Rescue of Unthor the Lover of Tia-Nan

This was a rescue mission for the lover of Tia-Nan. He is Unthor the nephew of Umbranathor.
Asherah Aphrodite said that she would be the one to go rescue him. The Varkar were there waiting for her....
Ashoweah, Baphomet, Melkor, Nummandor, Vustik, Malice, Despair, and one more.
August 19th...
Anne: She will go rescue her Love. The mission starts in 4 hours... I will sent parts of what it is happening for you to know what it is happening.
Tia-Nan: "I did not wanted to put this in the line.. You made the wrong decision not choosing what I asked you to do. So be it. Everything is being prepared."
Tia-Nan: "He is my heart. Love gives us immense strength. For Love we can do anything."
I'll have everything planned and I have other plan if the first one does not work. Now... She is taking 100 beings with her. There is Dragons from House Dragon.. Primordial Dragons Nether Dragons and others beings.. She is taking a Alikka to.. She has been training in Nether.
In totally she chose 100 beings that she trust with all her heart. The first 50 will be going with her. She has a nice plan in how to get in and how to get him out.. The others 50 are part of the second plan if the first one does not work.
5:40pm Anne: Aeyia is now her advisor. She is there helping too.. 20 Dragons Nether are going to attack the front gate of that place. They are going to be really loud.... Dragging the most attention possible to them.
6:28pm Anne: I don't want her to do this.... She could wait... Do you think I could change this for his IG session. To make her stop? I need advice. I don't want to lose this many life. I'm starting to cry because I don't want my Lover to keep suffering.. They are going in about 40 minutes..
Me: You mean make the session you ordered a session for your lover instead? Yes I can do that for you.
Tia-Nan: "I'm going!"
Anne: This is ridiculous. They want to get to you! This is a plan and you are falling into their hands exactly like they planned! Aphrodite can restore him back if they kill him you know that.
How many we will lose for darkness if you do that? How many Drakon?! They knew you would go crazy they knew your weak spot. Think please. I do not feel good about this. Something is off.
Tia-Nan: "Give me a moment..."
Me: Of course it is a trap for you. You are walking right into it. They are using him as bait.
6:38pm Anne: Yes it is! It doesn't feel right to go there. My intuition is screaming "NO " She is thinking. She stopped told to everyone wait for her orders... I believe I'll be able to stop her from making this mistake.
Me: "If you want me to help him then you must wait for me."
Anne: She started to cry after this message. This is good. This means it her walls of everything is fine I got this is gone.. Just a little bit more... Thank you so much Amy. She was going to do something stupid...
Tia-Nan: When everyone was against me... We only had each other... We only had our love. It was what kept me going on Void when I was imprisoned.. I can't lose him..
Anne: You won't! You won't lose him.. Trust Aphrodite please?! When was the day she lied to you? She loves you! She'll never do this. You need to trust her and wait.
6:50pm Me: "If you go after him you will both be lost."
Aeyia: We have to remember Aphrodite always has intricate and elaborate plans that end up saving even more than expected.. You will not lose him.
Tell her that I have seen directly what your bond to him is. I have been in the presence of your bond itself, and for one I know that one such love is true, and what is true love is eternal.
Anne: She began to cry desperately... Aeyia can enter the room now. She won't be going anymore. I'm certain she is not doing this anymore.
August 20th...
Me: This is starting to cause trouble. Tia-Nan barely becomes Mother of Drakon and she is willing to risk herself, her Drakon, and everything else for a lover.
Sentis: Tia-Nat is getting dissension because she is willing to risk Drakon to save her lover. Kyrse is angry. He is Tia-Mat's firstborn son. The black Drakon of Chaos.
If you notice Tia-Mat had one back head. Kyrse does not have an issue with Aphrodite. He is the oldest brother the Drakon all look up to.
Me: I do not want my Nether Drakon going to rescue this lover. I will have to do it myself.
