Tia-Mat and Tia-Nan: What it Means to be Mother of Dragons

Tia-Nan recently became the new Mother of Dragons. It has not been easy for her since she came into this role. You can read about this in these two posts...
Ancient Darkness: The Era of the Varkar...
Rescue of Unthor the Lover of Tia-Nan...
When you have read those we can continue on... The All-Father came to us and told us of the problems currently going on with the Drakon. He told us of some sessions that needed to be completed right away.
All Father: "You must do the sessions for Vahxiaiah and Urisia. They are Drakon born of Tia-Mat. They are important and you need to find them. There is dissension among the Drakon."
For Charlotte who is Urisia (Ur-E-See-Ah) and William who is Vahxiaiah (Vahx-Cee-Aye-Ah)....
August 22nd...
5:06pm We are starting with the session for Charlotte...
Asherah, Sentis, and Kyrse are going to go find the white Drakon Urisia. It is cold here. We are somewhere with ice next to an ocean. Kyrse is the first born son of Tia-Mat. He is a black Chaos Drakon.
Sentis: "She is around here somewhere."
Kyrse goes into chaos fire mode. He is calling to her. The winds are picking up. There she is...
Urisia: "Sentis, Asherah, Dear brother.... I wish we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances. But we all know that is not the case."
Me: "There is dissension among the Drakon Kingdom since the death of the Dragon Mother."
Kyrse: "The new one cares not for our kind. Only for her lover. This is concerning. She should not be Dragon Mother."
Urisia: "Come we shall speak of this matter in my home."
We go to her home which is an ice cave. There are little penguin-like creatures around. Aphrodite thinks they are adorable. They are called Mifgits. They are very friendly.
Me: "Do you think Ashtarnia would love one of these?"
Sentis: "I am sure she would enjoy one. We will leave him here for right now."
Urisia: "Come in and make yourself at home. I must check on my young."
She is taking care of three dragon eggs. Urisia warms them with her blue fire.
Kyrse: "How many is this now?"
Urisia laughs: "I cannot quite honestly remember. I can barely remember the names of all my children. I am supposing that my incarnation desires to hear more about me. Where I came from. I will not take all the glory away from my brother. He will tell you must more. We could bring him here if you wish and we could both tell you."
Me: "Is this possible? To bring Vahxiaiah?" (The true self of William).
Urisia: "Yes under the present circumstances he would come."
Vahxiaiah is on his way to join us. Asherah Aphrodite is fascinated by the dragon eggs. She is touching them and they respond to her. You can see the silhouette of the dragons inside. They are almost ready to hatch.
Urisia: "What can you remember of the birth of the Dragon Mother and how our kind came into being?"
Me: "I know what most Divine know. But somehow I have always connected more to your kind."
Urisia: "Mother always thought so."
*Vahxiaiah arrives and greets us*
Vahxiaiah: "Queen Asherah, Sentis, beloved sister, dear brother... It is good that you have called for me in such times of urgency."
Urisia: "Yes we were waiting on you. Our incarnations wish to know more about our past. I was going to tell it but then I thought of you since you are the Keeper of Wisdom."
Vahxiaiah: "Ahh, yes. As you may know Queen Asherah, the Mother was the first of us. But how she came into being is a story you may not know. Long ago only shortly after the Four created the realms they began to inhabit these realms.
The Elementals, the Nature Folk, and the Divine. As you know the Angelic served the Divine and were created for that purpose. The Creator smiled upon this as the Elements, Divine, Nature Folk, began to populate realms with creatures, plants, animals, and dominant species.
Because this pleased the All-Father and All-Mother they spoke to the Creator of this. This warmed the Creator and the Creator was pleased with the progress of the Children of the Four.
The Four were pleased with the progress of their children. The Creator bestowed upon them a gift of the Angelic beings.
For as much as you do not know this, Drakon are Angelic beings. Created for the purpose to serve, guard, and protect the elements and nature folk and their creations.
