Amortis and Anubis: Brothers of the Underworld

This turned out to be an experience of betrayal, backstabbing, and secrets. This unites the three brothers Anubis, Amortis, and Set.
It includes a confrontation with Zeus and the rescue of Poseidon. We ended up battling at Mount Olympus and in the underworld.
This ended up being two sessions back to back as Prometheus Ekkam said that one was needed for the next. For Lucian and Utsukushī...
August 25th... PST timezone...
9:20am Me: "Is Lucian the one?"
Prometheus Ekkam: "He is the one you need for the next session."
12:36pm Let's start the session...
Sentis: We are going to the underworld.
We go to see Anubis and greet him...
Sentis: "I am looking for Amortis."
Anubis: "I do not know where he is now. He left a while ago and never returned."
Me: "Tell me of Amortis"
Anubis: "He is my younger brother. He is Decay. He is a very skilled warrior and assassin. He is Divine. The last one to see him was Zeus. You may want to speak to him about it."
Me: "I already have an issue with Zeus since he decided to trap my brother Poseidon deep in the fountain. If he is even still there."
Anubis: "I am sorry I cannot help you further. This is all I know of where he went to last."
Sentis: Then I guess we should go see Zeus.
Anubis: "I will see you soon."
Aphrodite and Sentis travel to Mount Olympus...
We see Apollo here sitting up on the wall eating an apple. He notices and greets us.
Apollo: "What are you doing here?"
Sentis: "Have you seen anyone from the underworld here recently?"
Apollo: "Yes Amortis has been here recently."
Sentis: "What was he doing here?"
Apollo: "He came to see Zeus about something. Any dealings with Amortis means that there will be death."
Me: "Will you do me a favor? Will you watch for us from above as the Sun our conversation with Zeus?"
Apollo: "Of course. He has been secretive lately. I would also like to know what he has been up to."
Sentis: "Secretive huh? We shall see."
Apollo goes up into the Sun. Aphrodite and Sentis go to speak with Zeus...
Zeus: "Well looky if it isn't Queen Aphrodite. Why are you here? Run out of wars to start? Have you had all the pantheons bonded with you now and you finally come seeking mine the greatest bond of all? I am in no mood to give bonds today. Come back later."
Sentis: "What did you want with Amortis?"
Zeus: "What business is that of yours Ourhkina? Shouldn't you be guarding a table or something?"
Sentis took Zeus's glass of wine and smashed it against the wall. Zeus gets up with his lightning bolt.
Zeus: "You arrogant swine!"
Sentis: "We can do this here. I am tired of the games Zeus. Where is Amortis? Where did you send him?"
Zeus: "You will find out soon enough."
Me: "Where is Poseidon while we are here? Is he still in the fountain?"
Zeus: "Close your mouth! Can't you see the men are busy?"
Zeus throws his lightning bolt at Sentis, but Sentis caught it. Then Sentis blinded Zeus with Ancient Light.
Zeus: "Ah you bastard! Give me back my bolt!"
Sentis threw the lightning bolt at the fountain. The fountain breaks and cracks.
Me: "Brother!" Poseidon is laying where the fountain was broken.
Aphrodite runs up to Poseidon. Zeus draws his sword and focuses on Sentis.
Zeus: "This has come. I grew tired watching you and her and all the other ones run around on some foolish crusade. You couldn't leave well enough alone."
Ares grabs Sentis from behind by the neck. Aphrodite is still with Poseidon who is really weak.
Sentis: "This is how you would break your bond?"
Ares pulls out an arm with a stick with a cut across the hand.
Ares: "You mean this fucking bond? You are not as smart as you think you are."
Zeus: "You want to know where Amortis is? On the way to kill some of your friends. You see, Baphomet is right. All this needs to stay the way it is."
Zeus focuses towards Aphrodite...
Zeus: "They should have left you in that damn crystal."
Ares: "Yeah she looked a whole lot better while she was on the inside."
Zeus: "You think all the Divine would bow to you? We were all doing just fine until you decided to go on your damn little crusade. All your little haters, it was I who orchestrated them. All the way down to your little Shadow Queen."
Ares: "I had a little hand in that."
