Xanamoi: Piecing the Puzzle Together

I am still trying to figure out how Xanamoi fits into this. How did he have my heart in his chest when I got out? That is a huge mystery to me.
Hi'Lena: When you got out...?
Me: Out of Void imprisonment.
Hi'Lena: Oh I see. Well didn't you give Xay your heart to be kept safe somewhere before you were imprisoned?
Me: I have no idea if I really did or not. I don't have those memories. I didn't know I was going to be imprisoned.
Hi'Lena: You don't...? That's strange. Do you think the 'Aphrodite' who gave Xay her heart was an imposter then...? Then again, that does not make sense on why that particular heart was stolen, unless it was the heart of the Shadow Queen...
Me: I feel like there is something obvious staring me in the face that I am totally oblivious to. That bothers me.
**Reference from January 6th: Xanamoi and Udunrinos...**
Hi'Lena: Well, lets go over the timeline and the solid facts. Do you remember anything before you were imprisoned in Void?
Me: We know that Ares had an impostor version. Was it the impostor Ares with us or the real one? The only memories I am getting from right before being trapped are from the TSPV sessions.
Hi'Lena: Thats actually a very good question regarding Ares. To answer that, we'd have to know when the real Ares was placed away, and when the imposter appeared.
Me: Things running through my mind.... Was Xanamoi really a minion of the Candelabra? Was Ares an impostor? How did they get a piece of my heart while I was in the Void Crystal? If they did then what else did they get? Was it the Aphrodite impostor that gave out the pieces of the heart?
Hi'Lena: The thing is, these imposters have been implanted I assume pretty recently within the past few years or so. Im going to take an educated guess and state that probably was Ares who was an imposter. He led us straight to Xanamoi to get your "heart"...
Me: Look in my memory of when I saw Xanamoi. What do you see?
Sentis: Xanamoi looks like a fiery demon creature. I see the pink heart in his chest. So you went to the Land of Fire.
That piece of your heart he had was taken by Vustik, but Vustik lost it. Vustik had a piece of your heart and was going to put it in the impostor to make her more real.
If anyone knows Xanamoi is it would be the Fire Demon. You would have to go see him. Xanamoi stole it from Vustik. I know Xanamoi is alive in the Land of Fire.
Hi'Lena: Wait a minute- hold on... Did Sentis say a 'piece'?
Hold the fucking phone lol. Cause I remember this adventure. There were pieces scattered around (Xay, Ares, Dragon King) and all over the cosmos that we had to retrieve. I don't know why they were there in those various places, but they were. And then there was this last piece that was in Xanamoi we had to get which was during the final battle.
Once we had gotten all of them I remember it was confirmed that that was your entire heart... If the only legit piece of your heart was in Xanamoi then what were all those other pieces? And why were they split so heavily? I remember portal jumping to get all of those, there were a lot.
This just sets up even more questions in my mind... Why were all of these heart pieces scattered and broken?
Why did would Aphrodite ever split these pieces and give it to different people (I know Aphrodite never likes to split herself, and she likes to be whole with herself so theres something shady going on)
If the only legitimate piece was in Xanamoi, how come when all of these broken pieces came together the heart was confimed as legit.
Me: There are two sessions that will lead us to Xanamoi. We must do the sessions for Brigitte Alexander and Sabrina Hannah...
Starting with Brigitte Alexander...
August 21st...
We are going to have to go to her true self. She is in the Land of Ice. We are looking for Yurmasia.
It is pretty cold here. There is a blizzard around us.
Sentis: Call her name into this. This little Light orb will go to her and let her know we are here.
Me: "Yurmasia..." Aphrodite whispers into the orb and it floats away.
Sentis: You see that far light that looks like an aurora to the northwest? There is the Great Divide between the lands of fire and ice.
She heard us. The snow blizzard is calming down. There she is. She is tall like a Giant, but she is not a Frost Giant. She looks completely made of ice.
