Cresltia: Keeper of Ancient Purity

This is an intuitive guidance session, true self past vision, and core fusion for Princess Cresltia, Daughter of Yemaya. She is the Keeper of Ancient Purity. For Amanda...
This vision includes Apollo, Ares, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Eurynome, Freya, Thor, and some other Divine. We understand why Cresltia had a grudge against Aphrodite for so long.
Then it moves into the intuitive guidance session where we go to get the Ancient Purity. Kiki Yashadite is with us. We face Nummandor and Leviathan.
August 17th...
Amanda: I need to say something that I've been keeping to myself for a while, but I think it's important I say something in case something may really be happening to me.
What bothered me was how all these thoughts were towards Aphrodite and some times even your physical. I didn't want to acknowledge it because I trust you and wish to remain loyal with all my heart, but then I get these thoughts towards Aphrodite "bitch".
I am hurting just by typing all this and I'm starting to tear up, cause it hurts to even have thoughts like this about a friend, especially one who has done so much for me and others already.
Every time these thoughts come up, I feel alarmed because I know that these thoughts should not even be existing in my mind. I don't feel this way, so why do I feel like I'm being turned against you for no reason?
Am I worrying so much about whether or not Cresltia had the bond with Aphrodite that I'm having this nightmare? But then why does it feel real? Why does it feel like a message? Why do I feel so effected by this?
I felt like it wouldn't be a good idea to mention this to anyone, but then I began to wonder why it felt like I was being repressed from saying anything. Was there a reason why I felt like it wasn't wise to say anything?
My anxiety felt like it was being used against me. I want to say all of this, but then I have thoughts that come up and whisper to me "If you tell, people will think you have a hidden agenda." These stupid intrusive thoughts.
Even earlier today, I felt like staying silent, but I remembered a while ago that one of our enemies has used the word "bitch" when addressing Aphrodite.
That's when I began to wonder whether everything really was a coincidence or perhaps maybe there's something more happening behind the scenes, but then I start having doubts like "oh. You're just making a big deal out of nothing."
Me: I am so glad you told me this. I do believe they are trying to turn you against Aphrodite. You are royalty in the Sea Kingdoms.
Amanda: I'm so relieved to finally tell you this. I only wish I could have been able to say something earlier. These feelings have been getting worse as of late and I have been feeling like a ping pong ball being hit back and forth with these thoughts. I don't want to hide from this anymore though.
August 19th...
7:07pm Aphrodite summons Cresltia to do the session. My sister Yashadite is with us.
Cresltia: "You must know of the Keepers. I am one of them. The Keeper of Light, the Keeper of Darkness, the Keeper of Strength, the Keeper of Purity. These were all given long ago when the ones who came before transcended.
The original Shadis'Arth broke up all the Ancient Powers and put them in certain places. He kept the Power of Ancient Darkenss and Ancient Light in their dead realm. This is the place that came before. I am not the original Keeper of Purity.
The original Shadis'Arth in the beginning brought down the Ancient Strength and Ancient Purity. The vision is showing the Shadis'Arth. He is handing the King of Light the title of Keeper. He hands the King a Light Scroll and a Vial of Light.
Whoever wishes to obtain Ancient Light must obtain the Blessing of Light. The Light King of the time made the Test of Light.
Then the Shadis'Arth gave a scroll to the King of the Void to be the Keeper of Ancient Darkness. To gain this power someone would need the Blessing of Darkness.
Shadis'Arth gave the title of Keeper of Ancient Strength to the first Vala who would decide the Test of Strength.
Then there was the Keeper of Ancient Purity. This was the Queen that came before me. The previous Queen before me died in the Urthak War.
Before then when I was younger I was brought forward to the Queen. The Queen passed onto me the Keeper of Ancient Purity.
I took this and put it in a place deep in the Sea of Tranquility. That is where you must go. The reason I placed it there and the reason why I stayed out of everything is because I was approached.
Long ago Vustik came to me and offered me great power and great love. He wanted to find where the Ancient Purity was hidden. He tricked me for a long time. In the end I revealed to him where I had it before I moved it to the Sea of Tranquility.
