The Last Kondrinan Realm Traveler

True Self Past Vision Session: The Last Kondrinan Realm Traveler

There weren't many Kondrinan Realm Travelers to begin with. There was a whole world of Kondrinan. They are a dominant species that came shortly after the Arcturians. They were very blessed by the All Father.

Certain Kondrinan were chosen to learn the Walking Way and become Kondrinan Realm Travelers. To learn the way that the All Father and Thought and Memory travel.

Where Ark can travel back into the past and see things he cannot interact. The Kondrinan Realm Travelers can.

There were only 13 of them who learned the Walking Way. The number who learned this were limited by the All Father. Moidaybe became the last Kondrinan Realm Traveler.

Moidaybe's Intuitive Guidance Session...

Moidaybe Part One...

Moidaybe Part Two...

Vision begins...

Moidaybe is younger and he is following an older Kondrinan. He is running to catch up with this older man. They are on a volcanic world.

The older Kondrinan opens a portal and jumps through it. Then Moidaybe does the same thing. After he jumps through he is falling over a huge ocean.

Moidaybe says 'I will catch you this time Master Tara'Ahna.' The Master says 'You come closer each time. Maybe this time will be your lucky one.' Then the Master and Moidaybe hit the water.

Moidaybe shoots into the water like a needle. He is looking down into the darkness of the water. He sees his Master Tara'Ahna floating close by. Moidaybe smiles and shoots through the water like torpedo.

The Master smiles and waves as he shoots upwards. Tara'Ahna hits the surface of the water and starts water running. Moidaybe is turning around in the water and can see Tara'Ahna running at the top. Moidabye goes towards him like a torpedo.

As Moidabe gets close to the top his Master portals again. Then Moidaybe ports again after he reaches the surface of the water.

After going through the portal Moidaybe is caught up in a huge red tornado and is trying to get control of himself. He sees his Master just going around in it.

Tara'Ahna says 'You must gain control Moidaybe.' Then Moidaybe says 'I cannot Master.' Then this huge red tornado hits a rocky hill and tears through it. There are boulders and rocks flying through the tornado wind.

Moidaybe is trying to get control and these rocks are flying at him. Moidaybe hits the rocks and shatters them. He sees his Master cracking through huge boulders.

Then Moidaybe sees a really big boulder coming towards him so fast that he doesn't have a chance to react. His Master grabs him and ports him out before the boulder could hit him.

They come through a portal and are in a field with bright blue grass. There are strange creatures grazing. They look up at Moidaybe and his Master. Moidaybe is breathing hard. Tara'Ahna says 'Learner, you must focus.'

Moidaybe says 'Every time, the red world. I cannot seem to get control when I am in the wind.'Moidabye is frustrated with this.

Tara'Ahna says 'Calm yourself Moidaybe. To be a Realm Traveler of Kondrinia takes many years. You must have patience.'

Moidaybe says 'It has been years already. If I cannot catch a Walker on a run I will never be ready to be a Realm Traveler of Kondrinia.'

Tara'Ahna says 'You will be ready when the time is right.' Moidaybe says 'That time to me will never seem to come.' Tara'Ahna says 'Wait...' But Moidaybe portals himself out.

Another Realm Traveler shows up to speak. He says 'Master Tara'Ahna...' The Master replies 'Master Fayon...'

Fayon says 'Your presence is requested. All the 13 have gathered. Our Arcturian friends and neighbors have come to us with an emissary of the Divine.'

Tara'Ahna asks 'Is this about the war? If it is then you know my answer.'

Fayon says 'Just come to listen. Please.'

Tara'Ahna says 'Very well. But my answer will not change.'

Then they both portal themselves to the meeting. It is in an Ancient Forest. They dress like when Odin is the Great Wanderer. They wear grey.

Tara'Ahna and Fayon arrive. The 13 all show up. Moidaybe is not yet one of them. Each of the 13 have an apprentice who will eventually replace them. Moidaybe and the other apprentices wear brown.

Zeus arrives at the meeting with Ares. There is also the Arcturian Emperor. He has his guard with him.

This is when the Arcturians still followed the Old Ways. The Arcturian Emperor would have their mouth completely removed and would only speak through telepathy.

The Arcturians in their Ancient Ways had the custom that you do not speak directly to the Emperor. Someone speaks for him.

