Primordial Fairy Aevren and Melkor

This primordial fairy session includes a fight between Ark, Tulkas, and Melkor. A huge fairy monster attacks Alfheim and turns many of our friends to obsidian.

August 8th 2018... PST timezone...

12:02pm Xalanar: Can someone help Aevron please? She's at her home in the Fairy Kingdom and she's being attacked. I think she just lost consciousness.

I tried telling Xalanar to go but I can't sense his presence right now. Can someone find Xalanar and ask him to find Aevron NOW!!

Me: Aevren is on my list for a core fusion but not an ig session. I was going to start on the ig immediately if she was on the list.

I understand you wanting me to go rescue her without an ig session, but I cannot. This is not fair to those who donate to be on the list who are waiting to be helped.
It is also not fair to all the others who do not donate who also have trapped or captured true selves. Why help some and not the others...

I cannot just do a rescue mission for some without an ig and not others. This causes a lot of issues. There has to be an exchange.

My hands are tied, especially without a bond. I have to have set boundaries.

Fundin: It's understandable.

Aeyia: We understand Amy. That's why I will do at least what I can for now.

Peter: This is more than Fair, Amy. If we cannot abide by this, then the balance you seek to achieve has no meaning.

Xalanar: She's never talked about family. She's close with Xalanar and Caleb's TS. Seems like it's more than an attack on Aevron though.

Aeyia: I am just a bit annoyed none of the others in this land are coming to help when I am risking myself and I just had to interrupt an important diplomatic meeting for Sirens and Elves for this.

Riley: Doumarae can help. Where do you need him?

Fundin: The beings seem to be able to melt into shadows and reappear in different shadows. They're not trying to attack me though. Just... watching. Like you said.

Aeyia: I dont know these lands well. I am in woodlands with colorful foliage, and three of these hooded beings who are ambushing me. I am not afraid of them but I don't know how to fight them.

Peter: Yes. i can feel them observing. there is a lot of creepy tension in this land. Doumarae, join us at cherry blossom land, as Aeyia describes.

Kandi: I feel uneasy. Sounds like they're not attacking because they know what would happen.

Riley: Understood sending Doumarae now.

Xalanar: Yeah Riley please help Aeyia.

Riley: Doumarae should be there now. I just told him to go to cherry blossom land and felt a huge jump in my chest area.

Xalanar: Aevron is a Fairy-Dragon shifter by the way. Whatever took her out must have been...powerful.

Peter: Lets look really closely at the situation. we need to sniff out details before we act in our normal ways. Clues on how we can act in unexpected ways to throw them off..

Fundin: They shy away from light. They could be waiting for the night.

Kandi: Sounds like they are waiting. If none of Aeyia's powers worked and they're just staring at you guys they're probably waiting for that "ultimate attack".

Aeyia: Light!? Does Doumarae have light abilities?

Xalanar: Sounds like they could be vampyres?

Aeyia: At this point this looks like a staring contest albeit really really creepy..

Peter: Doumarae could summon a celestial body to keep the area illuminated.

Xalanar: Alright I think Xalanar is tracking Aevron right now. If someone could find him and help him track her? We need her found and healed asap.

Kandi: A thought came to mind. Maybe protect yourself and play the waiting game and they'll waste away.

Aeyia: This is what we are doing. Just making protection around us and observing...

Xalanar: Which of you has the best tracking abilities?

Riley: I could summon a celestial body if possible. If it will help. I don't know all my abilities. I have camouflage abilities and mind control.

Kandi: Who will give in? (I'm sorry if this seems out of character I asked Centaurs to help me think of a solution)

Peter: I am observing too. I don't feel right in rushing off with Xalanar - it feels like they are expecting him to rush off.

Aeyia: I don't know whether Xalanar was there at the stone yesterday this can be very dangerous.

Me: No Doumarae, you are High Chancellor. It is much appreciated for your enthusiasm, but you have duties in Alfheim.

Riley: Sorry about that returning to Alfheim.

Aeyia: I am sorry but I am getting out of here. Where can I take the girl that sort of looks like a fairy? Should I even trust her? I am not taking her back to my homeland.

Fundin: I feel like this is more of a probing-for-weaknesses kind of thing.

Aeyia: Ah wait, the dagger Meale'na gave me wasn't for fighting...