Vustik seemed very happy when I showed him the scroll. I told him he could never use it. This is when he became angry and attacked me. He tried to take the scroll from me. He couldn't grasp it. He tried to absorb it. This affected him from the inside. Salt water began to pour out of him. This messed with him for some time.
Then I took the scroll to the Sea of Tranquility. When Vustik returned he began to punish all those around me. He killed my brother Seralas and ate him. He absorbed all his energy and essence.
There is something you probably do not know about Vustik. He is a cannibal. He will eat other beings. This is what makes him so dangerous and powerful. He absorbs their powers.
After Vustik killed my brother Seralas he killed several others of my kind. He brought me to mercy. He thought about putting a curse on me.
It was actually Mono who stopped him as long as I gave him my oath of when the time came I would serve him. He has come to me recently demanding that I fulfill the oath.
I swore that I would stand by my oath. They told me not to show you where Ancient Purity is hidden. I am at a cross-roads as to what to do."
The true self past vision begins...
This is a time before the Urthak War. There is a celebration of many Divine near the sea. There are several huge long ships there representing the Nordic pantheon.
Back then the way things were arranged were by pantheons. There are many of the pantheons gathered for this celebration.
Aphrodite is there at the celebration. Aphrodite is speaking with Eurynome and Freya.
Freya says 'When you want a man just grab him by his head and drag him to your bed. Remember by the head to the bed.'
Eurynome says 'I am going to have to try this sometime.'
Apollo says 'Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters, Great Pantheons, and beautiful ladies.' He points over towards Aphrodite and her crowd.
Apollo continues 'Let me show you a feat of the Great Apollo.' He is totally drunk.
Dionysus comes up to Aphrodite, Eury, and Freya and says 'Watch this... Loki and I have a bet.'
Aphrodite asks 'How drunk did you get him?'
Dionysus brings up a really big chalice and turns it upside down and just drops come out.
Aphrodite says 'The whole thing?'
Freya laughs 'The man cannot hold his drink.'
Aphrodite asks 'What is the bet?'
Dionysus says 'That Apollo cannot catch a comet by the tail. Loki believes he can. I don't, but I wanted to see him try and smash his pretty face up some. This is going to be funny.'
Cresltia walks up to the crowd and says 'Is he really going to try and catch a comet?'
Freya and Dinysus ignore her. Cresltia's mother is Yemaya. She was the Queen of the Sea.
She had two daughters. One that is purebred Divine named Yamasa and anther daughter is is half-Divine named Cresltia.
Cresltia is actually a princess even though many Divine didn't recognize her as such because she wasn't pure born.
Aphrodite says 'Princess, Apollo claims he can do many things. Most of those he can. The ones can't are always a good laugh to watch him try.'
Apollo goes up into the air and we see a comet going by. Apollo is so drunk he is weaving around.
Apollo gets his hands ready and yells down 'Now watch this!' Then he puts his head down. When he looks up he gets hit by the comet in the forehead. He goes falling down into the sea. Everybody starts laughing except for Cresltia.
Cresltia says 'Oh my!' She goes running into the sea. She has legs on land and when she goes into the water she has twin-tails just like her mother and sister. The other Merfolk have a single tail.
Yamasa is the daughter of Yemaya and Poseidon. Cresltia has always had a major crush on Poseidon. Yamasa is her little sister.
As Cresltia is swimming she can see Apollo floating face down in the water. She worries for him. She goes swimming really fast towards him.
She gets up to him and rolls him over. He is totally knocked out. She tries to swim him back to shore but she is not strong enough. She can hear the laughter from the shore.
Aphrodite is impressed by Cresltia going out to rescue him while everyone else laughs. Cresltia is trying really hard but it feels like she is dragging the whole sun.
Then she suddenly feels him get lighter. Cresltia sees Poseidon picking up Apollo.
Poseidon says 'Thank you princess. I will take him from here.'