At this time before the Urthak War the Arcturians and the Kondrinans helped each other and had a very unified peace in their universe. It was the Kondrinan Realm Travelers who helped the Arcturians get to other universes to explore and make alliances.

The Arcturians in the Ancient Ways used to be very peaceful. They developed in technologies and abilities like telepathy and telekinesis.

While the Kondrinans were more simple. They look like Ancient Celtic people in the way they live. They are very connected with the All Father and they use a lot of magic.

They even use magic when they farm. They can levitate objects and have those objects working for them while they do something else. Those are just the simple ways they use magic.

The Kondrinan Realm Travelers are much more advanced. They have much power. It is told that Odin himself oversaw the development of Kondrinia. This was his own special little world.

Odin taught them the Walking Way of how to jump through realms and time. He also taught them other power magic. He would only teach this to 13. Then when the time would come these 13 would teach 13 others.

When it is time for a Master to pass on the Walking Way and make their apprentice the new Kondrinan Realm Traveler they would destroy themselves after. Then they would join the All-Father as one of his Ravens either in Thought or Memory.

This is why you see the All Father with other Ravens. These were Kondrinan Realm Travelers. This is their ultimate transcendence.

Back to the meeting...

The 13 Kondrinan Realm Travelers have gathered.

Tara'Ahna says 'Emperor Paiaio (Pay-Eye-Oh), I greet you. Welcome to our Ancient Grove. You are always welcome here.'

Then the Arcturian Emperor looks down and his translator speaks 'Thank you Grand Master Tara'Ahna. The presence of your grove is always a warm welcome. I wish this time I was just coming to seek wisdom. But I am afraid I am not. I will not try to prolong my reason for being here. Of which I am sure you already know.'

Tara'Ahna says 'The Walking Way can never be used as a weapon. When the All Father taught the first 13 the vow was made. To travel in time and change the past is forbidden. It would bring utter destruction to all the realms and everything we know. We will not use the Walking Way to travel back to undo what is happening now.'

Zeus speaks up and says 'We are not here to travel back in time if that is what you think we wanted. The Emperor himself has lent many to the cause. I am not here to ask you to undo what is happening now. I am not even asking you to fight.'

Ares says 'They couldn't fight if they wanted to. Scrawny little weaklings running around. Look at this place. No fortifications. They don't even have a free standing army. Unless you want a whole world of just peasant little farmers.'

A Realm Traveler says 'One of our people are worth a hundred of your Red Myrmidon.'

Ares says 'I will be sure to call on one of them when I need to feed an army. Maybe some of the little prettier ones for a quick screw.'

A Realm Traveler says 'You come here seeking an alliance yet you bring insults.'

Another Realm Traveler says 'It is only a matter of time before the Hungali come to our universe. We must fight.'

Yet another Realm Traveler says 'We cannot risk hundreds of thousands of years of peace and our ways. Our people will suffer.'

Kondrinan Realm Traveler are getting upset and arguing. Some want to go to war and others don't.

The Arcturian Emperor Paiaio raises his hand and everyone goes silent. There is emotion in his eyes so it looks like he is speaking telepathically to his translator.

His translator says 'Many reasons to and many reasons not to. I have come across these reasons before. Trying to reason myself not to send my young sons to fight the armies of Kronos. My reason to is because they were brave. Now they are gone.

So many of my people are dead. My home world where the blue flame burns representing the passing of a loved one look like fireflies across the capital city at night.'

When a loved one died the Ancient Arcturians would light a blue flame. As the translator speaks he shows everyone what he sees. It shows the Emperor looking out over the balcony of the home world. He sees all these little blue flames everywhere. His eyes get glossy.

The translator continues 'But I have also seen what the enemy can bring. If they are to win it would be the end of all of us. This is my reason why I continue to fight.'

Tara'Ahna says 'You words are wise. A true Emperor.'

Translator says 'I have you to thank for that. You have been my teacher since I was young.' The Arcturians would seek advice and wisdom from the Kondrinan Realm Travelers.

Tara'Ahna says 'Zeus, King of the Olympian Divine, what would you have of the Realm Travelers?'

Zeus says 'I do not wish you to fight. Instead I wish you just to transfer our armies where they are needed in the different realms. Do this for me and I guarantee that you will never be asked to change what happened in the past and undo what is happening now. I give you my word on that.'

The Kondrinan Realm Traveler are lowly speaking among each other about the offer. They all agree and look to Grand Master Tara'Ahna.