To do this in the beginning the Creator made Sentis, Varis, and Tia-Mat. Sentis then separated and became the Ourhkina. Varis separated and became the Hungali. Tia-Mat however was stricken with the fight between Chaos and Harmony in her, the light and dark.
Every time she tried to separate herself she grew another head. The first head she grew was black. This carried on six times to give her seven heads. Tia-Mat the Mother is both Chaos and Harmony.
After the seventh head emerged the Mother Dragon began to feel life grow inside her. She produced a young. A chaotic birth that nearly destroyed her. He is the only live birth of the Drakon without an egg. She expelled most of the Chaos from her into this young. This created Kyrse.
She began to have a better sense of balance. To preserve what she was trying to do she gave birth to a daughter. This was a cold birth. Because she did not expel Harmony this caused her to lay an egg of ice. When the egg hatched it was Preservation for the others to come. This was her first daughter."
Urisia: "That daughter was me."
Vahxiaiah: "That Preservation made it possible for the others to come. The next two Drakon that were born were twins. Dynesia the blue Drakon which represents life and harmony. And the red Drakon me Vahxiaiah representing time and wisdom.
Then she bore the maroon Drakon Cer-Sia who is Prophesy. Then she bore the green Drakon Barsia who represents renewal.
Then she bore the one you probably would have liked the most because of her coloration. It was her daughter Layaisia who represents love and compassion."
Me: "Layaisia sounds wonderful. Why have I not met her?"
Urisia: "Because alas she is no more. But she lives on through her daughters, sons, grand-children, and great-grandchildren. The Drakon serve the purpose of as the guardians and protectors of the elements and nature.
Then the time of the Urthak War came. The division between the Divine and the Children of the Four, many have forgotten the unaccounted lives lost as destruction reigned across the realms.
This caused a rebellion. A civil war between the Drakon. For you see, our brother Kyrse here was our enemy during that time. Many of the realms, the animal folk, the plants, the trees that were destroyed have been forgotten."
Vahxiaiah: "By the end of the Urthak War Tia-Mat had commanded all her children to cease the violence between them or she would devour us all. Tia-Mat began a disdain for Nature Folk, Elementals, and the Divine.
She witnessed thousands of her children die in the Urthak War. Tia-Mat during the time of that war because of the conflict within herself and realms began to feel something grow inside her. This troubled her.
She was plagued with visions of the deaths of all of her children. She called this thing an abomination because she believed it would be the downfall of her kind.
When she gave birth to it one of the Seven of Odin and another swore to destroy this creature for her. As we know now they did not.
Tia-Mat suspected as much because of her distrust of the Children of the Four. She commanded her children to be weary of this child. To some of her Drakon she asked them to destroy it upon discovery."
Urisia: "As she told me along with my brothers and sisters, that this would be the death of her. That conflict would reign upon us. For their would be a claim of a new King of Drakon."
Vahxiaiah: "How much do you know of Umbranathor's past?"
Me: "I know what he was capable of in his past. Any extra details you can share with me I would be grateful."
Urisia: "Umbranathor was never meant to be the King of Void. He stole it. Umbranathor's father never wanted him to be King. He was foolish and easily manipulated.
For this Umbranathor became angry. He went to the other Unicorn and claimed that his brother was trying to ursurp the Void throne. Because the Void Drakon supported his brother this caused conflict between the Unciorn and the Drakon.
For which his brother ended up being blamed for and sent into exile. Umbranathor claimed to have avoided major conflict between Unicorn and Drakon. This is was false. Because of this he became next in line for the throne."
Vahxiaiah: "Let me take you back to a time you may remember."
Vision shows the past in the Void...
Vahxiaiah and Kyrse are meeting wtih a Void Drakon named Ceias.
Ceias says 'You both have come. There is not much time. You must remain undiscovered. The Scarlet Selene spies infest the Void capital and the Candelabra influenced the King.'
Kyrse says 'Soon he will be King no more and we will find this child that he hides.'