Zeus: "I let your primal fire nymph friend collect what she collected. Now my father is out of the way and you are here. Let's see really why the Candelabra fear you."
Zeus starts attacking Aphrodite...
Aphrodite shielded herself and Poseidon from his attacks. Zeus is calling up a storm. All this lightning is crashing around us.
Ares turns to challenge Sentis...
Ares: "No magic. Let's have it out the old way. Blood and steel."
Sentis: "Let's have it."
Aphrodite absorbs all the lightning and her field goes down.
Zeus laughs: "Let's see how you like it when you cannot hide behind something."
Me: "Let's see how you like it."
Aphrodite sends back all the lightning and it knocks Zeus back and down on the ground. He grabs his sword.
Zeus: "I am going to cut you right in half."
Me: "You won't find me so easy to overcome."
Aphrodite pulls out her own sword... She is sword fighting against Zeus. Sentis is fighting with Ares.
1:03pm Zeus disarms Aphrodite and uses his lightning on her. He goes for a finishing blow but gets tackled by Poseidon.
Zeus: "Guards!" Then all his guards show up.
Me: "Fenrir!" My personal guards are coming. We can hear Fenrir running up the stairs.
Ares: "It is like a rumble on the mountain. I love it."
Yusvago knocked a bunch of guards off the ledge.
Zeus threw Poseidon off him and went back to Aphrodite. He came charging at her but she grabbed her sword and blocked him.
Zeus gets cut from behind on his shoulder by Ahzexian.
Zeus's guards are Myrmidon made of bronze. Aphrodite's personal guards are knocking them off the edges.
Zeus pulls something out of his robe: "It is time to make this a fair fight."
He throws it off and it goes over the edge. He begins to call a storm again. The Sun rays keep shining through it. Thanks Apollo.
1:08pm Zeus looks up and sees a bright sun. Apollo comes down from it and kicks Zeus in the face. Zeus grabs Apollo by the leg and spins him then throws him into a column.
Sentis dents Ares helmet then kicks him in the chest and knocks him back.
Ares laughs and pulls off his helmet: "The calvary has arrived."
It is Melkor, Annihilation, Malice, and Despair.
Melkor to Sentis: "Time to die whoever the hell you are."
Tulkas arrives and face punches Melkor.
1:10pm Pisch, Rovitomimal, Lyindrinar, Dollo, Yashadite, Tenomachi, ilia, other friends, and Elven warriors arrive. They are fighting the Myrmidons.
There is Ashoweah and Nummandor. Zeus looks at them and then yells at Aphrodite.
Zeus: "You dare come to siege my kingdom? My throne?! I told you I had powerful allies!"
Ashoweah responds: "Quiet you fool. You had one simple task and you couldn't even carry it out yourself. Make sure it is finished. See to it personally. Take your idiot with you."
Ashoweah sends Zeus and Ares off. Ares looks at Sentis and laughs...
Ares: "See you later bird man."
Sentis: You cannot let them go...
Aphrodite closes the portal. Zeus made it through but Ares didn't.
Sentis: "Hey fuck face!" Then he knocks Ares over the edge.
Ashoweah turns to Melkor...
Ashoweah: "Now is not the time. Your little game here is finished."
He pulls Melkor away. Nummandor leaves and Ashoweah sends Melkor with him.
Ashoweah: "Destroy them my creations." Then Ashoweah leaves.
1:15pm Annihilation, Despair, and Malice begin to move toward Aphrodite... Her personal guard surrounds her.
Fenrir: "If I die today my Queen, I die protecting you."
Moidaybe: "We all die in honor and service of you."
Aphrodite's personal guard attacks the three creations of Ashoweah. Those things are knocking the guard back.
Moidabye tried to warp behind them but they knocked him down. He is knocked out.
They grab Olorin in some tentacles and slam him to the ground. Annihilation is holding down Fenrir.
Tenomachi is trying to set them free but he gets hit and knocked back. Sentis and Tulkas are fighting Malice.
1:18pm Aphrodite is trying to stabilize Moidaybe. He took a bad hit.
Despair wraps his tentacles around Yusvago and is draining him.
*Aphrodite yells out in the Hungali language.*
The Hungali are not back yet. Danaark is still the only one.
