Sons of Vustik: Svarjain and Nvome

I would like to share births of Svarjain to Naturome and Nvome to Mikotoh. They are sons of Vustik Rokimn. They are part of what is happening and what is to come.

There was also another special birth of a daughter named Amaveraut to Dro. This is a very special girl and I would like to mention her as well.

I want to express my love to the mothers Naturome, Mikotoh, and Dro. Also to their children Svarjain, Amaveraut, and Nvome who I love and care for as my own.

Starting with the birth of Svarjain...

August 6th...

7:22am Mikotoh: Naturome is giving birth now. Or it is beginning.

7:31am Me: I need to be there for the birth of Naturome's son Svarjain and also Mikotoh's son Nvome. I will be arriving soon. Is Naturome in Alfheim at the Tree?

7:38am Me: "I am here at the Tree. I shall care for Naturome."

Mikotoh: Goosbumps.

7:56am Because Naturome is an 8th Element Nymph and she is pregnant with the Child of Vustik it is important they bond with me.

Me: "His name is Svarjain and he will be a force to be reckoned with."

8:02am "My sweet beautiful Naturome you are about to give birth. I shall care for you and your son as my own."

Mikotoh: This is so immense heart warming!

8:07am Asherah Aphrodite is midwife and catches the baby. She has Svarjain in her arms.

*Ark does bond on Svarjain and Naturome with Asherah Aphrodite*

Me: "I am going to help raise him as if he were my own. We have to make sure he is taught well."

Birth of Amaveraut...

7:30am Me: I am here with you as you are in labor about to give birth.

Ark: This is not a baby of any of the Candelabra. It is of her kind.

Peter: be prepared, guys. even though what ark says is calming, we should not dismiss the signs we got form the lake of being prepared

7:51am Me: "This is a powerful child. I give her the name Amaveraut."

Dro: It's an honor that you named Drö's child, my Queen.

Me: "I offer my the love and protection of my bond to both mother and daughter. Will you allow Amaveraut to bond with me to protect her life, her power, her abilities, to ensure her power and destiny? I cannot let them get her."

Dro: I'm sure Drö will be more than happy to agree to the bonding. I trust you completely, my Queen.

Me: "I gave the same to Naturome and Svarjain when he was born. She accepted my offer. His power shall be made sure."

Dro: I'm getting emotional.

Mido: This is wonderful to hear.

Eomeya: Yes...that’s really a honor.

8:11am Me: "I will offer the same to Mikotoh and Nvome when he is born."

Mikotoh: Wow truly something to look forward to! Thank you Queen Asherah. It is an honor.

8:12am Me: "Amaveraut is arriving..."

8:16am *Ark does the bond on Dro and Amaveraut with Asherah Aphrodite*

Me: "You and your daughter shall be loved by me for eternity. Amaveraut along with Svarjain shall be taught by the best Elven teachers."

Mikotoh: I am so happy for them!

Dro: I'm about to cry. This is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Eomeya: Wonderful.

Me: The Masters want her. This is probably what confused your answers.

Dro: That explains a lot. Also why and who is chasing her.

Mido: Yeah, and maybe they corrupted Drö somewhere in the progress? Will that be healed?

Me: "Yes the Masters did corrupt Dro. The bond with me has broken that."

Rovitomial: "Very wise decision my Queen. We should do this with Nvome as soon as he is born. Then we will have two Rokimn loyal for our cause."

Me: Which means if the Masters find out my plans for Nvome they will try even harder to get him before he can bond. Be careful.

Mido: We shall watch out for that. Thank you for the warning.

Peter: We will all need to be on guard and be alert for future moments.

Mikotoh: It is good to know these wonderful children are in good hands. Thank you Queen Asherah Aphrodite. We will be careful and watch over Nvome.

Me: "Keeping Nvome safe and away from the Masters should be your most important priority. Protect him at all costs. He is too important."

Don’t worry Amy, we will take care and it seems we are a bit too careful as you can experience, every time we got you off the bed.

Me: You are not too careful. Amaveraut is a very special daughter. The Masters were involved in this even though they were not the seed.

Birth of Nvome...

August 15th...

11:59am Ina: Just confirmed with Midorra. The birth is about to begin.

12:03pm Me: Ark and Rovitomial are coming to be with her. I will be there as soon as I can.

Ark brought you to Alfheim. Rovitomial is doing a check up. I am not letting Ark leave your side. He will stay with you.

12:06pm Ark: Our spy has sights on Vustik. It looks like he is passed out.

Back to the birth...

Ina: Thank you. I am happy to know you all. It warms my heart Mikotoh is in good hands. Always will wish the best for her. Ivanka will send Eomeya to be with Mikotoh.

12:09pm Aphrodite portals straight to the Alfheim lab. "I am here with you."

12:18pm I have all my personal guard here to protect you Ahzexian, Fenrir, Moidaybe, Olorin, and Yusvago. Tulkas arranged even more protection.

Ina: I am happy Mikotoh is so well protected. I am thankful.

What Vustik is doing...

12:19pm Vustik woke up and he seems happy. He is going somewhere. Our spy is following him.

Vustik seems to be going a bunch of renegade Arcturians and some other beings I have never seen before. Vustik is disguising himself as as Arcturian Outlaw.

This other being is speaking about him and his love for the True Queen.

There is another female being they are calling the True Queen.

She says 'Once I seize the throne from Queen Asherah. At the reign of me and my love... We will be known throughout all the realms.'

All these other ones are cheering. Vustik starts to clap annoyingly loud.

The one male says 'Are you mocking the True Queen?'

Vustik says 'No. I thought the speech was very inspiring. It makes me want to just go out there and kick the bitch's ass.'

The Queen says 'Then you are welcome among us. Come... Celebrate with us.'

He is celebrating with them. He is just mingling.

Our spy also turned himself into an Arcturian outlaw. Vustik bumped into him. It is a pretty big crowd there. There are some in a circle talking to each other.

Back to the birth of Nvome...

*Aphrodite is chanting.*

12:51pm The birth is happen now.

*Aphrodite chanting louder.*

Vustik at the party...

12:53pm Vustik and the one True Queen are walking away togehter. Vustik is screwing her.

She says 'Tell me how I am True Queen.' Vustik says 'You are the True Queen!'

The one male being busts into the room and catches them. He says 'Arcturian you will die!'

Vustik grabs him by the face and lifts him up and shows his true form.

Vustik says 'I would kill you now but you are about ready to be a father. Have fun with that.' Then Vustik slams him to the ground.

Vustik turned and flipped the Queen a coin. He said 'Thanks for a lovely celebration. This ought to cover you.'

Then Vustik leaves.

Back to the birth of Nvome...

12:54pm The child is coming now...

12:56pm Nvome is born. Ark does the bonding on Nvome and Mikotoh and Asherah Aphrodite.

Ina: Wow I felt a lot of warmth and sensations to my body. I have looked forward to this day. Relieved everything went well. This makes me so overwhelmingly happy for Mikotoh and Nvome.

Vustik is in a conversation with Melkor...

Melkor says 'Do you enjoy doing that? Spreading your seed here and there. Pathetic.'

Vustik says 'Pathetic? Sometimes I wonder Melkor if you even have anything down there. Did Mono make you a eunuch? Did you trade your balls for power?'

*Melkor just looks at him.*

Vustik says 'Queen Asherah wants to keep taking my seed before it sprouts? Then I will plant them all over the realms.'

You can read about their pregnancies here...



Other births from the Candelabra that turned into monsters...

Rebirth of Heldaxa Goddess of Roots...

Monstrous Births in Alfheim

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