Peter: I feel like I also need to withdraw. It feels like if we continue here, it sets off their trap.

Xalanar: Aevron has good senses so I'll see if she can connect when she regains consciousness. I think Xalanar will find her. I hope.

Fundin: They're trying to gauge the kind of response they get.

Aeyia: Goo came out of the "girl" I was protecting and a headache is forming. That is it I am fucking out. I'm going to my teacher to get cleansed. I'm sorry I cannot risk this. And that is after attempting to see what the knife would do a single scratch on "her".

Fundin: None of us is familiar with her. She might be long gone man.

Kandi: Dang imagine if you would've brought her back for healing.

Riley: Abort. Get out of there.

Peter: I am bugging out too.

Fundin: Seems like Aeyia got caught by the bait. Gonna bug out.

Aeyia: I am leaving her in the dome. And leaving here.

Kandi: Make sure there is no spy stuff attached to you.

Xalanar: Aeyia I'm sorry if I put you in danger. You know it would kill me if anything bad happened to you.

Peter: Do what you said you were going to do Aeyia.

Xalanar: Thank you to everyone who helped.

Kandi: Damn. I'm sorry about your friend, Xalanar. I haven't lost hope yet though.

Fundin: It's a really pretty area, shame about the evil lurking things. And the eerie, unnatural quiet.

Aeyia: Don't worry I am not weak, I just think this kind of rushing to help wont help anymore. I should have learned from past experience...

Peter: Xalanar i suggest you not engage them either, they are expecting you to do this and have something really nasty for you planned.

Aeyia: I don't understand the whole situation to be frank..

Fundin: There is great change happening. A reshuffling of many powers that were.

Xalanar: If Xalanar has gone to find her then I can't do much to ward him off. He would do anything for certain friends.

Fundin: Expect more of this to come, all over.

Aeyia: Yes do not engage. I went to my teacher at my pegasus order and he looked like I was the dirtiest right now including a massive headache. Im getting cleansed "washed". Xalanar shouldn't go especially if we dont know whats going on.

Fundin: Lesser creatures nipping at the edges while the guards are off warring.

Peter: They know our patterns pretty well, they have gather much data from all their eyes littered across all our chats.

Aeyia: Can Aevren get an IG session quickly?

Fundin: Yeah, I have a feeling that you might need the big guns to track her down reliably and get her to safety.

Riley: That would be good if she could.

Xalanar: Yeah she said she'll donate tomorrow.

Aeyia: They have been observing us for a while now I imagine. If they cannot directly attack us they observe us.

Frank: Amy Bass I can pay for her IG session right now. Is this okay?

Aeyia: There's something bothering me though... It looks like I didnt go to where she would be but some sort of land illusioned to be like one.

Fundin: There's no getting rid of them, there's only the development of greater degrees of self-control that can bring them to heel.

Aeyia: Wow Frank you are a kind soul!! This could help Aevren so much!

Xalanar: Frank you are too kind. I'm not sure Aevron would allow you to do this, you may have to stay anonymous.

Frank: I will send the donation right now.

Peter: Perhaps a fair exchange for Aevren is she can reimburse Frank when she can.

Fundin: Yeah I wonder if it was a slapped-together illusory place. Hence the lack of some details, like sounds. Just enough to get us to hang out there for a few minutes.

Aeyia: It could be. A theory... what if they wanted someone to help without a bond so they could capture more and make their own forced bonds on them?

Frank: Now I know why I have been penny-pinching more than usual this month. For this moment, surely.

Fundin: But it would have absorbed the "way" the attack happened. Like a flash of light on a film in a camera.

Aeyia: There is an illusory magic that lets the caster cast an illusion and the victims' magic to get out of it are immediately reflected back on them. So its like casting magic on a mirror only to cast it on yourself..

Fundin: Basically yeah, continue to not go into unknown situations with guns blazing. Ahh that makes sense too.

Peter: our case swords swinging and magic slinging...

Fundin: Instead of trying to overpower us, have us overpower ourselves. Then scoop up the dazed TS.

Aeyia: Yes, at some point it just is better to protect yourself or retreat. Or break out of it but didn't think of it.

Fundin: Yes, at some point it just is better to protect yourself or retreat. Or break out of it but didn't think of it. He likes fighting the same way actually. Reflecting attacks.

Aeyia: Rephrax magic and rephrax giants are honestly so awesome.