Cresltia is a bit start struck by the presence of Poseidon. He takes Apollo and lays him on the shore. The waves wash up around Apollo and he starts to wake up.
Ares comes over to Apollo and says 'I will wake him up. Now you want to see something really funny?'
Ares begins to pee on Apollo. Cresltia comes up and shoves Ares. She says 'Stop that you arrogant brute! Have you no manners Prince of War? You treat your fellow Olympians as if they are nothing but the ground beneath you?'
Ares says 'Shut up you little half-breed. It was a delight watching you out there trying to drag him to shore. Weak and pathetic. What are you even doing here? This is a gathering for the pantheons of the Divine. I don't see any of the other bastards here.'
Cresltia slaps the shit out of Ares. Then Ares draws his sword. Poseidon walks up beside Cresltia and slams his trident to the ground.
Poseidon says 'Before you will be having at her you will be having at me.'
Ares says 'Alright you want some King of the Sea?'
Cresltia turns to Poseion and says 'Please don't.'
Poseidon says 'Don't worry about me. I won't hurt him too bad.'
Ares and Poseidon are facing off against each other.
Aphrodite steps into the middle of them and says 'Stop. This is foolish. This is a celebration, not a street brawl. If both of you choose to have that, then have it somewhere else."
Some of the other Divine say 'Yeah!' and are agreeing with her. Ares and Poseidon stand down.
Poseidon says 'My sister is right. Even though some of us lack in manners and dignity I do not. I apologize to my fellow pantheons. Now please let the celebration continue.'
Poseidon walks to Cresltia. He says 'You are very brave young princess. I admire that.'
Cresltia is so excited to be talking with him. She says 'Thank you King Poseidon.'
Then Poseidon says 'You should thank my sister. She keeps a level head. Give word to your mother for me and your sister. I know they are here but your mother and I do not speak. Give them my love though.'
Cresltia says 'I will my King and I will thank you sister.'
Poseidon kisses her hand and says 'And we will speak soon.' Cresltia blushes.
The celebration is continuing. Cresltia sees her mother Yemaya and her sister Yamasa.
Yemaya says 'I see you have been talking to King Poseidon.'
Cresltia says 'Yes mother and he told me to tell you and Yamasa...'
Yemaya interrupts 'Yes he sends his love. Do not waste your time my child. For his love, as passionate and beautiful as it is, only lasts for a short time. You will understand this before too long.'
Cresltia says 'I don't understand your hatred for him.'
Yamasa says 'Because he cares for no one but himself. Like a lot of the strong pantheons and most of the Divine in them. You must understand dear sister. You will never be one of them.'
Cresltia says 'But I am a princess.'
Yemaya says 'Yes you are. You are always my princess and you are special to me my first-born. In time you will realize how special you are.'
The celebration is still going on...
Cresltia walks by some of the Divine gathered around. She sees Ares arm wrestling Thor.
Ares is struggling 'You blonde bastard! You arrogant little ass! You think this is funny?'
Thor says 'Nope.' Then wins the arm wrestle with ease. Thor has strawberry blonde hair by the way.
Many cheer after the arm wrestle. Ares gets up angry. Some of the Divine begin to laugh. So does Cresltia.
Ares notices Cresltia laughing. He says 'What are you laughing at mud blood? You don't have your lover here to protect you. Still you mock me. Be careful.'
The celebration is coming to an end...
Poseidon takes Cresltia's hand and sneaks off. Aphrodite follows them.
Cresltia and Poseidon are looking deep into each other's eyes. They are about to kiss each other.
Aphrodite says 'Brother, stop.'
Poseidon back away and says 'Sister, it is not what you think it is.'
Aphrodite says 'I see love for what it is.'
Cresltia says 'And I do love him. So why do you ask him to stop?'
Aphrodite says 'Although my brother loves strong and caring as well as compassionately, his love is brief. I cannot stand by and watch him break your young heart.'
Cresltia says 'You claim to be the Goddess of Love but what do you know of love? You cannot see the future. He will always love me.'