Vahxiaiah says 'Still no word from his Queen Kurebon and where he had vanished?'
Side note: Kurebon is a male but is considered Queen as he is married to the King Umbranathor. The Void is feminine with male King and Queen. The Light is masculine with female King and Queen.
Ceias says 'We have searched most of the Void to find him. Still there is no trace.'
Kyrse says 'Once my sisters arrive they should be able to pick up on his senses.'
Urisia and Layaisia arrive and join them in the Void.
Vahxiaiah says 'Dear sisters you have come. Any aid you can offer to help us find the missing Queen. Then we can undo Umbranathor as Ruler as the King of the Void.'
Urisia says 'Kurebon has always ruled through compassion and love for the preservation of the Void. If there is any of that which exists still in there then we should be able to find him.'
Kyrse says 'This will remove Umbranathor from the throne. When we take this evidence to the King of Light she will have no choice but to declare Umbranathor an unfit King.'
Vahxiaiah says 'That will be the easy task. We know the King and the Light's constant conflict with the Scarlet Selene will play into effect. What we find here will be proof of Umbranathor's secret alliance with the Scarlet Selene and the Candelabra.'
Ceias says 'We are very close now. As I warned your brothers, this place is full of Scarlet Selene and Candelabra spies. We shall disguise ourselves as Void beings.'
Vahxiaiah says 'I shall go to Umbranathor and distract his attentions for a while.'
Kyrse laughs 'That won't be hard. Considering he gets distracted by his own mirror.'
They all chuckle and laugh.
Urisia says 'We should go then. Good luck to you my brother. We will find the Queen Kurebon and we will unmask Umbranathor and expose him.'
Ceias turns them into the image of Void beings.
Kyrse says 'I feel so weak in this body.'
Urisia says 'As fragile as these bodies are there are many things they can do. It reminds me of my incarnations. Light and elegant. You should try incarnating sometime dear brother.'
Kyrse laughs 'And give up my wings and my strength? No thank you.'
Ceias says 'We must press on for there may be very little time before we are discovered.'
They go through the Void capital. Ceias and Kyrse head one place. Urisia and Layaisia go underneath in the basement of the capital.
Ceias says 'I believe I know where to search for proof of Umbranathor's connection to the Candelabra and the Scarlet Selene.'
The vision moves to Urisia and Layaisia...
Urisia says 'I am having the strongest sense of love and preservation.'
Layaisia says 'I get the same sense of love, but it is not from the Queen. I feel sadness and despair as if a heart was broken and keeps breaking.'
Urisia is looking at the wall that always changes inside the Void capital. She says 'There is a presence through this wall. A hidden place.'
Urisia opens the wall. Her and Layaisia look at each other.
Layaisia says 'Do you feel that?'
Urisia says 'Yes. It feels like being trapped. As if bound in chains but much more than chains. I sense great suffering. I believe we should not go in here alone. I shall find Kyrse and Ceias.'
Layaisia says 'I shall stay here and see what else I may sense. Hurry back.'
Just as Urisia gets ready to turn to leave she feels a presence coming into the room.
Urisia says 'We are not alone.' There is Melkor.
Melkor says 'What are you two little bitches doing down here? Wait a minute, you are not Void. You are Drakon!'
Melkor is about to attack them. Layaisia goes through the wall and pulls Urisia with her. The wall closes. They find themselves in a place of Void mist.
The vision switches to Umbranathor...
Umbranathor is with Vahxiaiah. Umbranathor says 'Wisest of the Drakon, what are you doing here?'
Vahxiaiah says 'I come to you with great concern. There has been rumors of Candelabra and the Scarlet Selene within your capital.'
Umbranathor says 'I don't know what you are talking about. Why would I deal with the likes of them?'
Vahxiaiah says 'Where is Queen Kurebon? Why have none seen him in a while?'
Umbranathor says 'He is down at the market or somewhere. I don't keep constant track of him. I am not a jealous lover. I am loyal and faithful. I let him do as he pleases. Freedom. That is how you keep him happy. Love and loyalty, that is what I am.'