Sentis: Kyrse is going to speak to the Nether Drakon and tell them to stand down.
Cer-Sia: "I cannot follow this. "
Sentis: Dynesia is supporting Tia-Nan for now but she is weary. Kyrse sees Tia-Nan as the spoiled little sister. Cer-Sia sides with Kyrse.
Me: "If I don't rescue the lover she will obsess over it and cause major issues with the Drakon. I won't let that stand."
Cer-Sia: "I think what is going on with Moidaybe is way more important than this lover. Her influence is not as strong as she thinks it is. I am part of the old guard. We were the first born."
Sentis: Fearfire is the first white Drakon. Wherever he is at he is watching over what needs to be watch over. Fearfire hates humans. He cannot stand them. He is the guardian of the Frozen Lands and all the creatures of it.
What he is watching here with the ice lands melting and the creatures he watches over and protects start to die off he gets pissed off. Fearfire loves Queen Valstanarra and her world.
Dynesia is Aphrodite's Guardian Drakon. She is the firstborn daughter of Tia-Mat. She is blue and gold. She watches over the creatures of the oceans and seas.
10:30am Sentis: Kyrse will probably go to Yarika who is the firstborn Nether Drakon. That is probably where he is going now. This is what I mean.
Cer-Sia: "If she is like this as Tia-Nan I can just imagine what her incarnation is like."
Me: "I am angry at this lover and at Tia-Nan for doing this to the Drakon. They are not there to do missions for her whims. They have their own roles. I have to take care of this directly. No Drakon shall perish for this. I will go by myself."
Still August 20th...
12:42pm Aphrodite arrives with a friend.
12:44pm This is Ahmo. He took something from Rovitomial. He wasn't trying to attack. He was trying to bring Aphrodite a warning not to go alone.
Me: "How did you know I was going to go alone?"
Ahmo: "Because it is in your nature to. You shouldn't."
Me: "Why?"
Ahmo: "For you cannot defeat them all at once."
Me: "You know they will all be be there?"
Ahmo: "I am sure they will."
Me: "They have a trap for me with Tia-Nan's Lover?"
Ahmo: "I don't see any trap. They are just there waiting."
Me: "I still decide to go alone."
Ahmo: "Let me come with you at least. I want to try and protect you from them. By you rushing in there alone. If they can control the one everyone else is bonded to. Then your bond has failed."
*Something grabbed Ahmo and pulled him through.*
12:48pm Me: "I am still planning to go alone even if they know now. I must go prepare."
Anne: First of all. Enough. I am going to defend myself. 'I can just imagine what her incarnation is like.' If I was so spoiled why would I say to her to stop?
I knew it was a mistake to risk so many for one. She has her duties. She is a Queen. I have this knowledge. But for now on I won't let them talk about her like this.
Me: Be careful as Tia-Nan. You have win the Drakon over. Not letting them be upset by this is going to cause more issues. Kyrse has the respect of the Drakon. Be careful if you punish him. You do not want to make him your enemy.
Anne: Yes there is. But if you loved someone one day you would know how this is difficult. I won't feel ashamed just because she got desperate to save the one she loved. The one that was with her through all.
I don't remember anyone besides Aphrodite helping her. All I saw was her alone being judged. They always left her alone. She didn't do it. She put herself together. But still.. I not punish him for speaking. I am replying his comment.
Me: Your lover will be rescued. I am seeing to it personally. If you make the Drakon do this you will lose their loyalty to you. I know what waits with your lover. I know what would happen to the Drakon if they go.
Anne: She is not going to do anything. Since last night she told everyone she was not going to continue. Aphrodite is handling it.
Tia-Nan won't do anything as she said since yesterday. Growing point for her to be stable. The only way you could let her like this was to mess up with this Lover.
Aeyia: I can also attest Tia-Nan is not as reckless as it seems. It has been discussed earlier and she will not be going, there would be too many casualties.