Tara'Ahna says 'Then it is agreed. We will join you in your fight against Kronos and his allies. May the All Father bring peace to us all soon.'

Zeus is very happy that they agreed to help.

Zeus says 'Very well. You will report to my Commanding General Ares. He will fill you in on the operations and battle plans. You are to report to him on Olympus as soon as you can.'

Ares says 'That doesn't mean a week from now you old geezers. Let me make one thing clear, you will do as I say. You will follow my command. I will have no insubordination from anyone. Those who do will be swiftly and harshly punished. I will be seeing you gentlemen soon.'

Tara'Ahna says 'Fellow Brothers and Sisters gather your apprentice and say goodbye to your loved ones. Return here and we shall go and aid the Mighty Zeus in his war.'

They leave the meeting while Tara'Ahna is still sitting there. He is looking at the Emperor who has his head down.

Tara'Ahna asks 'My Emperor? Is something troubling you?' The Emperor looks at his guards on both sides of him and they leave.

Grand Master Tara'Ahna approaches the Arcturian Emperor Paiaio. Tara'Ahna says 'What dark dreams do you speak of? May I?'

Then Tara'Ahna puts his hand on the Emperor's head. This is actually forbidden in their culture. You do not touch the Emperor.

The Emperor is showing him two figures we cannot see who they are. One stabs the other in the back. Then he sees a great light that burns away the darkness. It is painful. He then sees a rose that starts to freeze in purple ice. Then there is a bunch of voices laughing.

It shows a world destroyed. Darkness comes out of that world and then there is a blinding light again. The darkness and the light swallow each other and disappear. Then it shows the frozen rose again.

Arcturian Emperor Paiaio says 'The Walking Way must survive.'

The vision switches to Moidaybe...

Moidaybe is in a land that looks like blue crystals. He is sitting next to a stream of blue water. His Master Tara'Ahna comes up behind him and places his hand on Moidaybe's shoulder.

Tara'Ahna says 'You will be ready. Until then you must come with me.'

Moidaybe says 'Are we going to war Master?'

Tara'Ahna says 'We are going to aid in what I hope is the right side. Come...'

Moidaybe taps the surface of the stream with his finger. Then he gets up and leaves with his Master.

They arrive at Mount Olympus. In the valley below are armies encamped. There is Ares and a few other Divine. There is Emperor Paiaio.

Ares turns around stomping across the room 'What holds up a good army is the lack of those in charge of transporting it! Where the hell have you been?!'

Tara'Ahna says 'The Great Ritual of our world and our people was being performed as is our way.'

Ares says 'I don't give two fucks about your way. We have major problems. I have had the armies assembled for several hours. The Arcturians and the Emperor is here. He has brought his own personal army. Many thousands have arrived and we are held up by 13 fucking old men and their little boys.'

EinossArku says 'You shoudln't be so hard on them. They have a certain way your feeble mind couldn't understand.'

Ares says 'And are you in charge here? In fact where is your brother who is supposed to be in charge? Where is Melek? Dancing around with the All Father some more? Trying to find out how to end this peacefully? Maybe you should go with him. Or maybe you should go running around with your secret little lover. Protesting everything!'

EinossArku says 'You need to hold your tongue about certain ones you speak of.'

Ares says 'I will hold your tongue.' Then he draws his sword. Michael steps in front of him.

Michael says 'You are so hungry for blood. Let me quench your thirst.' Gabriel also walks up.

Ares puts his sword away and says 'My thirst for blood will be quenched in moments.' Then he spits at the ground at them.

Ares says to everyone 'Listen up! The Ourhkina have distracted Kronos for a certain time. Now even Kronos's pet will not be there. This is an operation. An important mission that could end all this war.

We will strike directly into the Heart of Kronos. Attack him in his own little realm. Destroy his fire minions and we will capture his heart. Then he will be forced to yield.

Realm Travelers and your Grand Master will accompany me. The rest of you will be assigned to certain legions. We leave within the hour.'

There there is much discussion among everyone. The Emperor Paiaio approaches Tara'Ahna and Moidaybe.

Tara'Ahna greets him 'Emperor it is good to see you.' The Emperor bows his head in acknowledgement.

Then Paiaio glances at Moidaybe and is looking at him. He reaches out and touches Moidaybe's face. Everybody is shocked by this.