Vahxiaiah says 'You try to convince me of that but your eyes cannot hide the truth.'
Umbranathor says 'I wasn't talking with my eyes.'
Vahxiaiah says 'Would you be able to convince the Light King of this?'
Umbranathor says 'No reason to get her involved. She won't understand the circumstances anyway. She is a straight up bitch. All she would do is try to come over here and try to wreck my perfect marriage.
I personally think she is unhappy. It is not my fault. My Queen loves me with all the freedom I give him. He knows to come home. I always here taking care of things in the Void. Making sure that no baddies slip in.
Then you come in here making accusations based on rumors. That I am in league with the Candelabra and the Scarlet Selene? I have nothing to benefit from that.'
Vahxiaiah says 'Oh but you do. Maybe I should wait until the Queen returns and we should speak to him on this matter. If he repeats the same words you have just told me now then I guess I am a fool to rumors.'
Umbranathor says 'There is no reason to hang around. There is no telling how much time he will take being gone. With all the freedom I give him he really soaks it up and just takes advantage of it all. Not that he is taking advantage of my love. My love can never be taken advantage of by him. I give it freely like I give him freedom.'
Vahxiaiah says 'I will choose to wait to speak to him on this matter.'
Umbranathor says 'You cannot wait here but I may have a place you can wait.'
Vahxiaiah says 'Oh and what place is this?'
Umbranathor says 'It is really nice. You will really enjoy it. Really enjoy it indeed.'
*Void being come up and whisper in Umbranathor's ear. His eyes get wide.*
Vahxiaiah says 'Then you should show me to this place so I can wait there.'
Umbranathor says 'Change of plan. You are going to wait right here. That other place is under construction. I forgot. I am going to go check it out right now. You just wait right here. Stay right here. You never know, if you stay here long enough my great beloved may come back. So just wait right here.'
Vahxiaiah says 'I will be here when you return.'
Umbranathor says 'I am sure you will.' Then Umbranathor laughs.
The vision flashes over to Ceias with Kyrse...
Ceias and Kyrse are going through the Void archives.
Ceias says 'I found it.' He shows this scroll. It is a contract between Umbranathor and the Candelabra for the containment of valued prisoners.
Kyrse says 'This is exactly what we need to bring Umbranathor down.' They hear a little boy behind them.
Boy says 'Whatcha doin?' They turn around and see little Unthor who is Umbranathor's nephew.
Ceias says 'We were updating the archives for your uncle. You know how tedious he is about his archives.'
Unthor laughs 'That is not my uncle. What are you really doing down here? Are you looking for the secret place? Because I know where it is.'
Ceias says 'What secret place?'
Unthor says 'Where my uncle keeps the Queen and the lady in the glass.'
Ceias says 'We would like to see this place. Could you take us there?'
Unthor says 'I don't think you could fit. Drakon are big.' Unthor can see through their Void being disguises.
Unthor says 'I could get your brother from upstairs to come. I know my uncle is going there. I watched him go.'
Kyrse says 'Yes. Let us get our brother and go there.' Then Kyrse stops and starts sniffing Unthor.
Ceias asks 'What is it?'
Kyrse says 'Something strange. Something not right.'
Unthor says 'Come. I will take you to him.'
The vision flashes to Layaisia and Urisia after they went through the wall...
Layaisia and Urisia are going through the Void mist. They are getting a sense.
Urisia says 'I can sense the Queen Kurebon. He is this way...'
Layaisia says 'You must follow it then for there is someone else trapped her. The sense of love and heartbreak I got earlier. I shall see and if I can help then I must.'
Urisia says 'Be well dear sister and may the Mother watch over you.' They both go opposite ways into the mist.
The vision flashes to the Void throne room...
Vahxiaiah is there waiting. Kyrse and Ceias arrive with Unthor.
Vahxiaiah says 'You have found the way to the Queen.'