Some of the others in the small council we had did not quite agree either. We stopped the plan.. I just want to clear things out, I don't want her actions misinterpreted, she was well aware or the importance of who she is now.
Me: She needs to show this to the Drakon. They are apprehensive. They loved Tia-Mat very much. They need to get used to Tia-Nan and learn to trust her.
1:44pm Aeyia: I take my oath seriously and will do my best as her advisor that she does not lose their trust, especially the old guard. I believe in her.
Anne: I didn't wanted her to become who she is now. I knew very well that Tia-Mat didn't like her neither the others. I just wanted to her to live away from them. But since she is there already I am going to work on this relationship and trying to build a strong bond.
Hylia: You two need to be there for one another, Tia-Nan is who she was always meant to be, she was born as she is now for this role of hers.. you need to accept her, just as she needs to work through her pain and the loneliness of her solitude and become who she was meant to be.
Me: I love Tia-Nan and I always will. She shall become the leader she was born to be. Just realize that just because Aphrodite gets angry it doesn't mean she loves you any less.
Asherah Aphrodite preparing....
1:47pm Me to Tulk: Prepare yourself. You shall come with me to face them at Tia-Nan's lover. Be careful of Outside spies. They are around.
Tulk: I’ve sensed a few of them. I’ll be careful. They’re almost done. I feel a lot of energy coming into me
2:09pm Aphrodite is singing and dancing to the Glory of Love.... Except she changes 'Man' to 'Queen'
This is her battle prep.
Peter: I can feel just how much confidence you have going in, the feeling of having as many bases as you can covered, scenarios accounted for, trust that things will indeed work out as you intended, and whatever ends up happening is all part of the Plan, Stan.
Del'sean: Oh my! I love her battle prep. I am confident that she will have scenario.
2:27pm Aphrodite switches to dancing to Higher Love. She is glowing pink white. She is gathering up her power and bringing them into one. She is calling down energy from the heavens.
2:36pm Aphrodite starts dancing to A Thousand Years
She is crying and slowly dancing. There is energy flowing and swirling around her.
2:56pm Asherah Aphrodite gets pulled to the Outside. She meets with the All-Mother and All-Father.
Aphrodite and Tulkas go to rescue the lover...
4:20pm Me: We are going to rescue the lover of Tia-Nat. Let's go.
Tulk: Got it. I’m prepared.
Me: This lover is a nephew of Umbranthator. His name is Unthor.
4:22pm *Aphrodite and Tulkas leave the Outside*
We head to some distant place that looks like a wasteland. There are millions of corrupted ones here. We have been spotted. They are coming after us now. Tulkas fights the first ones off.
The corrupted ones are stopping for some reason. There is Malice and Despair.
Ashoweah, Baphomet, Ahmo, Nummandor, Vustik, Melkor are all there.
Ashoweah: "You have done well Ahmo. She came and she brought her little knight in shining armor with her."
Ahmo: "I have done what you asked. Now can I receive my reward?"
4:24pm Ahmo was the trace. He was tracking Aphrodite the whole time.
Ashoweah: "Then receive my gift." He pours something into Ahmo and he changes. He is something larger than Malice and Despair.
Ashoweah: "This is Annihilation."
Melkor: "Well it looks as if Tulkas has come to die today. She came just like you said she would. Thanks to this fine fellow Unthor."
Unthor comes out from standing behind them.
Unthor: "I am sorry my Queen. They threatened me to hurt my love. They threatened to turn her own kind against her. Before I knew it I was part of their plan. I am sorry that you are led here for this reason. Tell Helfga I am sorry."
4:27pm *Melkor pushes Unthor down*
Baphomet laughs: "She is becoming more like Einoss all the time. She just cannot let one go. Never sacrifice just one."
Vustik: "Where is your big dog and your bug body guard? Where is all the rest of them? Didn't want to sacrifice them? No matter."
