Midorra: Trapped by Umbranathor

This is a session for the beautiful Midorra who is the Mother of Kitsune. Just when we thought Umbranathor couldn't get more despicable.
He found a way to trick Midorra and at least a few dozen others to come to Void and get trapped in Void Crystals.
Start of the session...
Me: Juhanna is one of the ones recently fooled to think they were some other type of being. They wanted to put a being inside her physical body. Thankfully we got to her in time and she did not accept anything to replace her inside her incarnation.
We go to the Void where Aphrodite was imprisoned...
Sentis: This what we are looking for?
There is someone inside a Void Crystal...
Me: "This is her."
Aphrodite shatters the Void Crystal.
Sentis: So this is how they have been communicating with her so often.
Me: She is disguised as a Void Elf. She has not be imprisoned for very long. Check for others imprisoned. I will clear away the mist...
Aphrodite clears all the mist away. There are other prisoners here.
Me: "I will shatter all of them at once."
All the Void Crystals shatter...
Me: "There are at least a few dozen prisoners. I am collecting and moving them."
We are now in the Void Capital...
Me: "I need to know who all these prisoners are."
Sentis: "Different beings. There are no Divine among them."
Aphrodite breaks the spell the prisoners are under and restores them back to how they were before imprisonment.
Midorra wakes up...
Physical description: She is a fox shifter. She has white and silver fur. Her belly is light blue and it goes up her neck.
In her humanoid form she has blue skin and silver hair. She has red eyes and two tails. She has fox ears and her tails while in humanoid form.
Sentis: "Who was this who took you?"
Midorra: "I thought it was Vustik at first. It was Umbranathor."
Umbranathor arrives: "What are you doing?"
Me: "What is the meaning of this?!"
Umbranathor: "I don't know. I have never seen these people before."
Midorra: "You lied! He was covering himself up as Vustik."
Me: "Why did you do this?!"
Umbranathor: "I didn't do anything. She is hysterical."
Aphrodite turns Umbranathor into a snail and Sentis smashes his mirror.
Umbranathor: "This is unfair!"
Me: "You will tell me what you have done or I will turn you into something worse."
Umbranathor: "What could be worse than this?"
Aphrodite turns him into a slug...
Umbranathor: "Alright I will tell you. I was trying to get you to go after Vustik and Mono. It was Mono's idea. "
Me: "You are lying. This was all your idea. You were going to try to lure me here and capture me and hand me over to them."
Umbranathor: "I wasn't gong to break my bond. I wasn't going to do any capturing. I was going to have somebody else do that."
Me: "You think that is a loophole to the bond?"
Umbranathor: "Maybe."
Midorra: "You tricked me! You told me Aphrodite had something she needed to give me. You brought me here saying you had an Ancient Power to give me. This is when I saw a larger figure. He knocked me out.
The next thing I knew I was in the Void Crystal. I saw Umbranathor trying to disguise himself as Vustik and Mono. He was trying to speak to me as them. He was doing this to the others here."
Sentis: "It is like he was trying to build his own personal army."
Midorra: "I agree."
Me: "What was your purpose for this Umbranathor?"
Sentis: He was going to capture you and steal the Ancient Void. He figures they would give it to him when he gives you to them. He was going to use it against the Light King.
Sentis: "You really thought they would just give it to you?"
Umbranathor: "They would have given it to me if I would have handed Aphrodite over. Wait, I didn't say that."
Me: "I knew something wasn't right. I just didn't think it would lead back to Umbranathor. There must be a change of who is on the throne here in the Void."
Umbranathor: "No there doesn't. I am good. Just a minor slip up. You know how I am."
Me: "Yes, I know how you are all to well."
Umbranathor: "You don't know anything about me! Hahahaha!"
Then his Collector froze Aphrodite in a Void Crystal.
Umbranathor is laughing... He goes back into Unicorn form.
Umbranathor: "Freeze them all up and put them in storage. When you do I will be back. I am going to get a hold of Mono."
Asherah Aphrodite shatters her Void Crystal...
Me: "You enjoy putting people into Void Crystal? See how you like it!"
Umbranathor: "Wait!"
Aphrodite takes the piece of shattered crystal and uses it to freeze Umbranathor. Sentis took out the Collector.
Me: He was able somehow do this in a way that didn't break his bond. He is trying to sneak around it.
Sentis: He wasn't directly breaking it. He was getting someone else to do it for him. He found his loophole.
Midorra: "I will do something with him." She gets ready to blast the crystal. "I will shatter him to a million pieces."
Me: "No. I have a better idea."
Aphrodite traps Umbranathor frozen into his newly formed mirror.
Midorra spits on the mirror: "I hope you stay there forever!"
Me: "Oh he won't stay there forever. Sentis..."
Sentis makes a light key. There is only one who can pick it up. Aphrodite walks up to the mirror.