Ceias says 'Yes, it is just as you thought. Umbranathor has Queen Kurebon imprisoned somewhere. His nephew knows the way.'
Suddenly Void guards surround them. Guard says 'Drakon you will leave here by order of the King. Arrest the other two and execute them.'
Guard says 'Unthor return to your chambers.'
Vahxiaiah says 'I will not leave here until I speak to Queen Kurebon. You can tell your King that his secret plans have been uncovered.'
Guard says 'Then you shall die here Drakon.'
Kyrse says 'It is you who will die!' Then Kyrse gets out of his disguise and burns all the guards.
Kyrse turns to Unthor and says 'Take us to the secret place boy!'
Unthor wets himself and says 'Yes.'
The vision flashes...
Urisia sees a figure off in the distance in the mist. She goes into her natural Drakon form. Urisia says 'Queen Kurebon! We have come to free you.'
Kurebon is in his regular form and says 'Ugh! Stay away!' Then he transforms into the Void Monster.
How Kurebon became the Void Monster...
The Murder of Alakin Silverleaf
Urisia says 'Oh crap.' The Void Monster begins to attack her. She uses her frost fire against him but it doesn't have much affect on him.
Urisia is backed up to a wall but cannot get through it. She trieds to break it. The Void Monster begins to glow with Void energy. He strikes at him and knocks her up against the wall.
The Void Monster is holding her against the wall. Then he gets burned from the back. It is Ceias, Vahxiaiah, and Kyrse. They are battling against the Void Monster.
The vision flashes...
Layaisia sees Aphrodite in the Void Crystal. Layaisia runs up and touches it. She knows who this is.
Layaisia says 'Aphrodite! So this is where you have been.' She hears voices in the background.
Vustik yelling 'You stupid donkey! Why didn't you tell us right away of this Drakon? We could have killed him and disposed of him without Tia-Mat knowing. Now you risk involving the Light into our affairs here. If you are not the stupidest of all beings...'
Melkor says 'I should just kill him now. Damn the Light King. I will face her and take her head.'
Vustik laughs 'You think you can take on anyone. But what do you know?'
Melkor says 'You have jeopardized everything for your little pet.' He is talking about Aphrodite.
Vustik says 'Do not worry about my collection. The Master wishes me to keep her here. I keep her here. We will kill this Drakon and if the Light King comes we will kill her too.'
Layaisia is trying to free Aphrodite. From behind she hears Vustik....
Vustik says 'Well look at this. Little lizard caught in a trap.' Layaisia turns around and sees them. She goes into her natural Drakon form and roars up.
Layaisia says 'You have imprisoned Aphrodite! I will set her free! Feel my wrath dark minions!' She begins to burn them with pink fire.
Umbranathor says 'I will take care of the other one.' Then he runs off.
Vustik looks at Umbranathor with disgust and says 'No doubt he will go hiding under his bed. We will deal with this one and then kill the other.'
Layaisia says 'You will not find me very easy to deal with.' She turns to Aphrodite who opened her eyes. They are all white.
Layaisia says to her 'I will free you. Just hold on.' She burns Vustik and Melkor. Then a spear goes through her. Layaisia falls to the ground. It is Mono Xoxo Baphomet.
Mono says 'Pity how easy love dies.' Then he cuts off her head.
He picks up the head and drags it over to Aphrodite. Mono says to her 'See how hope is list. See how easily love can die. Do you feel it? Do you feel it within you?' Then he laughs as Aphrodite weeps.
Mono says to Vustik and Melkor 'Dispose of this. I will go to the others.' Aphrodite is still weeping.
The vision flashes...
Urisia, Kyrse, Ceias, and Vahxiaiah are still battling with the Void Monster. At the same time they all feel Layaisia die.
Urisia yells out 'Sister!' Then she weeps. She knows Layaisia died.
Kyrse screams 'I will destroy all the Candelabra! The Void and everything, all will burn for the death of my beloved sister!'
