Tulkas: Test of Ancient Strength

Tulkas is on the Outside taking the Test of Ancient Strength. Ashoweah may have brought Ancient Powers forth for himself and his allies. I have as well. The Ancient Powers are returning.
This starts as a true self past vision session for Tulkas. Then it moves to an intuitive guidance session for someone else.
Me to Tulk: I must speak with you. It is urgent. Tulkas is to be Ancient Strength. He must become this. His test is going to be hard. There is someone on our IG session list who is an even older Vala who can take Tulkas to his test.
The very first Vala disappeared and no one knows where he is. I don't think it is Eru. He is the one on our IG list. I will find him and he will take you to the Test of Ancient Strength. You must become this.
Melkor has become an Ancient Power being. Ashoweah turned him into one. You should not face him until you become Ancient Strength. I will find and do that ig session soon. Your Strength and my Love will be such a powerful combination. Gonna do your TSPV
Tulk: I understand completely. I was feeling frustrated at my weakness all day. I didn’t know where this was coming from but now I know. I will go through and pass this test.
Me: We will get started.
Tulk: I can feel you in my TS body’s mind. I didn’t realize how many memories were blocked. Lot of energy in my mind now. It feels good having you in my mind. Calming. I feel a lot of knowledge of the Vala will be revealed in this memory.
This vision begins in Old Valinor...
There is young Tulkas in what would appear to be mid-teens. He is running with other Vala. He is carrying a pack with him. There is Karas and the other Vala. They are all young.
Young Melkor arrives. Karas says to Tulkas and Melkor 'You are late. You are both late.'
Tulkas say 'Sorry teacher. I had a late start. I was dreaming of Knighthood where I would serve.'
Karas says 'Those dreams can be heavy and can keep one fast asleep, but always provide good foresight. Pay attention to your dreams.'
An older male Vala approaches named is Valkar. He is the oldest of the Vala. He speaks to the others and says 'Today begins your servitude to the Divine. Many of you will serve other Divine in which ways they will see fit. I have chosen who will go where.'
The young Vala are all talking among themselves. Tulkas says 'Please let it be Ares.'
Melkor says 'You aren't worthy enough to serve along with Ares. What makes you think you would deserve such a position?'
Tulkas says 'Because I am the best student and bravest among us. Who else better to serve than the God of War?'
Melkor says 'What do you know of war? You would probably tuck tail and run at the first sign of battle.'
Tulkas gets angry and says 'I can prove my courage to you right here.'
Valkar comes between them and says 'Is there a problem?'
Tulkas says 'No there is none.' Melkor says nothing.
Valar says to Tulkas 'Do not let it trouble you. You will be happy where you are assigned.'
Then he turns to the rest 'All of you listen to me now. Here on these scrolls is who you will serve. Step forward each and take one.'
Melkor cuts in front of Tulkas. Each Vala takes a scroll. Some of them are rejoicing. Tulkas is hesitant to look at his scroll. He opens it up. It says he will serve under the Goddess Aphrodite.
Melkor laughs 'You will be fluffing pillows and bringing wine. Perfect for you.' Tulkas gets angry.
Melkor opens his scroll and gets upset. He says 'Great Master Valkar mine is a mistake.'
Valkar says 'There are no mistakes.'
Melkor says 'This is wrong. This is completely wrong. To serve the God of Wine Dionysus.'
Tulkas laughs 'Who will be serving wine now?' Melkor is angry.
Valkar says 'Silence. You must learn discipline among yourselves. Hopefully those who you serve will teach you this. Now go and be on your way.'
Tulkas is a bit disappointed but is looking on the bright side of it. He heads to the main city of where they are.
He is greeted by Karas who says 'Tulkas I am glad to see that you have arrived. And early at that.'
Tulkas says 'I didn't sleep much last night. I was excited for my journey.'
Karas 'You have arrived. I shall take you to one who can send you to where you need to go. You will see many strange things. Beings, Divine, and many others that make up the cosmos and all the realms. Understand them. Understand their ways. Learn from them and you shall grow strong. Now come, you are about to meet one of them now.'