Yurmasia: "You called to me. What is it you seek of me?"
Me: "I have come to ask about Xanamoi."
This riled some angry memory inside her.
Yurmasia: "Xanamoi I know him well. And you are friend to him?"
The blizzard is increasing in intensity.
Me: "He is no friend to me. He took something that belonged to me from someone who stole it from me. I got it back but I still have questions."
Yurmasia: "What did he take from you?"
Me: "A piece of my heart."
Yurmasia: "What did this piece look like?"
Me: "Glowing pink and he had it inside his chest."
Yurmasia's eyes light up.
Yurmasia: "So it was you. I never thought I would meet you. Then yes there is much we need to discuss."
Me: "Can you tell me of Xanamoi? Can you tell me what you remember?"
Yurmasia: "Yes I can."
This is long ago in the lands of Muspelheim of Fire and Niflheim of Ice.
The one that was referred to as the Demon King is Mephisto. He rules in Muspelheim. This is what we used to refer to as the Demonic Realm.
Those of Niflheim are called Yathrinians. Those of Muspelheim are called Melfrinians.
Yurmasia: "The one that mankind believes is the ruler of Niflheim, the King is actually a Queen. Both of them are two of the oldest beings. They only stay in these places. They don't go anywhere else.
I am one of the daughters of the Queen. I am the Keeper of Renewing Ice. This is a healing ice. The reason I am not angry with you is because like you I represent everything you do as Renewing Ice. Xanamoi and I were in love. We were destined to be together.
During the Urthak War the lands of Muspelheim and Niflheim did not get involved. They stayed neutral. This is where the vision will begin.
We begin the past vision...
Yurmasia is standing in a blizzard. There is a light of fire coming towards her. It is Xanamoi. They don't get too close to each other. Until they are allowed to join they will cancel each other out.
Yurmasia sayas 'I love you Xanamoi. We will be whole soon. Our love binds us to our destinies.'
Xanamoi says 'I couldn't think of any other possible destiny without you. What is happening in all the realms has spiked my curiosity. I wish to explore there. I wish you to come with me.'
Yurmasia says 'I will not travel to the other realms for I am bound to this one. In other places I would melt away.'
Xanamoi says 'This is why I travel to the realms to find a way to bring you to these places in which I seek. I wish for you to join me. Your love to have by my side. The wonders I have seen. Although these realms have fallen into chaos there are still wonders within this.'
Yurmaisa says 'If you are ever to find a way I will take this and see these realms of wonder with you.'
Then Yurmaisa blows and ice kiss to Xanamoi. He creates a little spark and sends it to her but it goes out before it reaches her.
Xanamoi says 'I will find a way to bring you to these places my love.' Then he leaves.
Yurmaisa is left there with the little bit of warmth that he left. She reaches out to touch it but it melts her a bit. She doesn't mind, it is worth it.
The vision changes...
There is always a constant blizzard going on. Yurmaisa is on a huge plateau of ice. She creates things out of ice.
She can take the cold and create things from it. She doesn't know of forests except for what Xanamoi has told her. She tries to create an ice forest.
This is her way of creating art of what she thinks the wonders are like. There are these little ice figures of different beings that Xanamoi has told her of.
Most of her kind have never seen other beings. They only live in Muspelheim of Fire and Niflheim of Ice.
As she is creating these things out of ice her mother the Ice Queen comes to visit her. They greet each other.
Yurmasia bows and says 'Mother.' The Queen says 'Rise my child and embrace me.' They hug each other.
Ice Queen says 'So this is where you have been.'
Yurmaisa says 'Yes mother.'
Ice Queen asks 'What are these things that you have created?'
Yurmaisa says 'Things from realms that Xanamoi has told me.'
Ice Queen says 'How would Xanamoi know of these places and these things?'
Yurmaisa says 'Because he has been there.'
Niflheim Ice Queen gets angry and shatters it all 'He has?!'
Ice Queen says 'This is forbidden. He will be punished for this once I speak to his father. He is not worthy of a daughter of mine.'