Fundin: Aeyia aww thanks! I was really impressed with you since your adventures saving the baby dragons, and I've always liked Caleb and Anne's TSs too. We can all hang out and swap magic/power tips or spells sometime. Well, maybe not Alkelion, might be a bit beneath him lol.

Frank: Donation sent. Can't let a friend fall into the hands of the Candelabra. That would be a cruel fate. I won't watch it happen.

1:01pm Me: Got the donation. Starting in a few minutes.

Ark: Let me think for a few minutes before we start on this.

Me: "We should get some advice from Ekkam."

*Ekkam arrives. He and Asherah are going over the situation*

Aevren: Hello everybody. Thank you so much for making this possible. My utter gratitude goes out to Frank.

1:11pm *Asherah, Ark, and Ekkam are devising a plan*

Me: I know you send a photo of just yourself, but who is this old man spirit with you? He is actually in the photo.
Aevren: An old man spirit? Might it be my dead grandfather? I will send you his name as a private message.

Ark: I think it is. How did he die if you don't mind me asking? Did you have a close bond with your grandfather?

Aevren: He was a smoker most of his life and was heavily weakened for years before his body gave up. He died December 2 years ago, if I recall correctly. I would see him once a year for a few weeks. We did have an emotional bond.

Ark: He is draining off you a bit but it is not bad. All dead spirits do by nature even without trying to. He probably doesn't know that he is. He is not destined for the borderlands. He is still in transition and not letting go.

Xalanar: Is he your mother's dad or your father's dad? I suspect he hangs around you because he wants to protect you from your family.

Ark: Xalanar makes a good point. If her grandfather was the only one she could turn to for help in her family then this is why he is holding on. For her.

Aevren: I would've never expected him to... I hope he will be content in whatever afterlife he is destined for.

Ark: He needs to transition or he will keep draining. He is not doing it on purpose. As he drains this can cause depression, anxiety, and even to the case of extreme paranoia. He is not doing this to harm her. Dead spirits require energy to stay. When they hold on they absorb energy from the living.

That is why sometimes when there is a sudden death in a family why some cannot let go even after many years and they fall into a deep depression. They still claim to speak to them. Even if the spirit is a real good person and they are holding on. They are still draining the living family members. We need to move him on.

The dead are dangerous in this way. They can drain the shit out of you. When you are a sensitive and have abilities it is even worse. It affects you more.

Aevren: Would it help if I tried to talk to him?

Ark: If you will talk to him about moving that could be good. You can tell him 'I am growing now. I know you love me and you want to protect me, but I have to learn how to deal with this. It is all part of growing. I have to become strong. You need to move on to a better place because you deserve that.' If you ask him how to help with family members that will make him want to stay more.

Aevren: I said pretty much exactly that.

1:28pm Ekkam does not know where Aevren is. He wants Asherah to try and bring her here and see what happens.

Asherah is trying to bring Aevren. Asherah usually does some sort summoning thing to bring a true self. It is not working. We are just flashes of images.

We discovered that Aevren is a Primordial Fairy. This is why she can shift. They are very rare.

Aevren: My True Self often goes into hiding and makes it impossible to find her.

Me: Primordial Fairies carry more primordial energy than any other primordial being. This is why they are so rare. This is probably why they want her. What are they using primordial energy for? That is the question.

Aevren: They already took her everything once. Her heart, core, soul and mind. She vanished. She managed to come back and bring it back to not only her but me as well. I do not know how she did it but I know exactly the power that she holds.

Me: Primordial Fairies do not reside in Alfheim like most fairies. They live in a place that is almost entirely made of primordial energy. They do not have any other beings that protect them. Collectors love to get their hands on them because they carry so much primordial energy.

Ark: I think she has been caught by Collectors a few times and has escaped.

Aevren: She has been captured many times. She is very targeted and therefore tries her best to stay unnoticed. She loves the solitude a lot.

Ark: When you guys went to rescue here and went to that illusionary land. They let you go. They knew you would bring in the big guns. The hooded figures could be Candelabra.

Aeyia: So it was an illusion...

Kandi: So they indeed were waiting for an ultimate attack.

Me: Primordial energy could be one of the ingredients to make these monstrosities. She has gotten away from Collectors before so she knows how to outsmart them. This is something more.