The Emperor's guards were about to get involved but Paiaio raises his other hand to tell them to halt. He uses both hands on Moidaybe's face and brings his forehead to touch each other.

Grand Master Tara'Ahna is surprised. Then the Emperor removes his hands and steps back. In the minds of Tara'Ahna and Moidaybe they hear 'The Walking Way must survive.' Then they part.

Moidaybe is walking with Tara'Ahna. The Master says 'To be touched by the Emperor is either a curse or a blessing.'

Moidaybe asks 'What did he mean by the Walking Way must survive?'

Tara'Ahna says 'I have known the Emperor since he was a child. He has the gift of foresight. What he sees, he sees in you.'

Moidaybe says 'But I am not a Master. I am not fully a Realm Traveler.'

Tara'Ahna says 'But you will be soon.'

They walk up to Ares and his Red Myrmidon. Ares says 'It is about fucking time. If you port us as slow as you walk it will take eternity to get there.'

Tara'Ahna says 'We will get there. When you are ready...'

Ares says 'We are all ready now!'

Then Tara'Ahna starts raising his hands along with the other Realm Travelers around other armies. They all vanish and port. They end up in a realm of volcanic fire.

They see a bunch of Arcturians ships including the Emperor's ship.

Ares says 'I hope that overdressed mouthless King is ready is what secret weapon... Red Myrmidon! Today it ends! Today we piece the Heart of Kronos!'

They all start charging. Many fire creatures are attacking and fighting. When they get hacked apart lava comes out instead of blood.

Moidaybe is watching this and says 'Master they are getting slaughtered. That Ares is a fool.'

Tara'Ahna says 'I think we should observe this from the Emperor's ship.'

Moidaybe says 'Agreed.' Then they teleport onto Emperor Paiaio's ship.

The Arcturian Emperor Paiaio is sitting on his throne. He is telepathically speaking to his commanders. His son is there.

The Emperor's son says 'Grand Master you are welcome aboard. As you can see we have two of the Wise Ones of Odin here with us. It is Varrikhan and Nummandor.'

Tara'Ahna says 'I know Varrikhan and Nummandor very well. We share the same teacher.'

Varrikhan says 'Grand Master your presence here is welcome.'

Moidaybe is just watching what is happening. Ares forces are getting decimated.

Moidaybe says 'We must do something.'

Nummandor says 'The time is now my Emperor. It is time to use the weapon.'

The Emperor nods and signals to someone at the control area of the ship.

One of the Arcturians says 'All ships, begin frost charge.'

The ships begin to power up and the Emperor makes another signal. The Arcturian says 'Fire.'

Then all these blasts come from the ships made of ice and frost. The fire creatures are dying.

Moidaybe says 'Yes! Now they stand a chance.' He notices Nummandor talking to the Emperor's son.

Grand Master says 'It looks like Ares has assured his victory.' Then he grabs his head and is in pain. The Emperor does the same thing.

Moidaybe starts feeling a terrible shrieking in his head. Some of the other Arcturians are experiencing it as well.

Even Vustik and Nummandor are feeling it. Ares and some of the other Divine start being affected by it.

Moidaybe says 'Master what is it?' Tara'Ahna says 'Emperor we must warn Ares. We must leave now and retreat.'

Moidaybe asks 'Master what is going on? What is happening?'

Tara'Ahna says 'The Hungali are here!' A whole bunch of Hungali show up and start tearing through the armies. They are destroying Arcturian ships.

Emperor Paiaio is reacting. Tara'Ahna says 'Yes my Emperor, at once.' Then Tara'Ahna starts to concentrate.

Some of the Divine are fighting while trying to retreat.

The Arcturian ships are destroyed. Tara'Ahna ports the Emperor's ship out just in time.

Ares is on the ground screaming at them 'You fucking cowards!' Then he looks around and sees he is surrounded by Hungali. He drops his sword and the Hungali swarm on him. This is where Ares gets captured but Kronos eventually releases him.

Master Tara'Ahna and Moidaybe are still aboard the Emperor's ship. The Emperor gets up with a concerned look in his eyes. He walks over to Tara'Ahna.

Tara'Ahna says 'Only us... it is only us left.'

The Arcturian Emperor drops to his knees. He has lost so many more of his people.

The Emperor's son speaks and says 'Now is the time to end this madness father. Too many Arcturian have died for the Divine. If you will not end this father then I must.'