Yurmaisa says 'Mother, no, please.'
Ice Queen says 'My mind is made up. My choice is made.' Then the Niflheim Queen turns herself into a blizzard and blows away.
Yurmaisa is weeping. Her tears turn to ice when they come out of her eyes. She is angry with her mother.
Vision flashes forward...
Yurmaisa no longer speaks to her mother. She does not know what happened to Xanamoi. She has a secret places where she sculpts all the things he has described to her. Yurmasia sculpted this huge image of Xanamoi. She goes there and she weeps.
Yurmasia feels something. It passes by her and she melts a little bit on her shoulder. She goes out into the blizzard and she sees a light. It looks like a torch in the distance. The glow to it is kind of strange.
Then she notices that it is Xanamoi. She is very joyful and wants to get close to him. She notices a pink glow in his chest.
Yurmasia says 'You have returned my love. I thought you were destroyed.'
Xanamoi says 'I went to exile after my father's decision. There is so much I have seen. The conflict in the realms came to an end but a new darkness arises upon it all. Still it fascinates me. I have met many beings who have fascinated me.
I have watched them. They collect things. Things that I find interesting. New feelings are arising in me. Feelings of wonder. I have taken some of these things from them. I want to show them to you.'
Yurmasia says 'They sound wonderful. But alas, this is the closest and only place that we will ever be together.'
Xanamoi says 'No.' He shows the pink in his chest. 'I have stolen something from the Divine of Love and Beauty. With it I can bring you to these realms. We can rule there as King and Queen. For these beings are weak. They would bow before us.'
Yurmasia says 'What do you mean bow before us?'
Xanamoi says 'We would rule over them.'
Yurmasia says 'What about the ones who choose not to bow?'
Xanamoi says 'Then we will burn or freeze their worlds. They will kneel to us. They will love us.'
Yurmasia says 'And they will fear us. I do not wish to rule over them, only see the wonders you speak of. Trees, oceans, mountains, these things you call Elves.
All these different worlds. That is what fascinates me. It is what used to fascinate you. I sense a change.' She starts to weep. 'Are you still the love I know?'
Xanamoi says 'Yes I am. This is why I brought this.' He takes the pink out of his chest.
Yurmasia begins to reach for it but she stops. She asks 'Whose piece of heart is this? This is not mine. It is Love and Beauty, but it does not belong to me. You took this from another being.'
Xanamoi says 'I took it from one who took it from her.'
Yurmasia asks 'How do you know it was Love and Beauty if you did not gaze upon this yourself? Am I not Love and Beauty to you? I cannot accept this. This belongs to another being. Its Love and Beauty belongs to another. You must return this.'
Xanamoi gets angry and says 'Then I shall keep this piece of heart. For this being is true Beauty and Love. Where you are nothing but cold.' Then he leaves and she weeps.
She returns to her ice sculptures. She kneels before the statue of Xanamoi. She continues to weep. Then she gets really angry and screams. All the sculptures shatter.
Then her mother the Niflheim Ice Queen arrives...
The Queen puts her arms around Yurmasia as she cries around the shattered ice.
Ice Queen says 'There, there my beloved daughter. Most beautiful in all the realms of fire and ice. You are what is pure. You are love. Joy and sorrow. You have shattered all your sculptures I see. This pains you.'
Yurmasia says 'It does mother. As much as my loss of love for Xanamoi, the places he spoke of were true. Part of me still wishes to see them, but I am only left with sculptures of what he told me. They are his memories and not mine.'
Ice Queen says 'Memories are what we make them. What we share with ourselves. What we keep with us always. What we can look back on and smile or cry. These you must make on your own.'
Yurmasia says 'The only memories I will have is of my broken heart and of this place.'
Ice Queen says 'No. There is a way. Xanamoi is not the only one who has traveled to the other realms. I have, the Lord of Fire has, we have seen these places. They are beautiful in fact.'
