Ancient Light: Place of Utter Darkness

This post includes the meeting of Ark with the King and Queen of Light. It also has the events leading up to the Test of Light.
This is also an intuitive guidance session for a Myrrdonite named Xarsha. Also included is Moidaybe, Lyindrinar, Pisch, Mevinah, Rovitomial and Tenomachi.
August 13th...
Ark: "Great Queen and King of Light. I thank you for meeting with me. What I bring is of the utmost urgency of what I must ask."
Ark: "I am asking for the Blessing of the Light. To go to the place before. To retrieve the Ancient Light. To use against the Ancient Darkness that my brother Baphomet possesses now."
Light King: "I will grant you the blessing if you undergo the Test of Light."
Ark: "When I use it I will bring it back. I won't keep it. You have my word on that."
Hue: "That is the only word I will ever trust from a Ourhkina."
*Ark receives instructions on how to begin the test of light*
He must go to the place of utter darkness and wait for the sun to rise. When it does he is to drink this vial of light. Then the test will begin. If he survives then he will receive the Blessing of the Light.
Light King: "It has been agreed."
Still August 13th...
1:01pm We arrive to see Kronos.
Me: "I wish to speak to you about the Ancient Darkness."
Kronos: "The Ancient Darkness it was the piece left that came before the Creator. The one that created me and the other three.
When the Creator spoke its own name and acknowledges its own existence there was Light from Darkness. When the Four created the very firsts they were entrusted with the Ancient Light and the Ancient Darkness.
When they transcended they left the Shadis'Arth to be the watcher of these two things and keep them in the place that came before. When the Four created all the other beings and realms they chose two to be the Keepers of them.
One side to be the Keeper of Darkness and one side to be the Keeper of Light. Only way to get to where it was before is to receive the Blessing of either the Keepers of the Light or the Keepers of the Darkness. The Ancient Darkness can only be countered by the Ancient Light."
Me: Umbranathor gave Mono the Blessing of the Keeper of Darkness.
Me: "What can you tell me of Vustik?"
Kronos: "Vustik is one of the ones from the time before everything. When they transcended he refused and he left there. He disappeared for the longest time. He was supposed to transcend but he didn't. While he is in the realms he can never die. He can never be destroyed."
Me: What will happen if they use the Ancient Darkness and we do not have the light?'
Kronos: "They will conquer all and the darkness will consume us all. This is the Blacken Sun. I warned you of this a long time ago when you had your Great Battle for Haters. I came to you and warned you of this. Only now you listen."
Kronos: "Ark you must retrieve the power of the Ancient Light to do this. No one else can."
Ark: Why is that?
Kronos: "Because Baphomet is your brother. It has to be this way. Search out the place of utter darkness and find the one who can lead you there. Retrieve the Ancient Light. You should be going instead of standing here."
August 15th...
Me: Aphrodite wants you to wait to get the Ancient Light.
Ark: I am going to get it.
Me: "It is not the right time to get it."
7:17pm The All Father is taking Ark and his Ourhkina brothers somewhere...
11:40pm Ark: I am not sure what we are supposed to be doing. My Ourhkina brothers and I are all sitting on peaks. We can see all the realms from here. The All Father told us to wait here for the sun rise.
August 16th...
Ark: My Ourhkina brothers and I are still waiting on these mountain peaks for the sun to rise.
12:15pm All-Father: "When Aphrodite finishes the task of becoming the Ancient Love then the sun will rise."
9:12pm Ark: The sun is rising. My brothers and I are becoming one. My brothers are floating all over to me. I am becoming them and they are becoming me. Our name is Sentis. We are Sentis.
All-Father: "For now you are Sentis. Only Sentis can hold the Light."
9:20pm Sentis: I am back in Alfheim waiting for Aphrodite's return.
Ark: I went to get Pisch. It is time. I am also taking Tenomachi, Mevinah, Lyindrinar, Rovitomial, and Moidaybe. I sent them to face their deepest fears.
It is time to meet with the true self of Louis...
Me: I am not there to help you find him.
Ark: I can find him now because of the bond we share through our daughter.
Tenomachi: "What the hell are we doing in the borderlands?"
Rovi: "Ark?... Ark?... Sentis? Whatever your name is now."
Lyindrinar: "Where the hell is he?"
Mevinah is staring at something and Moidaybe notices and walks up to him.
Moidaybe: "What's wrong?"
Mevinah points to a building. It is the Cutter House.
Mevinah: "That building. That place of nightmares."
Tenomachi: "You don't think Ark intended us to go in there?"
Rovi: "I am not going in there. We will wait for him."
Lyindrinar: "He is not with us for some reason. This seems strange. This could be a trap."
Pisch: "I don't think so. I think we need to go in there. I think that is what he intended for us to do."
Rovi: "I am not going in there."
10:04pm Mevinah starts walking towards the building.