Mono Xoxo Baphomet, Vustik, and Melkor show up.
Mono is laughing 'You will do nothing here anymore. Be gone Drakon.' Then he ported them all out.
Mono says to the others 'Seal this place. Make sure none can find their way in here. Including that stupid donkey. I will defeintly punish him for this.'
Mono goes to Umbranathor and sees Umbranathor packing to leave.
Mono says 'You going somewhere?'
Umbranathor says 'No. I am just organizing.'
Mono says 'What about that other Drakon?'
Umbranathor says 'I told him to get out. I told him I am King of Void and to get out of my Kingdom or I will crush you and wear you as a robe. He fled in terror.'
Mono hit Umbranathor with the end of his spear and then grabbed him by the throat. He is holding Umbrantahor up.
Mono says 'You foolish naive jackass. If I wouldn't worry so much about attracting the attention of Light I would wear you for a hide. Do not disappoint me again.
Get rid of that little abomination and move her somewhere else. I will make use of her later.
She cannot stay in the Void. This will attract the attention of Tia-Mat. I have taken the leisure of erasing the other ones minds. They will soon remember. However, by that time it will be too late.'
Umbranathor says 'I will make sure that no one disturbs you again.'
Mono says 'See to it that you do.' Then he throws Umbranathor to the ground and broke his mirror.
Umbranathor says 'No, not my mirror!"
Mono says 'Next time I will break your head.'
The vision flashes...
Ceias, Vahxiaiah, Kyrse, and Urisia are together. They cannot remember what happened. They hear Tia-Mat 'My children, you have been harmed. Who has harmed my children?!'
Tia-Mat begins to rage 'Where is your sister? Where is my beloved little Layaisia? Where is she?!'
The vision ends and we are back in the present...
Vahxiaiah: "It took us time to remember what had happened. When we did and we brought the news to Mother somehow we all felt inside her heart breaking."
Urisia: "Our beloved sister. The kindest and most compassionate of us all. She is gone forever."
Asherah Aphrodite is weeping
Me: "She sacrificed herself to try and free me. I owe her something. I owe it to you."
Vahxiaiah: "Then help us. We cannot have this nephew of Umbranathor come before our kind. You must convince Tia-Nan of it."
Kyrse: "I don't belive there is any convincing her. She cares more for this Void being than she does her own."
Urisia: "There must be a way."
Kyrse: "There is only one way. I will not ever go against any of you my brothers and sister. Nor you Queen Asherah. But stay out of my way. I must do what is right by Mother."
Then Kyrse left.
Urisia: "What shall we do? Kyrse sees no other option but to destroy the lover. This will no doubt cause conflict with the new Mother of Dragons. She is strong and may possess the power of Tia-Mat. She does not know how to use it yet but if she confronts Kyrse..."
Vahxiaiah: "It could lead to her destruction and the undoing of us all. It is not clear what would happen if the Drakon were ever without a Mother. Something must be done."
Me: "I will find a way to speak to Tia-Nan. I will find a way to convince her."
Vahxiaiah: "You must hurry. I feel that the Varkar will take advantage of this. If Kyrse kills Tia-Nan's lover..."
Urisia: "I sense Creation in you Queen Asherah. There may be another way. I have sensed that you have gone to where the Transcended Ones are. Could you bring Layaisia back? Could you restore her to us?"
Vahxiaiah: "If it is possible then Queen Asherah will find a way. I will be your voice among the Drakon. I will speak for you to them. I will let them understand that you are not an enemy. That you seek a solution to the current crisis at hand.
I will also go to Kyrse and see if I can give you time to keep him from acting too soon. Until you find it if it is possible to return our sister.
For she is the love among the Drakon. This may heal the mourning for our Mother that we are all feeling. I hope you can accomplish this."
Me: "I can try to search for her among the Transcended Ones. I can make no guarantee that I can find her. I will try. I owe it to her. There must be a possible way to re-create her. I know someone who may know."