Yurmasia says 'Mother! You said this was forbidden.'
Ice Queen says 'For good reason. Here in Niflheim and Muspelheim there is balance. In the other realms, especially Midgard, there is imbalance where chaos reigns. Suffering and sadness. Persecution. Annihilation. Death. All this exists there.
The beings there, Divine and mortal alike, bring this upon themselves. If you choose to see this I can grant you the way. I warn you, it will change you as it changed your love.'
Yurmaisa says 'I wish for you to show me the way. How will this be possible without melting?'
Ice Queen says 'Mortals. Mortals are a shell. Like the hardest ice that won't melt. The Divine, the Angelic, and other beings have done this for a long time. Now it is time for you to learn. You will remain here and you will have an incarnation in which you can explore these realms.'
The Ice Queen forms a fire in her hands and puts it inside Yurmaisa. It forms into stone.
Yurmaisa says 'How do I use it?'
Ice Queen says 'Think of a place you have always wanted to see.'
Yurmaisa says 'Earth.' Then Yurmaisa incarnates into her very first incarnation.
We see the incarnation as a young girl staring and smiling at a tree.
The vision ends and we are back in present time...
Yurmasia: "For so long there has been coldness and hatred in my heart. This was the last I ever saw of Xanamoi. I had hatred for the being he took that piece from. I believed that this being may have seduced him somehow.
Now I see that he stole something that was precious to you. A piece of your heart. Like he stole from me. If there is anything I can help you with please do not hesitate to ask.'
Sentis: What has been troubling you dear with this Xanamoi?
Me: "I want to know how Vustik took this from me. I was in the Void Crystal. How could anything be taken from me?"
Yurmasia: "I am sorry. I cannot answer that for you. Only Xanamoi can. However, I know where he is. I can take you to him if you will do something for me in return."
Me: "You want me to help mend your shattered heart."
Yurmasia: "Yes that is what I wish."
Me: "I cannot choose who you will love, but I can give you the ability to leave this place and meet others."
Yurmasia: "I would like that."
Me: "I can also connect you more with your physical incarnation."
Yurmasia: "If that is possible then I would enjoy that as well."
Yurmasia: "Although I cannot travel to see Xanamoi with you, he hides with his sister. I can show you the way to get there. His sister is kind but easily manipulated.
He has manipulated her to turn against her father so he can hide there in exile. This has brought tension between her and her father. For she is the fire aspects of sexuality and erotic lust. My ice aspects of love are based on purity."
Asherah Aphrodite starts to work on Yurmasia. She is adding something to the core fusion so Yurmasia can leave Niflheim.
Music begins...
Gladiator - Now We Are Free Super Theme Song
0:40 in the music... The blizzard is calming.
1:05.... Aphrodite brings other elements into her needles.
1:18... Aphrodite begins to sew them into Yurmasia.
1:34... The snow is gently falling.
1:50... The snowflakes that touch the needles form into threads. She is sewing them in.
2:18... Ice sculptures are reforming. Her ice forest. Everything that Yurmasia had created from ice.
3:00 in the music... Aphrodite takes threads from the sculptures and sews them in.
3:58... Aphrodite is combining the sewing and core fusion together.
4:32... Instead of snowing it starts to rain.
4:49... Aphrodite takes the water drops and pours the energy into Yurmasia while she continues to sew.
5:15 in the music... The wind starts to blow. Aphrodite gathers energy from the wind and puts it into Yurmasia.
5:49... There are green plants growing around Yurmasia. The ice trees are becoming real living trees. Aphrodite takes this energy of earth and sews it in.
6:24... Aphrodite gets help from Sentis who creates a ball of light and fire. It goes floating up.
6:55 in the music... Aphrodite takes the energy from the fire ball and pours it into the core fusion and sewing.
7:35... Flowers are blossoming on the plants and trees around Yurmasia. Aphrodite takes the energy from them and pours it in to the core fusion.