Aevren: It's impossible to find her when she doesn't want to be found. I'll keep trying to convince her.

Ark: Since we know they are trying to get some of the leadership to come. In all strategy we should just back out. Any wise War Minister would say that. But I love a good game of chess. How to turn this around on them...

Fundin: The illusion is still there. It's easier and easier to see the sloppy parts. Not inside of it now, at a good distance.

Ark: Good leave the illusion there. Keep your eye on it.

Fundin: The edges are shimmering like heat waves.

Ark: This is poor workmanship for the Candelabra. That doesn't sit right with me.

Fundin: Outside contractor?

Me: They wouldn't make it so shitty that you could notice. What is their end game? They want us to know it is an illusion.

Ark: It could be an outside contractor.

Aeyia: Could it be the one they were referring to about being alive and thriving?

Me: Aeyia give me reference for that. When I arrived, it was said that "he is alive and thriving and we shall suffer once again" after I rescued the fainting fairy. And that "the crux was taken". I just hope this isn't complicating things.

Ark: This is too easy of a plan. They are making this too easy to figure out. Outside contractor is possible. Something is just not sitting right. Even if it was an outside contractor for the Candelabra they wouldn't make it so easy. They know we would figure it out. What is going on?

Kandi: Maybe a trap?

Atesh: “Mirror”

Fundin: A feint within a feint within a feint. Fundin is getting as far away as possible. I think it's stacked illusions, so many that they're unstable. That would explain the flashes of images, there's a lot of interference. "Find the edge"

Ark: I bet this is the Controller Ahzprikan. I think he didn't die. I think he is trying to fix himself.

Aeyia: Well, that's not good at all... Is Aevren sure the fairy girl I trapped under a protective dome not her?

1:54pm Me: "We need Fundin in Alfheim."

Fundin: Understood. I'm feeling a lot of urgency but not getting clear communication. I'm not sure if it's on purpose.

Aevren: Yes, you got the right fairy.

Aeyia: What, its you? Because she is still under the illusion. And when I pricked her to see if she wasn't an illusion either a bit of goo instead of blood came out. I left her under the protective dome in case. I hope its not you...

Aevren: "No, it is not me! My incarnation's senses are being overwritten by this pest. Excuse the confusion."

Aeyia: Good phew!, it would've been very bad if it was you

2:01pm *Fundin arrives with a Fairy*

Ark: "Put that fairy in isolation right now under heavy guard."

Ark places his hand on Fundin's head: "Show me where this place is... I got it. I am going."

Fundin: Be careful man. Needless to say, but still

*Ark goes through a portal and closes it. He went to this illusionary land alone.*

Ark: "No matter what happens do not come here. All of you keep your eye on the effing fairy."

*Ark gets attacked by Arcturian Battle Magus*

Ark: "What is your end game Controller? There you are."

Ahzprikan: "My end game is having you find out it was me."

*Ark gets hit from behind by the Vala who was with Baphomet. Ark gets grabbed by him and ported somewhere.

Ark and Melkor are floating near a huge blue sun. There are is much astroid debris. Ark cannot see Melkor but he can hear him.*

Melkor: "You think you always have it figured out. Fate and Destiny..."

Ark: "What is your end game Melkor?"

Melkor: "My end game is you."

Melkor: "Do those who follow your beloved Queen, your love. Do they not know the secret threads you pull for them? Every outcome in your favor? In their favor? For what have you done with your free will? Change the fates and destiny of your beloved and your friends."

Ark: "It is true. I change the outcomes of everything to favor them. To favor my love. To restore balance."

Melkor: "And that has been your own undoing. I knew you would come."

Ark: Now I can see Melkor come into view.

Melkor: "You just couldn't let any little one of them go. You couldn't sacrifice one of them. Coming from a Ourhkina who knows sacrifice. And now... you choose not to let one of them be sacrificed. Even in their death you go to extreme lengths to change their outcome. Controlling the Fate and Destiny of all your so-called friends. Even your beloved."

Ark: "This is true. I see them set on the path of self-destruction. Before where I could do nothing, only idly sit by and watch it. Never before allowed to intervene. Now with free will I have chosen to intervene. To reset threads on the path to righteousness and redemption instead of decay and self-destruction."

Melkor laughs: "Always the crusader. Always carrying the banner of hope. You base yourself too much on hope. It is what brought you here."