He seems some of the other Vala and sees a strange being with a face that looks like a squid. Tulkas is amazed because he has never seen this kind of being before.
He sees this being open portals and the other Vala are going through. Tulkas sees Melkor who gives him an angry look as he heads through his portal.
Karas says 'It is now your turn. Good luck young Tulkas. When you return you shall be my apprentice.'
Tulkas 'Thank you. Thank you master. It has always been my dream to be your apprentice. I will learn much in my servitude of the Divine.'
Karas touches Tulkas on the shoulder and says 'Now go... Doumarae, my young friend here wishes to go to the palace of Aphrodite.'
Doumarae opens a portal and says 'There you are my young friend.'
Tulkas stares at him because he has never seen a being like this before. Tulkas says 'Thank you.' Before he goes through he stops.
Doumarae says 'Never traveled through a portal before?'
Tulkas says 'No. Does it hurt?'
Doumarae says 'Not as much as this.' Then he booted Tulkas through the portal.
First time traveling through feels like a wormhole. Tulkas is a bit shocked at first but then begins to enjoy it. He is swimming and having fun with it.
Tulkas comes out the other end of the portal and hits the floor. He hears all this giggling. He sees many Nymphs and other female servants. He gets up and brushes himself off and fixes himself up.
Tulkas brings out his scroll. Yashadite approaches him and she takes the scroll. She smiles.
Yashadite says 'My Lady has been expecting you. Come...'
Tulkas is fascinated by the whole place. He begins to follow Yashadite and hears giggling behind him.
Yashadite says 'You must excuse my Lady, she has guests.'
Tulkas hears laughter coming from down the hallway. He enters into a room and sees Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, and Poseidon.
Ares says 'I challenged this one being and told him I could beat him with a fireball from my ass.'
Poseidon says 'What fireball from your ass?'
Ares bends over and says 'Well look... you can see the flame building.'
Poseidon got closer and Ares farted on him. Everyone was laughing.
Poseidon says 'That was disgusting.'
Tulkas and Yashadite are standing there quietly.
Yashadite says 'Excuse me my Lady, this is young Tulkas arrived from Valinor.'
Aphrodite approaches him. Tulkas is overwhelmed. She greets him and puts her hand out.
Tulkas does not know what to do. He is a bit stunned.
Ares says 'Is he dumb? They sent you the village idiot?'
Tulkas says 'Forgive me my Lady.' He takes a knee and kisses her hand.
Aphrodite says 'He is not dumb. In fact, he is well mannered. Very polite. Unlike some...'
Ares grins and drinks some wine.
Aphrodite says 'You shall serve me Tulkas on my Knights Guard. You will protect my palace and any who come here from those who are not welcome. Is this understood?'
Tulkas says 'Yes my Lady.'
Aphrodite says 'Yashadite shall show you to your quarters. You will not give your name to my other guards or ask for theirs. Is that understood?'
Tulkas says 'Yes, that is understood.'
Aphrodite says 'And you shall serve me for seven passings of the seasons. Is that understood?'
Tulkas says 'Yes my Lady, that is understood.'
Aphrodite says 'Then go now.'
Yashadite says 'Follow me...'
Yashadite leads Tulkas to a room. There is a set if beautiful white golden armor and a beautifully crafted sword.
Tulkas says 'Are these mine?'
Yashadite says 'Yes, a gift from my Lady. You should get some rest.'
Tulkas spends a lot of time guarding while Aphrodite entertains many different guests. He is always fascinated by Aphrodite.
Tulkas final task every night is to report to Aphrodite that all is well. Aphrodite always asks 'How is my palace?' He replies 'All is well.' Aphrodite replies 'Good night Tulkas.'
Time passes and Tulka's service is almost complete...
Tulkas sees Aphrodite returning one day. Aphrodite is calling for Yashadite. She is extremely happy.
Yashadite says 'Could this be? My Lady of Love in love?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes, it is. We must keep it a secret. For my fellow pantheon would frown upon this.'
Yashadite says 'Will I meet him soon?'