When the song finished Aphrodite wanted the song replayed from the beginning....
0:05 in the music... Aphrodite blows a frost wind energy into Yurmasia. It turns her into a solid ice block.
0:34... Aphrodite gathers energy from the rain, wind, light, fire, plants, trees, and she is making something.
0:59... Aphrodite is combining all the elements. She is using light yellow and pink energy. These are the energies of life and creation. Aphrodite forms them all together.
2:10... Aphrodite makes a paint palate out of all these energies.
2:30 in the music... Aphrodite begins to paint the ice block of Yurmasia.
3:09... The painting leaves trails of energy.
3:59... Aphrodite dances while she paints. She is painting faster.
4:45 in the music... Aphrodite is painting an image of a beautiful female figure on the ice.
5:55... She finishes painting and she pours energy into it. The ice is glowing brigher.
6:10... The ice is cracking and it breaks apart.
6:22 in the music... There is Yurmasia. She is no longer made of ice. She has blue-ish skin. Really bright blue eyes, snow white hair, and long Elven ears.
Me: "With this new body you will be able to walk the realms as you are."
Yurmasia cries and touches the tear of water. She had never seen water up close.
Yurmasia: "I weep but I am happy. Thank you so much for this. In any way I can return what you have done. Please do not hestitate to ask."
Me: "You have helped. I would like to offer you a bond with me."
Yurmasia: "I agree to this bond."
Yurmasia has cold bright light blue blood.
*Sentis does the bonding of Yurmasia with Asherah Aphrodite*
Q1. I still want to know who my TS parents are?
Yurmasia: "I only have one parent. She is the Queen of Niflheim."
Q2. If my TS is a healer what does the training consist of?
Yurmasia: "Yes I am a healer. I have Renewing Ice. I use this to heal."
Me: "Now would you like to go with me to see Xanamoi?"
Yurmasia: "Yes, I want to go with you."
Now the session for Sabrina Hannah....
Sentis: I am going to go be with our wee-one. I will let you two continue.
We go to see Xanamoi's sister who is the true self of Sabrina...
Me: "Lead the way Yurmasia."
Yurmasia: "We will go to the Great Divide."
*We travel to the Great Divide and see fire on the other side*
Me: "What is the name of Xanamoi's sister?"
Yurmasia: "Her name is Yaxania. She is the third oldest of the Fire Demon Mephisto."
We go to a volcanic mountain. This is where Yaxania and Xanamoi reside.
Aphrodite sees Yaxania. She looks similar to a succubus but all on fire. Sharp teeth.
Yaxania: "How did you both get here?"
Yurmasia: "Yaxania it is me Yurmasia. I can travel here now. I can travel many places thanks to Queen Asherah."
Yaxania is excited: "I wish to have this. How can I obtain this?"
Yaxania is sculpting images out of fire. They are fire trees and other things.
Me: "I can give you this if you can help me. These things that you are creating. Your brother told you of these did he not?"
Yaxania: "Yes, he did."
Me: "Maybe you can help me. Tell me of your brother when he had the pink heart."
Yaxania: "Oh yes, I remember. It was long ago."
Her past vision begins...
Yaxania is in a fiery place. She sees her brother Xanamoi coming out of some kind of strange portal.
Yaxania yells 'Xanamoi! You done it again! If father is to find out you will be severely punished.'
Xanamoi says 'Father will not find out dear sister. I am not worried about him. Come, I have many things to tell you.'
Yaxania says 'I am always excited to hear tales of the other realms.' They go off to another place.
Xanamoi says 'The realms are in chaos. All the beings have chosen sides and are fighting each other.'
Yaxania says 'This must be glorious. But you shouldn't travel there again. If father were to find out...'
Xanamoi says 'But I must travel there. I must find a way to bring my love Yurmasia to see these places. It would be my gift to her.'
Yaxania says 'Have you spoken to her of this?'
Xanamoi says 'Yes I just came from speaking to her.'