Melkor: "Looking for this little thing?" *Melkor is holding Aevern.* "I knew you, Queen Asherah, and your friends would figure it out. I knew you would all come running to save her. Especially you because you never sacrifice anyone.

This is how the balance changes in our favor. The other Candelabra are blind. They throw themselves bent on Queen Asherah and her friends when they don't see the real threat behind it all. Which is you. They care more to control other beings than control Fate and Destiny."

2:14pm Melkor attacks Ark and is laughing wildly

Melkor: "Think of it. We are making history in all the realms today. The first battle between Vala and Ourhkina."

Ark: "You are a disgrace to the Valar. The Valar and Ourhkina have fought side by side since the beginning of time. We have bled together in the Urthak War. We bleed together now. So what do you know of either of us?"

Melkor: "I know more of your kind than you think. Baphomet taught me everything you all know. He is the Baptizer. He seals your powers to you."

2:16pm *Melkor grows horns like a Ourhkina. His wings change into their kind.*

Melkor: "The power that he taught me I never took for granted like he did. Even in the end Baphomet was weak. He could have finished you and grabbed control of Fate and Destiny. Right now I would be drinking my wine from Tulkas' skull. Soon enough I will be."

*Ark and Melkor are battling back and forth*

Ark: "Whatever happened to you Melkor is what happened to Baphomet. Search for the balance inside you."

Melkor: "There is no more balance. Only desire."

2:19pm *Rovitomial is freaking out. The fairy that Fundin brought is turning into a monstrosity. Everyone is trying to fight it off including Asherah. The fairy monster broke out of the palace. It doesn't even look like a fairy anymore it is a winged monster.*

Fundin: I sensed a lot of unwillingness to bring it to Alfheim, he wasn't sure what he had but guessed at it. It attached to Fundin more than he brought it, once he started seeing the instability of the illusion.

2:21pm The fairy monster screeched really loudly at the Elven guard. You can see the sound waves as energy waves. The guard covered their ears and turned to obsidian. A dragon was going to attack it from behind and it also got turned to obsidian when the monster screamed at it.

Pisch: "Everybody get out of the way!" She creates an ice wall. As the sound hits the ice wall it turns it into obsidian.

Fundin: Fundin has an idea but it's not tested. It would be unwise to use in a populated area. A gift learned of The Flame of The Mother

Yusvago and Fenrir are going after it.

Me: "NO!"

Both Fenrir and Yusvago got turned to obsidian.

Me: "No one else go near it!"

Fundin: "We have to find a way to get it out of here. It is just going around screaming turning everything to obsidian."

*Jimjinn just got turned to obsidian*

Pisch is trying to freeze the monster.

Doumarae: "I am going to try to block it from screeching. Try to block its sound."

Doumarae turned to obsidian

Kamile: Is it possible to bounce the sound off somehow into the monster?

Me: "Pisch create an ice mirror in front of it."

Fundin: I can make a crystal vibrate and emit a counter-frequency. Like sound-cancelling headphones.

Me: Do it Fundin.

The ice mirror failed. It bounced back towards us. Pisch is turned into obsidian. Fundin did his plan and it worked. It didn't work fast enough to protect Pisch.

Fundin: The golden flame of primordial consciousness.

Melkor: "Do you like my little creation? I am sure your friends are enjoying it right now."

Melkor: "You see it don't you Arku, the destruction of all of them. Your beloved, you friend. All because you wouldn't sacrifice just one."

Ark: "I see a lot more than you know Melkor. The destiny I see for you is well deserving... Now Vastrunna!"

*Vastrunna grabs Aeveron and jumps through a portal*

Melkor: "You think too much. You think you know everything. That is where you become arrogant. Then you become ignorant."

Ark: Vastrunna should be coming with Aevren . Heal her really quickly.

Aeyia: Vastrunna coming badass as always!!

Oskar: I am so proud to being helpful for Queen Asherah.

2:32pm Fundin and Moidaybe are distracting the monster. They are dodging the screams. Their attacks seem to just bounce off.

Pink energy is glowing inside Asherah Aphrodite as she walks up to Aevren. Asherah touches her on the forehead. Energy flows from Asherah through her hands and into Aevren.

Asherah leans down and kisses Aevren on the head. "Wake up my beautiful."