They walk over to each other. His son says 'Please father, we must.' The Emepror touches his son's face. His son begins to weep. The Emperor turns around.

Varrikhan says 'Now claim what is yours and take your place at our side.'

The son takes out a dagger and stabs Emperor Paiaio in the back. There is a light burning through his eyes. Where his mouth used to be burns and opens up.

The Emperor speaks out loud 'The Walking Way must survive.'

Nummandor says 'The Walking Way will be ours!' Then he tries to go for Tara'Ahna and Moidaybe.

Tara'Ahna grabs Moidaybe and they both port away.

Nummandor says 'Damn them! I will go to their world and round them all up personally. The Walking Way will be mine!'

Varrikhan says 'There is no need for that. By the time you get there, there won't be any of them to round up.'

Varrikhan is holding up a little black disc 'Our friends will have some visitors soon.' Then he closes his hand.

Varrikhan says to the son 'What will it be Emperor? Are you with us or are you with all the rest of them? Will you let the Arcturians be slaves to the Divine any longer or will you join us? An Arcturian Empire will spread throughout the realms. You will know ultimate power. Become one of us. We will show you the ways of True Power.'

The son says 'I and all my kind are yours.'

The vision switches...

Moidaybe and Tara'Ahna are back on their home world of Kondrinia.

Moidaybe says 'The Emperor. His son betrayed... Two of the Seven... Also betrayers. We must warn the All Father.'

Tara'Ahna says 'And we shall. First we must know what happened to the others.'

Then their heads start to ache and hurt again. They both looks at each other with a terrifying look on their face.

Three other Kondrinan Realm Travelers show up. Tara'Ahna says 'There is no time! We must save as many as we can.'

What looks like hundreds of meteors coming in are actually Hungali coming to Kondrinia.

Tara'Ahna says 'How? How did they come here?' He feels something burning in his robe pocket. It burns through. It is a little black disc.

Tara'Ahna picks it up and gasps. The Hungali crash into their world and begin to destroy everything.

Realm Traveler says 'Grand Master! We must save everyone! Grand Master answer me!'

Moidaybe says 'Master... Master...' He is shaking Tara'Ahna but he is in shock.

A Hungali lands next to the five Kondrinan Realm Travelers. The other three try to port out. As they port the Hungali uses three of his fingers and they shoot out and pulls them right back. He holds them in his hands and they incincerate. The Hungali looks at Moidaybe.

Moidaybe yells 'Master!' Moidaybe ports them both. They are at the Ancient Grove. Their world is still being destroyed around them.

Moidaybe says 'Master. I haven't the strength to port us both off this world. You must come with me.'

Tara'Ahna says 'My time has come. There is one more message I must deliver. That the Walking Way shall not die.'

Tara'Ahna opens his robe exposing his chest. There is a symbol of a wheel within a wheel within a wheel. He touches his hands to it. The symbols come out into his hands.

Tara'Ahna says 'Carry on the Walking Way. For you will be the last of us. Remember the vow with the All Father and the trust that comes with learning this.'

Then he grabs both of Moidaybe's hands and the symbols burn into Moidaybe. They then burn into a symbol on his chest. The symbols disappear from the Tara'Ahna .

Tara'Ahna says 'The time has come. Now go. Wait for the time when the Rose that is frozen will bloom again and the ice will thaw. Hope will be restored.

I always believed that when this day would come with my last passing on with my last port I would travel somewhere and want to die there. But it is here. I want to transcend.'

Tara'Ahna uses his last port to portal out Moidaybe. The world of Kondrinia is destroyed.

The vision flashes forward...

Moidaybe is older and drinking in a tavern. Some Arcturian Battle Magi come in. Many visitors leave the tavern when they arrive. Moidaybe is still sitting at the bar drinking.

Battle Magus come up and say 'Fugitive, surrender now and you will not be disintegrated.'

Moidaybe asks 'By whose orders?'

Battle Magus says 'By the One Emperor.'

Moidaybe says 'The One True Emperor died a long time ago. Now you dogs run along and tell Nummandor I am not interested. Run back to your Candelabra Masters. Let me enjoy my drink. Don't piss me off.'

Battle Magus says 'Then have it your way.' He gets ready to energy blast and then Moidaybe disappears.

Moidaybe shows up behind two of the Battle Magi. The symbols on his hands light up and they both disappear. Moidaybe ports both of them into the middle of a sun. It made them disintegrate.