Despair gets thrown back by the Hungali Danaark.
Then Danaark goes for Annihilation. He grabs the tentacles that are holding down Fenrir and rips them off.
Danaark blows off all the Myrmidon soldiers and they go flying. Then he grabs Malice and is holding him.
Sentis: "Now Tulkas." Tulkas grabs Sentis and spins him really fast. He throws Sentis right at Malice as a Light fireball.
Sentis hits Malice and it screeches loudly. Its form breaks apart. This little black orb shoots off out of it.
Danaark absorbs something from Yashadite. He turns around and slices Annihilation in half. A little black orb shoots off from it.
Danaark picks up Tulkas and charges him with something. Then Danaark throws Tulkas forward. Tulkas turns into a big green fireball. Tulkas hits Despair and blows him up. A little black orb shoots out away from it.
We begin to celebrate. Moidaybe regains consciousness. He looks at Aphrodite and puts his hand on her arm.
Moidaybe: "Queen, you are safe."
Aphrodite looks at Moidaybe and smiles.
Me: "I am glad to see you regain your senses. You would have sacrificed yourself for me. That is a debt I could never repay."
ilia: "My Queen, Poseidon is fading fast."
Aphrodite runs to Poseidon's side...
Sentis: "Quickly, get your brother to your waters."
Despair, Malice, and Annihilation will go back to Ashoweah and he will reform them stronger this time.
Sentis: "Alright Pisch bring him up." Pisch brings up Ares in a wind.
Dollo: "I will burn him to a crisp."
Sentis: "No, you need to save your energy for now."
Sentis places his hand on the head of Ares.
Sentis: "Epimetheus, Eomeya.... Damn it! Come on Dollo and Rovi, we got to go. We got to stop Amortis from killing Eomeya and Epimetheus."
Sentis: "Take your brother to your waters. Dolloiandea and Rovitomial are going to come with me."
1:27pm *Aphrodite takes Poseidon to her garden into the sacred waters.*
Me: "Come on dear brother. I will make sure you are renewed."
As Aphrodite places Poseidon in the waters Darkness flows out of his eyes and mouth.
Sentis, Dolloiandea, and Rovitomial travel to Eomeya. Epimetheus there with her.
Sentis: "Just as I thought..." Amortis has Eomeya with an Orthac blade to her throat. Zeus is fighting Epimetheus.
Dolloiandea burns the shit out of Zeus. Epimetheus hits Zeus with an upper cut.
The eyes of Amortis are completely black. The Darkness is pouring out of him like black smoke.
Sentis: "So this is how you did it Zeus? When he refused to kill Eomeya and Epimetheus, Baphomet gave him the Darkness. Don't you see they are setting you up to fall?"
Zeus: "What do you know Ourhkina? You should have stayed in your place. And that bitch Aphrodite should have stayed in hers."
Dolloiandea knocks Zeus back again. Sentis throws a ball of light that goes behind the head of Amortis and Eomeya. It stunned Amortis and gave Eomeya time to get away from his grasp.
Amortis can decay anyone. He tries to use it on Sentis and Rovitomial.
Sentis: "Now Rovi!" Rovitomial opens up his infinity sack and it sucks in the decay.
Sentis knocks Amortis back with Ancient Light.
Then Sentis gets hit with the Ancient Darkness. Mono Xoxo Baphomet is there.
Mono: "Light is like a candle. It can be snuffed out."
Sentis: "So you plan to kill them both and raise them both from the Darkness as your own? It wouldn't seem like anything happened to them either. Get them close enough to Queen Asherah to convince her. That is exactly what you wanted."
Mono: "It was your choice to take it to the physical level! You didn't think I would figure it out in time? Are we destined to do this for eternity? You and I?"
Sentis: "No, only for a little while longer."
Sentis: "Rovitomial get Eomeya to Aphrodite's Garden. Take this..." He gives Rovitomial a ball of Light.
Mono Xoxo Baphomet turns to Zeus...
Mono: "You should have taken Aphrodite's bond."
Then Mono pours Ancient Darkness into Zeus. Then Zeus is all grey skinned and dark.