Yaxania says 'If you discover a way to bring her to the other realms would I be able to travel with you both to see them?'
Xanamoi says 'Yes you could travel there now if you choose.'
Yaxania says 'No I dare not go myself.'
Xanamoi says 'So be it. When I discover a way to bring my beloved to the other realms you are welcome to come with us.'
Yaxania says 'Tell me more of this Void. This dark place. Do you truly light it up there?'
Xanamoi says 'Yes there are some realms where no light exists. Ones like us shine brightly there. Although some places will catch fire from us and burn. It is wondrous.'
Yaxania and Xanamoi get a sense of something. The fire becomes more intense.
Yaxania says 'Father knows. He is coming. You will feel his wrath. You must beg him for mercy.'
Xanamoi says 'I shall not. I shall go where he cannot find me. I will return.'
Xanamoi opens up a strange portal and goes through it just as her father arrives. Mephisto tries to grab at Xanamoi but he cannot. This angers him.
Mephisto yells at Yaxania 'Are you part of him escaping? Tell me or I shall punish you!'
Yaxania says 'No father. I told him to beg you for mercy. To stay and never travel there again.'
Mephisto says 'I will believe you. But you can never help him again. For if he is to ever return I will douse the flame inside him and take it for my own.'
Yaxania says 'I understand father.'
The vision flashes forward...
Xanamoi returns to Yaxania. She sees that he is angry.
Yaxania asks 'You have been gone so long. Why have you returned?'
Xanamoi shows her the pink piece of heart. He says 'I have found a way to bring my love with me and she rejected it. I have found another in which to love. I cannot get to her. But I have this. One day she shall be mine.'
Yaxania says 'If this is true you will need a place to be until she comes to you. I know of such a place. Father has entered a great slumber, so his eyes do not peer upon our lands. You will be called King in his place. You should go there while father still slumbers.'
Yaxania asks 'How did you come by this?'
Xanamoi says 'A great being is trapped within Void Ice. This is ice that does not melt. The being inside is Beauty. Several other beings come to see her. They keep her there.
One of the beings hand melted through the ice. He touched her chest and pulled her heart from her. He took a piece and put the rest back. Then another being came and they were angry with each other. The other being was called a Vala. He was angry that the piece was taken.
The Vala and this being struggled with each other. The Vala took the piece from this being and threw it into the mist. The other being came to search for it. The piece landed near me. I took it and I put it within me. I will keep it until she comes to me. Then she will be mine.'
Yaxania says 'Then wait for her to come to you and claim her as yours.'
The vision flashes forward...
Xanamoi returns to her without the piece of heart anymore. He is angry.
Xanamoi says 'I was betrayed! She did not come to me. Other beings came to me and demanded the heart piece back. It belonged to me! But they took it.'
Yaxania says 'Our brothers are looking for you. They wish to see this piece that you had and took. Now you do not posses it. They will be angry with you. They will wake father.'
Xanamoi says 'Then I must hide here and they must never know. Never travel to the other realms. For all the beings there are treacherous. I would not wish for them to hurt you.'
Yaxania says 'Not all beings could be treacherous. There must be some who are loyal. Who value balance.'
Xanamoi screams 'There are none! All realms like Niflheim should be consumed by fire!'
Yaxania says 'This is not so. For where would fire be without ice? I love you brother, but your vision is difficult for me to understand.'
Xanamoi says 'In time you will.'
Then the vision ends and we are back in present time...
Yaxania: "Why have so much interest in my brother? Are you the being he took the piece from?"
Me: "Yes I am. My friends retrieved it for me. It was not his to take."
Yaxania: "And what would you have with him now?"
Me: "I want to meet him face to face."
Yaxania: "I can arrange this. If you can do something for me. Make me into the way you made Yurmasia so I can walk the realms without them burning."
Me: "I will do this after you have taken me to your brother."
Yaxania takes Aphrodite Yurmasia to see Xanamoi.
Xanamoi sees us and is extremely angry.
