Not a Subliminal Results Group

I don't know what you are reading but I am not seeing a bunch of drama here. Unless you are referring to the War with the Arcturians. I have no intention of stopping that.

If it makes you upset to read about the Arcturians, Mono Xoxo, Vex Vustik, or the Candelabra Masters then I don't know what to tell you.

Fighting imaginary monsters? You are being really disrespectful to myself and the others in this group. Especially to the ones who have lost their lives fighting in this war.

Many Elves, Nature Folk, Void beings, and others have been killed. What are you doing epic human? Are you being epic by sitting on your couch watching the evening news?

Here our true selves go in and take the risks. We become stronger physically. This group is not a subliminal results group. I don't care if you change your eye color. I don't care if you grow taller. That is all just fucking vanity. Do something useful.

There are people here who were on a path of self destruction. Through finding and connecting with their true selves they have gotten on a completely different path.

They are able to concentrate their rage, anger, and disappointments into something productive instead of destructive.

People in this group have become stronger, wiser, and more powerful. People who have wanted to die and give up now have something to fight for.

There are people here in their incarnations who have real problems that don't involve changing their appearance. They know they have little time left.

They see their spiritual and what it does. That strengthens them to take what little bit of time they have left in their incarnation and prepare the ones they love and care about for what is coming after they are gone.

So tell me human how you are so epic? What are you doing? You are shit talking Elves, Lycans, and Nature Folk. You are degrading those who are willing to fight. You do not seem epic at all to me.

If you are just here to look pretty you remind me of the people who line up to buy the new iphone as soon as it comes out. It is people who care so much about materialistic shit instead of what matters.

The world is fucking falling apart around you! Pay attention to your fucking environment!

Read what the energies of nature are trying to say. You know what they are saying... "The majority of you human beings are a virus. You take and you take and you don't care."

Real change improvement is what you go out and do. What we do here is empower your physical through your spiritual. Your true self.

You can look at your spiritual and you can see your true self going out putting their whole existence on the line, facing things that would make you crawl into the fetal position and wet yourself in the physical.

These incarnations are watching and experiencing their true selves doing this and their true self is telling them "If I can do it, you can do it." The physical may not have to go battle Arcturians or hordes of other enemies who want to destroy them.

The inspiration that they get from their true selves helps their physical say "I am not going to be a victim. I am going to prepare myself and make myself strong. I am going to be a warrior."

You can sit and listen to subs to become stronger all you want but if you don't do anything with it then it won't manifest. Combine the spiritual with the physical and you will see true results.

If you sit on your ass listening to subliminals and you don't make a connection or do anything in the physical or the spiritual then what is the point? You are just sitting there believing you are entitled.

"My true self is strong. I need to be stronger. I need to take all this physical weakness and crap and realize I can overcome it through my true self."

When your physical and spiritual connection you can do things with it. You can become stronger and more powerful through it.

If you are just here for physical changes through subs then get back in line with the others in the subliminal community. That won't do you good a few years from now. It will be worthless to you. You have no idea what is happening in Midgard that you really need to prepare for.

If you are so worried about vanity you won't survive when everything collapses. If you are connected with your true self and you have built up that strength you will know what to do in the situations you face. You have to apply yourself. Spiritual to physical connection is hard work. You have to put in the work.

The subliminals will not do it all for you. You have to make the connection. You have to look at your true self. Your spiritual can empower you, teach you, guide you. When you ask your questions in your IG sessions you are given answers.

None of them say 'Oh just sit and listen to subliminals.' They tell you go out and connection with nature, connect with the elements, study the warrior ways, do this, apply yourself...

My spiritual strengthens me. My true self is an epic leader. She is an incredible master mind. All of us here should have this level of connection with their true selves. With their spiritual.

I have friends here who get their true selves beat the crap out of on a regular basis for this work. You have to sacrifice to get what you want.

You cannot just sit there and listen to subs and become super powered. They are just a tool. You have to apply it.

Even with the true self connection sub. You have to focus on connecting. They won't just appear to you because you listen to the sub. Go out afterwards and be in nature. Whatever works for you.

If you listen to a fighting sub, go out and do some practice moves after. That is taking the tool and applying it. Some people are so entitled that they want everything just given to them.

You might be able to get a good in-shape body without applying anything the spiritual. The truth is... You are not a true warrior unless you have the discipline to work on yourself physically and spiritually.

Worrying about your physical sub results is a waste of my time. I don't give a shit about it. That is all on you. I have given you the tools.

Taking care of a little girl who is a necromancer. Guiding her mother and seeing them actually apply it. That is worth my time. I applaud those who actually take action between the spiritual and the physical and apply themselves.
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