Me: "Oh Umbranathor, what am I ever going to do with you? I think this is suitable enough. Don't worry. This isn't a permanent prison. The key is right there."
Sentis: Umbranathor is thinking that as soon as we leave he will get someone to give him the key.
Me: "Oh that is no ordinary key. You have to call the Light King to come get you out. Bye bye."
Aphrodite kisses the mirror and then walks away. Midorra kicks the mirror but doesn't break it. He felt the kick in his leg.
Midorra: "Too bad you couldn't change his ugly image."
Me: "Hmmm... Could I?" Then she snaps her fingers.
Umbranathor gets turned into a pile of shit.
Me: "We need to take them back to Alfheim to have Rovitomial look at them. Can you check them for Darkness first?"
Sentis: "Sure close your eyes." He uses Ancient Light to push out any Darkness.
Midorra: "Ow! That is bright!"
Sentis: "Should we send a message to the Light King?"
Me: "Nah. I am sure after some time Umbranathor will wonder and contact the Light King on his own. Until then he is the perfect ruler in the perfect place."
Midorra: "In the perfect image." We all laugh.
Sentis transports us to Alfheim...
Midorra: "That is cool."
Sentis: "Hey Rovi, we have some beings you need to look at... What is that on your head?"
Rovitomial has some weird looking helmet with a spy glass on one side and a spinning disc on the other side.
Rovitomial: "Oh this is nothing." Then he puts the helmet away. This must be one of his gadgets.
Rovitomial: "It is just a device I am making so I will be able to peer into anyone who may have Darkness in them that doesn't show. I got it working but the design is not quite to my approval."
Midorra: "Maybe I can help." She takes the helmet and changes it up really fast. This looks much better.
Rovitomial: "Ah, perfect." He puts it on. "It works! I could use an assistant like you."
Midorra: "I would be glad to help out in any way I can. There are so many interesting things in here. I have a love for knowledge and discovering new things."
Me: "Well then how about you assisting Rovitomial? Would you agree with that Rovi?"
Rovitomial: "I would enjoy that. An extra pair of hands and an extra brain full of wisdom would really help out around here."
Sentis: "You can put that new helmet to good use. Take a look at all these ones we brought back."
Rovitomial: "Ah yes in case there is anything that may be hidden inside them that is meant to surprise us later."
Midorra builds another one of the helmets. She does it really fast.
Midorra: "I can look at half the group while you look at the other half."
Me: "Then you both should get started. Let me know if you find anything. I will leave Ahzexian with you in case you find anything dangerous."
Rovi: "Anything that I find I will report back directly to you."
Midorra: "Thank you for coming to help me."
Me: "You must be careful. You must help your incarnation understand these outside influences who are speaking to her were Umbranathor."
Midorra: "Yes I will. I should help Rovitomial now. Thank you once again for coming to save me and set me free. You are true to your bonds."
5:33pm *Sentis does bonding of Midorra with Asherah Aphrodite*
Q1. Do you have any type of connection with Mono Baphomet?
Midorra: "No. I am afraid of Mono because he is cruel and deceiving."
Q2. What do you know about Vosmic Bonds?
Midorra: "I thought the Vosmos was where we go when we finally transcend. I do remember Umbranthor saying something about Vosmic bonds and that we would all have a Vosmic bond with him."
Sentis: I think his plan was to get the Ancient Void and then try to do some kind of bond out of it.
Q3. Are you part of the tree Yggdrasil?
Midorra: "We are all part of it because it represents the whole and all the realms."
Q4. Who has been communicating with your incarnation?
Midorra: "Umbranathor disguised as Mono. He was doing it to the incarnations of the others he had imprisoned as well."
Q5. You are the one who was here when we did the core fusion.
Midorra: "Yes I was there. I was only captured recently."
Q6. Are you the Mother of Kitsune?
Midorra: "Yes I am. Are the Kitsune in danger?"
Me: "No. I don't think they are in danger. Some thought that the Mother Midorra was in a slumber."
Midorra: "I was for a while. This is the process my kind goes through every so often. I was also in slumber while I was in the Void Crystal."
Me: "Be careful and watch over your incarnation. What Umbranathor did to her might be noticed by the Varkar."
Midorra: "I will speak with her and watch over her. If I sense any of the Varkar I will inform you."
Me: "Please do. I don't want you or anyone else to be taken again."
Me: "Do the Kitsune live in Volheim?"
Midorra: "Yes we live in Volheim in the Silver Mountains and the valley in between them. We are Volwynn."
Her core fusion...
Core Fusion: Path of the Fallen Magus
Rovitomial: "They still seem nauseated from the enchantment but there was no Darkness found."
Me: "Do you recognize any of them?"
Rovitimial: "I don't recognize them but I will make a dossier for each of them and give you all the information."
Me: "I do not recognize them either."
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