Xanamoi: "Sister you have betrayed me. You have brought them here."
Yaxania: "I have not betrayed you. I have kept you safe. You have given me nothing in return. Asherah offers me so I accept."
Yurmasia: "You are a liar and you are selfish."
Me: "Why did you keep the piece of my heart from me?"
Xanamoi: "Because you belong to me."
Me: "I have never belonged to you. You are a thief. Tell me what you saw Vustik do to me."
Xanamoi: "Why does it matter? Why do you care for him so much?"
Me: "I do not care for him. I care for what he did."
Xanamoi: "What will you give me in return for this?"
Me: "I will leave here without exposing you to your father."
Xanamoi: "Agreed then."
Xanamoi: "Vustik was building something. A being that looked exactly like you. He did seductive things to it while it didn't move. He wanted to complete it.
He gave it a conscious. But still he was unsatisfied with it. He was cruel to it and abusive. He wanted it to be more like you.
So little by little he drained essence from you and put it into this being. This being became pregnant and bared his child. A piece he took of your heart was the final piece to make her you. I took it from him. You have it back now.
He needed the piece of the heart to make this impostor being complete. He could never replicate what he did no matter how frustrated he became with the impostor. That it wasn't fully like you. Vustik had a daughter with this impostor being."
Sentis: The Shadow Queen is the daughter of this impostor.
Me: "How do we find this daughter?"
Yaxania: "I can help you do that."
*Yaxania does something*
Yaxania: "I know where she was taken. She was taken to the Realm of Torture where she was raised by servants who were loyal to someone you know very well. They still unbeknownst to her servants still speak with her."
Me: "Who is this they serve?"
Yaxania: "Exosaura. One of her servants would know who she is without realizing she is the Shadow Queen."
Me: "Is Exosaura aware of her?"
Yaxania: "No, the servants are not aware either."
Me: "Can you get me a name for this daughter?"
Yaxania: "Vashia." (Vah-She-Ahh)
Me: "I must thank you Xanamoi for taking the piece of my heart and keeping it safe within you. It was better with you than with Vustik."
Xanamoi: "And I must thank you for not waking my father from his slumber. Please return to your realms and never bother me again."
Me: "Where is Vashia now?"
Yaxania: "She never stays in one place. She is constantly moving."
Me: "How do I get her?"
Yaxania: "Like a fire bird you must catch them where they are going to land."
Me: "Where is she going to land?"
Yaxania: "Alfheim."
Me: "Do you know when she will land?"
Yaxania: "When the two sisters meet."
Me: "Who are the two sisters?"
Yaxania: "The sun and the moon. That is all I know."
Sentis: The Great Sun and the Great Moon are due to eclipse in Alfheim in a few Midgard days.
Me: "Have you heard of Rorvdiloen?"
Yaxania: "The son of your impostor with Umbranathor."
Me: "How many children did my impostor have? Two sons and a daughter?"
Yaxania: "Yes she did. Umbranathor, Vustik, and Yahweh had children with her."
Me: "Will you help me find the son of Yahweh?"
Yaxania: "I can but it will take time. Will you do for me what I have asked? Then I will serve you in what manner you need."
Me: "I shall do this for you. Then afterwards would you agree to a bond with me?"
Yaxania: "Yes I would."
Music begins...
Epic & Powerful Music: The Fiery Vessel
0:39 in the music... Aphrodite begins to use flames for sewing.
0:57... She gathers flames from everywhere from all the sources around Muspelheim
1:33... The flames are coming in very quickly. Firestorms begin.
2:00... Fire lightning comes crashing down. Aphrodite gathers the energy in her needles and sews it in.
2:33 in the music... Fire tornadoes are going around them. Aphrodite gathers energy threads from them. She is sewing them in.
3:20... Fire comes through cracks in the ground. She is bringing the energy up through the threads.
4:30... The flames are fading back down.
4:57 in the music... Aphrodite begins the fusion. She is gathering a little bit of fire and pours it into Yaxania.
