power. You saw and held the true Ancient Void."
It comes out of his eyes and returns into Asherah Aphrodite...
Me: "Yet you remain uncorrupted."
Varidon: "If it was ever for me to hold the Ancient Void then it would be decided by others. Not myself."
Me: "And this is why you must be King. Kneel Varidon..."
The Void Monster Kurebon arrives.
Kurebon: "The Ancient Void has been watching you my nephew. it is your time to take your place where mine once was. Rule wisely. Remember the balance of the Void and Light. There can never be one without the other."
Varidon: "I shall remember as long as I rule."
11:03pm Me: "Then arise Varidon King of the Void."
Varidon arises. The Void throne room changed. It went from two thrones to one.
Me: "When you decide upon a ruling partner I wish to be there."
Varidon: "I owe this to you. You shall be there when I decide."
Me: "You owe this to yourself. You owe this to the Void. Rule it wisely."
Sentis: "I have the bond of the previous Void King."
Varidon: "I will take this bond, but unlike Umbranathor. I will hold true to it."
11:06pm *Sentis does bonding of Varidon with Asherah Aphrodite*
Varidon: "You have entrusted me to keep my word. You can trust in me to hold true to the bond and the balance between Void and Light."
Me: "Then take your seat as King of the Void."
Varidon sits upon the Void throne. There is a crowd gathering inside the throne room. They all kneel and bow to the new Void King.
Me: "When you are ready I would like to do the core fusion between you and your incarnation."
Varidon: "I am ready."
The crowd is here to watch the fusion for Ruel King...
Music begins...
Unstoppable Powerful Dark Epic Music Mix
0:28... Asherah Aphrodite starts the sewing.
0:46.. Asherah creates Void thread and sews it into him.
1:07... She pulls Void energy from above. It flows through the needles and threads as she sews.
1:34... Varidon glows with Void energy.
1:57... Aphrodite creates Void Crystals. They glow with Void energy.
2:17... She draws the energy from the crystals into the thread and sews it in.
2:49... Asherah Aphrodite shatters he mirror in the throne room.
3:02... She pulls Void energy from the shattered mirror and puts it into the threads.
3:39... Sewing is completed and she begins the fusion.
3:50... Asherah Aphrodite powers up Void Crystals.
4:05... She pours the energy from each one into Varidon.
4:21... Aphrodite pulls Void energy from all over the Void into the crystals. They glow intensely.
4:46... Asherah pours the energy from the crystals into Varidon.
5:01... Varidon glows intensely with Void energy.
5:25... The mirror goes up around behind the throne. Aphrodite places Varidon into the mirror. It freezes.
5:59... The mirror is glowing the Void energy.
6:16... Aphrodite draws Void energy from the crystals and it flows into the mirror.
6:54... Asherah conducts energy from the Void into the crystals and then into the mirror.
7:12... The energy is shooting into the mirror. Every time it hits the mirror it pulses and changes Varidon's form.
7:36... Varidon gets bigger and stronger.
7:53... Varidon's eyes glow with Void.
8:06... Asherah Aphrodite shatters the mirror and Varidon steps forward.
8;20... Varidon is much stronger than before.
8:29... Void beings gather and bow.
8:44... Varidon is glowing with Void energy.
8:52... Varidon sits at the throne and energy glows outward.
9:13... Energy from around the throne room goes into Varidon.
9:27... A new mirror forms.
9:47... A guard announces "Hail Varidon King of the Void!"
10:06... Crowd yells "Hail Varidon King of the Void!"
Six questions from your incarnation...
Q1. How can your incarnation communicate with you on a daily basis.
Varidon: "Meditation. Connection with the Void and darkness."
Q2. What blockage does your Incarnation have. And how to remove it.
Varidon: "There is a lack of focus. This should go away easily if he focuses on it more."
Q3. How can your incarnation connect with void energy.
Varidon: "Through darkness. Through the Void realm. You are naturally connected with this. You can draw on this in your physical."
Q4. What specific things can your incarnation and you do to speed up the integration process.
Varidon: "Connect deeply with the Void. Learn how to move in the dark. Adjust yourself and senses to the night."
Q5. Which path should I take, elf, superhuman, shapeshifter, saiyan, shaman.
Varidon: "Shapeshifter shaman. The Lycan path."
Q6. What do you like and dislike about your incarnation so far.
Varidon: "I like that he is steady minded. I dislike that he becomes easily distracted."
Me: "I am here for you anytime you need me Varidon."
Varidon: "And I am the same for you. There must be much I need to attend to. I thank you once again. If you will excuse me. I must keep my word to my uncle. There is much I must learn about being King. I think I shall study the Void library for a while."
Me: "There is wisdom there that Umbranathor never sought."
Voice of Void: "The time has come for a changing of the old guard with the new. The Ancient Void knew of this. That is why it went to you Asherah. A new King needed to be crowned. All is done now the way it should be."
Me: "Let's get Unthor in custody."
Sentis: "There is nowhere he can run to. We will find him. No matter where he goes."
We went back to get Ashtarnia. She was sleeping on the back of Fenrir. Moidaybe was standing watch. We all returned home.
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