Sentis: "This is how you want to play the game? Two can play it this way."
Sentis pours a bunch of Ancient Light into Epimetheus. This causes Epimetheus to glow.
1:40pm Mono goes to pour more Darkness into Amortis. Sentis flashes it out with Light. It blinded Mono for a moment. Amortis is standing there almost frozen. Mono blinds Sentis back with Darkness.
Mono: "We will play this game another time." Then he takes Zeus and leaves.
Sentis is drains out the Darkness from Amortis. Sentis turns to Dollo and Epimetheus...
Sentis: "Quickly. We need to get Amortis to the waters as well."
They hadn't gotten to affect Epimetheus with the Darkness yet.
Sentis, Rovitomial, Dollo, Yashadite, Tulkas, Epimetheus, Eomeya, Poseidon, and Amoritis are all with Aphrodite in her Garden.
Sentis places Eomeya into the waters and Darkness pours out of her. Then Sentis brings Amortis into the waters.
Sentis: "Rovi, give that ball of Light to Epimetheus. Yashadite, purify these waters."
Yashadite touches the sacred waters and they begin to glow. Epimetheus touches the waters with the light and it lights up.
Dolloiandea mixes Chaos into the water and it catches on fire. Tulkas spins around us and creates this funnel of water, fire, and light that glows on the inside.
Aphrodite and Sentis are standing in the middle of the funnel. The Darkness fully comes out of Eomeya and Amortis.
Aphrodite is holding Poseidon and the Darkness rises out of him and shatters into dust.
Then the funnel calms down and the waters return to normal. Poseidon opens his eyes and touches Aphrodite's face.
Poseidon: "Sister, I was dreaming of you."
Aphrodite sheds a tear...
Me: "Dear brother, now you must awake."
Poseidon, Eomeya, and Amortis are brought to shore and are relaxing.
Sentis speaks with Amortis. He seems like he is getting ready to go but he is still a little weak.
Amortis: "I must go."
Sentis: "You know their inner plans."
Amortis: "That I do. I must save my brother."
Me: "They are going after Anubis?"
Sentis: "We will get to him but you must regain your strength. We all must. If we are going to get Zeus and stop them from getting Anubis we will need all our strength. I have sent a warning to your brother. Gather your strength. He will need our help soon."
Questions from the incarnation of Amortis...
Q1. What plane/realm/dimension are you in and how can I visit it?
Amortis: "The underworld. Focus on the underworld."
Q2. How can I contact/connect with you?
Amorits: "You can create an idle of me and focus on it. There we can speak to each other." He looks similar to a zombified Anubis.
Q3. Why am I an introvert?
Amortis: "This is who I am. I am not very social. I am a warrior and an assassin. I do not like to be social."
Q4. What blockages do I have and need to work on?
Amortis: "The daily concerns of human life. It is part of being young in this incarnation. It will pass as you get older. You will get stronger. It happens in all my incarnations."
Q5. Can I use the Superhuman series?
Amortis: "Yes you can use it. It is for strength, speed, agility, stamina... I like all that."
Me: Amortis is a pretty badass warrior.
Q6. What is your opinion on transcendence?
Amortis: "Like to transcend? I am not ready to transcend."
Sentis: "I got a message from Anubis. He will be ready when they come. He has a few surprises. I told Anubis to keep them there and keep them busy."
Amortis: "I will go to him and help him prepare."
Me: "I would like to offer you a bond before you leave."
Amortis: "To protect me against the Darkness I will bond. I refuse to be a slave to their Darkness."
Me: "Then let us proceed."
1:58pm *Sentis does the bonding of Amortis with Asherah Aphrodite*
Amortis: "I must go aid my brother."
Sentis: "We will see you soon."
2:44pm Sentis: We should go. They are attacking Anubis. Someone else wants to come along. Artemis is here.
We need to find the incarnation of Anubis. He is on your session list. This is the second session you are supposed to do. This is why Anubis told us he would see us later.
Me: I found the incarnation of Anubis. His Facebook name is Utsukushī.
The fortress of Anubis is under attack...
Mono Xoxo Baphomet is turning the army of the dead against Anubis.
Anubis is fighting back against the corrupted Zeus.