Aphrodite says 'Yes you will.'
Tulkas is a little sad but he understands and he is happy for her. He comes to report later to Aphrodite on her balcony.
After she tells him good night he turns to her and says 'I am happy for you my Lady. For you are Love and you deserve love.'
Aphrodite says to him 'Thank you Tulkas. Even though your time here is almost complete you and I will always be friends. You will always be welcome here.'
Tulkas says 'Thank you my Lady.' He returns to his quarters and hears something. He senses something. A presence that he has not sensed here before. He goes rushing and sees out on one of the landings a being he has never seen before.
This being has red skin, black feathery wings, and when he removes his helm he has a long braided beard and long braided black hair, and horns. He has black eyes. He is carrying a spear.
Tulkas beings to panic thinking that someone is coming to assassinate the Lady Aphrodite. He tells himself 'Only one chance Tulkas, you must protect my Lady.'
Tulkas comes out and charges against his being. He suddenly gets stopped and gets thrown down onto the ground.
This being says 'You are pretty brave Vala. I admire that.'
Tulkas jumps to his feet and says 'Whatever mal-intent you bring foul creature upon this place know that I will give my last breath to defend it.'
Being says 'And I believe you would. That is not necessary. Plus, it wouldn't go good for you.'
Tulkas says 'I will show you what is good for me!' He charges again. This being puts up a wall of black fire that goes around him.
Yashadite say 'Tulkas! What are you doing?' The flames go out from around him.
Tulaks says 'I am sorry my Lady. I belived him to be an intruder.'
Yashadite says 'He is no intruder. He is a guest of our Lady.'
Tulkas says 'A guest?' He takes a knee and bows. 'I have dishonored you here in this household. I seek only but your mercy for which I do not deserve.'
Being says 'That is not necessary Vala. You were doing what you believed to be right. That is honorable.'
Tulkas sheaths his sword. Yashadite says 'I will inform my Lady that you have arrived.'
Tulkas is staring and gazing at this being. The being asks him 'This is your first time out of Valinor isn't it?'
Tulkas says 'Yes. I have served my Lady since.'
Being says 'Something about you, there is great power inside you. One day you will fully understand. But you will leave many great deeds before then.'
Yashadite returns and says 'Please follow me. My Lady is awaiting you.'
The being says 'Until we meet again Tulkas of Valinor.'
Tulkas says 'Until we meet again. I didn't get your name...'
Being says 'My name is EinossArku.'
Yashadite is standing there with Tulkas.
Tulkas says to her 'What kind of being was that?'
Yashadite says 'That is a Ourhkina. An Angelic being.'
Tulkas lights up. He has heard of them but never seen one.
Yashadite says 'They are not exactly as you think they would look.'
Tulkas says 'No, not at all.'
The vision flashes forward...
Tulkas is with Aphrodite and Yashadite. There is a portal and Tulkas has his armor off and sitting nearby.
Aphrodite approaches him and says 'My friend Tulkas, the time has come for you to return to Valinor. To take your place as an apprentice of Karas.'
Tulkas says 'Thank you for the time here my Lady. I have learned and grown so much.'
Aphrodite says 'You are always welcome here my friend.'
Tulkas says 'Here is the sword and armor. I return it to you now.'
Aphrodite says 'It was my gift to you. Keep it. It will serve you well.'
Aphrodite gives Tulkas a hug. Tulkas says 'These are troubling times. If there is anything you ever need from me please do not hesitate to call on me.'
The vision switches to Tulkas in Valinor...
Tulkas has returned to Valinor after his service the Goddess Aphrodite. By this time the Urthak War is about to begin.
Tulkas has heard that Melkor abandoned his servitude with Dionysus. He began to deal with dark and malevolent beings.
Melkor had pledged a blood oath to Kali and served her for three changing seasons. Kali was attacking Alfheim because she wanted the tree for herself.
Tulkas and the other Vala are called together.
Valkar speaks to them and says 'There was one among you who had chosen darkness and power. You know as well as I do that war is coming. Valinor will stand with the Divine.