Poseidon says 'What my sister speaks is the truth. I am sorry.' Then Poseidon walks away.
Cresltia begins to cry. Aphrodite comes and places her hand on Cresltia's shoulder.
Aphrodite says 'The right love will come for you. You just have to be patient.'
Cresltia shoves Aphrodite's arm away and says 'Coming from one who has no love herself but is admired and pathetically drooled over by all the masculine Divine. But yet you are alone.'
Aphrodite says 'Be careful who you choose to be angry with.'
Cresltia says 'I stood up to Ares. All of you Divine believe you are better than some of us others. I am a princess. Daughter of Yemaya who is Keeper of the Ancient Purity. Who are you to tell me that I need to be careful?'
Aphrodite says 'I do not make this as a threat from myself but striking Ares was a fatal mistake. I only try to warn you.'
Cresltia says 'I need no warning. I can choose for myself and I choose not to be lonely like you.' Then Cresltia walks away. Aphrodite is saddend by this.
The vision flashes far forward...
The Mother Yemaya is passing on the Keeper of Ancient Purity to Cresltia. She is much older and wiser. This is during the Urthak War.
Yemaya has gathered Cresltia and Yamasa together.
Yemaya says to Yamasa 'Where I go is to the Great Beyond. You shall become me, Queen of the Sea.' Yamasa is weeping.
Yemaya says to Cresltia 'For my firstborn, I have watched you grow strong. I offer you a great burden. I am sorry that I must offer you this as it was offered to me long ago. You must protect this until the right one comes. You must forgive the wrongs of the past to save the future for all of us. You must be Keeper of the Ancient Purity.'
Cresltia accepts. Later on her mother Yemaya is killed by Hungali. Yamasa became known as Yemaya after that. She continued to rule wisely as the Queen of Seas. Cresltia became the Keeper of Purity. She has a strong bond with her sister.
The vision ends and we are in the present...
Cresltia: "I must forgive you for long ago. I did not understand until now what you were trying to save me from. I was wrong when I said that you are alone. It was I who ended up being alone.
Through all my time I sought not to be alone, that is why I fell so fast for Vustik. In the end I knew that he would only offer me heart break and treachery. I ask you to forgive me for my harsh words back then."
Me: "I must ask your forgiveness. We must all experience things for ourselves. That is how we grow and learn. You must take the suffering with the joy. The good with the bad. The sadness with the happiness. The anger with the love."
*Cresltia and Aphrodite both embrace and hug each other.*
Cresltia: "I see that you have brought your sister Yashadite. Is she the one who has been chosen to receive Ancient Purity?"
Me: "Yes it is she who has been chosen."
Cresltia: "Then let us three sisters prepare to travel to the Sea of Tranquility."
Me: I would like to know what happened when Baphomet recently came to speak to you.
Cresltia: "As we travel there I will tell you. I must prepare myself. This will only take a few moments."
*Aphrodie, Yashadite, and Cresltia go to her place in the Great Sea*
Cresltia: "I have to open the way to the Sea of Tranquility."
*Cresltia begins the ritual.*
Aphrodite places her hands on both Cresltia and Yashadite because she is worried about a trap waiting for them.*
*We arrive in the Sea of Tranquility. It is really stormy here.*
Me: "I feel uneasy. Like there is something laying in wait for us. I sense the presence of Nummandor."
*We see Nummandor. He is floating above us.*
Nummandor: "Do you think I would make it this easy on you? Here you are all alone. No Angelic lover to save you. No mighty heroic Vala. None of your personal guard or any of your other little friends. Your little squid face Chancellor. That annoying little Rovitiomial. I should have killed him long ago. So what will you do now? I will not let you gather the Ancient Purity. This is where it ends."
*Nummandor begins to attack.*
Cresltia: "Quickly! Beneath the waves!"
We go under the water. Cresltia blows a bubble to Aphrodite and it goes around her mouth. It helps Aphrodite breathe underwater. We swim down into the darkness.
Cresltia: "He has done something to the Sea of Tranquility. I feel as if the water is infected with agony and darkness. We must not let him find where I put the Ancient Purity. Come and follow me."