Urisia: "You do us a great deed by this Queen Asherah. We will aid you in any way you need against your enemy. For the Varkar are enemies to us all."
Me: "When I return if I can achieve what you ask there is a bond I share with others. Would you be willing to consider?"
Vahxiaiah: "If we can avoid this conflict and find a solution then maybe I can convince all of us to take this bond."
Me: "I agree to this."
Urisia: "Very well. We shall do what is needed on our end. We wish you good fortune on yours."
Me: "I will find a way to bring your sister back. For I feel there is much more to this than we can understand at this time. I will find the answer."
Vahxiaiah: "And we shall be waiting. Wisdom guides you Queen Asherah."
Urisia: "Preservation be with you Aphrodite."
Me: "I shall return soon. I will not be returning alone."
7:05pm *Asherah Aphrodite leaves to go to the Outside*
Questions for Urisia...
Your humanoid form looks very Elf-like. She has blue-white hair and light blue skin. You have very light blue eyes. No pupils.
Q1: What should I draw essence from in the physical ?
Urisia: "Considering that ice is preservation. Salt is an other preservation. These are times of physical elementals that you can use. Any elements that have to do with preservation. You can use these to draw essence."
Q2: How can I connect with you ?
Urisia: "Understand the Drakon at what we are. We are guardians of nature and the elements. Connect this way. Become a guardian of nature and elements."
Sentis: I would recommend volunteering to help animals or the environment. Be preservation. Gardening would be really good.
Q3. What is the nature of my relationship with this Midgard friend?
Urisia: "Your friend is a Nature Folk. You have a very long close friendship between your true selves. It goes way back."
Questions for Vahxiaiah...
Your humanoid form has light brown hair and a beard. You have reddish skin. Your eyes are red with no pupils.
Q1. During the True Self Embodiment process, my TS was found frozen to where he could not move. I wonder what happened and how long was he frozen before he was found. How has he been doing since being unfrozen by Darren?
Vahxiaiah: "This was revenge from Umbranathor. He didn't carry it out himself. Umbranathor was constantly worried that I would expose him to the Light King. He set it up for me to get trapped. I ended up getting frozen for a period of time."
Q2. I am curious as to having a Centaur Affinity or a Giant affinity. It seems that my TS was described as to being really tall during the True Self Embodiment process.
Vahxiaiah: "Drakon are tall in their humanoid forms and in their Drakon form. They are big. I do have a relationship with the Giant Joukan. (Pronounced Yukon) He is the Jotunn Queen's older brother. He is a mystic. A very wise one."
Q3. I seem to have exceptional wisdom and diplomacy skills. I am curious as to having these skills through my TS.
Vahxiaiah: "I am the Keeper of all Drakon Wisdom. With this comes diplomacy skills. I act as the ambassador for my brothers and sisters. I am the wisest of all Drakon."
Q4. I am interested in the Superhuman Series along with the Wolverine Combo.
Vahxiaiah: "If these are affirmations to increase yourself physically in strength then it won't hurt to use them. You should focus on wisdom for you are already very wise through me."
Q5. I seem to be on a particular mission or multiple missions. I have a literary project about using a person's inner wealth. A reporter gave me an interview about ten years ago.
Vahxiaiah: "You have several missions to complete here in Midgard. You teach others through your own experiences. You guide them to true knowledge and true wealth.
In whatever aspects you wish to find this, whatever new roads and adventures lay in front of you, know that you do not travel unnoticed.
For others that follow behind you watch and learn from your experiences. Keep gaining wisdom and give knowledge."
Me: I have not forgotten about the core fusion for Charlotte and Urisia.
Urisia: "I want all possibilities of completely connecting with my incarnation."
*Asherah Aphrodite is on the Outside with the Transcended Ones*
7:50pm Me: "I found Layaisia. Now to find a way to restore her."
10:00pm "I have restored Layaisia. She is a baby dragon. Shall we take her to them?"