For you apprentice, you must serve your masters in this upcoming conflict. And serve the Divine. We must protect Alfheim.
Master Karas... You and your apprentice must go to King Yserah. You must find Alakin Silverleaf. They will be in desperate need of your help.
The time has come for me to return to the place beyond. To gather the Ancient Strength. This will be no easy task. For many Ancient Powers have been gathering. Serve the King of Alfheim. Is this understood Karas?'
Karas say 'Yes my master, it is understood.'
Tulkas says 'Will it really come to war master?'
Karas replies 'Yes. For this you must be ready. Hold out your hand...'
Karas lights a green fire in his hand and says 'I bless you with the sacred Fire of Strength. It is forever yours. Let is serve you.'
Karas touches Tulkas on the hand and it goes into him. He feels a little bit of burning.
Karas says 'You must learn how to use this. It is time to awaken who you are. Feel the fire within you. Feel it change in you. Preparing you to become Vala.'
Tulkas is concentrating and green fire is flowing around him. He feels something sprouting from his back. He has green fire wings. Tulkas opens his eyes and feels the power.
Karas says 'Always use this for good. Never let it consume you.'
Tulkas says 'I will not let it consume me master.'
Karas says 'Then let us go...' He opens a portal and takes Tulkas to Alfheim.
Vision moves to Alfheim...
Tulkas is in Alfheim training to become stronger. He has been called on by Elven King Yserah many times. Tulkas fought in battles with the Elves against the Nature Folk who sided with Kronos.
In one battle he remembers the Ourhkina Gabriel walking the battle field after to pick up the souls of the dead.
Tulkas fought in many battles. He was there during the invasion of Alfheim when the Great Tree was threatened. He watched the servants of Melkor ravage parts of Alfheim. He fought against them. Every time his anger towards Melkor grew.
When it came to the invasion of Alfheim, Tulkas wanted to challenge Melkor but was not able to.
Vision tells about Mount Olympus invasion...
Tulkas is in Alfheim a bit before the invasion. Varda is bringing a message for Karas.
Karas is surprised and says 'Tell Valkar we are on our way.'
Tulkas is training down in the Alfheim arena. Karas comes up to him and says 'Tulkas we must leave at once. It is of great urgency. All the Vala have been called to Mount Olympus.'
Tulkas asks 'Why?' Karas says 'Because Olympus is under siege. We must go at once. Gather your things.'
Tulkas is surprised by this. He gets a really bad vision. He see the masters dying. He shakes it off as just worry.
He meets up with his master. Karas is already clad in his armor and is ready to fight. Karas says to him 'We must hurry. Be ready. When we exist the portal we may fall under attack.'
Karas opens up a portal. They step through and come out the other side. They almost get smashed by the club of a cyclops. They are at Mount Olympus and there is a major battle.
Tulkas notices the cyclops coming for him again. Tulkas casts fire to burn his eye. Then he flies up and stabs the cyclops in the head.
Karas says 'Tulkas, quickly. To the highest pantheon.' Tulkas follows him up. He sees Minotaurs, Centaurs, and many other beings. They are fighting against Divine and their allies.
Tulkas sees unicorns charging. He flies up and sees the unicorns collide with hellhounds. Behind the hellhounds a really huge wolf. Tulkas is shocked by this.
Tulkas sees his master and other Vala. They are making their way to the top of the pantheon. They see Poseidon and Hades fighting side by side against Atlas.
Karas says 'Quickly, we must help them.' They strike forward against Atlas and begin burning him with green fire.
Poseidon and Hades stab Atlas in the side. They knock him off the edge of the stairs that lead up to the patheon. He goes falling down.
At the top is Ares, Zeus, Athena, and Artemis fighting the invaders.
Artemis yells to Zeus 'My King! The Vala! They have come!'
Zeus says 'Quickly! We cannot have the enemy reach the top of the pantheon!'
Tulkas and the rest of the Vala are fighting their way up to the top. Tulkas gets grabbed by a Harpy who is lifting him up into the air. He fights her off.