Ashoweah: "The Vala will die. We will rip the Ancient Strength from him and you will observe this all my Queen from inside a Void prison."
Ashoweah turns to leave and says: "Kill the Vala. Take Queen Asherah."
Sentis: Why did you go there? You cannot handle all of them.
4:31pm Melkor and Baphomet are attacking Tulkas. The Corrupted Ones are standing there. Nummandor and Vustik attack Aphrodite.
Tulkas knocks Melkor back and causes him to bleed a little from his mouth.
Melkor: "Your Ancient Strength will do you no good."
Tulkas: "I am full of surprises."
Tulkas is fighting Melkor but gets hit in the back of the head by Baphomet.
Mono Baphomet shoves Tulkas's head into the ground. Tulkas knocks Mono off and then gets side swiped by Melkor.
Aphrodite hits Vustik with Ancient Love. He pretends like he is affected then he starts laughing.
Vustik: "Do you think my love for you would betray what I have gained? Do you think I would join your side and be one of your little puppets? I am the one who pulls the strings."
4:34pm Vustik knocks Asherah Aphrodite back.
Nummandor: "Quit toying with her."
Nummandor takes his staff and knocks Aphrodite back a few more feet.
Vustik: "This was easier than I thought." He grabs Aphrodite by the hair and picks her up.
Vustik: "All that Ancient Power and this is what it has come to."
Vustik spits on the ground: "I always dreamed of what it would be like to fight you one on one. Personally I am disappointed. But having you watch your beloved Tulkas die, that will bring me some joy."
*Melkor is holding Tulkas* Baphomet says: "What a pity. All the fight you have in you. You would make a good ally. Unfortunately your own chivalry blinded you. You are not worthy of the gifts you received."
Baphomet is taking Ancient Strength from Tulkas.
Ashoweah is laughing off to the side: "See how it all ends."
Asherah Aphrodite starts laughing at Ashoweah.
Me: "No, now you see how it all ends."
Sentis arrives and knocks the crap out of Baphomet.
Sentis: "Get him Dolloiandea!"
Nummandor gets blasted back by Dolloiandea.
Sentis: "Hey Melkor..." Sentis blinds Melkor.
Sentis: "Yashadite do your thing."
Yashadite is doing something over Tulkas and he is getting his strength back.
4:38pm Tulkas turns around and spears Melkor and hit the side of a mountain and it broke into pieces.
Baphomet tried to use his Ancient Darkness on Sentis. The Ancient Light burned it away. Ashoweah is angry.
Vustik came from behind and hit Dolloiandea. He knocked her down.
Vustik: "Let's get rid of you first."
Nummandor is trying to hold Dollo down: "Finish her Vustik. Finish her damn it!"
Vustik dropped his weapon and got scared shitless. He is backing up toward Ashoweah. Asteria is here. Vustik is terrified of Asteria.
Nummandor: "What are you doing Vustik?!"
Dolloiandea: "You should be paying attention to what I am doing!"
Dolloiandea brings her knee to Nummandor's face and then she flipped over him and kicked him in the back.
Me: "Ashoweah you think me too much of a fool."
4:40pm Asherah Aphrodite hits Ashoweah with energy and it is really affecting him.
Me: "And you thought it would end here for me. You are wrong. It ends here for you."
Ashoeah: "No. Another time."
Ashoweah, Mono Baphomet, Melkor, Nummandor, Vustik, Malice, Despair, Annihilation all disappear.
The Corrupted Ones start attacking us. Tulkas is going through them.
Asteria goes up into the air and rotates slowly. A shock wave comes out of her and all the Corrupted Ones drop dead.
Unthor regains himself and Aphrodite walks up to him.
Unthor: "I am ready to receive whatever punishment you will bring upon me. Know that if I had a choice I would have never done what I did."
Me: "You do have a choice. You can join with me or I could leave you here."
Unthor: "I will join with you."