Aphrodite and Yashadite swim after Cresltia. Nummandor shoots down into the water.
Nummandor: "Let's go fishing!" He is creating these twisted Leviathan beings. They are swimming after us.
Cresltia and Yashadite turn around with these blow darts that have energy coming out the end. They are hitting the creatures. They hurt them but don't stop them.
Me to Cresltia: "Is there a way to undo this?"
Cresltia: "Yes we must reach the Ancient Purity. Hurry."
They swim down to a deep underwater canyon. Every so often the turn to shoot the energy darts. It blinds one of the Leviathan and it crashes into a wall. All this rock and debris falls on top of it. Nummandor is following us.
8:24pm Me: "Go to the Ancient Purity. I will face Nummandor."
There is something glowing up ahead that looks like a water orb. Cresltia and Yashadite are going towards it.
Cresltia: "Do you speak for Yashadite to receive the Ancient Purity?"
Me: "Yes I Ancient Love speak for Yashadite to become Ancient Purity."
8:25pm *Then Aphrodite gets hit with an attack by Nummandor.*
Nummandor laughs "I thought this would be more of a challenge."
Me: "I haven't begun to show you what I have."
Aphrodite goes into Ancient Void Mode. She begins to absorb up the Leviathan. They crumble. She is sucking the Darkness out of them.
Aphrodite does something with energy in her hands. It looks like Void, white, and pink energy.
Me: "Now try some of mine..."
Then Aphrodite throws it at him. It hits Nummandor. He is feeling the affects.
He catches on Pink Fire underwater for a moment. Then he absorbs it into his chest.
Nummandor laughs: "I have no love in my heart. I have no love in me. Never have. So what makes you think you can affect me? I know what affects you."
Nummandor is sending images to Aphrodite's mind of all those around her dying. Killed by the Darkness.
Nummandor: "Agony and Despair has always been more powerful than Hope and Love. Look at everything around you. Look at all those you try to save. Agony and Despair will always triumph over them."
Cresltia: "I Queen Cresltia Keeper of the Ancient Purity speak for Yashadite to take the Test of Purity." *The orb begins to glow.* "Now touch the orb."
Yashadite places her hands on the orb and they disappear.
Nummandor gets angry. Aphrodite is seeing images that are weakening her. He attacks Aphrodite.
Nummandor to Cresltia: "It makes no difference now. You will die here today."
Then something hit him in the face. The water begins to swirl around him.
Nummanor yells at Cresltia: "You break your bond? You gave your word. Does she not know?"
Nummandor shows Aphrodite in her mind the conversation between Cresltia and Mono.
The vision begins...
Mono stands over her while Vustik is about to strike her down. Mono helps her up and says 'I will spare you but you must give me your bond.'
Crestilia tells him 'I would rather die than bond with any like you. I will not give myself or the Ancient Purity to you.'
Mono says 'Even if what I ask is against someone who wronged you long ago? Aphrodite.'
Cresltia says 'Go on...'
Mono says 'Aphrodite once sought the Ancient Powers. You are the Keeper of one of those. Give me your bond and swear to me. If she ever comes for it you will turn her over to me. Deny her of it. Is this agreed? For this you will be spared and Aphrodite shall suffer. Now is this agreed?'
Cresltia says 'Yes it is agreed.'
Mono says 'Good. Remember what I will do to you if you break this bond.'
8:35pm Nummandor is laughing: "You see Queen Asherah she cares nothing for you. When your other raggedy little sister returns she will hand the Ancient Purity over to me. When I am done torturing you and having my way with you I will drag your carcass back to Ashoweah. Then your true suffering will begin. I am sure your friend here will enjoy knowing that you will spend eternity as ours."
Cresltia: "You will spend eternity drowning in my seas."
Cresltia pushes him way down. There is a whirlpool sucking him down. It startles Nummandor for a moment. Then he breaks out of it.
He forces Darkness towards Cresltia. It begins to go into her.