Kronos and his forces move up closer towards the top of the pantheon. It is really high up in the heavens. If you get knocked off the stairs it is very far to fall.
Tulkas, Vala, and the Divine who are there are defending the staircase going to the top pantheon.
Tulkas is fighting a Minotaur who is trying to hit him with an axe. Tulkas got under him and gutted him.
Tulkas almost got hit by a Giant but Artemis shot some arrows at him and blinded him. Tulkas knocked the Giant off the edge of the stairs with his fire.
Tulkas sees the large wolf coming up the way with hellhounds. There are bunches of them.
Athena says 'Look! Freya and her Valkyrie have arrived!'
The Valkyrie start knocking hellhounds off the edges.
Freya says 'Do not let the Fenrir wolf get to the top!'
Valkryie try to get Fenrir but he is biting some of them in half.
Ares says 'The big dog is mine!' Ares charges forward to Fenrir.
Poseidon yells 'Wait!'
Ares goes for Fenrir while screaming a battle cry. Fenrir catches Ares in his mouth and shakes the shit out of him. Ares helmet and sword go flying off the edge.
Fenrir lets him go and Ares also falls off the edge. Zeus yells 'Ares!'
Freya lands with some of her Valkyrie. Zeus says 'How many more are coming?'
Freya says 'We fell under attack. Everywhere is under attack. They began the invasion of Alfheim and all the realms. We must stand here. Olympus cannot fall.'
Fenrir is working his way up but he stops.
Artemis says 'What is he doing?'
Fenrir begins to back off.
Zeus says 'Coward!' Then he throws a lightning bolt that strikes right in front of Fenrir. He is still backing up.
Hades says 'What is he doing?'
Zeus says 'It doesn't matter. The day is ours!'
Then all of them started getting pains in their heads. They all drop to their knees for a moment. Then they come out of it.
Athena rises to her feet and screams 'Hungali!'
They see one coming up the side of where the cliff is. The Divine are scared and shocked.
A Vala Master says 'Vala! With me! Apprentices, protect the Divine. Vala with me!'
The masters all go with him except for Karas.
Tulkas says 'Master why do you stay?'
Karas says 'Because this is a fight we cannot win.'
The other Vala go charging down towards the Hungali. They are throwing fire at him.
The Hungali opens his mouth and screamed something and the Vala disintegrate.
The apprentices are all shocked and yelling out for their masters. Tulkas moves forward but Karas pulls him back.
Athena opens a portal and says 'Come! Quickly.' The Divine go through it.
Artemis yells to Karas and the Vala apprentices 'Master Karas come! To Valinor!'
Artemis looks up and sees the sky full of Ourhkina who start to attack the Hungali.
Artemis says 'The Ourhkina will cover our escape. More Hungali will come.'
Tulkas and Karas along with the other apprentices go through the portal with Artemis.
They are all in Valinor. They see Valkar. He is on his knees weeping.
Valkar says 'Even with Ancient Strength, I have lost almost all of mine.'
He was wearing a crown and he lays it down. He removes his robe. He turns to them and says
Valkar says 'Restore the Vala. Find me. Heal me. Save me. We will meet again far from now.' Then Valkar vanishes.
Karas says 'You must all remain here. Tulkas and I shall go to Alfheim and aid the King. Melkor and his armies lay siege to the Tree. The Tree must not burn. We must preserve what little hope there is left. Come Tulkas. It is time to begin your era.'
Then it ties in with the events in the TSPV for Lyindrinar...
True Self Past Vision Session: The Murder of Alakin Silverleaf
The past vision ends...
Me: We got it. We know know what must be done. Do not go to look for this on your own. We will do it with you in the IG session.
Tulk: I finished reading. I remember everything. I know how important this is. We can’t let Ashoweah learn of this. I had the biggest crush on you when I served under you. I’m sure the others did as well but you affected me the most.
Me: We are so close now. I love having you by my side.
Tulk: I love being with you. I’m glad to be by your side. Love and Strength are intrinsic parts of each other. Love is the strongest emotion, and the greatest power source of strength is Love. I can feel you clearly in my heart. Our own bond is eternal and infinite in all aspects.