Aphrodite's friends and persona guard are talking out the corrupted ones the Varkar brought with them.
Mono Xoxo Baphomet turns to Ares...
Mono: "Receive the power now." He pours Ancient Darkness into Ares.
Artemis: "We will handle Ares." Artemis and Apollo go to fight Ares.
Ashoweah notices that we have arrived...
Ashoweah: "Hold them off until I have Anubis. I will deal with it myself."
Then Ashoweah commands Zeus to attack Aphrodite. Amortis cut Zeus off on the path. Zeus knocks Amortis back with dark lightning.
Zeus shoots dark lightning at Aphrodite. Poseidon stepped in front of it and blocked it with his trident.
Posedion: "I owe this to my dear brother." Then Poseidon fights against Zeus.
Vustik is fighting against Aphrodite. Melkor goes after Tulkas. Sentis is fighting Mono Baphomet. Dollo and Yashadite are fighting Nummandor.
2:52pm Ashoweah goes for Anubis. He knocks Anubis back.
Sentis: "Aphrodite do not let him get to Anubis!"
Vustik: "You will have to get by me. Shall we dance?"
Danaark: "We shall." Then he smashes Vustik.
Aphrodite goes for Ashoweah... Ashoweah is above Anubis.
Ashoweah: "You shall serve me. The whole underworld shall serve me."
A male voice from behind Anubis: "I think not." It is Hades, Hel, Osiris and Tatanka.
Osiris: "This realm does not belong to you."
Hel: "You have brought this war upon us. Now you will feel our wrath."
Ashoweah laughs: "I will have this realm with or without any of you." He starts glowing with dark power.
Ashoweah: "This is the time you will transcend." He blasts at all of them.
They brace themselves but something blocks all of it. It is Aphrodite.
Ashoweah: "This is not meant to happen here. You rush things Mighty Queen. You will find out that your lack of patience will be your undoing."
Me: "My lack of patience is with you."
Aphrodite blasts Ashoweah with energy and knocks him back. Vustik is facing Danaark.
Vustik: "I have always wanted to kill a Hungali."
Danaark: "Come and try."
Vustik's eyes get wide and starts getting scared. Asteria comes out from under Danaark's cloak.
Vustik points at Asteria: "You will not take me!" Then he runs away.
Melkor: "You run from her again!"
Then Melkor gets hit by Tulkas. Melkor opens something beneath him and he disappars.
Mono: "Soon enough the Darkness will consume the Light and you will burn out."
Then Mono Baphomet leaves. Nummandor vanishes.
Ashoweah looks at Aphrodite...
Ashoweah: "Today may be yours but you will lose the war for the spiritual. You have already begun to lose the war in the physical. Whatever outcome is first you will serve me in the end."
Then Ashoweah vanishes and the Corrupted Ones vanish with them.
Anubis, Hades, Hel, Osiris, and Tatanka regain themselves. We meet up with them.
Anubis: "You came just in time. By the time my brother got here so did they.
Anubis says to Amortis: "It is good to see you again brother."
Hel to Aphrodite: "You have come to the aid of the underworld Queen Asherah. This cannot go unrewarded."
Anubis: "Yes. We know where we must stand now."
Hades: "We are ready for the bond."
Me: "Then let us proceed with this bond. My old friends and new allies."
3:02pm Sentis does the bonding of Anubis, Hades, Hel, Osiris, and Tatanka with Asherah Aphrodite
Set arrives and looks at Anubis and Amortis...
Set: "Well brothers, I think it is time to give what is needed."
Anubis: "Yes it is time."
Danaark comes forward: "This was the final piece that I needed. Now my kind can rise again."
The other gods and goddesses of the Underworld surround Anubis, Amortis, and Set. Energy flows into them and then flows into a pillar of bones in the middle.
Out of the pillar of bones this black energy rises. It looks like a dark skull. Danaark gathers it. Danaark receives the Power of Ancient Death.
Danaark: "Sentis, you must return. I must finish what has begun."
Anubis turns to Aphrodite...
Anubis: "I have been waiting some time for you to find my incarnation. I guess I just had to be patient."
Me: "Sometimes I have to find patience within myself. I welcome you as friend and ally."