Tenomachi: "Mev, get back here. Where are you going?"
Pisch runs after Mevinah and says to the others: "Come on."
*They head up to the entrance of the Cutter House. Lyindrinar notices Sentis.*
Rovi: "What are we doing here?"
Tenomachi: "Why did you bring us all here?"
Sentis: "To prepare you."
Lyindrinar: "I don't understand. Bring us here in preparedness for what?"
Sentis: "You all carry a deep anger in you. A deep fear. This makes you susceptible to the Ancient Darkness. You must overcome this."
Pisch: "What are we to do?"
Sentis: "You all need to go inside."
Tenomachi: "Go inside there? Why?"
Sentis: "You need to find the ones you lost." Then Sentis goes inside and disappears into the darkness.
10:08pm The rest of them look at each other. Moidaybe, Lyindrinar, and Pisch go inside. Followed by Mevinah. Rovitomial and Tenomachi look at each other and then go in. They are in this main entryway.
Pisch: "This place is a place of nightmares."
Rovi: "Okay. What are we supposed to do now?"
Moidaybe: "We need to find Sentis and find the ones we lost."
Moidaybe and Mevinah walk off. Pisch and Lyindrinar go together in a different direction.
Rovi: "Wait Pisch and Lyindrinar we shouldn't split up."
Tenomachi is standing there sniffing the air. He goes off in a different direction.
10:11pm Moidaybe and Mevinah are going down a long hallway. They stop when Moidaybe hears someone. He hears his name being called.
Moidaybe: "Master Tara'Ahna?"
Mevinah is staring into a room that has the little Dark Elf girl. She is sitting against the wall weeping.
Mevinah goes into the room with the girl while Moidabye follows his Master's voice.
Lyindrinar, Pisch, and Rovitomial are heading down a different hallway. They are looking in different rooms. They are all empty. They notice a being standing at the end of the hallway.
Lyindrinar: "Father?! Father!" He runs after him but the being is walking away.
Rovi: "Lyindrinar wait!" Both he and Pisch follow Lyindrinar. They are going down the hallway when a breeze comes from up.
Pisch turns and looks down this entrance that leads down. There is a breeze coming from it. She hears a soft female voice that says 'Come to me my little one. My little wind.'
Pisch begins to go down the stairs. Rovitomial notices.
Rovi: "Pisch!" He decides to follow her.
Tenomachi is all by himself. The whole place is empty is not full of tortured beings. He hears a familiar howl. He listens. He sees Vilanea and follows her.
Moidaybe goes into a room and sees his Master. His Master says 'Moidaybe I have been waiting for you. You must help me. You must...' Then a rip opens and pulls him through.
Moidaybe: "Master Tara'Ahna!"
Then he hears a voice behind him: "You shouldn't be here. Why are you in here?"
Moidaybe turns around and sees a Myrrdonite. He gets ready to fight if he needs to.
Myrrodnite: "There is no need for that. If I wanted to tear you apart I could. What are you doing here?"
Moidaybe: "I came here with friends. We are looking for something. I come on behalf of Queen Asherah."
Myrrdonite: "I have heard of this name. You are looking for your friends. Is that all you came here to look for?"
Moidaybe: "I don't know exactly what we came to look for. But I know we must find it. Whatever it is."
Myrrdonite: "We need to find your friends then. They may be looking for the same thing."
10:19pm Lyindrinar is still running following his father. He turns a corner and his father is standing there.
Alakin: "Lyindrinar I have been waiting for you. You must help me." Then a rift opens and pulls him through.
Lyindrinar: "Father!"
Mevinah is looking at the little Dark Elf girl. She says 'I knew you would come back. You need to help me.' Then a rift opens and pulls her through.
Pisch and Rovitomial go down that passageway and come to a room where is breeze blowing everywhere.
Pisch: "Mother!" They see Yisch in the room. Yisch says 'I have been waiting for you. You must help me.' Then a rift opens up and pulls her through.
Tenomachi is following Vilanea. He stops and she turns to him. It is not her. It is his mother. She says 'My son. You have come. You must help me.' Then a rift opens and pulls her through.
They are all wandering through the building. Tenomachi, Pisch, Lyindrinar, and Rovitomial have found each other. They explain to each other what they have been through.
Pisch: "Has anyone seen Moidaybe?"
They hear a voice that says: "You all should not be here."
10:24pm They turn around and see Moidabye and the Myrrdonite. Then they see Sentis.
Senstis: "Xarsha they are supposed to be here."
Xarsha: "Why have you come?"
Sentis: "We came looking for you. Of all Myrrdonite you are unique. The ability to incarnate, which you have been from here. You are the only one of your kind who can do this."
Xarsha: "My kind died a long time ago. Now I am here. What I know makes me unlike the others. I do not enjoy pain or suffering."