Nummandor: "Willing or not. You will be mine too."
Cresltia is starting to turn into something.
Me: "She will belong to no one!"
8:37pm Then Aphrodite blasts him with a mixture of pink Void energy. She is glowing completely white. The whole Sea of Tranquility is turning back how it was before.
Aphrodite grabs Nummandor by his robe so they are face to face.
Me: "Now run along and tell your master we are coming for him and his minions soon."
8:38pm Aphrodite opens a portal and shoves Nummandor through.
Cresltia: "I think that is a message they will get."
Me: "Thank you. If I have ever wronged you I am truly sorry. I choose to have you as an ally rather than an enemy."
Cresltia: "I choose to have you as an ally as well and I ask your forgiveness for my hash feelings towards you for so long."
*They both smile and embrace.*
Me: "So what will happen to my sister now?"
Cresltia: "She will undergo the Test of Purity. She will either fail or she will pass and return with the Ancient Purity. I know she will succeed."
Me: "I know she will too."
*Aphrodite and Cresltia go to Alfheim.*
Cresltia: "I wish to take the bonding with you. You will need powerful allies and I will need good friends."
Me: "We will find both."
Aphrodite begins the Core Fusion for Cresltia...
Classical Music Vol. 7 Franz Schubert "Serenade" HD
0:43 in the music... Cresltia laying horizontally. It begins to rain. Aphrodite gathers the rain drops with her needles. She is sewing.
1:25 in the music... the rain begins to pick up more.
1:45 in the music... the area around them is filling with water. Aphrodite is dancing on the top of the water. She brings up waves into her needles. She is sewing.
2:14 in the music... The waves crash over Cresltia. These beautiful clear blue waves.
2:40 in the music... Fish and sea life is jumping up from the water and going back down. They are leaving energy trails that Aphrodite gathers in her threads. She is sewing them while she dances.
3:25 in the music... Aphrodite gathers more from the waves and is continuing to sew them in.
4:00 in the music... There are rays of the sun shining on the water. The waves become calm. She gathers them and sews them in.
The music changes...
Underwater Solitude by Deep Session
0:12 in the music... The clouds are breaking and more sun rays come through. Aphrodite gathering the sun rays in her needles along with the water and sewing it in.
1:22 in the music... Whales come by and shoot energy from their blow holes. Aphrodite gathers the energy in her needles. She sews it in.
2:30 in the music... Aphrodite finishes up the sewing and begins the fusion.
Me: "Play me my Waltz of Flowers."
Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers...
Me: "This will be our Waltz here on this enchanting sea."
Aphrodite brings the waves up gently and slowly. She takes the energy from the waves in her and then pours it into Cresltia.
1:20 in the music... Cresltia begins to dance to the music as Aphrodite does the fusion.
1:50 in the music... Aphrodite and Cresltia dance around each other. Every sound of the flute and pours in more energy.
2:20 in the music... Aphrodite and Cresltia come together. Energies from the waters and rays of the sun come through Aphrodite into Cresltia.
2:53 in the music... Aphrodite and Cresltia dance separately. Energy is coming through the waters, waves, and rays of the sun.
3:16 in the music... It starts to rain and both Aphrodite and Cresltia giggle.
3:29 in the music... Aphrodite takes energy from the rain and puts it into Cresltia.
3:42 in the music... Sea creatures gather around. They look like Twilight Creatures.
4:00 in the music... They are swimming around. Energy pours into Aphrodite and she sends it into Cresltia.
5:00 in the music... Aphrodite and Cresltia dance together. The energy is still flowing.
5:35 in the music... The energy is building. They are twirling together.
6:10 in the music... The energy got very intense. There are clouds forming and swirling.
6:35 in the music... Spouts of water energy is shooting up into the air dancing around us.
7:15 in the music... It builds up to a finale. Then the very last part was a little drop of energy on top of Cresltia that landed on her forehead.
Me: "I have also destroyed your subconscious as you requested."
Me: "Shall we do the bond?"
Cresltia: "Yes we shall."