Sentis: "You should leave her here for a little while and let Cer-Sia and Dynesia take care of her."
August 23rd...
Layaisia is a beautiful pink, white, and yellow Drakon. Asherah Aphodite returns her to her brothers and sisters.
Kyrse: "Because of what you have done for the rebirth of Layaisia, I will cease in my push for an uprising. I will let you handle the situation as you see fit. I will not try to rebel.
Please convince this new Mother of Dragons what she is and what she is meant to be. She is meant to be Mother to them. She needs to spend more time concentrating on them."
Layaisia: "Thank you for restoring me. I would be honored to be Guardian Drakon for Ashtarnia."
Me: "I would love this and so would she. May you guard my daughter Ashtarnia well and show her your love and compassion."
Core fusion for Urisia...
Me: "I would like all the Drakon brothers and sisters to attend. I have a gift for them."
Me: "Are you ready to begin my beautiful Urisia?"
Urisia: "I am ready."
Music begins...
0:14 in the music... Dark storm clouds gather everywhere.
0:32... The wind picks up. APhrodite gathers energry from the clouds and wind and sews int in.
0:46... It begins to rain. Aphrodite gathers the rain energy and sews it in.
1:17... There are bolts of lighting with thunder cracking all around.
1:41... Aphrodite gathers the lightning energy and sews it in.
1:57 in the music... The rain turns to ice. The ground starts to freeze.
2:12... Aphrodite gathers the energy from the ice and sews it in.
2:30... It starts to gently snow.
2:45... It is starting to snow harder. Aphrodite gathers the snow energy and sews it in.
3:10... Aphrodite conducts a blizzard storm of snow, ice, and lightning. She gathers the energy and sews it in.
4:10 in the music... The storm dies down.
4:20... The sun breaks through the clouds. Everything is covered in snow.
4:40... Aphrodite gathers the rays of the sun and sews them in.
4:50... Beautiful ice plants form out of the ground. Aphrodite gathers energy from the blossoms and sews them in.
5:42... Everything is starting to build up. The wind is picking up. The elements of the sun and ice blossoms are combining with the other elements.
6:12... The energies flow into Aphrodite's needles and she sews them in.
6:35... Aphrodite is sewing while energies swirl around.
7:15 in the music... The sewing is complete. The core fusion begins.
7:28... Aphrodite draws up energy from the ice. Ice shards rise out of the ground.
7:42... Aphrodite pours ice energy from the shards into Urisia.
8:02... Light snow begins to fall. The snowflakes are glowing and they touch Aphrodite's fingers. She gathers the energy from them and pours it into Urisia.
8:31... The wind gets stronger and lightning crashes on the ice shards. The shards begin to glow.
8:50... Aphrodite gathers energy from this huge shards of ice. She pours the energy into Urisia.
9:15... Rays of sunshine come through. The ice shards reflect the energy of the sun. Aphrodite gathers this energy and pours it into Urisia.
9:45... Aphrodite gathers the energies of all the elements together. She builds them up in strength.
10:05... Aphrodite crashes energies into Urisia.
10:25... Aphrodite draws energy from the ice shards, wind, rays of the sun, lightning, everywhere. She pours it into Urisia.
10:58... Urisia rises with energies swirling around her.
11:25 in the music... Urisia is glowing brightly.
12:00... Energies continue to crash into Urisia as she glows.
12:18... The core fusion has finished. Urisia is floating back down.
12:36... Urisia comes up and rests her head on Aphrodite's shoulder.
Urisia: "Thank you for this."
13:08... Aphrodite focuses her attention to all the Drakon in attendance. Energy starts to flow into the Drakon.
14:30... Aphrodite pours energy into all the Drakon.
15:30... Aphrodite is swirling something big. There was a huge massive swirl of interesting colored energy.
16:20... She finishes swirling the energy to full power. It shot into the Drakon and made them all glow.
16:30 in the music... The Drakon bowed.
Drakon: "We are forever grateful for this gift. Count on us to be there when you need us most."
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