Rovitomial: "I have never seen a being like you. You are not as mutilated as the other Myrrdonite. Where do you come from?"
Xarsha: "A realm that no longer exists. A dark place. There I was an assassin. Many lives I took. Until I was betrayed and murdered. I ended up here. I was sent through the Trial of Pain but I escaped. I fled into the borderlands. I have been here ever since."
Sentis: "I need you to take us to the furthest peak."
Xarsha: "You know what you ask. You know who dwells there."
Rovi: "Who dwells there?"
Xarsha: "Cutter dwells there. He is unlike any other Myrrdonite either. He can pull souls from the living realm. He feeds on the strongest. He interacts with the living. He is forever changing. Always adding more to him. You chased his spirits in this place. They belong to him."
Lyindrinar: "My father does not belong to him."
Pisch: "Neither does my mother."
Xarsha: "Oh yes they do belong to him. There is no way to get them back. The Cutter has his strings in them. They can never be freed."
Sentis: "Still take us to the furthest peak."
Xarsha: "We must travel the River of Bones then. Come..."
10:30pm *They follow the Myrrdonite Xarsha*
Rovitomial: "Xarsha we have been there before. Now that place is empty. What are these places? Are there more?"
Xarsha: "There are many more here in the borderlands. There are some in Midgard. These are places of great suffering. The Cutter gathers there. He can be anywhere in the borderlands. But his essence lies in the furthest peak."
10:33pm *They arrive at the River of Bones*
Rovitomial: "How do we go up the River of Bones without a boat?"
Xarsha: "There is always a boat here. You just have to look for it."
*Xarsha does something with his hands and it goes into the River of Bones. The dead are pushing up a boat.*
Sentis and Xarsha climb aboard the boat. Followed by Lyindrinar, Moidaybe, Pisch, Mevhinah, and Tenomachi. Rovitomial is standing there.
Pisch: "Come on Rovi."
Rovitomial: "They are not going to want this boat back anytime soon?"
Xarsha: "It will return to them when we are finished with it."
Rovitimial gets on board and says: "Just make sure to tell them we are done with it when we are off this river and back on land."
*They travel down the River of Bones*
Rovitomial: "Why are you calling yourself Sentis now?"
Sentis: "That is what happens when Ourhkina become one. We are Sentis."
Rovitomial scratches his head: "I think I understand."
Sentis: "There is the furthest peak ahead of us."
Me: How is this going to lead you to the place of utter darkness?
Sentis: The furthest peak is the place of utter darkness.
*Everyone is in deep thought of the experience they have had so far. Especially Moidaybe.*
10:40pm *They reach the end of the River of Bones where they need to go. Everyone is staring a huge black peak. As they get closer there are horrid screeching sounds. There are hundreds of rottlings.*
Lyindrinar draws his sword: "This is going to take us some time to get through them all."
*Xarsha begins walking. Sentis follows him.*
Tenomachi: "What are they doing?"
Pisch: "I don't know but we should follow."
*Rottlings are moving aside for Xarsha.*
Mevinah: "Every time we come here we need to be around this guy."
Pisch: "Amazing. They are not attacking."
*They walk and get closer to the peak. They come up to a huge entrance. It is dark inside.*
Xarsha: "The ones you have lost are in here. They are with the Cutter."
10:44pm *The entrance closes behind them and it becomes very dark. Rovitomial brings up a light. There are low growls.
There are a bunch of huge orderlies around them. The orderlies begin attacking. They are fighting. Moidaybe is using his dagger.*
Sentis: "You should not be wasting your strength on these things."
10:46pm *Sentis made all of the orderlies explode. Everyone is out of breath from fighting and a bit in shock.*
Sentis: "Find us at the top of this peak."
It goes dark and light again. Sentis is gone.
Xarsha: "Come..." They go to these black stairs that go up to the peak. As they go up the stairs they come to a place at the top.
They see Cutter along with other familiar beings. Pisch and Rovi see Yisch. Lyindrinar sees Alakin. Moidaybe sees his Master. Mevinah sees the little Dark Elf girl.
Lyindrinar: "Father! I am coming!" He draws his sword and starts running forward.
Cutter notices and turns around. All these orderlies come out from everywhere. They begin fighting.
They are going for Xarsha but something goes out his hand into them. It makes them implode a bit and fall over.
Tenomachi says to Pisch and Rovi: "Get them free! We will deal with these ones."
Pisch goes to her mother and tries to get her free. Yisch grabs her and these things tentacles start wrapping around Pisch. They grab Rovitomial and pull him towards her. Pisch and Rovitomial are not able to get free.
Lyindrinar tries to free his father and the same thing happens to him. Tenomachi sees his mother laying behind where Cutter is.
Moidaybe goes to try and free Pisch and Rovi. His Master grabs him and the same thing happens to him. The orderlies are holding Mevinah and Tenomachi down.