Me: There is someone on the intuitive guidance session waiting list who we need for Tulkas to do the Test of Ancient Strength. Valkar has an incarnation in the group.
August 19th... Intuitive Guidance for Valkar...
12:44pm Me: I am going to start the IG session. I want to talk Tulkas with me.
Tulk: He’s coming to you now... I’m here with you now.
12:47pm We have to go to Volheim. He is there. We should bring Tenomachi. Sentis is still gone.
Me: Tenomachi and Vilanea are coming with us.
Tulk: Ok. That’s good.
Me: Volheim is a very strange realm. It is a place of shapeshifters and other beings. There are many Vampyr there. These Vampyr are just like the Volwynn except they are Bat Shifters.
They enslave others to them and they feed on blood. They have an infectious bite that will put you under their control. They are called something else rather than Vampyr but I don't have the name.
Tenomachi: "The Volgath. They enslave Volwynn and feed on Volwynnkir. They live in a place known as the Black Swamp or the Swamp of Despair.
This is a haunted place. There are many tortured spirits who live there. It is a dangerous place. Why would the Master of the Vala go there?"
Me: He went there to die. Tulkas's task is to restore the strength and hope inside Valkar. When he does this then Valkar will give him the secret to finding Ancient Strength.
Tulk: Tulkas has prepared for this for a long time. He’s ready.
12:55pm Me: Here is his obstacle... There is a Count of the Volgath who Melkor has been influencing to keep Valkar where he is. Now because of the gathering of the Ancient Powers this task will be more dangerous. We might run into Melkor.
Tenomachi: "I wish we had Ark with us. This place is full of Liches."
Tulk: He understands the risks. We tread carefully.
Tenomachi: "Vilanea and I will accompany you."
Me: "I will bring my personal guard Ahzexian, Fenrir, Moidaybe, Olorin, and Yusvago."
12:58pm *We travel to Volheim*
We are traveling up in the sky. We see the Swamp of Despair below. It looks horrible.
Tulk: I can feel the tortured land from this height
Tenomachi: "We should land here and go in on foot."
Yusvago: "Why don't we just fly over it to where they are?"
Tenomachi takes a small gem from his pocket. He throws it over the area above the swamp. What looks like dark clouds turns into weird looking decayed spirits. They grab the gem and disintegrate it.
Yusvago: "Good enough reason for me. I am walking."
*We all land at the entrance to the swamp
Me: "Ahzexian scout ahead. Moidaybe be ready to port me just in case."
We are waiting for Ahzexian to return. He came back.
Ahzexian: "I discovered an old decrpit decaying tree. Inside the hollowed out tree I saw a Vala in chains. Something else my Queen, Melkor and Nummandor are there. There were quite a few of these Volgaths."
Ahzexian: "Melkor and Nummandor were pouring dark energy into these Volgaths. It started to change them. They became bigger."
Me: "We must still proceed. We will need a plan though."
Ahzexian: "If we can distract them long enough I can grab the Vala. Moidaybe can then port him and you safely out. Then come back for the rest of us."
Me: "I like that plan. We should surprise them while they are distracted. Moidaybe can you port us to where Ahzexian was?"
Moidaybe: "Yes I can."
1:06pm We all draw our weapons and make ready.
Yusvago: "Now this is the part of the job that I love."
Fenrir: "It is mine too."
Tulkas: "Then let us go and vanquish them and free Valkar."
Me: "Do not be distracted by Melkor. He will do all that is possible to keep you from obtaining the Ancient Strength."
Me: "Then we are ready. Now Moidaybe."
1:09 Moidaybe ports all us by the tree right in on top of them.
Melkor turns around and Tulkas punches him right in the face. It knocks Melkor off the podium.
Melkor: "Kill him!"
The Volgath start attacking. Tenomachi is using his spear. Fenrir and Yusvago and knocking them back.
Nummandor and Melkor are backing up. Bunches of Volgath are coming out of the swamp.
Tenomachi: "Be careful of their blood. It is toxic."