Aevren opens her eyes: "Queen Asherah. Where am I? Am I safe?"

Me: "Yes you are here in Alfheim. You are safe. But I need your help. We all need your help. Alfheim needs you."

Asherah picks up Aevren: "Can you fly?"

Aevren: "Yes I think I can."

Me: "Then fly with me now."

*Asherah and Aevren fly up and towards the fairy monster creature*

Aeveren: "That is the monster I saw in my nightmares. I was dreaming and I could not wake up. It was chasing me and screaming at me like it is now."

Me: "I know you are afraid but I need you to be brave."

Aeveren: "I will be brave for you."

Me: "I need you to sing. I need you to sing as loud as you can. Sing your beautiful melody so all can hear."

Aevren begins to sing very loudly. She starts to glow as she sings. It is a very high pitched beautiful melody.

Me: "Sing of your love and beauty for all things."

Aevren continues to sing. The obsidian is cracking around everyone who was trapped. Fenrir, Pisch, Doumarae, Yusvago... they are all being set free.

Me: "Now my beautiful. Sing of your rage. Sing of your anger. Sing of your hatred for all the pain that was caused to you by those who have harmed you. Sing it to that monster."

Aevren is screaming a song at this monster. She glows with immense primal energy. The monster is reacting and doesn't like the song.

Me: "Now everyone! Destroy that beast."

Everyone is attacking the monster. It is beginning to crack. Fenrir rips one of the legs off. Fundin and the rest are breaking it into chunks. It is about to scream again... Pisch froze its mouth.

Pisch: "Now Yusvago!"

Yusvago does an uppercut and shatters the jaw and front part of the face. Everybody concentrates their energy and power while Aevren is screaming a song. It shatters the monster into dust.

Fundin: Wooo. What a rush.

Kandi: Now for Melkor. Get 'em.

Aevren description: You have charcoal colored skin, red hair, red eyes, red wings. When you enrage you grow bigger and get huge wings. You are able to shift into a black and red dragon. You have bright firetruck red lips, red finger nails, red eyelashes.

Tulk: That’s an awesome look.

Ark: "Your little pet is done Melkor."

Melkor: "It makes no difference. There will be worse that follow that one. As if it would matter. Today I win. Today we win. Today I control Fate and Destiny."

*Melkor stabs Ark in the side with an Orthac blade*

Frank: No no no...

Melkor: "Die!"

*Tulkas knocks Melkor off of Ark. Melkor is laughing.*

Melkor: "Two for the price of one."

Tulkas: "How about many for the price of one?"

*Tulkas clones himself into hundreds and they start to attack Melkor. Then Melkor shatters all the clones at once.*

Melkor points at Tulkas: "I just want you." *He attacks Tulkas.*

Del'sean: This is horrible.

Aeyia: It truly is...

Tulkas: "What have you become?"

Melkor: "I am the future. I am the destiny of us all."

*Melkor stabs Tulkas with the Orthac blade*

*Ark and Tulkas both try to fire attack Melkor but he snuffed the flames out and then turned them back on them.*

Melkor: "Your bond will not save you. I don't plan to kill either one of you. I will put you both where you belong."

Melkor is trying to encase them.

Melkor: "Tulkas, no more hero to the rescue. Arku, no more changing fate and destiny to favor your beloved and her friends. I control that now."

Melkor: "I will be the bringer of their destruction."

*Melkor is encasing both Tulkas and Ark*

Something else knocks Melkor off. Whatever it is really surprised him.

Deep dark voice: "Try to imprison me!"

Melkor tried to attack this thing and it is doing nothing to it. It is Danaark!

Fundin: The big guns are big.

Shuvo: Melkor is fucked.

*Melkor opened a portal and fled away from the Hungali Danaark*

Kandi: He wanted the ultimate attack. He got the ultimate attack.

Frank: That's right, run! That fiend can tuck his tail between his legs...

*Danaark picks up Ark and Tulkas. They are both fading fast.*

Danaark: "Not yet. Not yet."

Kandi: Save them, save them!

*Ark is recovering in his dark waters. Tulkas is recovering in Valinor laying on a beach with golden waters washing over him.*

2:52pm *Back in Alfheim we are cleaning up black dust everywhere. Rovitomial is going through his smashed up lab again. We are all gathering in Alfheim.*

Aeyia: I feel bad for Rovitomial.

