Aphrodite and Set take down the Shadow Queen

We took down the Shadow Queen and all her copies. She was the daughter of Vustik with my impostor.

I found out more about her when we were piecing together the history with Xanamoi.

You can see her interactions throughout my posts since the Varkar got the Ancient Darkness.

Starting with a quick reminder of the conversation...

Sentis: The Shadow Queen is the daughter of this impostor.

Me: "Can you get me a name for this daughter?"

Yaxania: "Vashia." (Vah-She-Ahh)

Me: "Where is Vashia now?"

Yaxania: "She never stays in one place. She is constantly moving."

Sentis: The Shadow Queen has something called the Porcelain Dolls which are copies of her.

Me: "There has to be something I can do to catch Vashia."

It was after this session that I decided I was not going to play by her rules. I was going to go for her that day and not wait any longer. I decided to call upon the help of the Egyptian God of Chaos Set...

*Aphrodite strums the harp. Set arrives.*

Me: "Set I have something to ask of you. I want you to play a game."

Set: "I would gladly play games. What kind of game is it?"

Me: "Let me show you. This is Vashia. The Shadow Queen. I want you to do what you do best."

Set smiles: "She wants to play games? We will see how she likes mine."

Wait for the eclipse? I play by own rules.

Set is facing the Shadow Queen. She is trying all her little tricks on him. I am pouring energy into Set. He is getting right through them. He has her pinned.

Aphrodite absorbs energy from the Porcelain Dolls and shatters copies.

Aphrodite got something in her hand. "So this is how you make so many copies. This will come in handy." Aphrodite eats it.

Aphrodite is breaking the bones in Vaisha's face. Aphrodite ripped out her mind. Aphrodite is licking it. Then she crushes it.

Vashia tries a trick. She is getting away... Set got her.

Set: "You aren't going anywhere. We know your little games and tricks. I am the Master of Trickery."

Me: "Where is your heart little one?"

Vashia: "Do you think I would keep it on me? I have it well protected. As long as that heart remains so shall I."

Me: "Set my dear, do it..."

An energy comes up around Set that is very imposing. It is going into Vashia. Set is filling her with this dark chaos energy. He is making her give up all her secrets.

Aphrodite opens up Vashia's chest. She is speaking Thothilssin. This energy comes out of Aphrodite's mouth. It is a Dark Void energy.

Me: "Oh here is the heart my dear." Aphrodite has the heart and continues to speak in Thothilssin.

Myrrdonites come through the rift that Aphrodite opens up.

Aphrodite puts a hook into Vashia's chest and lifts her up into the air.

Me: "Give her to the new Cutter. Tell him this is my welcoming gift to him."

*Myrrdonites nod in acknowledgement*

Aphrodite shoves Vashia through a rift. The Myrrdonites go with her.

I still feel some of her presence. Aphrodite absorbs all of it into her. This was her essence that had gone into Vashia.

Countess of Pain Xexian arrives.

Me: "After the Cutter has had his way with her turn her into a Fallen."

Xexian: "Of course Queen Asherah. If this is what you wish. But I think a rottling slug would be more appropriate."

Me: "Yes that would be more appropriate."

Aphrodite takes the copying ability and lifts into the air then smashes it on the ground.

She grabs a porcelain doll and starts to eat it. She spits it out and throws it on the ground.

Aphrodite opens a rift. She reaches into the rift to Yaxania. She holds Yaxania's hand and gives her a kiss. Then closes the rift.

Set: "Thank you for the fun and games. I hope we can play some of these again."

Me: "There will be more fun and games to come that I am sure you will want to take part in."

Sentis: I can confirm that the real version of Vashia is with the new Cutter.

Naturome: Awesome. The shadow queen got her dues.

Britinn: Aphrodite is so Badass.

Del'sean: This is really good news. Finally that Shadow Queen got what she deserved. Aphordite and Set I got to say this that was really badass. Good job you two!

Meteusz: Pleasure to work with you.

Oge Igboegbunam: There's one thing that sets Queen Aphrodite Asherah from all the gods that exist. Especially the gods of monotheistic religions.

Aphrodite Asherah does not act like she's the greatest entity that has ever existed. Or will ever exist. However, she proves herself ever anew by defending her friends and allies against the negative forces, energies and entities. She protects her loyal friends and allies.

Despite her not acting like the greatest thing ever to have existed, she's definitely not a Queen you want to cross. You won't escape unscathed.

Unlike the gods of history, especially monotheistic Gods. These act like there's nothing greater than them and all must be controlled by them. When you don't want to be controlled by them, they seek to hurt you and punish you.

This is typical of a narcissist. We all know that things end badly for a narcissist when he meets that entity he just can't bend or control.

When I joined this group last Thursday, I had thoughts like 'You are in a cult, this is occult, satanic and demonic.'

I see that I was wrong. Because a cult always puts a figurehead as the greatest ever to have existed. Or to ever exist. And all must be controlled by the cult leader. Or else!

Amy Bass has been particular about not making subs that lower your vibration. So she's obviously not satanic.

As for occult, she's not occult because the chief aim of occult practices is to bend others to your willpower! Amy has absolutely no interest or desire for that.

My mind is at peace.

My True Self revealed these insights to me today so I thought it's best to share them here.

Queen Aphrodite Asherah is a power higher than me. And always will be.

In psychology, it is said that belief in a higher power is imperative for sound mental health. Anyone who believes there's nothing greater than him is doomed to fail in life. To perdition.

I can see why I am at peace with myself ever since I discovered Queen Aphrodite Asherah.

Release of Set: Egyptian God of Chaos...

Shadow Queen posts...

Ancient Darkness: The Era of the Varkar...

Ashoweah: Aphrodite becomes Ancient Love...

Return of Ashoweah and the Heart of Void

Xanamoi: Piecing the Puzzle Together

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