Cutter: "More flesh by the pound. More flesh to tear and bound."
*Cutter goes for Tenomachi. He turns and notices Xarsha.*
Cutter: "You should not be here. The Countess will know you are here. She is coming."
These tentacles start wrapping around Xarsha. He uses something from his hand that cause the tentacles to wither and decay.
The orderlies go after Xarsha. Cutter is still going for Tenomachi. There is something from Cutter trying to go into Tennomachi.
Sentis: "You need to let them go Cutter."
10:55pm *Cutter goes towards Sentis.*
Sentis puts his fingers through Cutter's eyes and his flesh begins falling apart. Rovitomial, Pisch, and the others are being released. The orderlies begin to fall apart.
Yisch, Alakin, the Dark Elf girl, and the Master all fall out from their places on the wall. Pisch and Rovitomial are weeping.
Yish: "Thank you."
Alakin is with Lyindrinar. He says: "I am proud of you son. I have always been proud of you."
Moidaybe is with his Master.
Master says "You have protected the Walking Way. You are the last of us and the greatest of us all."
Tenomachi is with his mother. She says: "I am sorry I never go to see you grow up. I am sorry I had to go when you were born."
Tenomachi: "But you are here now and I have missed you."
Mevinah with the little Dark Elf girl. She hugs him and says: "I knew you would come back."
Sentis: "They will all be find here until the day comes. Then they will transcend. You have found what you have lost. Hold on to it now. It will be your strength in times to come."
11:00pm *Sentis sends them all back to Alfheim*
Sentis: "The sun will rise in the darkest place Xarsha."
Xarsha: "I have been waiting for it to rise."
Xexian: "I cannot let you do this Ourhkina."
Sentis: "You don't have a choice in the matter. This is meant to happen."
Xexian: "Then I have no choice but to stop you."
*Xexian sticks her blades into Sentis.*
Sentis: "You cannot stop the sun from rising Xexian. I can feel the conflict within you."
*Alakin, Yisch, the little girl, the mother, and the Master are all grabbing Xexian.*
Xexian: "What are you doing? I will punish you all! You will suffer for this."
*Sentis pulls out the little vial that the Light King gave him. It begins to glow.*
Xexian: "What is this?"
Sentis: "The is the dawning of the new era."
*Then Sentis drank the contents of the vial. Then Sentis glows brightly.*
Sentis: "Be free Xexian and Xarsha."
He undoes the Myrrdonite mutilation in them.
Sentis: "It is changing now."
*Ark does the bonding of Xarsha with Asherah Aphrodite*
Sentis: "You are now the Countess and Count of the Passing Plane. Xarsha go to Alfheim. You will be needed by Queen Asherah. When I come back, I will come back for all the ones who do not belong here. I will take them home."
Xexian and all the others are watching the sun rise in the borderlands. Everything here is watching it. The Athranaak is lighting up.
Ark: "I go to take the Test of Light."
*Sentis disappears*
Pisch, Tenomachi, Mevinah, Lyindrinar, Rovitomial, and Moidaybe are in Alfheim. They are explaining to Doumarae what happened.
Mevniah starts to realize something. He looks down at his hand and sees that the little Dark Elf girl is with him. She is the first one that has been set free.
Xarsha comes through a Myrrdonite rift along with Xexian.
They are changed so they are still Myrrdonites but they can leave the borderlands. Sentis undid the binding that kept them stuck there.
Doumarae: "Where is Ark?"
Xarsha: "He has gone to take the Test of Light. We must speak to Queen Asherah."
Six questions from the incarnation of Xarsha...
Q1. What is my purpose on earth?
Xarsha: "You are to help those who are dying to transcend properly and go where they need to go. If they need to go to the afterlife or the borderlands then they should go where they belong."
Q2. What do I need to focus on in order to achieve my purpose?
Xarsha: "You need to focus on a strong connection with the paranormal and the dead. You already have this ability as a medium."
Q3. I would like to know where I am from, cause I always get the feeling I am not from earth.
Xarsha: "You are not from Earth. I am from a realm that no longer exists."
Q4. In terms of series to use, I was hoping if you can ask my true self to recommend one of your series that I can use?
Xarsha: "I am not interested in any series. Just true self connection and focusing on connecting with the dead."
Q5. I don't feel attachment towards anything (People, Places, Things...etc..) even my family/friends, I don't miss them when I am away from them.
Xarsha: "Because I am a Myrrdonite I do not have emotional attachments. I am the only Myrrdonite who can incarnate. Even my incarnation does not have emotional attachments."
Q6. Anything else we should know?
Xarsha: "This lack of emotional attachment will help you in all that is to come. You will be a lone wolf. You will survive because your connection with the dead will be strong.
What you become in the future of Midgard is how you help souls transcend and go where they need to go. You are a Healer and an Executioner."