Fenrir: "None of you get to be my chew toys?" Then he smashes them with his paws.
When they get near Asherah Aphrodite she swats at them and they disintegrate. She stabs some with her sword and they also disintegrate.
A bunch of them went to jump on Asherah Aphrodite and they bounced off her and disintegrated. When they disintegrate there is a dark cloud that dissipates.
Nummador to Melkor: "We shouldn't waste our time here."
Melkor: "You coward. I will not let him have the Ancient Strength."
Nummandor: "But this is not part of the Master's plan."
Melkor: "To hell with the Master's plan. Be sure to tell him I said that."
*Nummandor ports away and leaves*
Melkor is talking to the Count: "I have more than one card in my hand. Time to play them."
Melkor pours darkness into the Volgath Count. The Count runs towards Fenrir who has is back to him.
Tenomachi: "Fenrir watch out!"
The Count jumps on Fenrir's back and sinks his teeth into him. Melkor flies over and swoops up the Count. He turns before he leaves.
Melkor: "Enjoy playing with your own dog! To you Queen Asherah, today you will break one of your own bonds."
*Then Melkor goes flying through the swamp*
Ahzexian: "I have the Vala. We should go now."
Something is wrong with Fenrir. Vilanea is trying to heal him. He is changing into a servant of Count Volgath. He knocked Tenomachi and Vilanea off him. Fenrir goes towards Yusvago.
Yusvago: "Hey buddy it is me." Then he dodges Fenrir biting him in half.
Tenomachi: "Think of something. Think of something fast!"
Fenrir runs right past Aphrodite and does not attack her. He is going after everyone else.
Tenomachi: "Avoid his bite at all costs!"
Moidaybe: "Fenrir, you don't want to hurt us. Fight it."
Tulkas: "We have to find a way to subdue him."
Tulkas: "Tenomachi what is the way to break this spell upon him?"
Tenomachi: "Just like the folklore, kill the master who bit him."
Tulk: Then let’s go after the Count.
Melkor has the Volgath Count.
Tulk: Damn. We knock him out then.
Yusvago: "Sorry old friend."
He knocks Fenrir through the swamp knocking over trees. Fenrir gets up and shakes it off.
Yusvago: "Tulkas that didn't knock him out."
Asherah Aphrodite is thinking of a plan for Fenrir. She pulls out Rovitomial's infinity sack.
Me to Tulk: "The first part of your test begins now. Go after Melkor and the Count."
1:21pm Tulk: Understood. I’ll go after him
Tulkas is catching up to Melkor. It seems Melkor was waiting for him. He is sitting there holding the Count up.
Melkor has the spirit of Karas.
Melkor: "Let me show you an infusion Tulkas. See my new power."
He just infused Karas's spirit into the Volgath Count.
1:23pm Melkor: "Kill the Count and kill your Master to save your friend."
Aphrodite is still looking through Rovitiomial's bag. She is pulling out many items.
Melkor vanishes and leaves the Count who is attacking Tulkas.
Tulkas knocks the Count off of him. He notices the creature is struggling. It is fighting within itself.
Karas: "Tulkas you must do what needs to be done to gain strength. There must be sacrifice."
The Count attacks. Tulkas knocks the creature down again.
Karas: "Set me free."
Tulk: I will do what needs to be done to gain true strength.
Aphrodite pulls out sling traps: "Ahzexian here!" She tosses them to him.
Aphrodite stands in front of Fenrir before he bites down on Vilanea. Fenrir stops.
Fenrir is still under the control but he won't attack Aphrodite.
Me: "You will be your old self again. Until then my love, I am sorry for this."
Me: "Now Ahzexian." He uses the sling trap ropes on Fenrir's legs to bind it up. He gives the end of it to Yusvago.
Ahzexian: "Yusvago pull tight!" Yusvago wraps Fenrir's legs together and takes him down. Fenrir is fighting.
1:28pm Asherah Aphrodite walks up to Fenrir and touches him on the nose.
Me: "Sleep for now my friend." She puts Fenrir to sleep.
Tulk: I will do what needs to be done to gain true strength.