Kandi: If I could I would fix his lab in a heartbeat. And upgrade it!

Ginger: Geez how many times is this now?

Del'sean: I feel bad for Rovitomial and his lab.

Me: "Aevren I think it is best you stay here in Alfheim with me. I may need some use for you and your beautiful voice."

Aevren: "I agree. I hear of a bond and I wish to take it."

Del'sean: I hope everyone in Alfheim will be all right. My heart beats for them.

*Ark arrives from his dark waters. He is ready to do the bond of Aevren with Asherah Aphrodite.*

Frank: I love Ark. Everything he does for us and has gone through.

Kandi: How many times has he almost died now?

2:56pm *Both Asherah and Aevren sing together as Ark does the bonding*

Me: Aevren give us your six questions my dear. You also have a core fusion.

Frank: I love Tulkas too. He has always been there fighting his hardest.

Ginger: Tulkas and Ark never cease to awe me.

Kandi: One thing I don't understand. When Ark and Tulk were fading were they teleported somewhere?

Me: Danaark placed them there. Where they needed to go to heal.

Tulk: I’m healed now. Felt everything happening in my body.

Aevren: My six questions? Oh I wasn't prepared for this.

3:00pm *Asherah Aphrodite brings the incarnation of Aevren through a Myrrdonite rift. She begins the sewing for Aevren. They are both singing and dancing together. There is primordial energy flowing into the threads.*

Ginger: I love how each time a being goes through CF and the sewing, it always so unique to them.

Frank: I felt so much love from Ark. He truly cares about us so much. He's so amazing.

Del'sean: Tulkas you never cease to amaze me. You are amazing! The love Ark have shown for us and Queen Ashereh Aphrodite. You have sacrificed for us everything. You are really amazing.

*The music for Aevren is intensifying from an elegant dance to a faster pace. Aevren is growing bigger.

The song gets even more dramatic. Aevren is much bigger. There is an immense amount of primordial energy. Aevren is at full rage and she is screaming.

It calms down and Aevren gets smaller. The music is calming. The singing is not as dramatic.

A soft melody begins and Aevren is at her normal size. Asherah and Aevren are both singing softly.

The sewing is complete. Asherah and Aevren begin to hum as the core fusion begins.*

1: Do you want me to depend more or less on you? I feel like I do too little on my own and expect too much from you.

Aevren: "You can depend on me and learn from me. I want you to fully depend on me so you can become me."

Me: If you are trying to separate yourself as two individuals you won't be able to fully become your true self. Depending on Aevren is depending on yourself.

2: How can I solve our problem of the constantly rebuilding blockages? Is it because I cannot handle certain abilities you have?

Aevren: "That is the physical and emotional reactions. It has much to do with your grandfather still being around you. It drains you and creates blockages and doubts."

3: What will become of the pest taking from us? There is a pest that was bothering Caleb and his TS for a while now. It jumped over to us and set deep roots within. It took a lot from us.

Frank: I know of this pest as well. It is relentless, and Caleb's efforts to destroy it have been ineffective so far.

Ark: "Rovitomial can removes this pest."

Aevren: "I agree to that. I want it removed."

Aevren: "The thing" is a being that lives off others' life forces and energies. It possesses a being and sucks it dry, also forces it to take from others. Parasite is a way to describe it. My TS doesn't want me to tell the things it did to us.

*Rovitomial is working on removing this from Aevren*

Rovitomial: "This is a tricky little bugger, but I can get it out. It is not as bad as those monstrosities or those cubes."

3:20pm *Rovitomial got it out of Aevren. It looks like a little weird pest creature. It is a parasite that causes excruciating pain and other horrible things. Rovi is incinerating it in blue Dwarven fire.*

Kandi: Good. She is free now.

Aevren: I hope it will give back what is ours. It took more than I care to admit from us.

*Rovitomial retrieved what is yours and gave it Asherah to return during the core fusion.*

4: How do I better protect myself and fight entities such as these?

Aevren: "I have been running so much that I have not had the chance to fully develop my abilities. Here in Alfheim I should be able to develop them further."

5: Any tips for better connection and integration?

Aevren: "Through primordial energy, nature, and elements. Concentrate with those. Use them as tools and familiars."

3:23pm *Asherah Aphrodite is still working on the core fusion for Aevren. They are both singing very loudly and dramatically. Then the music calmed and they sang more elegantly.*

Aevren: The pest seemed nearly indestructible.