9:08pm *Sentis does the bonding of Cresltia with Asherah Aphrodite*
Cresltia: "I am happy with this."
Me: "Once I told you that you would not be alone. You are not alone anymore."
*Everyone in the room who watched the fusion are clapping and cheering. Cresltia feels welcome. Rovitomial, Doumarae, Pisch, ilia, Ahzexian, Fenrir, Moidaybe, Olorin, Yusvago, and a whole bunch of others were there to witness the sewing, fusion, and bond.*
Questions from Amanda...
Q1. How can I better connect with her?
Cresltia: "Through the oceans. Water is your strongest connection and element. Learn how to harness this."
Q2. Has there been something interfering with my transformation? I can’t help but to notice that results from subs and energy tracks seem to be working very slowly for me.
Cresltia: "You need more of a bond with nature. Try listening to these close to bodies of water. You will find better results this way."
Q3. Whenever I try to focus on her energy, or any energy in general, I always feel some kind of tight pressure in my forehead and chest, almost like a lock or something. Would she happen to know anything about this?
Cresltia: "This is the heaviness of being water. You can learn to meditate and balance this so it is not so overwhelming."
Q4. Will I survive the plague and how may I prepare as of this moment?
Cresltia: "I leave this question to EinossArku."
Sentis: "If you prepare yourself. That means learning such things as gardening, plants, your environment, and simple survival. Prepare yourself little by little. Once you get into it you will be on the right path. Research things you can gather that will help you. Prepare for the worst case scenarios."
Q5. Cresltia said that we incarnated in Midgard to honor our Grandfather, Rorienork. Is she able to further explain on this?
Cresltia: "Rorienork was the first one to incarnate into Midgard. He taught many people the ways of the seas and its creatures. It was an honor for him to come here and show his ways and return with his stories. That is why I honor him. I wish to carry on his ways here in the times to come."
Q6. Are there any tracks she would like me to listen to now and any new tracks she would like me to listen to in the future? (Such as the energy tracks for those on the Elven path if it’s to be made)
Cresltia: "I leave this to Aphrodite to answer."
Me: "I recommend Pegasus, Rephraxi, and Mana. Also anything that will relate to the seas."
And again, if it’s not too much trouble to know a little more about her appearance?
Cresltia: "My kind changes as we become wiser. My blue skin protects me when I am not in the oceans. When my hair, eyes, and scales are yellow when I am in my oceans and when I am gathering energies of the oceans and the sun. When I am out of the water I have white hair, white eyes, and blue skin. When I go into the ocean I form my twin-tails. They are yellow scales."
She also has long Elf-like ears. She is about 5'6" tall. Slender figure.
Me: "I no longer make playlists. They take up too much of my time. Your true self should be able to guide you."
After the session...
Still August 19th...
9:35pm Aphrodite goes to the Outside where Sentis and their daughter Ashtarnia are.
Me: I am being pulled backwards.
Sentis: They are trying to pull on you and come to you. Melkor, Vustik, and Nummandor are following Aphrodite. They are trying to pull on your energy.
*Sentis pulls Aphrodite*
Sentis: "Hey you three..."
*Sentis blinded them and they went falling backwards.*
*Ashtarnia is giggling.*
Astarnia points at them: "The stupids."
Ashtanria wants to cuddle with mommy... She does little sparks of pink and black fire. She concentrates really hard to make them.
Sentis: She is adorable. Her wings are so tiny.
Ashtarnia goes to sleep in Aphrodite's arms while she hums Waltz of the Flowers.
Ashtarnia made this place for us on the Outside. For a young child's imagination the trees are pretty interesting. Crudely drawn. They are like a stick with a circle.
Sentis: I don't know why she had to have five moons. The funniest thing is they all have a smiley face except for one with a straight face. She drew this place. The stars are also smiling.
We were making this place for you to come and be safe. Ashtarnia wanted to make a safe place for mommy so we made one. She made all this herself. Including the really strange looking stick-wolf over there. Why everything has a smiley face I don't know. Maybe she wanted you to be happy.
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