Tulkas runs his sword right through the Count.
Karas: "Thank you." The Count disintegrates.
Valkar is waking up. Ahzexian had moved him off to the side so he wouldn't be in danger.
Tulkas returned and he is standing in front of Valkar.
Valkar: "So long have I dwelled in the darkness. So long have I felt ashamed of my mistakes of the past. I have waited for the one to come who would claim the Ancient Strength. He stands here before me today."
*Tulkas helps Valkar up to his feet*
Valkar: "You have made the sacrifice. You are ready. You have restored in me the hope of a better future for all the realms. Free of this darkness and despair. I knew one day you would come. As long as I have been here it was the only piece of hope that I held onto."
*Asherah Aphrodite approaches them*
Valkar looks at her: "It amazes me and it is true. The Ancient Powers have returned."
Where he was looking older he is starting to look younger. He comes up to Aphrodite and bows his head.
Valkar: "I have always knew you would be the one to restore balance."
*Asherah Aphrodite kneels and kisses Valkar on the head*
Me: "The time of your suffering and your shame has ended. Now rise reborn and honored."
Valkar rises up and says: "I will serve you my Lady. For you and Tulkas have restored my strength. It is the Ancient Strength that Tulkas seeks. I can help him find this.
You have been to the Outside. Now you must take us there. For the Ancient Strength lies there. The Test of the Strength will begin for him. I will be forever at your side."
Me: "You shall come with me to the Outside and be the second voice for Tulkas to take the Test of Strength. I am the first voice for him."
Valkar to Tulkas: "True strength is within. It does not only come from defeating the enemy, but uplifting a friend in their darkest hour. This will be part of your test."
Me: You should know that Valkar is your brother Alex Crick. This is his intuitive guidance session.
Tulk: Thank you Valkar. I would be honored to have you both with me for this. I knew I felt a strong familiarity with him. I’m glad to know this is his True Self.
1:40pm Fenrir is waking up: "What the hell happened? Why are my feet tied up? Yusvago! I told you about messing with me while I sleep!"
Yusvago: "Sorry old buddy. It was just there."
Fenrir: "Untie my you rolle polle!" Yusvago unties him.
Moidaybe: "This swamp stinks. We should go home now."
Me: "Yes, take us home to Alfheim."
We all return to Alfheim. Aphrodite, Tulkas, and Valkar journey to the Outside.
Outside being: "One comes forth to claim the Ancient Strength. Who speaks for him?"
Me: "I, Ancient Love, Ancient Void, Ancient Beauty, Ancient Hope, Ancient Femininity, Ancient Compassion, Ancient Joy... who speaks for him."
Being: "And who else speaks for him? Does the Keeper speak for him?"
Valkar: "Yes, I the Keeper of Strength speak for him."
Being: "Keeper of Strength will you share the bond that the Ancient Love, Ancient Void, Ancient Beauty, Ancient Hope, Ancient Femininity, Ancient Compassion, Ancient Joy .... offers?"
Valkar: "Yes I will share this bond."
Being: "Then come forth Ancient Light and seal this bond."
1:44pm *Sentis does the bonding of Valkar with Asherah Aphrodite*
Being: "The bond has been made. The Keeper has spoken. Ancient Love, Ancient Void, Ancient Beauty, Ancient Hope, Ancient Femininity, Ancient Compassion, Ancient Joy ... has spoken. The one who claims the Ancient Strength, the test shall begin."
1:47pm Tulkas vanishes. Only he will know what is happening.
Me to Valkar: "I must stay here now. There is a test that I must undergo. Please make yourself at home in Alfheim. I will have need of you when I return."
Q1. What exactly are you?
Valkar: "I am the first Vala. I was created by Eru."
Q2. Why exactly was I born with cerebral palsy?
Valkar: "It is a test to find strength within yourself.
Tulkas doing the Test of Ancient Strength...
2:22pm Tulk: Woah. This is very intense. This is Strength energy. True Strength. I see now what I have always been. I know exactly what needs to be done. I’ve never felt more awake than right now. I see myself clearly.
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