Me: Dwarven fire took care of it.

Aevren: I believe my True Self already destroyed my subconscious so that wouldn't be necessary anymore. Thank you and everyone else endlessly for all the help.

Me: Wow Aevren you are right. You really did destroy your own subconscious.

Me: What kind of playlist would you like?

Aevren: "Anything that helps me connect with my incarnation. I would like the Elf series."

Ark: We have not seen the last of Melkor. I think it may come down to a face off between Melkor and Tulkas. Apparently Baphomet taught him too much.

Peter: Woke up a while ago and spent this whole time catching up.

Ark: Oh Peter you go through so much while you are sleeping. Getting your lab trashed every other day.

Peter: Yeah, I am going to have Rovitomial upgrade that lab to be completely modular, so that WHEN it gets smashed, and each time it gets smashed, it can be rebuilt instantly. ...and every module being replicatable / clone-able.

Me: Fogbeard loves Rovitomial's lab. He gifted him with blue Dwarven fire. Rovitomial gifted Fogbeard with a gemstone from another universe that changes color. The stone tells you what kind of day you will have by the color. Almost like a mood ring.

Fogbeared turned the gemstone into a necklace. He mentioned it earlier when he said "Orange. It is going to be a busy hectic day."

Peter: lol, it certainly turned out that way. Dwarven fire, incredibly useful, and now my fire gets to be two-toned. Thank you Fogbeard!

Ark: Dwarven fire is badass. It is incredibly hot. If you take a soft metal like gold and stick it in there it would evaporate instantly. It is one of the hottest fires in existence.

Peter: If Rovitomial's lab is as typical as labs go - sterile, spartan, etc, I am gonna make some modules that will be contrary to that. If Rovitomial's going to host guests, like pregnant TS mothers, these things will be needed to add some.... life to the lab.

If I am going to be influenced by Rovitomial, then it needs to be a two way street. I imagine in Alfheim there is oodles of nature, so there would be no need for me to have additional plants ...and a permanent cookie jar in the comfy areas, for a constant supply of Asherah cookies.

This is the best playlist for you...
1. Arella's True Self Embodiment - Become Your True Self
2. Arella's True Self Connection Mental Emotional
3. Become a Female Elf Beauty DNA Combo - Galadriel Reproductive
4. Elf DNA Activation - Activate Elven Potential
5. Become an Elf Warrior Combo - Elven Bones Muscles Nerves
6. Become an Elf Combo - Elven Mind Brain Digestion Skin Hormones
7. Become an Elf Combo - Personality Abilities Heart Lungs Immune Lymphatic
8. Dragon Affinity Level One Remake - Dragon Energy Attunement
9. Dragon Affinity Level Two - Dragon Empath

3:57pm Me: "The core fusion and the session are complete."

Aevren: Did the pest give back what it took from him? I just wish for this issue to be solved for once and for all

Me: Rovitomial got everything the pest took. Rovi is brilliant and very meticulous. He is a perfectionist. He has a way he does things and expects everyone who comes into his lab to follow the way he does it.

Peter: Damn, sounds like me before my pilgrimage alright. I still retain some of those traits... I hope incarnation me has a chance to influence the TS and contribute some of my evolution for the benefit of both of us.

Ark: I need to take a rest before we do anything else. Melkor had figured out what Tulkas and I were doing behind the scenes. Especially about me changing Fate and Destiny in our favor.

Regardless of how powerful you feel or think you can become. Do not let it go to your head. Other beings take notice of this and they will challenge you.

There is always a bigger fish in the sea. Tulkas and I experienced this today. Melkor would have taken us out if Danaark had not come as an even bigger fish to Melkor.

Peter: Well, considering everything Melkor says, I think its right that EinossArku to take his stance. The dark, death destruction is way too nihilistic.

Me: Why do you think we are able to say in sessions quite often that they survive the plague? EinossArku is Fate and Destiny. He does what he can in favor of the cause. He influences threads for our friends.

Ginger: Our great respects to Ark.

Peter: Does EinossArku need to do other things behind the scenes so that his changing threads do not unbalance the greater scheme of things?

Ark: Yes I do. I am not going to reveal all my ways.

Intuitive Guidance Sessions...

Core Fusions...

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