Sentis takes Danaark to where he needs to go on the Outside in the Vosmos.
Poseidon and Artemis come to Aphrodite. They have Zeus and Ares subdued. Poseidon raises his trident.
Poseidon: "I should kill them now."
Me: "No. They must live. They must be made to decide for themselves where they stand."
Me: "Dollo, Yashadite, let us remove this Darkness from them."
Aphrodite, Dolllo, and Yashadite pour energy into Zeus and Ares. The Darkness leaves them.
Zeus stands up: "I will not serve them. I thank you for removing this Darkness, but I will not serve you either. You invaded my kingdom. I should finish you here."
Hades steps forward: "This is my kingdom brother. Now return to yours and think hard about where you stand."
Hades opens a portal to Olympus...
Hades: "Go now and next time we meet we will see what side you are on."
3:10pm Zeus and Ares leave through the portal.
Me: "There is much to be done. Our enemies will devise new ways and new tactics to over take us. They will find new allies and so must we."
Moidaybe: "We are with you Queeh Asherah. We are all with you."
Set, Anubis, and Amortis come to Aphrodite...
Anubis: "We three brothers will serve you as your Elite Assassin Corps if you will have us."
Me: "I shall and thank you. There is much to be done. I must return to the Outside. We shall gather again soon. There is a plan I will reveal to you all."
Tulkas: "We will be waiting."
Questions from the incarnation of Anubis...
Q1. Why he was incarnated in Midgard.
Anubis: "To protect the realm of the dead from interference by the living."
Q2. What are this affinities.
Anubis: "I have a relationship to my brothers Set and Amortis. I also have a friendship with the other divine of the underworld."
Q3. What do i think about the Nature School.
Anubis: "I believe it is more than my incarnation thinks it could be. It would be a place of learning more than just the ways of Nature Folk."
Q4. Can i continue to use the Elf series.
Anubis: "Yes you may."
Q5. How can i connect with him, i use Ts and Spiritual Pegasus Track.
Anubis: "Make a connection with the dead. Go to sacred places. Project into the underworld."
Q6. Is he ready for a core fusion.
Anubis: "Yes I am."
Aphrodite starts the sewing and core fusion...
Everyone there is watching to witness this event.
Music starts...
Most Dark Epic Action Music Mix Feat. Revolt Production Music
0:38 in the music... Aphrodite gathers dark spirit soul energy. She sews it into Anubis.
1:18... Bones arise out of the ground. Aphrodite collects energy from them and sews it in.
1:47... Spirits are gathering around. Aphrodite sews them into Anubis.
2:23... More spirits swirl around faster and faster. She pulls threads from them and sews them in.
2:57... Aphrodite gathers the spirits that are swirling around. She gathers their energy with her fingertips.
3:22... Aphrodite pours energy from her fingers into Anubis and fills his eyes.
3:57... Bone shards come up from the ground all around. They glow with energy. They
4:27... The bones blast energy into Aphrodite and she pours it into Anubis.
4:44 in the music... Aphrodite swirls a bunch of energy together.
5:00... Aphrodite uses one hand to draw black water from the River Styx. She brings it into the swirl of energy.
5:20... Aphrodite pulls energy down and throws it into Anubis. This is separate from the swirled energy.
5:50... Aphrodite expands the swirling energy out. It becomes dark clouds.
6:11... The clouds flash with dark lightning.
6:22... Dark fire rises up around Aphrodite and Anubis.
6:44... She gathers energy from the fire. She swirls it around.
6:50 in the music... Anubis is burning with the dark flames.
7:00... Aphrodite raises her arms and calls down lightning energy. It goes into Anubis.
7:25... Anubis glows with all this energy.
7:35... Aphrodite pours even more energy into him and Anubis glows brighter.
7:53... Energy pours out of Anubis into the ground of the underworld.
8:12... Dark colored energy starts glowing everywhere in the underworld.
8:26... The eyes of Anubis are glowing brightly.
8:55 in the music... The energy glows brighter and brighter.
9:02... The energy from the underworld pours into Anubis.
9:27... The sewing and core fusion are complete.
Asherah Aphrodite leaves to go to the Outside.
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