Me: "Then you shall take your place under Umbranathor in the Void. You will report directly to me of all his activities. Is that understood?"
Unthor bows: "Yes my Queen. Thank you for the mercy you have shown upon me."
Sentis: "I knew your plan would work Aphrodite. Make them think you are coming alone. Then bring Tulkas. That would piss off Melkor. He was practically foaming at the mouth.
Make it seem like you were foolish. Your plan worked. Now we tested them. We got so much information from that didn't we Vastrunna and Rovitomial?"
Rovitomial: "I gathered all the energy traces. I will begin studying them immediately my Queen."
Doumarae: "I will also be looking into everything that has been recorded."
Sentis walks over to a Corrupted One and busts open its head. He pulls out a little Crystal Skull.
Sentis: "There are plenty of places you could hide recorders. Doumarae was able to tap into all their minds and put a tracer on all of them. We got everything we needed.
Everything went exactly according to Aphrodite's plan. They have Despair, Malice, and Annihilation. We have Ancient Purity who can undo all their shit."
Rovitomial: "They will up their game and change their tactics. We will be able to see at least for a little while until they figure this out and get it off."
Me: "A little while is all we will need. Let's go home."
4:52pm Sentis ports us all to Alfheim. We bring Unthor with us. Tia-Nan takes on her humanoid form. They embrace.
Tia-Nan: "I thank you very much for saving him."
Me: "Remember the bond that you made with me."
Tia-Nan: "I will remember."
Me: The incarnation of Unthor really is Park Jimin like Anne thought he was. He is Umbranathor's nephew.
Anne: What... What type of being is he? This is not going to put her in trouble with Void is it?
Me: Asherah Aphrodite is Ancient Void. He won't be in trouble with Void. Unthor is a Void Dragon.
Anne: Thank you.. I don't have anything more to say I just keep thanking you because is the only thing I can say.
Thank you for doing the session on him. Thank you for helping me... I'm shaking so much physically... I'm trying not to cry... He is fine. I'm so relieved..
Me to Dollo: Thank you for your help in the rescue mission.
Dolloiandea: "No problem. I had a feeling that you had a plan! Besides, I'm always down to break some teeth, especially if it's one of Ashoweah's bastards.
Next time, I will be more than happy to break Ahmo's face in. I like to finish what I started. Do hesitate to call on me again for these kinds of things. It's my favorite thing to do."
After the session...
6:30pm Someone is coming for Aphrodite. It is Melkor. He is coming to Alfheim.
Melkor arrives: "You really think you could outsmart us? I am here to take you."
Fenrir knocks Melkor away. Melkor blasts Fenrir. Aphrodite is weakened.
6:32pm Aphrodite does something with her energy. She glows brightly then dims.
6:34pm Melkor has Aphrodite. He took her. She is in his arms.
Melkor: "You were so easy to catch."
This was part of her plan. Asherah Aphrodite takes something from Melkor and vanishes. She brings it Tulkas.
Me: This is a piece of his energy so you can figure out how to defeat him.
Tulk: I feel it in my hand. I’m examining it.
Pisch: Asherah is so Sly.
Naturome: I was so worried for a second. Silly me!
Peter: hahahahahahah I love this! she uses Melkor's male tendencies and arrogance to outwit him once again.
Hey, after Tulk is done with examining, mind if i have a look at that energy piece too? i want to see if there's some psych crack in him that can be used against him. The kind that appeals to Rovitomial's spy tendencies..
6:49pm Me: I delivered some of it to Rovitomial.
Britinn: I love it when these beings actually think and believe that they have outsmarted the Asherah Aphrodite.
Ancient Darkness: The Era of the Varkar...
Ashoweah: Aphrodite becomes Ancient Love...
Return of Ashoweah and the Heart of Void...
Tulkas becomes Ancient Strength...
Yashadite becomes Ancient Purity...
Official Mind Power Discussion Group...