Moidaybe is still in the tavern he grabs the other Battle Magus by the throat and slams him into the wall. The eyes and mouth of the Battle Magus start to burn.

Moidaybe says 'I told you. You tell Nummandor I am not interested.' Then he drops the Battle Magus and ports away.

The vision continues...

Moidaybe ports to another place. He is in the same universe of the Vomma and the Dragonknights. He is on a world walking through the streets.

Moidaybe sees someone in a robe following him so he turns down an alley. The one following him also comes down the alley.

Moidaybe ports behind the person following him and pulls out his dagger and grabs him by the throat. He notices that this guy looks like him. It is a Kondrinan.

Moidaybe is shocked 'Who are you?'

The Kondrinan says 'I am Rare'Ah. I was the apprentice to Fingin.'

Moidaybe says 'Your face looks familiar. How do I know it is not just a disguise?'

Rare'Ah says 'Because we have the same gift.' He holds up his hands with glowing wheel symbols.

Moidaybe says 'Are you the only one?'

Rare'Ah says 'No. All the apprentices have survived. We found a secret place where no others go. We can gather there. Start over. All we needed to do was find you. We need our Grand Master.'

Moidaybe has a single tear come from his eye. He says 'For so long I thought I was alone.'

Rare'Ah grabs his shoulder and says 'But you are not alone anymore brother. Others survived. We have a chance to start over. Our people will be able to flourish once again. I could take you to this place.'

Moidaybe says 'Yes take me.' They grab each others hands and the symbols start lighting up.

Rare'Ah says 'Can you see it in my mind?'

Moidaybe says 'Yes.' Rare'Ah says 'Then let's go there.'

Moidaybe ports and they show up on a grassy plain. They are both there.

Moidaybe asks 'It this it? This place is beautiful.'

Rare'Ah says 'Yes it is. The others will arrive soon. They have all been searching for you. Here... drink this. This is the water of our new world. You must taste it. Then you will feel that you are at home.'

Moidaybe takes the water skin and he drinks it. He says 'Yes I do feel calm. I do feel... I am...' Then he passes out.

Rare'Ah changes form into Vustik and says 'Time for you to sleep for a very long time. Just to let you know, the Rose will never bloom. The ice will never melt. Because you see, the Rose is mine and I am the ice. And now, you are mine too.'

Vision of what happened during your IG session when Asherah Aphrodite rescued you...

When Aphrodite came to do your ig session the first time it ended up with a huge argument between Vustik and Nummandor.

Nummandor finds out that Vustik had you hidden.

Nummandor is pissed off screaming 'You had him all this time?!'

Vustik is laying back and says 'Yeah, so what. I had him and you didn't. You have things that I want but you know what? Fuck you.'

Nummandor comes across the room and punches Vustik in the face and knocks him down. Vustik laughs.

Nummandor says 'Now he is in the hands of Aphrodite! If she learns the power of the Walking Way she could show up here right now!'

Vustik says 'And what would you do? Bitch punch her like you did me? You hit like a little Gnome Bitch.'

Nummandor yells 'I will show you who hits like a Gnome Bitch!'

Vustik says 'Alright, bring it!'

Then Mono and Melkor show up. Mono asks 'What is going on?'

Vustik says 'He is having a fit because he didn't get something he wanted.'

Melkor says 'You two fools and your little playthings. Waste of time.'

Mono says 'Stand down. That is the way it is.'

The vision ends and we are back in present time...

Moidaybe: "At the same time I am angry at Vustik for imprisoning me I am also grateful.

If Nummandor was ever to get the Walking Way who knows what could have happened. I suppose you do Ark."

Ark: Yeah I do. Sometimes what seems the worst things that happen to us actually turn out to be the best. Vustik imprisoned you but it kept you away from Nummandor. Vustik kept you a secret for his own.

You are here now. The Rose is blooming and the ice is broken. You fight along side Aphrodite. You are an irreplaceable ally and friend.

Me: I am honored to have Moidaybe by my side as my personal guard. He is one of my best friends.

Ark: Moidaybe is really badass when we are in combat. He ports around during battle. He takes minions and soldiers and ports them somewhere.

He goes through crows of minions and just throws them into portals. They just disappear.

He knows a lot of offensive and defensive magic. He has traveled to many places.
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