5:27... Aphrodite takes the energy from the fire sculptures.
5:48... Aphrodite turns Yaxania into a giant flame as she pours more and more fire into her. The fire is engulfing Yaxania.
6:24... Aphrodite calls fire from everywhere.
6:39 in the music... Aphrodite pours wind into the large fire. It is flickering.
7:04... Aphrodite grows many living trees.
7:24... She takes the energy from the trees and pours it into the fire.
7:38... These trees are forming flowers that fall into Aphrodite's hands. She pours them into the fire and it is growing even stronger.
8:03 in the music... Storm clouds gather above. Aphrodite pulls down lighting and pours it into the fire.
8:22... It starts to rain from the clouds. Aphrodite takes the water energy and pours it into the fire. The fire is flickering.
8:51... The rainfall is coming down heavily.
9:02 in the music... Aphrodite forces all the elements of water, earth, air, and fire together. The fire is really strong.
9:22... The fire extinguishes.
There is Yaxania newly formed. She has reddish skin, fiery orange hair, fiery orange eyes. She has Elven ears. She looks similar to Yurmasia but a fiery version.
Aphrodite brings both Yurmasia and Yaxania together. She is very pleased.
Yurmasia and Yaxania hold hands and do not cancel each other out.
Me: "Are you ready to take the bond?"
Yaxania: "Yes I am ready."
Yaxania has hot lava-like blood.
*Sentis does the bonding of Yaxania with Asherah Aphrodite*
Me: "Now go into the realms daughters of Ice and Fire."
Q1. Will implants interfere with the Elf series?
Me: "They are not natural. This is a physical choice. They might interfere."
Q2. Why did you incarnate here?
Yaxania: "So that I could see the realms. My father taught me how to incarnate."
Q3. Have you ever tried connecting with your incarnation?
Yaxania: "Not very often. I wasn't sure how to make the connection stronger. What you did for me will help."
Sentis: The Shadow Queen has something called the Porcelain Dolls which are copies of her.
Me: "There has to be something I can do to catch Vashia."
Yaxania: "Be where the Sun and the Moon meet."
Anne just messaged me right after this... She has no idea of the sessions I just completed...
Anne: Tia-Nan wants to be with the Suns and Moons. There is a great pain in her chest and for someone reason she wants to go there.
After a while she hears a female voice.
Tia-Nan: "Who are you?"
Female: "Me? It does not matter. What the little Goddess is doing all by herself? Isn't that dangerous?"
This female is all in black. She has this Dark energy coming form her. I feel she is very dangerous. Her eyes are glowing..
Tia-Nan: "What do you want here?"
Female: "You were beautiful than I expected maybe I'll have you as my little lover."
She is walking around Tia-Nan but keeping a certain distance.
Female: "But before I you have something that I need a great power that you don't even remember of it."
Tia-Nan is in a defense position.
Tia-Nan: "No."
Female: "No. Do you think you have say in this?"
This Dark energy is flowing through her.
Tia-Nan: "You are here because of the Suns and Moons isn't?"
Female: "Indeed."
Tia-Nan: "Why are you so obsessed with them? I know you are of them."
Female: "Really? Step away..."
Tia-Nan has solar energy around her.. It's like a shield...
They are going to fight.. They are fighting..
Female: "Let's see what you got.."
Tia-Nan is keeping this dark energy away from her. She is being extremely careful...They fighting equal until now..
Me: "I am going to Tia-Nan..."
Me: Aphrodite arrives. She sees a copy of the Shadow Queen. I can tell it is a copy. I absorbed her.
Anne: Good. She was so creepy. I saw Tia-Nan arm as a little black because of when the female touched her..
Me: "I saw a grey robe and an eclipse."
Me: I absorbed this copy and I see more copies. The Shadow Queen keeps multiplying herself.
Anne: I'm shaking physically. Weird.. Maybe Tia-Nan is upset or because of Aphrodite energy.
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